The Damned Demon Chapter 358 Understand One’s Enemy To Defeat Them

Chapter 358 Understand One’s Enemy To Defeat Them

The room was charged with a palpable tension, the recent happenings surrounding Victor and the chaos that ensued after, leaving Cecilia still holding onto Rachel with an anxious look while Rachel seemed to be calm despite the situation.

Just as Cecilia was about to mumble if Gregory and Lena had left, the door creaked open, and in walked Derek, his usual composed demeanor replaced with evident concern.

Rachel’s eyes locked onto her father’s immediately, her voice a mixture of curiosity and suppressed nervousness,"Dad, what’s Uncle Hart planning to do now?"

Cecilia, standing slightly behind Rachel, added with a touch of frustration, "No matter what decision Greg makes, it’s still going to hurt both our families, right?"

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Derek released a weary sigh, running a hand through his hair before answering, "With Victor’s... unreserved confession in public, Greg might see no other choice but to distance his family name from Victor’s permanently," He then looked at Rachel and added, "I don’t want you getting involved in this after everything you went through. But you will need to address the public and confirm the truth that you were just as horrified and betrayed by what Victor did."

Rachel’s eyes grew wider, her eyes quivering. Her fingers clenched involuntarily behind her back, "Is this how families like ours deal with situations like this? Cutting off their own blood?"

"It’s undeniably harsh," Derek replied, nodding slowly, "and immensely challenging. But in a situation as dire as this, it’s often seen as the lesser of many evils. It’s also the right thing to do since no family would want themselves to be associated with anything demonic. Victor had committed so many atrocities that it left his family no other choice. He only has himself to blame in hell."

Rachel lowered her gaze as she took a deep breath.

Cecilia’s lips pursed, her voice dripping with disappointment and displeasure, "Victor brought this upon himself. What he attempted against his own family and against my little angel... it’s unforgivable," She paused, her expression softening just slightly, "But my heart does ache for Greg and his family. It might take a long time before they recover from this."

Derek nodded and looked down at Rachel, concern evident in his eye, "You’ve been through a lot, sweetheart. Do you need anything other than rest? I can arrange for one of my friends to talk to you and help you move on if you’re still shaken by all of this."

Rachel quickly shook her head, her eyes bright with determination. A hint of a smile graced her lips, "Dad, I’m okay. Really. Victor’s actions were disturbing and painful, but I’ve had enough time to process and move past it. I will even soon forget about him."

His fingers gently cradled her face, a warm smile touching his lips, "You never cease to amaze me with your resilience. I know you will always rise up no matter the trials you go through. But promise me you’ll rest for a while, alright? Maybe even take a short break from the academy."

But Rachel’s expression was unwavering, "I won’t let this incident define me or slow me down. I want to continue taking on quests. Actually," she paused, taking a deep breath, "I’m considering applying for a position with the WHA."

Derek’s eyebrows shot up in surprise while Cecilia chimed in, "The WHA? Now? Are you sure you’re ready to dive into that world this early, Rachel? I thought you wanted to focus on making a name as a Hunter."

Rachel’s gaze was resolute as she looked between them, a twinkle in her eyes, "Absolutely. I realized I could also make a difference in the world by working at the WHA. And besides, wouldn’t it be great, Dad? Working side by side with you? I have always wanted to spend more time with you and see how you help the world by being a part of the WHA."

Derek blinked, the corners of his mouth curling into a fond smile, "You know, one of the departments under me has an internship position open. I will let you take it," he offered.

Rachel’s eyes shimmered with gratitude, but she shook her head with determination, "Thanks, Dad, but I don’t want it handed to me. I’ll earn it myself."

His chest swelled with pride at her words, "That’s my girl. Well, I’ll be eagerly awaiting the good news of you earning that spot."

Cecilia, chuckling lightly, nudged Derek playfully, "Who knows? At this rate, our little angel might just be the next president in the future."

Rachel awkwardly smiled, her face lighting up briefly, "I haven’t even started, and you’re already thinking of making me president? Right now, I just want to understand the real world, beyond just being a Hunter," But as she finished her statement, the joviality in her expression faded, replaced by an intense determination.


In the posh study room, Derek sat hunched forward, his attention focused intently on the massive screen before him.

A video played as he watched it with a focused gaze.

The door to the study opened after a soft knock echoed, and Cecilia stepped in, her soft expression contrasting starkly with the turbulent images on the screen.

Her gaze instantly landed on the video, and her expression soured as she averted her gaze, "Not this again. Derek, can you please turn that off? I still feel sick after watching it once," she murmured, her voice laden with discomfort.

Derek, without taking his eye off the screen, simply gestured. The video paused, highlighting a tall, charming figure with dove-gray skin, "My father used to say that you have to know your enemy before you think of taking them down," Derek said, his voice hard, "I need to learn everything I can about Hellbringer. He’s the very reason we’re in this mess. I overlooked him once just because he was weak, and I can’t bear to make that same mistake again."

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Cecilia moved closer, her eyes locked onto the demon’s visage.

She placed a hand over her heart, her face contorted with distaste, "Every single day, I wish for that evil thing to get struck down by the angels. He’s tormented Rachel once, and now, once again, he nearly committed something unthinkable against her. I can’t dare to imagine if something had happened to her."

Derek’s eye was icy cold as he responded, "I assure you, Lia, I’ll dedicate every resource and ounce of my being to bring him down. Nobody touches my family and gets away with it," Turning his head slightly to meet her eyes, he added, "But something tells me it won’t be straightforward. Three years ago, no one even knew his name. But then, out of the blue, he starts causing upheavals in both his world and ours. Rumor has it that he was essentially in a vegetative state his whole life, only to suddenly awaken with unparalleled prowess and an ’immortal bloodline’."

Cecilia raised an eyebrow skeptically, "I know he isn’t your ordinary demon. But do you actually believe those whispers? Those wicked demons must be trying to make him appear terrifying."

Derek stared back at the frozen image of Hellbringer, a deep frown etched into his features, "Whether I believe it or not isn’t the point. What’s clear is this – Hellbringer is dangerous. His meteoric rise and the fact that he took possession and absorbed the Deviar even before the quest concluded... It’s proof we can’t take him lightly. If he continues at this pace, he’s going to become a significant threat in the future. Maybe even more than the Demon King..."

Cecilia’s eyes darted around as anxiety seeped into her features, "Is it also because of the Demon Queen? He is her consort, and maybe she is supporting him with everything she got," she queried, her voice tinged with exasperation.

Derek rubbed his temple, "It’s not just that," he began,his eye looking at Hellbringer’s image as he tried to find the right words, "There’s something... odd about him. In our history, no demon has skyrocketed to such power and executed feats like he has in merely three years. And him being of an alien race with such unknown origins... it only makes it even more strange. His abilities are also quite mysterious and nothing like we had seen before."

He paused, turning his head slightly to fixate his gaze on Cecilia, "Are you certain Rachel has told us everything?"

A hint of defensiveness crept into Cecilia’s posture, her eyes narrowing slightly, "Of course she has. Why would you even ask that? Our daughter would never keep anything from us."

Derek’s eye looked stormy, full of a torrent of emotions, "I just find it... odd. Hellbringer managed to overpower and break Victor, who was a low-level S Ranker and not a pushover. But our daughter... she’s managed to escape from him twice. I didn’t want to press her on it, not wishing to trigger any traumatic memories or make her feel uncomfortable. But I still have some doubts."

Cecilia’s voice took on a stern edge, "Derek, never doubt our daughter in that manner. We should be counting our blessings that she managed to escape. That fiend probably let her go the first time, playing his cruel games just to mentally scar her for his sick entertainment. And this time, the angels were looking after her."

Derek let out a deep sigh, "It could be…," However, the doubts lingering in his eye never disappeared.

Cecilia took a deep breath, her fingers instinctively fidgeting with the ring on her finger, "I came here not to discuss that demon," she began, choosing her words carefully, "But rather to ask about your initial intentions. Why Victor? If you had chosen someone from one of the branch families, we wouldn’t be in this mess. I am not trying to blame you, but I am trying to understand why you went through with it."

Derek sighed heavily, remorse evident in his eye, "Lia, I... I’m truly sorry," he whispered, "I wasn’t careful enough, and I should’ve heeded your advice. My only thought was to merge the strengths and resources of the two families. To carve out a secure and comfortable future for you, Rachel, and the coming generations."

Cecilia’s face softened, and she reached out, gently placing a hand on his arm, "You didn’t have to go to such lengths, honey. We already have the strength and resources to face any adversity. You needn’t have risked our daughter’s happiness and well-being for that."

Derek’s shoulders slumped further, his guilt evident, "I am sure I am going to always regret the choice I made. Can you ever forgive me?"

A gentle smile crept onto Cecilia’s lips, "It’s hard to stay mad at you when I know you were only trying to do right by our family," she murmured, her voice warm.

Derek reached out to cup her face with a look of gratitude, "Every day, I count my blessings that you and Rachel are by my side," His eye spoke volumes as he leaned in, pressing a tender kiss to her lips.

The moment was intimate and warm, lasting just long enough to convey the bond of 25 years of marriage.

Pulling back slightly, Cecilia warmly smiled and said, "There is no point in charming me only. You have to get Rachel’s forgiveness too," Her expression became sad as she added, "I always fear seeing her being depressed and shutting everyone out, like during the first few days after she returned as the sole survivor and met Hellbringer for the first time."

She then added with a relieved look, "Fortunately, she seems to be strong now, even after everything that happened with Victor."

Derek said with a pained look, "I know, and don’t worry," He then added with cold determination, "I promise not to let anybody harm her again."

Cecilia nodded with glistening eyes, "I know how much you love her. You won’t let her down."

Derek smiled softly. He then sighed and said, "I need to head out now to help Greg quickly handle this. Keep a close eye on Rachel while I’m away, will you?"

Cecilia nodded, her eyes shimmering with understanding, "Of course. Be careful."

Derek waved his hand as he walked towards the door, though his smile faded and his expression became hardened.

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