The Damned Demon Chapter 360 In Love With The Enemy

Chapter 360 In Love With The Enemy

Isola hesitated, her radiant eyes revealing a storm of emotions. Taking a deep breath, she faced her parents, "Before we proceed, I’d like to share something with you, in private."

Moraxor and Narissara exchanged a weighted glance, not expecting this apparently.

Reading the air, Vraxos stepped in, bowing gracefully, "I shall handle the preparations for tonight’s celebrations in honor of the princess’ return," There was a hint of heaviness in his gaze as he walked away.

Moraxor’s voice rumbled softly, "Let’s continue our discussion below," Saying so, he gracefully descended into the water.

Narissara’s gaze, a shade more contemplative than usual, lingered on her daughter before slipping effortlessly into the watery embrace.

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With a fleeting look towards the receding Vraxos, Isola followed, the sound of her heart pounding against her chest echoing in her ears.

Vraxos, meanwhile, was soon surrounded by a group of boisterous men serving under him, their scales shimmering with anticipation and mischief.

One of them, his eyes dancing with mirth, elbowed Vraxos teasingly, "So, my general, finally off the market? Ready to tie the knot with our Midnight Maiden?"

Another chimed in, "Come one, out with it! How’s it feel knowing you’re going to be the luckiest man among us?"

Vraxos, usually so composed and stoic, let his expression soften.

With a voice that was gravelly, he responded, "It’s an honor to be chosen to be there for the Midnight Maiden."

The men erupted in cheers and hearty laughter, patting Vraxos on the back, their jests an affirmation of camaraderie and shared joy for what the future held.

However, one of the young men among them stepped forward and asked with a brief smile, "I suppose you are going to be a very busy man after the marriage, my friend."

"Rexan..." Vraxos mumbled with a complicated look in his eyes and said, "Iam not going anywhere. We all will still be together."

"Yeah! Our general will always be there for us! Hooah!!" The men once again cheered, though Rexan slightly smiled before walking away silently.

Vraxos silently stared in his direction while his fists slowly clenched.


An underwater chamber, bathed in an ethereal, red-tinged glow, was a spectacle of royal elegance.

Majestic columns rose to support a ceiling adorned with murals of Umbralfiend legends, while luminescent aquatic plants swayed gently, casting their radiant hues across the chamber.

It was in this setting that Isola entered, her coiled, serpentine tail gliding with a grace that commanded attention, the lustrous scales reflecting the chamber’s light.

Moraxor’s usually imposing gaze softened as he beheld his daughter, "Isola," he began, the warmth in his voice evident, "what matter you wanted to talk about in such secrecy?"

Narissara, her demeanor poised as always, remained silent, though her penetrating gaze never left her daughter.

Gathering her courage, Isola responded, her voice trembling just slightly, "I’ve heard news... about my engagement to Vraxos. Is it true?"

Moraxor heaved a sigh, nodding, "We had hoped to announce it in your presence. But we never knew when you were going to return, and so we decided to make preparations beforehand and announce it to the people to give them hope in times like these."

Narissara, in her distinctively aloof manner, added, "It’s our tradition. Our strongest warrior weds those of royal blood. With the shadow of the prophecy looming over us, we never discussed this matter. But fortunately, you are still with us, and it’s time you continue to carry out your responsibilities and bring strength and hope to our people."

Isola’s heart raced. She’d always known of this tradition and if not for the prophecy that stated she would die young, she also would have thought she would marry Vraxos in the future..

But her life took an unexpected turn, and for the first time, she had no idea what her future was supposed to be until she fell in love with Asher.

Only then she was able to envision what kind of future she wanted.

Summoning every ounce of courage, she looked squarely at her parents, "I’m sorry," she murmured, a mixture of determination and regret evident on her face, "But I cannot marry Vraxos."

A palpable tension thickened the water as Isola’s declaration reverberated through the chamber.

Moraxor and Narissara’s faces contorted in disbelief, while Narrisara’s expression was painted with a mix of shock and indignation.

"What are you talking about?" Narissara’s usually aloof voice now contained a dangerous edge.

Isola squared her shoulders, forcing herself to meet her parents’ gaze. "I... I have feelings for someone else. It’s unfair to Vraxos and me to be forced into this marriage when my heart lies elsewhere."

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Narrisara’s frown deepened, her voice stern, "Vraxos is brave, loyal, strong, and kind. There’s no man more qualified to ensure your happiness. I’m sure Vraxos himself sees this union as a source of joy."

"How can you know without even asking him? I am sure you didn’t."

Narissara still shook her head and said, "It doesn’t matter. Personal feelings aside, you have an obligation to our people. Your happiness is secondary, and the same goes for Vraxos or any of us."

It pained Isola to hear her mother’s words, who, just as expected, wants her to prioritize her duties.

Moraxor’s confused gaze bore into his daughter’s eyes, "And who, pray tell, might this person you have feelings for be?" The skepticism in his voice was palpable, his mind racing to identify any potential suitor from their own people.

Gulping back her anxiety, Isola said, "It’s Asher."

A hush settled over the chamber as the weight of her words settled in.

Moraxor looked as if he’d been slapped, "The Bloodburn Consort? Asher??" His disbelief and shock were evident.

Narrisara’s eyes were as wide as the saucers made of seashells, her facial features trembling uncontrollably as if someone cursed her entire bloodline, "What in the Seven Hells did you just say…"

Isola, her voice filled with a quiet intensity, replied, "I respect Vraxos, and I always will. But it’s not about comparing their virtues. Asher and I... we understand each other in a way I never could with anybody else. And he loves me, as I love him."

Narrisara’s voice quivered with disbelief and indignation as she said, "You love him? Are you even in your right mind? What has he done to you? What threats has he levied against you to make you say this? Speak the truth, Isola."

Isola’s shoulders sagged for a moment, weariness in her gaze after seeing how she wasn’t even willing to believe it, "Mother, Asher hasn’t coerced me into anything. Everything happened during the quest," she countered, her eyes resolute, "I don’t know how else to convince you that I speak the truth."

Moraxor, his voice heavy with incredulity, interjected, "How can you love an enemy, Isola? An enemy who deceived you and used you during the war? Even if he persuaded the queen to grant mercy to us after the war, the humiliation was only tenfold. We were stripped of our titles, letting even the peasants in their kingdom disrespect us with no consequences while using our men and women to earn life crystals to fill their coffers. If not for you, we would have…" Moraxor found himself unable to complete his sentence.

Isola sighed, her eyelids fluttering shut for a brief second, "I can’t explain the origin of these feelings. But they’re real. And they aren’t going away."

Narrisara, turning her gaze sharply to Moraxor, snapped, "Do you believe this madness?"

Moraxor’s brows knit together, a mixture of frustration and contemplation evident on his face, "Have we ever known our daughter to waste our time with jokes, Narissa? Or do you refuse to acknowledge the reality of what’s unfolding with our daughter?"

For a moment, vulnerability cracked Narissara’s stern face, her eyes wavering.

Without warning, she surged forward, hands gripping Isola’s arms with an intensity that belied her emotions, "Take back your words, Isola. Renounce this madness, and we’ll pretend you never uttered such folly."

Isola, unwavering, gently pulled away from her mother’s grasp, "I don’t want you to pretend as though what I feel isn’t real. I wish for you to accept it, because I want to be with Asher," she declared, her voice steady, "Together, we can build a brighter future for both our realms."

Narissara’s hands quivered, her gaze sharp and piercing as she met Isola’s, "When did you change so much? Do the sacrifices of our ancestors mean nothing to you? Have you forgotten how the Bloodburn Kingdom painted the oceans with the blood of our kind? By acting on this... foolish infatuation, you dishonor their memory. Do you wish to torment their souls for eternity in the Seven Hells?" Narissara wished she could rip Asher to pieces for seducing her daughter with his underhanded methods.

Isola’s eyes glistened with emotion, but her resolve remained, "It’s history, Mother. The Ravager’s reign of terror is long past. Our ancestors would not want us to harbor hate for the present-day Bloodburn Kingdom that has shown us mercy, especially when we were the aggressors first. Holding today’s generation accountable for the past will only perpetuate a cycle of hatred and violence. Is that how you want our people to live? Forever in pain and strife?"

Moraxor, visibly torn by the weight of the conversation, ran a hand over his face, his gaze distant.

But Narissara’s fury was still evident. She snapped, "In just over a year, you’ve become unrecognizable to me. Regardless of your newfound beliefs, our people would never understand or accept them. And for their and our ancestor’s sake, I cannot — will not — let you abandon your duty. You will marry Vraxos and not bring dishonor to your own bloodline. Otherwise, I will kill myself, and you can live with our enemy with my blood on your hands. Is that what you want?"

"Mother, please…" Isola pressed her lips together, seeing her mother being so angry and adamant.

Narissara, eyes flitting with frustration between her husband and daughter, finally exclaimed, "Moraxor, don’t just float there. Say something!"

But before he could gather his thoughts, Isola interrupted, her voice strained but clear, "Mother, Father, it’s... it’s already done. Asher and I have completed…our union," The moment she said this, Isola felt a weight being lifted off her chest but at the same time her heart was racing like never before.

"Isola! You did what?!" Moraxor’s voice echoed in the chamber, disbelief stark on his face.

His eyes almost popped out, and the words kept ringing in his ears.

That brat had his way with his precious daughter?!

Narissara’s already pale complexion turned an even ghostlier shade, "W-What have you done... By the cursed seas..." She swayed, her eyes unfocused, and then she went limp, her graceful form floating listlessly in the water.



Isola and Moraxor cried out, propelling themselves forward after seeing her faint from the shock.

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