The Damned Demon Chapter 497 Small And Pitiful

Chapter 497 Small And Pitiful

The Demonstone Castle, perched high above a realm of shadows and whispers, offered a breathtaking view from its courtyards.

It was in one such courtyard that Rowena found herself lost in thought, her gaze sweeping over the vast expanse that stretched out beneath the castle walls.

The air was crisp, carrying with it the promise of twilight, when a gentle, silvery voice broke the serene quiet.

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"The scenery from here is quite beautiful and appropriate for your eyes, Your Majesty," Naida remarked, her tone laced with admiration and respect.

As Rowena turned to face her, Naida offered a graceful bow and was dressed in her usual elegant red garments.

"I wanted to talk to you, but with so much going on, I couldn’t find the time until now," Rowena confessed, her voice tinged with the weight of her responsibilities and the turmoil that had kept her from seeking out this conversation sooner.

Naida, upon lifting her gaze, expressed her understanding with a complicated look, "I understand. It’s one of the reasons I didn’t want to disturb you. And the other reason was that I…feel ashamed to show my face to you. I have failed as the Lady of my House and also as your senior. If you still feel upset or hate me, then I am willing to accept any punishment and won’t hold it against you," she said, her voice heavy with guilt and remorse.

"Even if the punishment involves me telling you to never meet him again?" Rowena asked, her voice cold and firm.

Naida’s eyes briefly shook, and she answered without any hesitation, "It’s better to grant me death, Your Majesty, or so I would have said if not for my daughter, who still needs me in her life. But it doesn’t change the fact that I can’t stop loving him, and if I can’t see him…then I am afraid I might not be the same anymore. But you are his wife, and you have every right to decide what you want to do with me."

Saying so, Naida began to kneel, offering herself up for whatever judgment Rowena deemed fit.

However, Rowena’s eyes flickered with memories of the past and quickly intervened, stepping forward to prevent Naida from completing her act of submission, "You don’t have to kneel before me, Aunty Naida. It’s true that I was deeply disappointed and upset that you of all people did something like that," she admitted, her calm demeanor masking the complexity of her feelings while Naida stood up with her eyes brimming with heavy emotions.

Rowena continued, "But when Asher told me what happened, I couldn’t bring myself to stay angry at you. After all, you saved him in that tower, and considering the circumstances, I can’t say it’s completely your fault. You also were my mother’s only friend in a world like this, and when things got hard at times, you were there for me, even though I was too distracted to take your hand," she reflected as memories of the days that followed her mother’s death flashed in her mind.

Naida, visibly moved by Rowena’s words, looked up, her expression softened by the warmth of the forgiveness offered to her, "Your mother was like a sister to me. We have been close for our entire lives. That’s why I feel even more guilty for hurting you when your mother had always told me to look after you in case she wasn’t nearby. But you are strong, and you never needed my help. She would be proud of who you have become," Naida responded, her words a blend of apology and admiration.

Rowena’s gaze turned introspective, a silent yearning for the presence of her parents momentarily clouding her eyes, "I wish Mother and Father were here. If they were here, our kingdom might not be suffering like this," she murmured, her voice carrying the weight of loss and the burden of rulership that had been thrust upon her shoulders.

Naida grasped Rowena’s hand with gentle firmness, her gaze locking with Rowena’s, "If not for you, we wouldn’t have easily recovered after your father left this world. Even members of your own family were out to get your throne. But you stood strong, and you established control again. And now, with Asher by your side, it’s only a matter of time before our kingdom rises again. I am sure your mother would have said the same thing if she was here," she declared, her belief in Rowena’s leadership and resilience unwavering.

Rowena, touched by Naida’s conviction, nodded softly, finding solace in the thought, "It does sound like something she would have said," she agreed.

Curiosity, mingled with a need for connection, prompted Rowena to venture into more personal territory, "But what about Asher made you fall in love with him?" she inquired.

Naida’s response was a soft smile, her eyes alight with the warmth of fond recollection, "I am sure we fell in love for similar reasons. I don’t know how to put it, but he is unlike any man I have ever met. He knows how to love someone...a trait this world had always looked down upon and especially the people surrounding us," she mused, her words painting Asher as a beacon of tenderness in a realm often bereft of such warmth.

Rowena’s expression softened, a sense of kinship and understanding blossoming between them as she considered the unique qualities that had drawn them both to Asher, "I can’t agree more. Maybe my mother took a liking to him even when he was soulless because she might have recognized he had such a trait in him. Maybe my father did as well. It could be a reason why he brought us together," she pondered aloud.

Naida firmly nodded, "Your parents knew what was best for you, and they did everything to make you happy. Now I will do everything I can to support you however you want," she affirmed, her resolve unshakable.

Rowena felt moved by Naida’s dedication, "Thank you, Aunty Naida. We should meet more often," she said, her voice imbued with a newfound hope and a desire to get closer to the woman whom her mother and husband loved.

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In an opulent chamber adorned with walls painted in hues of pinkish-red, a young lady stood before a grand mirror, the reflection capturing a moment of innocent vanity and anticipation.

The room, bathed in the filtered crimson glow of the afternoon sun, was further brightened by vases of roses that adorned every corner, their fragrance infusing the air with an essence of fresh bloom and subtle allure.

Her ruby red hair, long and voluminous, cascaded down her waist, shimmering with each stroke of her comb.

However, her hair wasn’t tied up in the usual twin-tailed style and instead she let them flow down like a gentle waterfall, giving her a more mature look and allure.

Feeling happy with the new styling of her hair, Silvia hummed a mirthful tune, her mind a whirlwind of questions and aspirations, "Will he like it this way or this way?" she pondered aloud, her fingers dancing through her tresses, each movement a silent query to an unseen judge.

But when she looked down at her chest, she pouted, feeling disappointed every time she looked at it.


The sudden knock at the door broke her concentration, causing her to startle and turn, only to be greeted by the familiar and comforting presence of her mother.

"Someone is looking very pretty. I wonder for which lucky man you are dolling yourself up for," Naida remarked, her voice laced with amusement and warmth as she stepped into the room.

Silvia’s reaction was immediate, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson as she stammered with pursed lips, "N- Nobody in particular," her voice barely above a whisper, betraying the turmoil of emotions that her mother’s gentle teasing had stirred within her.

Naida, ever perceptive, smiled knowingly, embracing her daughter lovingly, "Is that so? Then why is your heart beating so loudly? Could it be because you are thinking of a certain man?" she probed gently, her intuition cutting through Silvia’s half-hearted denial.

Caught in the gentle interrogation of a mother’s curiosity, Silvia found herself at a loss for words, her usual confidence dissolving under her mother’s affectionate gaze, "Silvia...Silv..." she faltered, feeling embarrassed and nervous.

"It’s fine. Mother will support you no matter which man in the world you want to pursue as long as he will make you happy. It’s the least I can do for my beautiful daughter," she declared, her hand gently caressing Silvia’s face, a gesture that lit up Silvia’s face.

"R-Really? Even if that man is very powerful and is...married to more than one powerful woman?" Silvia asked, her voice tinged with both hope and nervousness, especially since one of those women was the queen of this very kingdom!

Naida narrowed her eyes as she offered her perspective, "A woman’s heart knows no limits when it comes to love. So it is up to you. Ask yourself how far you are willing to go to love someone. If you can’t answer that yet, then don’t do anything. But if you manage to find out...then you will know what to do."

Silvia, inspired by her mother’s words, felt a newfound determination to explore the depths of her feelings, "Then Silvia shall find out the answer first," she resolved, her eyes narrowing with purpose.

But her eyes then landed on her mother’s perfectly shaped and round chest and quickly scanned her top to bottom, standing tall at just short of 6 feet, "But…he only likes women with breasts at least as big as yours. Silvia’s breasts are so small and pitiful, just like her height. Even that meanie Sabina has bigger ones and is taller than Silvia," Silvia said as her face withered with disappointment at her proportions.

Naida softly chuckled as she briefly covered her lips before saying, "My little rose, you worry too much. You are not even 65 years old. When I was your age, I was just like you. Short and small in certain ways. Don’t I always tell you that you look like me when I was your age?"

Silvia pursed her lips and slowly nodded, "Silvia knows. But still…"

"It depends on our bloodline and other factors, but in general, vampires like us can keep growing until we are around 100 to 110 years old. We women reach our prime around that age. You must have already noticed how your height increased a tad bit within the last year. Just give it time, and you will become the most beautiful woman in our kingdom, and those who laughed will hide in shame and envy," Naida said reassuringly as she caressed Silvia’s face.

"Then Silvia will gladly wait for that day!" Silvia said as her eyes glowed with excitement and anticipation of the future while dreaming of various scenarios involving getting admired by that man.

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