The Damned Demon Chapter 537 A Sweet Liar

Chapter 537 A Sweet Liar

An hour ago,

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the aging brick of a school for orphaned kids, Arthur stepped into the quiet sanctuary with only the sound of his footsteps for company. He wandered the empty, echoing halls, his presence unnoticed except for a few helpers who nodded at him with smiles upon recognizing him.

"She is still here if you are wondering," One of the helpers said with a knowing smile as the others chuckled.

"I know, but…" Arthur placed his finger against his lips with a smile as if requesting their silence, to which they nodded with even wider smiles.

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Most of the classrooms he passed were shrouded in darkness, abandoned at the late hour, but a sliver of light ahead caught his attention. Drawn by the muffled sounds of laughter and chatter, Arthur approached a well-lit classroom and paused at one of the windows, careful to stay partly hidden in the shadows.

Peering inside, Arthur’s previously heavy eyes softened, a warmth spreading through him. Inside the room, surrounded by a circle of small, eager faces, was a dainty figure.

Her pale skin glowed under the fluorescent lights, her round, dark gray eyes sparkling with warmth and joy as her long black hair cascaded over her shoulders. However, she was seated, her body supported by a chair with wheels.

But despite being confined to a wheelchair, her presence was dynamic, filling the room with life. She was dressed simply in a shirt and pants, but it was her smile that transformed her attire into something graceful, especially as a dimple flashed with her laughter.

"Oh no! I had no idea it was getting this late after you all distracted me with your games," She exclaimed, looking at her watch with a playful gasp. Her voice was light and teasing, yet carried the gentle authority of a cherished mentor, "You naughty kids should be back in your rooms by now."

"Please stay a bit longer, Teacher Anna. We still have yet to hear the continuation of your story from yesterday," one child begged, his lower lip jutting out in a hopeful pout.

"Yes, yes! We need to know more about the kind and brave Hunter who saved the trapped princess in the tower! How will he defeat the monsters inside??" another child chimed in, her eyes wide with anticipation.

Anna sighed, her expression a mix of reluctance and affection, "Aw, I am so sorry. I was planning to continue that earlier, but now we all have to prepare to go to bed soon. And you all will have something to look forward to tomorrow."

A collective groan filled the room, but the children’s faces showed their deep affection for their teacher.

They didn’t press her further, understanding the gentle finality in her voice. As the kids slowly dispersed, Anna managed her electric wheelchair with graceful ease, herding the children out of the classroom like a mother duck with her ducklings.

Arthur watched silently, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. In the quiet solitude of the school’s hall, hidden from view, he felt a profound connection to the scene unfolding before him. It was moments like these, glimpses of simple, pure happiness, that reminded him why he fought so hard as a Hunter…to keep them, especially her, safe and happy. Under the gentle cloak of twilight, Arthur found himself drawn into an unspoken ritual, trailing silently behind Anna as she navigated the footpath in her electric wheelchair, oblivious to his presence. There was something profoundly peaceful in these moments, watching over her from a distance while giving her some time to herself to enjoy the cool air.

As they approached a modest-looking home, Arthur stopped, his figure melting into the darkness of a nearby tree as Anna entered her home. The door closed softly behind her, and only after a couple minutes, did Arthur finally start walking towards the home and knocked on the door.

As the door opened, Arthur’s lips arched into a warm smile, "I am back," he announced, his voice filled with warmth and contentment as he looked at the dainty figure before him, supporting herself with two crutches in her hands.

"I was thinking of you, and you have already come. Are you reading my mind secretly?" Anna’s voice was playful, her words dancing in the air between them as her smile deepened, revealing a charming dimple.

Arthur chuckled warmly, stepping inside to embrace her, "Please, Anna. If I was really able to read your mind, then I might have stayed with you 24/7," His arms wrapped around her in a tender hug, feeling comfortable and happy in her warmth.

Anna’s cheeks flushed a soft pink, her gaze lifting to meet his with a playful twinkle, "And why would that be?" she inquired, leaning into his touch.

"Because I know you will be thinking about me more whenever I am not here," Arthur replied, his hands cupping her face gently.

"You are one sweet liar... Looks like you know to read my mind after all," Anna whispered, her words a breathy echo as she leaned forward to seal their conversation with a kiss. The moment was gentle, their lips meeting in a tender dance.

Breaking the kiss, Anna took a step back with her crutches, her eyes alight with excitement, "Get cozy already. I am preparing something very tasty," she beckoned with a smile, turning towards the kitchen.

Arthur’s eyes brightened with interest, "Let me help you cook then. You must be feeling tired after teaching the kids all day," he offered, taking a step towards her.

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But Anna playfully blocked him with one of her crutches, "Of course not. It’s nothing compared to protecting the world like you do. And after dealing with those scary deserve more rest than me," she insisted, her tone firm yet affectionate. f𝚛ee𝐰𝗲𝐛n𝐨v𝚎𝗹.com

Arthur sighed, a trace of the day’s burdens momentarily shadowing his features.

Anna, noticing the shift, lifted his chin with a gentle touch, her eyes meeting his with unwavering warmth, "Why the long face? You were brave, and you did your best, as always. That is all that matters."

Her words were simple and direct, yet it relieved a part of the heaviness in his heart.

"So don’t let it weigh you down more than it should, and let’s eat dinner. I am famished as hell, and I bet you are too."

Reassured, Arthur’s smile returned, warm and grateful. He nodded, following her as she hobbled towards the kitchen, her undimmed spirit lifting up his.

The small kitchen was filled with the aroma of cooking, the sizzle of the pan mingling with the gentle hum of the evening. Arthur, leaning against the kitchen wall, watched Anna as she simply stood with grace despite her crutches propped against the counter. Her movements were fluid, undeterred by her physical limitations, her focus unwavering as she tended to the meal.

Catching his gaze, Anna’s cheeks colored with a faint blush, "Why are you staring at me like that? I thought I told you to just lie down for a while," she chided gently, a playful tone underlining her words.

"Because you are so amazing. I can’t get tired unless I am on a difficult quest. Even if my job is to protect the world, your job of looking after those kids who have no family from morning to evening is taxing in a different way. Yet you continue to be stubborn like this, working non-stop," Arthur replied, his voice filled with admiration and a touch of concern as he shook his head helplessly.

Anna turned to face him, a soft smile playing on her lips, "You know me. I easily get bored if I don’t keep myself busy or unless you are with me. But since you are a Hunter, you have no idea how much I am holding back from begging you to stay with me longer whenever I see you," she confessed, her eyes meeting his with an earnest warmth.

Arthur sighed, a sound of longing mixed with acceptance, as he returned her smile gently, "I wish I could," he murmured, his voice low and sincere.

"Don’t sigh now. Did I forget to mention I would hate it if you chose me over protecting this world? I know how much you want to make this world a better place while making your family proud, though they should be proud already," Anna encouraged him, her smile brightening the dimly lit kitchen.

Arthur’s expression softened further, "You always know how to lift me up."

Then a shadow crossed his face, a mix of concern and worry, as his gaze lingered on her legs supported by the crutches.

"I still don’t understand why none of the experts or doctors can come up with special mana-enhanced prosthetics to help you walk and run and do anything you want. We have made so many advancements in medicine and biotechnology using mana. Yet, all the best doctors say your case is too complicated," he murmured, the perplexity clear in his voice.

Anna turned towards him, her smile gentle and understanding, a softness in her beautiful eyes that always seemed to ease his worries, "It’s fine, Arthur Evangelion. You know I have been living like this almost my entire life, and now I can’t imagine a life without my trusty old crutches and wheelchair. This is my normal and I am able to do what I like with what I have now. That’s more than enough for me," she reassured him, her voice steady and sure.

Arthur’s expression softened, though a trace of sadness lingered, "I know. It’s just... I wish I could introduce you to everyone, or at least my family, without you feeling uncomfortable—even though you have no reason to feel so now," he admitted quietly, the underlying worry about his family’s acceptance and the world’s judgment momentarily surfacing.

He didn’t even tell Derek about her since his father might learn about her.

He wouldn’t have worried about these things if not for her feeling worried about them. But he also knew she only worried about them, thinking he would be put in a difficult position.

Anna’s smile widened, her hand reaching out to rest warmly on his chest, "We still have time. Even if I had my legs, I’d still only be a teacher and publish silly stories online. So you don’t have to think that my legs are holding me back. It’s just that you have only officially become a Hunter recently. I can’t forgive myself if you get stressed or bogged down by stupid rumors because of me. Nobody would want someone like me to be the potential wife of the world’s greatest Hunter. Everyone, including your family might hound you and I won’t be able to endure seeing you suffer like that," she spoke with an honesty that touched his heart.

Arthur opened his mouth to object, his instinct to reassure her that her concerns were unfounded.

Still, she gently pressed her finger against his lips, silencing him, "But... I won’t be like this forever. I promise you. One day I will no longer ask you to hide me," she whispered, her voice imbued with a quiet determination.

He smiled, a deep affection glowing in his eyes as he gently held her finger and lowered it, "That’s more than enough. But I also don’t want unnecessary attention to fall on you. I just want us to be together as long as possible without worrying about each other," he said, his voice thick with emotion, knowing that they could problem stay together more if he could do better as a Hunter.

Anna chuckled lightly, her eyes twinkling with mischief, "If you say that while looking at me with those charming eyes, I might just feel like trapping you with me 24/7," she teased, her laughter mingling with his.

She then raised her brows as if she suddenly remembered something, "Ah, I forgot to ask. How is your new and rude Combat Advisor? Today, you completed your first quest with him as your advisor, right?"

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