The Damned Demon Chapter 306 Unspoken Dangers

Chapter 306 Unspoken Dangers

In the vast expanse of Elysium Skies, even the mightiest Demon and Hunter groups found themselves brought to the brink of despair.

This mini-dungeon, filled with perpetual twilight wonder, was a realm where raw power and bravado weren’t enough. As days turned into weeks, the true, relentless nature of Elysium Skies began to reveal itself.

Gathering 3.2 million shards was a herculean task in this realm, with many questioning if it was even possible. Where once confidence reigned supreme, now doubt and hopelessness began to take root.

The unpredictable moods of Elysium Skies made setting up shelters a game of Russian roulette.

Tornadoes whipped out of nowhere, tearing through hastily built structures as if they were made of paper.

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Lightning storms were no mere flashes in the pan; they were terrifying spectacles that could fry anything in their path. Even the winds themselves, seemingly gentle one moment, could transform into monstrous gales, capable of uprooting entire buildings.

The few groups fortunate enough to possess Legendary Grade Shelters soon found that their vaunted sanctuaries required continuous upkeep, draining resources, shards, and energy.

How were they supposed to save up millions of shards when most of it was spent on their survival?

Some had begun to abandon these once-prized shelters in favor of seeking natural refuges, like labyrinthine caves or deep crevices. But even these had their risks, with some of them never returning from the dark depths they chose to explore either due to the monsters lurking within or getting smashed to a pulp by the rocks after occasional earthquakes that shake the entire floating islands.

Even the resources they had to procure for food and drinks were surrounded by dangers, making them stingy about their shards and resources.

Since it was so hard to earn them, they made sure to use everything as efficiently as possible, including using their weapons until only a fraction of its durability was left or using potions as little as possible.

But the environment was just the beginning. The true horrors of Elysium Skies came in the form of its denizens.

Every single monster here was an S Rank or a Soul Devourer. None of them were any weaker.

Their very presence sent shivers down the spine of even the most seasoned warrior. These weren’t just adversaries; they were nightmares made flesh. Engaging with them was a last resort, a desperate measure for desperate times, even though there was a good chance of getting bountiful rewards by killing them.

Expert scouts, revered back in their world, became lifelines. Their unparalleled skills and instincts were crucial in guiding groups away from these terrors.

As time wore on, alliances that were once strong began to splinter. The unpredictable tempests of Elysium Skies didn’t care for friendships or alliances, frequently separating groups and scattering members to the winds.

But sometimes, it wasn’t the only reason that caused groups to separate.


11 months into the quest,

A cold, echoing draft swept through the massive cave, causing the floating motes of dust to scatter in different directions.

The mouth of the cave, though gaping, allowed only a meager amount of the hazy twilight of Elysium Skies to filter through. Inside, the eerie glow from the pulsating corpse of the freshly slain monster illuminated the wearied faces of ten hunters.

The monster’s lifeless eyes stared blankly, its iridescent scales reflecting the light, making the scene all the more surreal.

Rachel and her group were heading into the cave along with another Hunter group, each having a powerful aura.

With Victor and the leader of the other group at the forefront, they were busy dragging the massive creature into the cave.

Their silhouettes, casting long shadows, painted a picture of warriors, battle-hardened and worn from their relentless fight against the harshness of the realm.

Rachel’s blue hair, matted with sweat and grime, was a stark contrast to her once-pristine state, and her once gleaming silver spear now bore the scars of countless battles.

Amelia, Emiko, and Yui also had a layer of exhaustion on their faces, though their movement was still sharp and their gazes vigilant.

Beside them, four hunters stood slightly apart, their appearance distinctly different from the others.

The two women flanking him were a study in contrasts. One was petite, with long, flowing raven hair adorned with gold and silver trinkets, her bright eyes filled with curiosity. The other was taller, her athletic build suggesting power and agility. Her short-cropped hair framed her face, and the elaborate tattoos snaking up her arm told tales of victories and tales from far-off lands.

The other two men in the other group were an interesting pair. One was lanky, with a wiry strength evident in his frame. His jet-black hair was streaked with silver, making him look older than he probably was.

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The other was shorter, stockier, and his biceps bulged even in relaxation. His bald head shone in the dim light, and a thick mustache sat proudly above his lips.

The silence in the cave was palpable, broken only by the grunt from Victor as he crouched to harvest, his hair no longer looking that neat and combed while sporting a stubble.

However, the silent tension was broken when the leader of the other group, a tall, broad-shouldered man with handsome features and rich brown skin, stepped forward. His intense, deep-set eyes bore the weight of responsibility, and his neatly trimmed beard added to his charm.

"Rachel," he began, his deep voice resonating in the cave, "how about we settle our share of shards we got from killing this thing?"

However, before Rachel could say anything, Victor’s voice cut through as he casually shrugged with a light smile, "Arjun, if you’re in such a hurry, then we can divide up the shards right now," Victor remarked as he gracefully stood, brushing the dirt off his clothing.

Arjun’s face revealed a brief smile of gratitude, "Thank you," he said.

Both of their hands, worn from battle, came together in a handshake that served as the medium for the transfer of shards. The entire exchange was silent but filled with a palpable tension.

Moments passed before Arjun’s brows furrowed, his stern expression returning, "Victor," he began, choosing his words carefully, "it seems you’ve miscalculated. We agreed on a 50% share, but you’ve transferred only 40%."

The smile on Victor’s face didn’t waver, even as he responded, "Our deal was good for the previous dungeon, Arjun. But here, every move, every strategy, every drop of effort counts. I delivered the killing blow to that monster. It’s only fair, don’t you think?"

Arjun’s posture straightened, his voice calm but clearly on edge, "While that may be true, my team laid the groundwork. We took the brunt of its attacks and weakened it considerably. You guys also get to harvest its corpse."

Victor’s smile thinned, an amused glint in his eyes, "So did mine," he retorted but politely.

Just as the cave’s atmosphere became more charged, a soft, chuckling sound punctuated the standoff. All eyes turned to Amelia, her poised figure standing beside Rachel, "You know, Rachel," she began with an awkward smile, "maybe we should just stick to our word. After all, 50% was the promise."

Rachel looked between the two men, her sigh echoing in the chamber.

Meeting her gaze, Victor shrugged, though his smile didn’t fade, "Alright, my bad. Two months in this forsaken place seems to have skewed my judgment," he admitted, his tone light yet sincere. "Here you go," And with that, he transferred the additional 10% to Arjun.

Arjun’s team exchanged wary glances, the sudden turn of events taking a moment to sink in.

There was relief, yes, but the glances he got from his friends made Arjun realize something and agree with them silently. It seemed like their fears were coming true.

The next morning,

The soft hues of dawn began filtering through the entrance of the cave, casting warm light on the assembled hunters, lending their already tensed expressions an added poignancy. It was then that Arjun, with a determined set to his jaw, cleared his throat.

"It’s been a pleasure forming an alliance with your group," he began, his gaze falling on each of the members before resting on Rachel, "But my team and I have decided to split up and try our luck on our own."

Amelia’s brown eyes narrowed, her mind racing. Is this because of what Victor did yesterday? she wondered internally, her thoughts dripping with suspicion. She wasn’t alone in her concerns, as Rachel, visibly taken aback, voiced hers.

"Are you sure about this? This mini-dungeon is more perilous than any we’ve faced before," Rachel implored, genuine worry lining her voice, "We stand a better chance if we stick together."

Arjun, while appreciating Rachel’s sentiment, simply responded with a half-smile that didn’t quite reach his eyes, "I understand your concerns," he admitted, choosing his words carefully, "But in a place as treacherous as this, other complications can arise, complications that may, in the long run, be worse than facing the dungeon’s dangers alone."

The unspoken words hung in the air, thickening the already tense atmosphere. Rachel pressed her lips together, her mind working quickly.

She grasped the implications behind Arjun’s words - the need for resources, the potential clashing of priorities, the overall slowing down of their shard collection pace. And looming above all, the enticing allure of the quest’s ultimate prize that any group would equally covet.

Just as Rachel was about to respond, Victor’s nonchalant voice cut in. A smile danced on his lips as he mused, "Well, if that’s what you wish, we shouldn’t stand in your way. Given that you hail from one of the most esteemed Supreme Class Families in Asia, and considering the talent of your friends," he gestured to the other members of Arjun’s group, "I’m quite confident you’ll navigate through this place just fine."

Arjun nodded with a brief smile, "Thank you, Victor," he said, his tone measured.

However, Victor maintained his smile as he asked, "Allow me the honor to escort you out, then? You guys did a lot for us after all."

"No, it’s alri---"

"Please, I insist."

Arjun narrowed his eyes but then nodded, "Very well. That is nice of you."

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