The Conqueror Of Cities! Chapter 29: After The Chaotic Club Night

Chapter 29: After The Chaotic Club Night

Sophia looked up at him with gratitude in her eyes, and for a moment, they simply held each other, finding comfort in the silence.

I couldn’t handle the over sentimental conversation, so I interrupted "Eman, grab the girl and let’s get the fuck out of here before the cops bust our asses!"

As Eman scooped Sophia up in a princess carry, I rushed over to where Darjan laid on the floor, unconscious.

With a kick to his stomach, I bellowed, "Wake the fuck up!"

Coughing and groaning in pain, Darjan awoke and uttered, "What the hell, man!"

"The police are coming" I declared, my words piercing his drowsiness.

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His half-awake eyes widened in alarm, "Shit, why? where the fuck even am I?" It took him a couple of seconds to remember.

With Sophia cradled in his arms, Eman and I darted towards the concealed rear exit, Darjan quickly catching up.

Speedily grabbing our bikes, We fled from the scene. Fortunately, the police did not pursue us. Eventually the cold air from the early morning froze our lungs making us stop to catch our breath.

Getting off my bike and turning to Sophia, I Asked, "Do you have a place to stay?"

She responded, still shocked from what happened, "I-I live in Za-Zagorje."

Luckily, the city Zagorje is next to Trbovlje, so we weren’t too far away. "Perfect. Do you know where the nearest bus station is?" I asked.

"Umm y-yes" she managed to reply.

"Ok then let’s part ways here, its 6 in the morning so there should be some buses." I informed her, handing her $10.

Expressing her gratitude tinged with a hint of disappointment, she thanked me before getting off from Eman’s bike.

As Sophia began to walk away, Eman turned to me and said, "Dionis, I’ll take her to the station, so just wait for me here, ok?"

"The two of us will wait for you in the bakery," I told him.

"Sure thing," he responded, and Sophia excitedly mounted the bike again, riding away together.

"Ride faster you fucker! We ain’t got time to be romantic, school starts in an hour!" I shouted at Eman in frustration, consumed by my own annoyance at not being able to find a girl to talk to, completely forgetting Eva’s existence.

"Yea, yea." Eman replied with a nonchalant shrug and shook his hand, facing me backwards.

"Tsk tsk that bastard." I muttered under my breath.

Darjan and I rode to the bakery, my stomach grumbling from hunger after a night of drinking without eating. Finally, we arrived, and I quickly bought a slice of pizza, devouring it in seconds.

"Where is that fucker?" I asked Darjan, settling into a plastic chair inside the bakery.

"I don’t know boss, but we’re gonna be late for school," he replied, grabbing a chair and placing it near me, taking a seat.

"Ah I don’t fucking care at this point" I sighed, feeling drained.

Just as we were talking about him, Eman showed up opening the bakery door.

"Yo, I’m back. And guess what?" he exclaimed, taking a seat as well.

"What, you fat fuck?" Darjan snapped, clearly aggravated.

"I kissed Sophiaaa!" Eman joyfully proclaimed.

Both Darjan and I wore expressions of confusion.

"You raped a 14 year old and did a lot of bad things to her and here you are getting flustered about a kiss," I told Eman, bluntly

"Oh- you’re right I’m sorry Dionis I should be more serious, I was trying to forget about what I did" he replied promptly, his excitement dissipating

It seems like he’s dealing with guilt in his own way, similar to me but with a different approach. He’s trying to move on by finding a girl he ’loves’ and slowly forgetting about his past actions.

"Didn’t you say you didn’t care?" i asked recalling the ride back home from the shooting range.

"Yeah, I mean, I was all like ’I don’t give a fuck,’ but then I started thinking about it more deeply and it’s just a weird feeling, you know? Can’t really put my finger on it,"

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"PFHH whatttt hahaha!? You regret raping that bitch? What a fucking pussy." Darjan interjected, laughter lacing his words.

Eman jumped from his seat, violently kicked the plastic chair, shattering it into pieces. He unleashed a burst of aggression, shouting at Darjan, "The fuck did you say you monster, don’t you feel bad for destroying a girl’s future!"

"Nope, it felt great. Why would I regret something I enjoyed doing?" Darjan responded calmly, leaving me and Eman shocked at his heartless demeanor.

"What you fu-" Out of irritation Eman prepared to throw a spartan kick at Darjan who was still seated and eating. Reacting swiftly, I intervened and pushed Eman, causing him to lose his balance and fall to the ground.

"Enough!" I exclaimed, anger evident in my voice. "Darjan you should mind your own business and you too Eman!"

"Hahahah sure." Darjan chuckled, glancing at Eman sprawled on the ground, and couldn’t help but laugh at the situation.

Discarding the pizza bag into the trash, I approached the baker to offer my apologies for the earlier outburst. In an attempt to make amends, I handed him $20 to cover the cost of the broken chair.

After bidding farewell to Darjan, I left the bakery and rode my bike to school, with Eman trailing behind me. As we neared school, exhaustion overtook me, and my eyes grew heavy, my head throbbing with pain. I was feeling the repercussions of staying up all night at the club. We parked our bikes at school and went to our separate classes.

Upon entering class, Borce commented, "Yo Dionis, you look tired as heck, bro."

"Yea no shit" I curtly replied.


Of course, I would. I didn’t sleep a single second, drank alcohol to the max while clubbing all night and fighting with grown ass man.

Regardless, I spent the day at school sleeping like a hibernating bear. I would briefly awaken to change classes only to succumb to slumber seconds later.

After school, I headed straight home, collapsing onto my bed for a much-needed nap. However, my rest was abruptly interrupted by a phone call, and it was Eman on the line.

"What! I’m sleeping, you bitch," I grumbled, irritated by the disturbance.

"Dionis, I was sleeping too, but one of my guys told me that they sold all 350 ecstasy pills, making us $3,500," he informed me with a groggy tone.

"Good! Wake the fuck up and call all your men" I said, feeling my energy returning.

"Why?" he inquired, his voice still laden with drowsiness.

"To tell them to hand over all the money to you, and then you’ll give it to me, and thennn ill pay yall."

"Alright bro, by the way, how much are you paying us?"

With a total of $4,000 in my possession, dividing it among ten people would mean $400 each. However, given Eman’s and Darjan’s higher rank, I needed to adjust the distribution.

"You’ll receive 600$ and the rest will get 350$" i told Eman quickly calculating.

"Oh damn thanks bro, but why am I getting more than the rest of them?" he asked curiously.

"It’s because your rank is higher than theirs and logically so is your pay"

"Ohhh, I see."

What a dumbass. After ending the call with him, I dozed off once again.

Ten minutes later, just as I was on the verge of slipping back into slumber, my phone rang once more.

"Arghhh! who the fuck is calling now!!" i screamed out loud.

I checked my phone, and it was Eva.

"Oh, I completely forgot about her," I mused to myself before answering the call.

"What?" I grumbled into the phone.

"Hi, boy~ Let’s go out! I’m bored," Eva cheerfully exclaimed.

"I’m sleeping right now. After I wake up, I’ll call you," I replied, irritated.

"Aww, that’s too bad. Well, okay, just don’t keep me waiting for too long, or I might find another boy to go out with," Eva teased playfully.

I responded indifferently, "Do whatever you want. I couldn’t care less."

"You’re no fun, Dionis," she responded with a hint of sadness before hanging up without saying goodbye.

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