The Damned Demon Chapter 559 The Woman With The Red Eyes

Chapter 559 The Woman With The Red Eyes

Asher rose to his feet, politely smiling with a hint of relief, "I am glad to see that things have finally turned out good for your granddaughter."

Asher never thought the one thing he wished for the most would happen today. Fortunately, a miracle made his wish come true and now the only other survivor of that tragic day was finally sane.

He can finally not at least return empty handed and give some good news to Rowena.

Kayla, her expression soft and imbued with quiet dignity, returned Asher’s sentiment with a respectful bow and a smile that reached her eyes. Her gaze then drifted towards Silvia, a subtle flicker of complexity passing through her eyes.

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Lakhur, standing beside his granddaughter, allowed a brief smile to touch his lips as he acknowledged the silent hero of the hour, "It’s all thanks to that young lady sitting behind you," he said, nodding towards Silvia with profound gratitude and then gestured towards Kayla, "Even though I insisted she rest, she wanted to personally come and thank you for bringing her back to us."

Silvia shifted her feet as if uncomfortably and lowered her gaze as she mumbled, "Silvia didn’t do much..."

"Haha. How modest of you," Lakhur chuckled, his laughter a warm rumble in the quiet hall. He never thought the troublemaker of House Valentine would turn out to be the savior of his bloodline.

However, Kayla stepped forward towards Silvia, "You might feel like that, but you gave me back my life. I am forever in your debt, Young Lady Silvia," She said, her tone earnest as she addressed Silvia, towering slightly over her petite figure.

"You really are? But you seemed happier before S-Silvia showed you..." Silvia’s voice trailed off, her gaze still downcast, remembering what happened.

"You are right. I might have been happier when I believed that I was still a child and my parents and brother were still around. But that was only a prison of false happiness in which I was trapped. Now, I am back to a painful reality, but I am finally free from a cruel fate. So you don’t have to feel guilty," Kayla reassured her, a wistful smile playing on her lips. The pain was still fresh in her heart and yet she couldn’t help but feel a great sense of relief to feel herself again.

Silvia slowly lifted her head, a hesitant smile blooming as she sought confirmation, "Mn. Does this mean... you will still be friends with Silvia?" she asked, her eyes hopeful.

Kayla reached out, gently taking Silvia’s hands in hers, "Always. How can I forget a friend like you?"

Asher watched the exchange, a warmth spreading through him as he witnessed Silvia forming a genuine bond, something he knew was a first for her. He felt a flicker of pride, sure that Naida would share his sentiment.

However, as the pleasantries continued, the unresolved questions gnawed at him.

Clearing his throat to reclaim the room’s attention, he interjected with a respectful but firm tone as he looked at Kayla, "I know I am being rude and overstepping here... But I have to ask. Do you remember what happened that day?"

Upon hearing his question, a shadow seemed to pass over Kayla’s face, erasing her smile as she sensed the weight of Asher’s inquiry.

Lakhur, noticing the change in his granddaughter’s demeanor, felt a ripple of worry and turned towards Asher, his face etched with concern.

"I also badly want to know the same as you, King Asher. But my granddaughter has just recovered, and we can talk about this later," Lakhur said, his voice tinged with caution, hoping to shield Kayla from further stress.

Asher’s features tightened, the desperation clear in his eyes as he responded, "I know, but one of our kingdom’s greatest losses was our queen and her dragon. It affected not only my kingdom greatly but also my wife. For years, and even now, she has been waiting for an answer to what happened, and I feel miserable seeing her wait like that."

Asher knew what hurt Rowena the most before her father died was the loss of her mother when she was still a child. As someone who also lost his mother when he was a kid, he understood her pain more than anyone.

Even if she never mentioned it after that one time he gave her the necklace, he knew her heart was always burdened by not knowing what happened.

Lakhur sighed and was about to say something, when Kayla gently touched his arm, drawing his attention back to her, "Kayla?" he asked, his voice softening.

Stepping forward with a resolve that belied her recent turmoil, Kayla offered a soft smile, "He is right, Grandfather. The Bloodburn Queen lost her mother, and just like you, she must be feeling greatly troubled for not knowing what happened."

Lakhur’s expression softened, a mixture of resignation and understanding crossing his features as he nodded slowly.

Kayla then turned to Asher, her gaze earnest, "I have to tell you that my mind had greatly suppressed those memories because of whatever happened to me. So forgive me if I end up not being helpful after I try to remember what happened."

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Asher’s face brightened with a relieved smile, gratitude shining through, "It doesn’t matter. I am grateful that you are willing to at leastgive it a try."

With a nod of acknowledgment, Kayla took a deep breathand closedher eyes, her features set in concentration as she reached inward, searching for the suppressed memories lurking in the depths of her mind.

Silence enveloped the room, thick with anticipation. Lakhur watched his granddaughter with a furrowed brow, his concern palpable. Silvia and Asher stood by, holding their breaths, the air filling with tension.

Kayla’s lips parted, her voice wavered, her eyes closed but seeing a world far removed from the safety of the castle, "It’s...very cold...I smell blood but I can’t see anything past a few meters..." In the depths of her memories, she found herself standing in a bleak landscape, a snowy and fog-enshrouded scene that sent shivers down her spine.

Asher and Lakhur leaned forward, their expressions taut with anxiety, hanging on every word.

Kayla’s face contorted with fear as her mental landscape revealed more horrors, "I see someone standing there....It’s a woman..." she murmured, her voice trembling as she described the ominous figure amidst the carnage.

Asher’sand Lakhur’s brows knitted in concern and surprise. Asher quickly interjected, his voice urgent,"Are you sure there is only one? Do you see anyone else?" Asher knew there was probably only one mastermind behind this but to kill so many, she should definitely have had some help.But he was surprised to hear it was a woman. Who could it be? Could it be really...

Kayla shook her head, her distress mounting, "N-No...I..." Her words faltered as the shadow in her vision turned, revealing chilling red eyes that seemed to pierce through the fog and straight into her soul, "S-She is looking at me. Her eyes are red and filled with bloodlust. She must be a vampire. S-She is walking towards me...I-I can’t stay here..."

"No. You have to. It’s just a memory.You are safe," Asher pressed, his voice laced with desperation, needingher to push through the fear to gather more clues.

Lakhur’s face was a mask of conflict, torn between his protective instincts and his desperate need for answers. His heart ached to see Kayla so tormented, but he understood the importance of her testimony.

Silvia, though silent, mirrored the tension in the room, herhandsclutchingher frock tightly, as if trying to hold onto something tangible amidst the rising storm of emotions.

"S-She is wearing a black gown a-and..." Kayla stuttered, her voice rising in panic as the shadow figure approached rapidly. Just as the spectral hand reached towards her face, Kayla let out a terrified scream, "NO!!!" The scream reverberated off the stone walls, full of raw horror, before she suddenly fainted.

Lakhur reacted instantly, his reflexes snapping him forward to catch Kayla before she could hit the ground, "Kayla!" he exclaimed, cradling her gently, his eyes wide with shock and fear.

Suddenly, a flurry ofservants,swiftly and silently entered like a well-orchestrated ballet of urgency and care.

Lakhur, with a firm and commanding tone, handed over the unconscious Kayla to the waiting servants, "Make sure she gets proper rest and tell the royal physician to be with her until I tell him not to," he directed sharply, his voice carrying the weight of his concern and authority.

The servants nodded, their movements efficient as they carefully transferred Kayla onto a portable bed, her figure dwarfed by the plush cushions that cradled her.

They moved with practiced ease, disappearing through the ornate doors, the soft murmur of their steps fading into the distance.

Lakhur then turned to face Asher, who stood enveloped in a cloak of deep thought, hisfeatures shadowed by the gravity of what he heardand his fists clenchingas Rebecca’s face flashed in his mind.

Silvia felt a shiver down her spine upon feeling how Asher’s briefly yet drastically pulsed with killing intent. Her round ruby eyes were glued onto him, her expression anxious as she wondered what he was thinking about.

Lakhurgavea heavy lookat Asheras he sighed, "I am sorry, but this is the best I can do for you. I can’t let Kayla go through any more difficulty. I can’t take any more risks that could affect her mind.."

Asher, his expression cold and distant, slowly nodded, still lost in his thoughts.

However, after a moment, his features relaxed, and helooked back atLakhurwith understanding, "I understand. I won’t trouble you or your granddaughter further," he conceded, the resignation in his voice tinged with respect.

Lakhur, slightly taken aback by Asher’s sudden acquiescence, softened his stance further, his expression conveying a mix of gratitude and newfound respect, "Thank you for understanding, King Asher. But I won’t forget what happened today, especially the miracle caused by your arrival. So, I am willing to let our kingdoms join hands and help your kingdom against the draconians. That is the least I should do now that my kingdom has hope."

Asher’s expression shifted from relief to a more resolved and hopeful demeanor. He gave a respectful nod, acknowledging the significance of Lakhur’s offer, "Thank you, King Lakhur. This means a lot. I am surebothour kingdoms will only benefit from us becoming allies again. I promise you won’t regret it."

Lakhur’s smile waslight,yet sincere, reflecting a burgeoning trust, "I have only known you for a day, yet I feel confident in your words. So I will hope and look forward to a better future for both of our kingdoms, King Asher."

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