The Damned Demon Chapter 322 Born On The Wrong Side

Chapter 322 Born On The Wrong Side

Whispers of "Hellbringer’s Haven" spread like a wildfire, fanning the flames of both intrigue and trepidation across all the mini-dungeons.

All the mini-dungeons buzzed with talk of the enigmatic message broadcasted by Hellbringer or the Bloodburn Consort himself: a proclamation promising a spectacle so grand that even his sworn enemies from Zalthor would desire a glimpse.

And so, thousands traveled vast stretches of the treacherous terrains of various mini-dungeons, crossing burning deserts and navigating through shadowy forests, each drawn by the allure of the unknown.

From afar, the silhouette of a formidable fortress was visible against the horizon, and as one neared, its grandeur became evident.

Towering walls encrusted with glimmering gemstones formed the perimeter, and dark banners bearing the emblem of a blazing skull fluttered in the wind.

Hellbringer’s Haven, it seemed, was not merely a Safe Zone whose name was changed—it was an emblem of unbridled power.

The entire place looked no different than a city.

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Within its walls, the city pulsed with life. Stalls peddling exotic goods from various mini-dungeons, musicians playing hypnotic melodies, and warriors showcasing their prowess in open arenas.

The vibrancy was almost intoxicating, causing many to momentarily forget the fact that they were still on the quest.

The enemies of the Bloodburn Consort who had hoped to infiltrate were quick to discard their initial intentions.

The imposing defenses, the watchful eyes of the guards at every corner, and the sheer number of loyal followers surrounding the Bloodburn Consort were overwhelming.

Their veiled threats and hidden daggers were rendered useless before the might of Hellbringer’s Haven.

Still, they chose to stay with their disguises on to see what the Bloodburn Consort was planning to show as their curiosity got the better of them.

To the north of the city stood an elevated platform, draped in crimson and guarded by elite warriors.

This was where the Bloodburn Consort was expected to address the masses.

Curiosity reached a fevered pitch as the hour drew near, every demon—be it ally or foe—waiting with bated breath for the spectacle to commence.

It wasn’t just the promise of a grand reveal that had drawn everyone in. It was also the allure of the myth, the legend, the enigma that was the Bloodburn Consort.

The claims of him absorbing the Deviar within the blink of an eye was still too shocking to believe, and they had to see him with their own eyes and feel his indomitable presence.

The hushed murmurs of the crowd faded to an expectant silence as the curtains behind the platform moved, and a tall, devilishly handsome man with deep yellow eyes walked out.

His dove gray skin contrasted sharply with his deep black armor, while the shimmering cloak around him seemed to absorb the scant light around the platform.

As he stepped into the open, the Bloodburn Consort’s presence was undeniable—a force that drew both admiration and fear from all who watched.

His eyes surveyed the sea of faces, finding even his adversaries among the loyal, "Citizens of Zalthor," Asher began, his voice deep and resonant, echoing across the vast expanse of Hellbringer’s Haven, "I thank you for gracing this spectacle with your presence."

A collective bow rippled across the crowd. Even his enemies bowed since the undertone was clear; even in the heart of a lion, there lies a moment when it bows to a mightier beast.

And now wasn’t a good time to raise suspicions or unknowingly offend the Bloodburn Consort in his own territory. He was the king here.

Asher’s lips curled into a knowing smile, a hint of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Today, you are not just gathered here to celebrate the success of one, but to bask in the collective triumph of Zalthor," he proclaimed, "So, at least for today, no matter our differences, we can join hands to witness the beginning of the rise of our world."

As the curtains rustled and moved aside once again, the massive forms of 5 minotaurs were revealed, followed by the figure of a Hunter.

His neat attire was stark against the rugged surroundings of Hellbringer’s Haven, and his pallor, although subtle, was evident to the keen-eyed observers.

Whispers raced through the crowd. They recognized him— Victor Hart, the notorious S-rank Hunter. He had led deadly expeditions against their kind, and so many of them among the crowd gritted their teeth, remembering how he attacked towns and villages that had nothing to do with the quest or any treasure to obtain while killing everyone in it, save for few women that always go missing and never to be heard about again.

Most of them couldn’t help but smile in glee and were awed that he was finally brought to his knees. So many had tried but failed miserably.

And the subsequent arrangement seemed almost surreal.

A table, meticulously laid out, and a single chair which Victor occupied.

He sat stiffly, trying hard to retain some semblance of his once-mighty aura. But those in the crowd could see the unease, the slight tremble of his hands.

"Why do you think the Bloodburn Consort brought him here?" one demon whispered to another.

"Probably crossed him in a way he is going to dearly regret," another responded, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

Asher raised his hand, demanding silence, "Many of you recognize our guest today. Victor Hart, a force to be reckoned with in the human world, hailing from one of the strongest Supreme Families," he paused, allowing the weight of Victor’s reputation to hang in the air, "But today, he sits among us, not to fight or kill, but to tell us something he wants to get off his chest."

The crowd exchanged puzzled glances. What was he planning? While they anticipated a gruesome spectacle, this turn of events was intriguing, and they were now more invested than ever to learn the Bloodburn Consort’s next move.

The eerie silence that dominated Hellbringer’s Haven was palpable. All eyes were on the Sightstone Sphere, which was known to many as a tool to record and display memories or events.

Victor’s reluctance and the presence of the Sphere hinted at an exposition that promised to be both revolting and intriguing.

Asher’s amusement was evident, "Go on, Victor," he urged softly, "Share your story with us. We are keenly listening."

Victor took another ragged breath, his fingers white-knuckled as they gripped the edges of the table, "Despite being an Elite Hunter, I…I have violated the very essence of the Hunter code," he began, his voice shaky but clear, "I have engaged in acts that would tarnish the honor and pride of my people."

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As he spoke, the Sightstone Sphere illuminated brighter, casting an eerie glow over the scene. Soon, moving images took form in the air, echoing Victor’s confession.

The scenes portrayed a brazen Victor, confident and ruthless, finishing the quest early to quickly invade nearby small towns and villages.

Flames, death, and cries of pain filled the atmosphere, as if the past was coming alive.

He left none alive except for a few women who looked pretty among the rest.

But it was the next series of images that filled the audience with wrath.

The women he didn’t kill, helpless and terrified, were dragged away from the smoldering ruins of their homes, taken to secluded spots.

Their screams, mixed with painful moans, echoed eerily in the amplified setting, and the crowd’s collective horror and shock were palpable.

Save for a few, nobody expected an Elite Hunter like him to lust for a demon to this extent.

Of course, torturing demons in brutal ways was still okay in the eyes of those on Earth.

But indulging in any demonic activities like consuming demonic meat or putting your dick in one was a highly punishable offense and was seen as highly deplorable by humans in general.

Asher knew it was because the Hunter Code mentions that Hunters were nothing but servants of the Angels, blessed by their holy power to protect the world and carry out justice.

But consuming demonic meat or fucking a demon, would sully the radiant mana flowing in their bodies and would be a grave insult and mockery to the Angels who blessed them.

There was also some practical truth to it.

He knew the reason most of these demons seemed shocked was that Elite Hunters like Victor, who had such tendencies, would never leave any witness alive and would keep their urges in check to make sure their life as a Hunter wouldn’t be compromised.

Unlike lowly Hunters, he had too much to lose.

A cry rang out from the crowd, "That’s my sister!" Another voice shouted, "That was my home!"

Their outbursts were followed by a cacophony of lamentations as many recognized the faces of their loved ones, tormented by this fiend.

However, their cries were falling on Victor’s ears as right now, his priority was getting out of this alive.


His worries about the things he did getting exposed only came second. There was no point in worrying about it without being alive.

But first, he had to finish the script this fucker had made him memorize.

Even if he wanted to omit a single word, he couldn’t unless he wanted to seal his fate for sure.

And so he took a deep breath and added one last thing, "Lastly…I want to confess that I should have been born as a demon s-so that I could satisfy my carnal desires."

Victor felt his nerves twisting in rage and fear, the helplessness of his current situation gnawing at him.

But suddenly, he heard Hellbringer’s chuckle, "Oh, Victor, don’t worry. It’s indeed a pity you were born on the wrong side, but I won’t let that stop you. The five friends behind you are going to show you a good time and satisfy you, more than you can imagine," Asher ended the last sentence with a dark smile that sent shivers down Victor’s spine as he almost jumped off his seat and looked behind.

"No…No, no…" Victor’s eyes widened upon seeing the five minotaurs eyeing him like a prized candy.

"Fuck…" Victor’s legs trembled as he shakily got off the chair, but the slave seal on his back activated, and suddenly, he stood still and turned around to face the minatours who were flexing their muscular arms and stretching their necks side to side as if preparing for a battle.

Victor’s quivering hands began to slowly undress himself, his eyes trembling, and somehow managed to turn his head slightly and shoot a glare at Hellbringer, who had a cold smirk hanging on his lips.

This wasn’t what he promised! All he had to do was speak according to the script! This MOTHERFUCKER!!!

"Seems like you are quite excited to get down to it. Please…no need to bother about me. I am leaving," Asher then turned towards the crowd and loudly announced, "Those who want to see Victor finally satisfying his desires can stay and watch."

He then whispered to Victor with a smirk, "Golden Prince says ’Hi’. Your sister will get my blessings soon as well. Can’t let her "glorious" deeds go unrewarded, eh?"

Victor’s eyes shook as he slowly turned his gaze towards Hellbringer’s disappearing back, ’No…No way…’

That night…Was it…It sounded ludicrous, but nothing else was making sense.

The crowd let out jubilant cries, their faces grinning as if it was not every day they get to see an Elite Hunter get humiliated to his core.

But Victor had his thoughts distracted as the howling and cheering from the crowds became louder and made his hair stand on its ends.

His teeth were subtly chattering, his limbs not listening to him as he stood buck naked as the five minotaurs surrounded him, towering over him.

And when they took their disgusting, monstrous junks out, his face lost all color.

His face turned ashen as their bodies filled his vision while Asher coolly walked away while asking in a low voice, "Merina, you are recording this in 4K, right?"

Her soft voice echoed in his mind, "Yes, Master. Thanks to Emiko and Yui, we have a new phone with high storage."

"Good. Since he is an Elite Hunter, it would certainly eat up a lot of space," Asher grinned as he exited the platform while cheers, shouting, howling followed by loud groans and grunts began to echo around the Safe Zone, the mic still on.

Maybe in history, but never in their lives did they see an Elite Hunter getting publicly humiliated like this, and the enjoyment from seeing it was just one of the good parts.

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