The Damned Demon Chapter 276 Having Fun On Your Own?

Chapter 276 Having Fun On Your Own?

2 months into the quest,

Pyro Peak…the 3rd mini-dungeon of the quest and one that a certain young lady wasn’t liking very much after spending some time here.

Under the oppressive, crimson sky of the Pyro Peak, a group of nine figures navigated the fiery hellscape.

Volcanoes erupted sporadically, casting ash and glowing embers into the dense air.

Rivers of lava glowed ominously against the scorched black earth, while the occasional fire sprite flitted past, leaving a trail of shimmering embers in their wake.

In the midst of this caustic scene, a young woman with bright red eyes was struggling and annoyed with the relentless heat. As a vampire, this was the worst place she could be in. She felt like her entire skin was burning up.

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Her petite frame seemed at odds with the stark, dangerous landscape around her. Towering formations of hardened magma dwarfed her small figure.

At barely five feet tall, her stature did little to command the respect of the realm. Yet her appearance was anything but ordinary.

Long, voluminous ruby hair cascaded down to her ankles, styled into elaborate pigtails adorned with ornate ornaments. Her clothes were a vibrant mix of colors that contrasted with the molten hues of the landscape, yet their flashy design matched the wild spirit of the Pyro Peak.

With her usually bright smile now replaced with a scowl of annoyance, she balled her small hands into fists at her sides, "This heat is intolerable. Silvia doesn’t like it!" she cried, her voice a melodious sound that belied the raw power she possessed.

At her cry of discomfort, the four demons of noble Houses who served as her vassals, immediately looked concerned, their eyes scanning the treacherous terrain for some respite from the relentless heat.

Despite her whims, their loyalty to her was unwavering, and they didn’t mind doing most of the work, collecting the Deviar Shards for her as some of them were also stronger than her, though none of their bloodlines were as powerful as hers. Thus serving her was not only an honor for them but a way for them to make sure House Valentine never forgets them and understands their value.

And traveling among them were also four Hunters who were eagerly following behind Silvia as if in a daze.

These Hunters, normally known for their resilience and bone deep hatred for demons, were treating her with a reverence akin to that of a goddess.

Despite being prisoners, they were flattering her, clearly under the influence of her magic.

"My precious lady, I can help you if only I had some mana," one of the Hunters, a tall, muscular man, yet his face pale and weary, was quick to react to her discomfort. He had expended his entire mana to "happily" help her be comfortable without much sleep or rest.

Coming upon a towering structure of magma that provided some protection from the scorching winds, Silvia stopped walking, "Fine. Let’s rest here for a while. Silvia is bored and tired," Saying so, she snapped her fingers together as one of the Hunters quickly took out a chair and gestured for her to sit down with a look of worship.

Her vassals meanwhile stood around her, their gazes watchful.

The tall, muscular man immediately took out a morsel of food from his bag, dropped it on the ground, and began to gobble it up from the scorching ground without using his hands, just like he was instructed to do.

He then summoned a breeze to cool her, a contrast to the hot winds of the Pyro Peak. The cool air seemed to swirl around her, taming her wild hair and cooling the air around her, making her expression relax.

Another lean man and a short woman with Hunter attire took out a comb each and stood behind Silvia as they began to comb her long pigtails, which had become slightly messy from the winds.

The tall woman among the Hunters had a sickly face but took a blade and pressed it against her arm, which had a number of fresh slash marks.

She winced as she cut her skin and quickly placed a small, elegant cup underneath as her blood dripped into it.

Then with shaky hands, she smiled weakly and kneeled before Silvia as she offered it to her, "My lady…I hope my lowly blood might help quench some of your thirst."

Silvia, seated comfortably in the makeshift chair, reached out a hand to accept the small, elegant cup filled with blood.

Her bright red eyes shone with anticipation as she eyed the crimson liquid, but upon receiving the cup, her smile faltered, "What is this?" she asked, her voice soft yet icy, "You think I can quench my thirst with this paltry amount? This lady has been using her mana to keep you all alive, you know?"

The woman offering the blood flinched at Silvia’s words, "M-My lady," she said, her voice trembling, "I-I’m sorry. That was all the blood that came out. I-I can try cutting again—"

"No, no," Silvia interrupted, her angry gaze softening. She gave the woman a comforting smile, "That won’t be necessary. This lady no longer needs your blood," She reached out and gently patted the woman’s head.

But the woman seemed to take her words as a rejection. Tears welled in her eyes, and she looked up at Silvia, her expression filled with despair, "Does this mean... Is Lady Silvia disappointed with me?" she asked in a choked voice, "What... What can I do to make up for my worthlessness?"

Silvia studied her for a moment, her gaze distant and thoughtful. She hummed, a small smile curving her lips as she brought a finger up to tap against them in thought, "I know," she finally said, her eyes brightening with a new idea, "Silvia is bored and needs some amusement."

The woman looked at her, anticipation sparkling in her eyes. "What should I do, my lady?" she asked, her voice eager as if she was willing to do anything to regain her favor.

"Let’s see..." Silvia trailed off, her eyes glittering with mischief as she pondered the woman’s question.

Casting a glance at the lean man meticulously combing her long, voluminous hair, Silvia beckoned him with a flick of her wrist. The man instantly stowed away the comb, and bowing slightly, he asked, "What does my lady wish of me?"

Silvia’s smile broadened as she clapped her hands together with excitement, "I wish for some entertainment," she declared, her eyes twinkling with a uncanny mischievous glint, "I want you and this lovely woman here to the death and the winner will get a pretty flower from me," she added, her tone light, as if she was merely suggesting they play a game.

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At her words, the man and the woman looked at each other, their faces a mask of determination, but there was a glint of resolve and eagerness in their eyes. Without hesitation, they both nodded, declaring, "As my lady wishes."

Silvia’s eyes flickered to the matching rings on their ring fingers. She barely suppressed a giggle, her smile never fading, "This is going to be so much fun," she mumbled to herself, her eyes gleaming with cruel anticipation.

The brutal dance of death unfolded before Silvia, as the man and the woman clashed, their heavy breaths and desperate grunts filling the oppressive air of Pyro Peak.

The heat from the surrounding molten lava only amplified their struggle, adding an extra layer of exertion to their already exhausted bodies.

Despite their state, they kept their eyes locked onto each other, their hands poised for attack or defense, each of them refusing to back down.

Silvia watched, sipping languidly from her cup, her ruby eyes sparkling with twisted delight at the macabre spectacle. The metallic taste of blood on her tongue only enhanced the enjoyment she derived from their desperate fight.

With each passing moment, the pair grew more and more fatigued, their movements slowing and their attacks weakening quickly due to their already pitiful condition of their bodies.

Their bodies were already beyond their limits, yet they kept on fighting, driven by the hope of earning their lady’s favor.

Inevitably, the woman stumbled and fell to the ground, her strength finally leaving her. The man, taking advantage of her vulnerable state, swiftly clambered atop her. His hands moved to her neck, ready to squeeze the life out of her.

However, as he looked down into her half-lidded lifeless eyes, tears seeping out of them, his own gaze began to waver.

A moment of clarity seemed to cut through the illusion that held him captive. His eyes widened, filling with a potent mix of shock, sadness, and pain as he saw the woman underneath him.

"Gauri..." he mumbled, her name escaping his lips like a prayer. His grip loosened around her neck, his hands trembling as he released her.

His face was a mask of torment, the reality of what he did hitting him like a sledgehammer.

Silvia watched this unfold, her cup pausing halfway to her lips, and frowned upon noticing the man letting go of the woman’s neck.

"Silvia’s spell can’t wear off this early…" She mumbled with a baffled look.

lunge at Silvia, his intent clear: he wanted to snuff out her life just like he was forced to snuff out his fiance’s.

Upon hearing her soft mumble, the man’s head snapped toward Silvia, his face twisting into a hateful snarl.

Whatever spell had been upon him seemed to be fading, his mind clawing its way out of the fog of illusion.

"You…You monster!!" With a weak, anguished roar, he attempted to lunge at Silvia, his intent clear: he wanted to snuff out her life just like he was forced to snuff out his fiance’s.

But before he could get far, the tall, muscular man stepped forward. His hand shot out, grasping the man’s neck in a vice-like grip.

The man’s eyes bulged as he desperately clawed at the muscular man’s hand, his feet kicking uselessly in the air. His lips moved in an attempt to utter something, a plea to his friend, but no sound emerged.

Without a shred of emotion, the muscular man swiftly twisted, snapping the lean man’s neck with a sickening crunch.

He then casually dropped the lifeless body to the ground, as if discarding a piece of useless trash.

Straightening up, the muscular man turned towards Silvia, concern flashing across his face, "My Lady, are you alright?" He asked, bowing deeply.

Silvia, who had been watching the entire scene unfold with a detached interest, let out a soft scoff.

Finally, her lips curved into a small, satisfied smile, "Good boy," she purred, her voice rich with amusement, "The fight ended too quick, but it was fun, teehee."

"My Lady…we have company," A sudden call from one of her vassals grabbed Silvia’s attention. His voice was edged with a subtle note of apprehension.

Before he could elaborate, Silvia’s gaze followed the direction he was looking, and her heart skipped a beat.

Emerging from the shadow of a massive structure of hardened magma was a woman of such haunting beauty that she seemed to eclipse the ferocity of Pyro Peak itself.

The woman had long silver hair that shimmered like liquid moonlight, falling in an undulating cascade over her shoulders.

Her eyes, a riveting shade of ghostly red, were lit with an unsettling brilliance, drawing everyone’s attention. Dressed in an alluring blue dress that complimented her elegance, she radiated a tempting yet unsettling aura that dwarfed even the oppressive heat of the fiery realm.

A motley group followed her: demons who looked far too wary and a bunch of Hunters who were visibly quaking in their boots.

All of them had their gazes pinned on the woman. The expressions of her vassals were a cocktail of fear, respect, and something akin to devotion, while the captured Demons and Hunters’ pallid faces were filled with horror and despair.

As the woman stepped forward, a captivating smile bloomed on her lips.

Her gaze met Silvia’s, her smile broadening just a hint as she spoke in a voice that was as soft as velvet and as chilling as ice, "Having fun on your own without this big sister, are you?"

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