The Conqueror Of Cities! Chapter 15: The Drug Deal

Chapter 15: The Drug Deal

While on the main break, I headed outside to the school yard, where I found Eman and his group enjoying their lunch. I took a seat on the nearby bench and excitedly informed them about my new organization.

Eman grinned and responded, "The HIDDEN WORLD, huh? That sounds interesting."

After returning to class, I eagerly awaited some positive news. Once school ended, I went home and decided to take a short nap. While I was sleeping, Darjan took it upon himself to search for potential weed dealers. He asked around Trbovlje if they knew anyone selling weed, but unfortunately, his efforts were in vain. Nobody could provide us with 1000$ worth of weed. Exhausted from his day-long quest, he returned home and sent me a text.

"Dionis, I couldn’t find anything, bro. No one has that much weed."

"It’s alright, don’t worry about looking for it anymore, just chill for now" I replied, just waking up from my short nap.

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"Okay, I won’t bother you anymore. Bye."


"it’s too much of a risk to ask all around the city for weed. If this goes on, the police will catch wind of our activities." i thought to myself.

And of course I was right. It was dangerous to talk about the huge amount of weed we need out in the open and to every dealer. they could snitch on us, so I thought of another idea with minimal risk—it was to use my big brother to get to the weed.

He was a big weed abuser, he smoked weed almost every day. when he was 14 Orin my brother smoked his first joint with friends and for it being his first time of course he didn’t enjoy it, but with time as he smoked more and more he got addicted. I knew everything since he shared his experience with me all the time, but didn’t try to stop him because I was powerless at that time. If I told him to stop of course he wouldn’t, if I fought him I would lose, if I tell my parents they would be devastated and I didn’t want that for them. Thus, I chose to keep my mouth shut. Anyways when he was 15 Orin started selling weed and befriended a lot of dealers. he became quite popular among them.

Now that you understand my brother’s background, let me tell you what happened next. I approached his room and asked if he wanted to go to the gym together. Orin, being a gym rat, readily agreed. During our walk to the gym, I subtly brought up the topic of weed.

"Hey, Orin, what does weed taste like?"

"I don’t know, bro, but you better not be thinking about trying it," he responded, displaying his typical overprotectiveness.

"I won’t, don’t worry. I was just curious," I reassured him, even though my real motive was to steer the conversation towards the source of his weed.

As we engaged in discussion about his experiences, I became bored as fuck. All I really wanted was to discover where he obtained his weed. Unfortunately, by the time we reached the gym, I hadn’t been able to gather any useful information.

I half-heartedly completed my workout, my mind preoccupied with plans on how to extract the information I needed. Frustratingly, I couldn’t come up with a viable solution. I knew that whatever I said or did, Orin wouldn’t easily utter the information. I was fucking stuck.

"Whatever I say or do he won’t fucking tell me, god fucking dammit" Rage and annoyance started building up in me.

Regardless, I made one final attempt to make him fold. When we returned home, I asked Orin, "Yo, bro, let’s play some Fortnite. It’s been a while since we last played."

"Bro are you 5 years old or what?"

"No, I just miss the times when we played Fortnite every day"

"Sigh alright but I’m too tired today. Let’s play tomorrow," he responded.

"Fine," I conceded, trying my best to keep my annoyance in check.

I went to my room and was trying to keep my rage in control.

"Fuck fuck fuck, this motherfucker! Why can’t he just tell me!!"

As I vented my frustrations through a string of curses, fatigue eventually took over, and I drifted off to sleep. The following day followed the usual routine—school, mundane activities, and finally, I returned home and reminded Orin of our plans to play Fortnite.

"Orin, remember, we said we’d play today?" I asked.

"Um, Dionis, let’s play in the evening with my old friends," he replied.

"What friends?" I inquired, sensing a possible opportunity.

"Oh, just some old buddies I used to hang out with," he answered casually.

Bingo! I could extract the information I needed from his dumbass friends. I patiently waited for Orin to call me, and when he finally shouted from his room, "Dionis!! Hop on Fortnite!" I quickly powered up my computer and joined their party.

"Hey, guys, I’m Dionis, Orin’s little brother. Let’s aim for a victory royale!" I greeted them childishly.

"Yeah, sure," one of his friends responded nonchalantly.

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As we played, I struggled to enjoy the game due to the overwhelming stress. After all, this was my only chance to obtain the crucial information. While Orin went to shit, I seized the opportunity and interrogated his friends.

"Hey, I was wondering, where do you guys usually buy your weed from?"

One of them replied, "Oh, I actually grow my own weed. But if Orin is looking for more, there’s a new dealer around."

"Really? Can you give me his number? I’d like to give him the number, maybe he’ll think better of me," I requested.

"Oh, aren’t you a good little brother hahahaha. Sure, it’s 051******. His name is Sebastian, but people call him Seba."

"Thanks a bunch! Oh, my mom is calling me. I guess dinner’s ready. Haha, we’ll play some other time," I quickly made an excuse to end the conversation, acting childish.

"Sure boy, bye."

I shut down my computer and rushed to Orin’s room, swiping a cable from his computer to prevent any communication between them. I knew it was inevitable that they would eventually talk, but at least I had bought myself some time, and hopefully, they would forget about me.

With the necessary information in hand, the next day, I went to Eman’s place and called Darjan over. When Darjan arrived, I handed him the phone number, instructing him to put the call on speaker and to pay attention to the paper I would be writing on. I wanted to ensure there was no evidence linking me to this deal.


he answered!

"Hello, who is this?" a deep voice answered.

"Um, hello. Is this Seba?" Darjan nervously asked.

"Yes, what do you want?" He replied.

"I was wondering if you could sell us a large amount of weed," Darjan requested recklessly.

"Of course, I can. But if you’re planning to sell my stuff, I’d recommend ecstasy. I can provide you with a significant quantity at a reasonable price. However, if you’re not a seller, it’ll be more expensive," Seba proposed.

"How do you know ill sell the stuff?"

"You said a large amount right? so of course you’ll be selling."

"Right ha ha ha."

That was a surprise, but I immediately recognized the opportunity. It was rare to find ecstasy sellers in Trbovlje, and I knew I could potentially make a substantial profit by reselling them, although the risks were high, if you’re caught with ecstasy you’re pretty much fucked.

"Yes, if you’re interested, I can offer you one pill for $3," Seba confirmed.

"What?! So cheap! I could easily sell them for two or three times that price and make a fortune hahaha" I thought to myself, envisioning the profit.

"Hmm, okay, I’ll buy 350 ecstasy pills if you can provide them," Darjan negotiated.

"Alright, I’ll get everything ready," Seba agreed.

"So, when are you free?" Darjan inquired.

Seba provided the time and location for our meeting to make the purchase. With that, Darjan hung up the phone.

Right after the call I contacted my men and instructed them to gather at Eman’s house. They arrived promptly, Standing before me, while I sat down on the couch, their expressions filled with curiosity. Though Eman wasn’t thrilled about us using his place, but simply he didn’t have a choice.

"Listen, everyone, make sure you’re available on Friday. We’re heading to Maribor, and your job will be to protect me," I informed the 10 men present.

"Boss, if you need all of us to protect you, won’t it be dangerous?" one of them voiced their concern.

"Nah, not really I just need to look intimidating" I assured them, though I was lying. Anything could happen while we buy ecstasy from Seba. He could call his men and steal all my stuff and so on. Of course, I didn’t want that to happen.



Finally, Friday arrived and all of us were ready to make some fucking money!

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