The Cute Yandere Next to Me Chapter 105 School Cross-Country - Part 2

The area was dead silent. The track curved around the school, meaning there were parts where we ran between buildings. I guess that was the only way that they’d be able to get 10 kilometres of track within the school grounds.

It was somewhat comforting just running like this, with no one else around you. It reminded me of the times back in the Ideal Human Project, although Hasegawa-san used to always run beside me when we were doing these exercises.

A few minutes later, another student appeared ahead of me. I guess I had unknowingly caught up to them. I continued closing the distance until I was right next to them. Unlike the other one, they didn’t try to contest against me, probably because they were so exhausted.

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I could hear the loud gasp-like wheezing as they sucked air into their lungs. Passing them, I extended the distance between the two of us. Eventually, the distance between us became so wide that I could no longer see them behind me.

There was no one in front of me either, so once again, I was completely alone. I did enjoy the silence and lack of people, though. The person from before wasn’t a second-year, so my position wouldn’t have changed when I passed him.

For the next few minutes, I ran along the track in almost dead silence. After a while, though, the track diverted onto a more open area of the school, meaning I could see some of the students behind the buildings I had just run past. There goes my isolation.

I saw the next teacher.

3km - Push on! You’re almost halfway!

Continuing on my way, I ran around the courtyard. There were plenty of arrows and small flags on the ground showing the direction that we needed to go. There were slight marks in the grass from all of the runners who had already passed.

After a little while, I managed to catch up to a group of first-years who seemed to have begun struggling. Their huffing and puffing increased in ferocity as I got closer to them. They were running in such a large group that it made it nearly impossible to get around them without veering off the track.

Seeing me behind them, they were instantly filled with energy. Pushing themselves to the absolute limit, they began sprinting ahead. I kept my standard pace, letting them get away from me. Only a few seconds later, they had used up all of their stamina. Slowing to a walk, they pulled themselves forward.

Now that they were walking, it was much easier to just weave through them. There were a few annoyed glances at me but I just ignored them. Before long, I gained some significant distance between us.

Before long, I saw the next teacher.

4km - Push on! You’re so close to halfway!

Now that I was making it into long distance territory, I assumed that there wouldn’t be much more passing for the time being. Still holding my current position, I didn’t change my pace at all, just following through. If I saw that I’d pass too many students at once, I might slow down, but I didn’t want this to take too long either.

Nothing happened for the next few minutes.

5km - Push on! You’re halfway!

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I didn’t see the profundity of halfway but I guess it could’ve been somewhat motivational to the other students. I haven’t begun feeling any fatigue, probably due to the fact that I had been running far below my top speed.

For the next kilometre, I didn’t not even come close to a single other student.

6km - Keep going!

I was now making my way around the main oval. There were a few students near the end of the oval, having just done the two laps of it. There were several teachers making sure that all students were in fact doing both laps of it. I could see it being a problem to enforce with more people, but since there was only like one student making their way onto this area at a time at the moment, it wasn’t too bad for them.

Eventually, I finished my second lap as the teacher gave me a thumbs up.

Now, I was back into the forest-like area of the school. It was a different path from before but I was quite close to some of the slower students who still hadn’t gone through that area for the first time.

Making my way back into the open, I saw the next teacher.

8km - Keep it up!

Now that I was getting closer to the end, I saw several students in front of me. They appeared almost like zombies, completely exhausted but pushing on with sheer willpower. I saw a few second-years in front as well. I considered slowing down but I might as well pass a few.

Continuing my steady pace, I passed a few students as they struggled to keep going.

In total, I passed around seven people, a mix of second-years and third years.

9km - Push push push!

Well, I was nearing the end of this cross country. There were a few students pushing themselves to their limit in front of me. Invigorated by the message, they were given a new spout of energy. I still didn’t change my pace, just continuing on as I had the last nine kilometres.

The view was actually quite nice. The architecture of the school was very modern and aesthetic despite the hurry that they took to build it in time for the new school year. With big windows and lavish entrances, in terms of pure quality, this school was definitely near the top. It even overshadows the nearby Yokusuka Girls Academy, the previous best school in the area.

Finally, I could see the finish line.

The students in front of me began sprinting with all their might. I saw no reason to push harder, still continuing at my constant pace.

A few seconds later, I completed the course.

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