The Constellation Returned From Hell Chapter 285

Chapter 285

When wandering around the Abyss, one could come across all kinds of terrain. One example was a maze-like terrain that one couldn’t make their way through by force.

-It seems like you’ve learnt the ropes by breaking through the previous maze terrains.

The goddess of sloth nodded in approval.

Even though it was said that constellations essentially lived for an infinite amount of time, it didn’t mean that their intelligence was proportional to that time. Some were smart, and some were stupid, regardless of how long they had lived for.

Constellations were arrogant, and no matter what kind of areas they lacked in, they never tried to improve on that. If they did that, it meant admitting that they had a weakness.

In comparison, Choi Yeonseung was different.

Perhaps it was because he had been a mortal before he had become a constellation, but he didn’t hesitate to use the power of other constellations. If he had any shortcomings, he tried his best to correct them.

Perhaps he had an epiphany while trying to break through the maze.

-No, I had no idea how to do it. I just kept trying to break through.

-...Wasn’t that only at the beginning?

-From then on, I pretty much figured out where to go based on my intuition.


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He was being much more ignorant and stubborn than she had expected. The goddess of sloth took back what she had thought about Choi Yeonseung.


“This place...?”

Choi Yeonseung was surprised by the peculiar scenery that unfolded before his eyes.

The Forest Filled with Harsh Order was a forest that had grown so lushly and densely that the sky wasn’t even visible. It was reminiscent of the ancient times.

Since it was a forest, Choi Yeonseung had assumed that the nature would be wild, with huge and fierce monsters guarding the treasure of the Demon of Contract and Order!



In front of Choi Yeonseung was a high-rise building that seemed to pierce the sky. The dreary, gray building was in stark contrast with the green forest that surrounded it. It also had no windows, and gray was its only color. It towered endlessly toward the sky.

-This is where you can find the treasure.

The centaur’s tone was polite. As a matter of fact, he had so far only heard rumors about it. This was the first time he came this far.

To get there, one had to go through many mazes and trials. Only a handful of mortals could reach this place within the Forest Filled with Harsh Order!

“...No. What is this place?”

-Haha. Since you’re an orc, it seems like it’s your first time visiting a place like this.

‘This annoying bastard.’

Choi Yeonseung was annoyed by how the centaur was looking down on orcs. It wasn’t surprising that within the Abyss, some races were being disparaged, but being the one subjected to such treatment was certainly infuriating.

Honestly, in the eyes of humans, all other races were...

-This is where the household members of the Demon of Contract and Order work. No matter what land or kingdom they come from, his household members work in this tower.

Just as the household members of the Warrior Stained with Madness and Blood lived in a land surrounded by fire and brimstone, with rivers of blood flowing endlessly, the household members of the Demon of Contract and Order lived in a place that suited the taste of the constellation.

They worked in a skyscraper.

‘Speaking of towers, it looks like one of those buildings that big companies own.’



Choi Yeonseung turned his attention to the voice calling him from behind.

A well-groomed demon dressed in a suit appeared at the entrance of the building with a very gentle smile.

-Welcome! I am Demon No. 437982 who serves the Demon of Contract and Order. Once you finish your contract today, please give me a good evaluation when evaluating the service.


Choi Yeonseung was utterly confused.


It was just like the goddess of sloth had said. The Demon of Contract and Order wasn’t a warlike constellation. The demon constellation found pleasure in binding mortals to intricate and bizarre contracts. Violence wasn’t necessary for that as the demon constellation could just stay put and let the mortals destroy themselves with their own desires.

-Demon No. 7725643, please move to the seventeenth floor. The contractor has requested a summons with the magic circle. Proceed to the seventeenth floor right now. If you are late, you will be punished according to the contract.

-Contract No. 198384322 is officially unable to be fulfilled due to the contractor’s condition. I’ll say it again. 1983...

-Retrieve the contractor’s soul and proceed with the punishment according to the regulations.

The sound of stiff, monotone, business-like announcements echoed throughout the first floor of the building. Every second, a demon jumped out of one of the elevators in the wall and rushed to another one.

No one there paid any attention to Choi Yeonseung and Odaigon. They wouldn’t have been interested even if Choi Yeonseung and Odaigon had entered the building as obvious intruders. After all, their contracts dictated that they weren’t supposed to care!

-It seems that you are moved by Master’s beautiful interior design. All mortals who come here for the first time react in a similar manner.

“The people who work here can’t get a break! Even I don’t treat goblins like this,” said Odaigon incredulously.

One of the things that the goblin king had been shocked by when he had visited Earth was the harsh working environment. After all, weren’t humans relatively weak and without magic? The fact that they were forced to work eight hours a day…

At first, he had thought that it was a method of slowly killing slaves that had committed terrible crimes. He had later found out that it was the norm for people.

However, those demons worked even more intensely than the humans on Earth.

-Haha. It’s natural that mortals who come here for the first time don’t understand. It takes a long time to comprehend the beauty of our operations.

“By the way... Is it okay to let mortals who don’t serve the Demon of Contract and Order enter like this?”

Choi Yeonseung was puzzled. Normally, only those who served the constellation were allowed to enter its realm. Despite that, the household members of the demon constellation had welcomed them casually.

-Of course! How could we fulfill our contract quota if we only let in mortals who serve Master?

“Is there... a quota?”

-Yes! Of course there is.

“What if you can’t fill it?”

-We’d be moved to an underground area.


Choi Yeonseung didn’t bother to ask what the underground area of the building was like. He already had a rough idea as to what it was.

‘It’s terrifying in a different way...’

He felt that a simple, ignorant constellation like the Warrior Stained with Madness and Blood was better. As for the berserker constellation, his realm was easy to understand, given that it was just a place where warriors fought against each other to the death.

On the other hand, the realm of the Demon of Contract and Order had a bizarre complexity that once couldn’t immediately grasp from just a glance.

-It’s scary that they let in mortals who don’t serve them.

The goddess of sloth seemed to feel the same way. There was a mixture of emotions in her voice.

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The Demon of Contract and Order accepted without discrimination any being that wanted to make a contract. There was a sort of madness in his attitude. There were many crazy constellations out there, but…

-Those who have passed through the maze of the Forest Filled with Harsh Order receive additional points in the contract.

“I... I see.”

“Why is that?” Odaigon asked curiously.

-Isn’t it natural for a competent and qualified mortal to receive good terms and conditions for their contract?


-The two of you follow me. The centaur will follow that demon.

The centaur wondered why he was called separately.

-Why do I have to go separately?

-Your magic power is weak, so you can’t go to the same floor as these two.

-H-how dare...?!

The centaur was furious at the demon’s words. He had come this far only to be insulted like this?

-We went through the forest together, so you should give me the same treatment as them. What nonsense is this?

-Indeed, you will also get extra points for going through the forest. However, your magic power is still weaker than that of these two gentlemen. Am I wrong?

-Shut up!

The centaur lost his patience and swung his fist. His magic-enhanced fist produced a crackling sound as it flew towards the demon’s face.

The demon was small and thin compared to the centaur, and he seemed like he would get crushed by the smallest impact.



However, the demon blocked the centaur’s fist with one finger. Despite the surprise attack, the demon’s countenance remained unchanged.

-The contractor is making a fuss. Security!



There was a loud sound as the doors of the four elevators on both sides of the room opened. Demon household members rushed in and subdued the centaur before he could even react.

-Aghh! Wait...

-Go underground.

-Please go underground.

-Wait! Wait a minute! I was wrong!



Choi Yeonseung and Odaigon were shocked by how powerful these household members were. Given that it was the realm of the demon constellation, it made sense for his household members to be more powerful here, but…

Weren’t they overpowered?

‘It’s close to level five hundred.’

Earth’s S-grade hunters barely exceeded level four hundred, so being close to level five hundred meant that these household members crossed the threshold of mortal strength.

Even with all the buffs they received from being in this realm, was that kind of strength even possible?

Odaigon also looked startled because he could feel that they were stronger than him.

-It’s the power of contracts.

-The power of contracts?

-Yes, it’s the power of the contract created by the Demon of Contract and Order.

-I already knew that. Doesn’t every contract become the power of the constellation? However, no matter how strong the constellation is, it should be impossible to give this much power to so many...

-It’s not just that. It’s the contract itself that makes them stronger. Maybe these demons have signed contracts stating that they can only use this kind of power in certain situations or that they can only fight once a year?


Choi Yeonseung was shocked to learn this.

He genuinely hadn’t thought that the power of the Demon of Contract and Order was that great. After hearing the explanation of the goddess of sloth, he realized that the demon constellation’s power could be used this way.

The demons made contracts with themselves in order to gain their master’s power!

Choi Yeonseung felt that the powers of the constellation were really overpowered when used in certain ways.

‘Hearing things like this, my training power seems a bit... I think it feels weak.’

-But you have my power of defeat, don’t you? Such a great power is rare even in the Abyss.

[The ‘Cat of Lava and Magma’ says there is also the power given by the goddess of balance...]

‘It’s not very comforting.’

-Now! Please sit here!

During the conversation, Demon No. 437982 finished his preparations and sat down.

-Ah, right. Do you want me to change the background of the room?

“No, it’s not necessary.”

-I see. Then... What do you want? Tell me what you want. I will give you a quota.

The demon seemed like an experienced banker as he took out his papers and his pen.

The Demon of Contract and Order had all types of contracts, but the basic framework was similar for all of them. The contractor would state what they wanted, and the demon would offer the best possible terms. The contractor usually had to give up money, a part of their body, or their very soul.

Of course, the more valuable the contractor was, the better were the terms they received...

-You have the magic power of a great hero among mortals! In addition, you get extra points for finding your way through all the mazes. You will be able to easily obtain some treasures.

“...Is it possible to get something like a constellation item? For example, the book containing the contracts of the demon constellation.”

Choi Yeonseung was ready to fight as he spoke. He was ready to immediately counter a possible attack from the demon and wreck this whole place. They were in dangerous territory, but he was ready to fight fiercely in order to get his hands on the treasure!

...However, the demon’s reply was quite casual.

-Ah, so you want Master’s book of contracts? I’ll search for it now.

“...Not that it’s any of my business, but are you allowed to give away your master’s things like that?”

-I’m just doing my job. Master won’t mind either. I’m acting according to the rules.


Choi Yeonseung wanted to ask if he could also obtain the constellation himself but held back.

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