The Damned Demon Chapter 513 I Am Not Worthy

Chapter 513 I Am Not Worthy

Rachel noticed the swift change in her father’s demeanor—a shadow crossing his face, making her feel nervous.

However, she suppressed her nervousness and asked casually in a low voice, "Is something wrong, dad?" Derek was momentarily caught in the grip of an eerie sensation upon seeing the image of this young man on his tablet.

But what particularly froze his gaze was the golden eyes of this man, giving him an eerie sensation as a certain man’s face surfaced in his mind.

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However, he regained his composure at the sound of Rachel’s voice. His gaze focused as he met her questioning look, "Did you really recommend a cripple?" he inquired, his tone reflecting surprise rather than disapproval.

Rachel exhaled, a mixture of relief and resolve in her breath, "I recommended him for the role of a Combat Advisor. An advisor doesn’t need to match a Hunter in physical prowess but must possess the knowledge and experience to guide them. So I believed it didn’t matter if he was no different than a manaless person."

Derek’s curiosity was piqued, his eyes narrowing slightly as he sought to understand Rachel’s unexpected endorsement, "You are not wrong, but who is this man, and why did you recommend him? For you to vouch for him suggests a level of familiarity."

Rachel’s explanation bridged the gap of mystery as if she expected such a question, "I recommended him because my best friend vouched for him. If you delve into his background, it’ll become clear, dad."

Derek returned his attention to the tablet, murmuring in discovery, "An orphan Logan rescued from criminals 24 years ago and raised in secrecy? How come this is news to me?"

"Perhaps, like Arthur’s father, Uncle Logan felt this boy wouldn’t be safe until he could stand strong on his own. Tragically, he was crippled during a quest," Rachel explained, sadness tinging her voice.

Derek nodded, understanding dawning on him, " does seem like something that a soft-hearted man like Logan would do, who opens orphanages every other day. Maybe he discovered the potential of this boy early and secretly trained him. Unfortunately, he must be quite sad that such a promising boy is now a cripple."

"He is far more skilled than what you must be thinking, dad. Even I was surprised when he took down Bernard in an impromptu spar. Of course, it was a spar based on the ’no mana’ rule but nevertheless, his combat skills are unparalleled,"

Derek furrowed his brows and said, "Is Logan that good of a teacher to make an orphan this skilled?"

Rachel felt a bit tense but she answered calmly with a smile, "Dad, even Amelia became a great Hunter without depending much on her father. They are a natural at this."

Derek nodded, "Hmm…Logan had always been lazy, making it hard for anyone to gauge his true potential. It seems like we might be the only Elite family who aren’t raising any secret prodigy, though it’s not like we need to when we have you. But…who is this woman accompanying him?"

Rachel immediately answered, "She’s just someone he knew from the orphanage. Apparently, Ash trusts her a lot, and they got crippled together during their last quest. Maybe they have a strong bond because of the same past they shared."

Derek hummed, but then he placed the tablet on the table and said with a heavy look, "But I am sorry, Rachel. I don’t think you should let him take the role of a Combat Advisor. It could unsettle the balance we’ve strived so hard to maintain. Questions will arise, and problems like those Bernard brought to light could surface, potentially destabilizing our carefully constructed system."

Rachel’s face was a picture of disappointment, her plea barely beginning, "But dad-"

"Not to mention the unknown factors surrounding him doesn’t make me feel at ease if he’s too close to you. I already have too much blood on my hands after what Cedric and Victor did by putting our trust in them. But this man...he is the kind you shouldn’t trust even if he is the only one in the world. For sure, we cannot let him look over the Starfire Cadre. I am afraid Bernard isn’t necessarily in the wrong here," Derek said with a shake of his head.

Rachel felt a bit taken aback by her father’s words. Why was he so strongly against someone he never met?

Yet her determination didn’t wane, "Then what are you suggesting, dad? We cannot simply cast him aside. Amelia and her father...I owe them too much. She is the only true friend I have. Her and her family vouching for Ash speaks volumes of her trust in him. Don’t their words matter?"

Rachel feared her father would give such a response since she knew he was extra protective of her and wouldn’t trust people easily.

Derek’s features twisted into an expression of conflict, "Rachel, this is about more than personal loyalties. You are now the Legion Perfect. Your actions and endorsements carry weight. Associating closely with strangers, especially under questionable circumstances, could jeopardize your position and the image we’ve built. Our prestige, our worth, and our very essence are intertwined with how we are perceived by those we lead. But most of all, our actions affect the entire world, not only the WHA. We have to be responsible for every decision we make. Nobody else can be responsible for it."

Rachel let out a sigh with a mixture of resignation and resolve, "I understand your perspective, Dad, and I’m willing to step back and let Bernard take the helm for now. Yet, it seems wasteful to overlook someone so knowledgeable and experienced. What if we let him assemble a small team to begin with? If he meets our expectations, we could entrust him with more significant responsibilities."

Derek’s gaze shifted back to the digital portrait of this man known as ’Ash’, his features etched with a thoughtful intensity. Finally, he shifted his eyes to Rachel, his decision made, "Alright. We’ll give him a chance to prove himself. However, should he fall short of our expectations, we may have no choice but to let him go."

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Rachel’s smile, light and hopeful, broke through the gravity of their discussion, "I highly doubt Amelia would recommend someone inadequate, dad."

Derek, however, voiced a practical concern, his brow furrowed, "Still, he’ll need supervision. Your duties will preclude you from monitoring his progress consistently. So I will assign Arthur to look after these new people."

Rachel grew thoughtful, wondering why her father suggested Arthur who hasn’t even probably supervised anyone, "Are you sure about assigning him? Isn’t he new to all this?" However, Rachel didn’t feel too worried since she felt a demon like Asher should be able to handle a newbie like Arthur.

Derek’s response came with a confident nod, "Of course. It will also be an experience for Arthur so that one day he can lead his own team and become what Golden Prince failed to be."

The mention of the Golden Prince knitted Rachel’s brows, "Golden Prince? Is that the role you envision for Arthur?"

With a heavy sigh, Derek acknowledged, "Cedric’s betrayal left a profound impact on our world, Rachel. We need someone to mend the fabric of our society, and Arthur seems the most fitting for this mantle. He can earn back the trust and love of the people and potentially be the face of the WHA in the future."

A heaviness settled in Rachel’s chest upon hearing her father talking about replacing whatever was left of Cedric’s legacy with someone else.

Soon, the name ’Cedric’ or ’Golden Prince’ might be nothing but a tainted whisper in history. Does he really deserve that?

Yet, she masked her turmoil with a gentle smile, "You know best, Dad. But I reserve judgment until I’ve seen for myself whether he’s up to the task."

"Of course. But I am sure you won’t be disappointed. Maybe he could be the right know," Derek said with a meaningful look.

Rachel’s reaction was immediate, a mix of surprise and resistance, " can’t be serious. It hasn’t been long after what Victor did, and still-"

Derek, realizing the delicate nature of his proposal, interjected with a gentleness that belied his authoritative demeanor, "I didn’t mean it like that, Rachel," He stood up and walked over to her as he added, "I just don’t want your future to be affected because of the tragedy you went through. But I am not going to force anything on you. You can decide since last time things didn’t go well when I decided for you," He said as he placed his hands on her shoulders.

Rachel, trapped in a storm of her thoughts and memories, averted her gaze, "Dad, I...I don’t think I’ll ever be ready for this. You might find it hard to understand," After having given herself up to a demon and becoming his slave, she knew she was forever bound to him.

If anybody else found out, then she would be treated no differently than a demon or worse.

But this made her wonder what her father would do in case this nightmarish scenario happened.

Derek’s sigh was a soft echo in the room as he said, "You are my only child, Rachel. The thought of you being alone in the future pains your mom and me deeply. We won’t always be here for you. The future of our Sterling Family, our wishes, and the legacy of our ancestors rest on your shoulders. Only you can secure our lineage and carry on the duty of protecting our world."

Despite Derek’s affirmations, Rachel remained unconvinced, her gaze low. "I know, Dad. But I...I am not worthy."

"Why would you say that?" Derek’s voice held a note of confusion and reassurance, "No matter what tragedy you endure, it wouldn’t change who you are. We all have our scars. You are more than worthy, Rachel. More than any woman of your age. The world is open to you, and in time, I believe you’ll find someone right, once you’ve moved beyond your past."

Rachel met her father’s eyes briefly, her smile a faint glimmer of gratitude amidst the turmoil.

Was her dad really as bad as Asher was painting him to be? She couldn’t bring herself to believe that.

Stepping back, she signaled a return to her duties, "I should get back to work, Dad."

As she turned toward the door, Derek’s voice halted her departure, "One more thing, Rachel. You ever find out who caused the silly rumors of Cedric’s ghost being spotted during the Quest of the Worthy."

The question rooted Rachel in place momentarily before she faced her father, "It was probably nothing but a ploy by demons or other participants to terrify everyone into hiding. See you, Dad."

The moment Rachel left, Derek’s expression slowly hardened as he touched the elegantly carved blue eyepatch on his right eye.

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