The Damned Demon Chapter 553 Pieces Of Her Heart

Chapter 553 Pieces Of Her Heart

Few weeks later,

Under a heavy, brooding sky that seemed to echo the mood of the mission, Asher, flanked by his fully armored protector, Eradicator, moved with purposeful strides from various lands in the Dracyra continent.

The landscape varied from stark, windswept plains to dense, ominous forests, each territory marking the domain of a different clan or kingdom. The journey was long, the negotiations intense and fraught with silent tensions and unspoken betrayals.

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As they left the hall of the last tribe—a reclusive group known for their fierce independence—Asher’s silhouette cut a frustrated figure against the dimming light of dusk.

The doors swung shut behind them with a resounding thud that seemed to seal yet another failure.

Asher paused just outside the entrance, his posture sagging slightly, a rare show of fatigue and disillusionment.

Turning to his stoic companion, whose presence was as silent as it was imposing, Asher vented, his voice a mixture of frustration and disbelief, "Another bunch of cowards. Even those who’ve suffered under draconians in the past, who’ve lost more than we did, are still falling for their cursed deals. Is loyalty so cheaply bought these days? Or are most of them like this in this world?"

Asher couldn’t help but realize the mentality of these demons the more he traveled and met various people over the past few weeks. He realized he had gotten used to the honorable way Rowena ruled his kingdom so much that he forgot for a moment what most demons were supposed to be like.

Eradicator simply looked at him in silence as if she wanted to agree to everything he pointed out.

Asher kicked at a small stone on the ground, watching it skitter into the shadows, "We’re running out of options. It’s like watching the sands slip through our fingers, and I’m just... I’m just not sure how to stop it."

He didn’t want to return and disappoint Rowena since she was the one who suggested reaching out to potential new allies who were offended by the draconians in the past since they would be more inclined to join hands.

He barely found the time to continue his plans on Earth and was so busy in this world that he didn’t even get much time to mess with Rebecca whenever he went to Earth. She must have been feeling quite lucky these past few weeks.

He felt so tempted to use force and fear to make these local demon leaders submit after they tried to put up airs before him. But he remembered Rowena’s words, restrained himself, and tried to be as diplomatic as possible.

However, all of them were blinded and seduced by the offers of the draconians and his own kingdom was starting to suffer already since so many allies cut off ties all of a sudden.


A small, delicate black head peered from beneath the shadows of Eradicator’s crimson cape. With piercing red eyes and two fluffy tails, the cat added a touch of whimsy to the otherwise intimidating figure of Eradicator.

Twilight climbed gracefully up Eradicator’s armored form, reaching the crest of her helmet. At the same moment, Eradicator, in a rare gesture of caretaking, pulled out a cool mana drink from her supplies and offered it to her king. Asher, observing the interaction with a light chuckle, remarked, "You are even observing when I get thirsty, huh?" His voice carried a mix of amusement and appreciation.


Eradicator responded with a silent nod, her stoic demeanor unchanged even as Twilight meowed at Asher, as if to claim some credit for the thoughtful gesture.

Asher shook his head with a smile, accepting the drink, but as he was about to take a sip, the slight noise of a stone slipping from behind a huge rock caught his attention. A pair of slender legs were squirming to hide themselves behind this huge rock as Asher slowly turned around.

"She is still here, huh?" Asher mumbled under his breath before raising his voice authoritatively, "Who is it here? Show yourself before I send my protector to cut you down!"

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"Yeek! Nooo!" The voice that replied was tinged with panic. From behind the large rock, a short, beautiful young lady with a petite figure emerged. Her ruby red eyes and long, voluminous red hair styled into ornamented pigtails that reached her ankles shone brightly against her red elegant skirt and gown adorned with frills.

Asher shook his head and gestured for her to come closer with his finger, his expression stern.

The young lady pursed her lips and nervously walked towards Asher, trying to avoid his piercing gaze.

Once she was close enough, Asher looked down at her and asked in an inquisitive tone, his arms folded across his chest, "What are you doing here, Silvia? Don’t tell me you were stalking your king? Do you know it’s a crime to secretly follow like this?"

He knew she had been following him for days ever since he set out for this diplomatic mission, but he purposefully waited to see what she was planning to do. Silvia’s form seemed to shrink under Asher’s scrutinizing gaze. She winced, her nervousness palpable in the air, thick as the dust that blanketed the ground. Her eyes darted downwards, seeking refuge from his gaze.

Yet, as if summoning courage from the very earth beneath her, Silvia’s demeanor shifted subtly. From the folds of her reality, she conjured a rose, as crimson as the twilight sky. Holding it with both hands as though it were a fragile promise, she extended it towards Asher, her voice a whisper of leaves, "S-Silvia wanted to give this to you."

Asher couldn’t help but chuckle at the unexpected gesture, his voice echoing slightly, "You wanted to give me a rose? That is why you followed me like a thief?" he asked, amusement lacing his words as he observed her.

Silvia pressed the rose against her face, the petals a screen behind which she hid her flushing cheeks. She nodded slowly, her actions speaking of a timid affection and a silent admiration she harbored from afar, too embarrassed to confess.

Taking the rose from her hands, Asher brought it to his nose, inhaling the fragrance that seemed imbued with a mystical essence, "And why are you offering me this?" he queried with a smile.

Hearing his question, Silvia rubbed her fingers together, her face blooming with a blush as vivid as the rose itself. Her voice, barely above a murmur, carried her heartfelt confession, "S-Silvia plans to offer as many roses to you as she can. E-Each rose carries a piece of Silvia’s heart. S-So you can’t throw it away....okay?"

Asher chuckled in disbelief, feeling touched and amused by the earnestness and simplicity of her gesture. He couldn’t believe that this shy and embarrassed young lady was the one who tried to seduce him in a not-so-spectacular way so many times before.

Does she really like him for her to act like this? Asher thought as he wondered if this was her true nature. Thinking about it, whenever she tried to seduce him, it did seem like she was trying to force it, wanting to do something that wasn’t within her nature at all. However, they were all hilarious in a way, especially when she tried to seduce and kidnap him during the Quest of the Worthy.

He caressed the crimson rose gently between his fingers, the petals soft and vibrant, "I shall think about it and keep it if you can be a good girl," he said, his voice carrying a playful yet firm undertone.

"Silvia will be good!" Silvia eagerly responded, her ruby eyes lighting up as she looked up at him with a mixture of hope and determination.

"Good. Now that we have got that cleared, why don’t you run back home now?" Asher suggested, his brow raised slightly as he wondered how she hadn’t grown tired or bored of shadowing him in this harsh climate for days on end.

Silvia’s expression quickly shifted to a pout, her hands reaching out to clutch at his robes. She fixed him with a look that was all puppy-dog eyes and imploring glances, "Please don’t send Silvia away. Silvia wants to follow you and return home together. Silvia will be good. Promise," she pleaded, her voice soft and coaxing.

Asher sighed, a mix of exasperation and amusement evident in his expression, "Fine. There is still one more stop... The Nightshade Kingdom. Are you sure you want to come over there? Even if they were once our ally, we are in their bad books now," he warned, assessing her readiness for what could be a challenging diplomatic endeavor.

Silvia nodded vigorously, her determination undimmed, "Mn, mn. Silvia wants to. Mother told Silvia that they have lots of beautiful places within their kingdom. Silvia wants to see them too," she declared fervently with a hint of mischief in her eyes, making Asher easily guess that she wants to more than just sightsee.

"They not only have that but very important resources that could help our kingdom. Only the devils would know whether we could succeed in winning their confidence again," Asher mumbled, pondering the gravity of their task. This mission to the Nightshade Kingdom was a gamble, but one that Rowena had stressed could turn the tide if successful—even if all else failed. But it was also the most difficult one, which was why he put it away for the last.

Even Rowena tried to earn their trust again a couple of years ago, and she still failed. So he couldn’t help but doubt whether he could pull it off since he was only getting used to playing a diplomat in these political scenarios.

"Fine then. You can tag along, but if you cause any trouble...I will spank you," Asher warned with a stern look as he turned to continue their journey along with Eradicator.

Silvia followed with an excited giggle, her spirits undampened by his warning. Her footsteps light on the ground, she seemed more invigorated by the fact that she gets to follow him than deterred by the potential dangers.

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