The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 264

In truth, flowers are an exceedingly inconvenient gift.

Unable to tuck them into my pocket, I carried a single bloom with me. Upon seeing this, Charlotte simply told me to discard it. Whether she found it pitiful or had some other reason, I could not tell.

I really threw the hand fan Charlotte had given me amongst the flowers.

"Wow... You actually threw it away."

Charlotte seemed somewhat flustered.

"...Didn’t you say to throw it away?"

"What, so the gift I gave you is just trash?"

"I merely prioritized the princess’s command."

"...Really, why do people act like this?"

"Do you feel upset? If you’re upset, just carry it with you again."

"You know, Reinhardt, the moment you threw it away after I told you to, it was already over."

"I made a mistake."

"Could you at least recognize that it’s better for you to not say anything in situations like this? And I hate it even more when I tell you to throw it away, and then you actually do and say things like this."


"At least respond!"


Charlotte shook her head wearily, as if exhausted.

There was another reason why I threw it away, but I did not say it.

As Charlotte could not tell me the reason she gave me the hand fan, it was just like that.

No passersby recognized Charlotte, perhaps due to the memory inhibition magic.

I first met Charlotte at the beginning of this year. However, it felt like a distant, long-lost memory.

A girl dying in a prison cell.

I did not know who Charlotte was. Only later did I find out that she was a princess, which complicated matters, but in the end, I was able to arrive at the imperial capital because of that.

If I had not met Charlotte, would I have been able to safely escape the demon realm?

If I had not come to the imperial capital, what would have become of me?

Though it’s pointless to speculate, I couldn’t help but feel overwhelmed by what might have happened.

I might have lived as a nobody or wandered in the wasteland until I died. That vague thought was all that crossed my mind.

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All of this began with meeting Charlotte in that prison cell.

Charlotte is my beginning.

"...Your eyes look like those of an old man. What on earth are you thinking while looking at me?"

"I-I never!"

Charlotte’s expression soured, as if she found my gaze unpleasant. While admiring the flowers, she spoke as we walked.

"You’ve always been strange, but lately, you seem even stranger."

"...What is it?"

"It’s like you’re teetering on the edge, filled with anxiety and impatience."

I am not like Charlotte.

I cannot manage my expressions. So when something is bothering me, the others notice and try to help me feel better, even if it’s just a change of mood.

"I don’t know what’s making you so anxious, but why not try to relax your shoulders a bit?"

Charlotte is worried about me.

Even when she has her own problems to deal with, she thinks of me.

Is this really the time for me to be concerned?

You have your own issues, after all.

I was torn between the urge to ask her about it and the feeling that I shouldn’t say anything.

"Since I told you to relax, why are you getting even more tense?"

Charlotte heaved a deep sigh. She was walking slightly ahead of me. As classes had just ended not long ago, the sun had not yet set.

Charlotte’s platinum blonde hair dazzled in the autumn sunlight.

She had regained her health from her previous frail state. It was only natural, but this appearance suited her far better.


While admiring the flowers, Charlotte suddenly startled and instinctively grabbed my arm.

"What, what’s wrong? Why are you doing this?"

"A bee, it’s because of the bee. Phew..."


Charlotte’s sudden surprise was due to a bee.

It wasn’t even a wasp, but a honeybee. The honeybee flitted amongst the flowers and then vanished.

"I thought something big happened..."

"What! Really, sometimes I think you completely forget. I grew up so gracefully, you know?"

Charlotte frowned upon seeing my reaction.

She had indeed grown up gracefully.

It was an excessive modesty for her to say so. The mere fact that a princess said, "I grew up gracefully," was already adorable.

She had grown up exceedingly gracefully, though she had faced some harsh experiences.

"But if you like flowers, why are you afraid of bees?"

If you like flowers, isn’t it natural to encounter bees?

"...I don’t have those in my garden, okay?"

Could the palace garden be managed at such a level?

Nonetheless, compared to the hardships she had faced, wasn’t a bee nothing more than a speck of dust on her foot? Charlotte stuck out her tongue.

"Really, I can see right through you. Bees are an unknown fear to me. I’ve never been stung in my life, regardless of what I’ve been through. It’s natural to be afraid of the unknown, understood?"

"I get that you’re talkative."

"You really don’t spare any words for a princess, do you?"

Charlotte burst into laughter, seemingly in disbelief.

Though she said that, she seemed to be in a good mood.

Charlotte loved flowers.

But she was afraid of bees.

I learned that once again. Seeing the presence of bees amongst the beautiful flowers along the riverside, Charlotte kept a slight distance from the flowers.

Charlotte must have grown up in a garden with only butterflies.

I sometimes forget how precious her upbringing was, but I’m reminded at times like this.

Charlotte, unable to approach the flowers she loved due to the bees, laughed without energy.

"Reinhardt, have you ever been stung by a bee?"

"I have, yes."

"Does it hurt a lot?"

"It hurts quite a bit."

"That much?"

Charlotte widened her eyes and stared at me.

"It’s not enough to kill you. It hurts for a short while, that’s all."

There could be cases of anaphylaxis or similar shocks, which would be dangerous, but otherwise, it was just pain.

"Should I try getting stung?"

Charlotte said so and attempted to approach the flowers nearby.

"Is there any need for such antics?"

"Is there?"

Charlotte scratched her cheek and grinned a bit foolishly. She watched the honeybees buzzing among the flowers from a safe distance.

"Unknown things are frightening, aren’t they?"

"...They are."

Although there is fear in knowledge, the unknown is equally terrifying.

Charlotte keeps her distance from the bees out of fear of the unknown. She makes sure not to get too close.

Charlotte is afraid of something.



"Thank you for playing with me today."

Charlotte’s words were strange.

I was the one who asked Charlotte to play.

Charlotte agreed to spend time with me, but she didn’t ask me to spend time with her. I was the one who clung to her first.

Did Charlotte actually want to spend time like this?

Charlotte gazed at me with a pleased smile.

"I should be going now. If I return too late, there will be an uproar at the palace. I live in a place with surprisingly strict rules, you know. I’ve been busy lately too."

Charlotte said, waving her hand.

"The palace route is that way, so I’ll go that way."

"Ah... Yes."

If she were to head to the palace, she would have to go in that direction, and there was no reason for me to accompany her to the temple.

Though it was abrupt, it wasn’t strange. If Charlotte returned late, there would indeed be a commotion.


In the end, I couldn’t say anything.

I didn’t ask her anything.

In the end, all I got from Charlotte in this situation was a single flower with an ominous meaning that I could not accept.

"Goodbye, Reinhardt."

For some reason, Charlotte’s words felt like a farewell.

I know nothing.


A powerful conviction told me that if I let Charlotte go now, I would never see her again.

My intuition spoke.

If I let her go like this, today would be the last time I see Charlotte.

That’s why I grabbed Charlotte’s arm as she was heading back to the palace.


"Huh? Yes? Why?"

"Show me your home."


After asking her to play, now I wanted her to show me her home.

Why do I always have serious reasons that lead to bizarre actions?

As expected.

There was some resistance.

Visiting a friend’s house is within the realm of possibility.

However, the situation was different when said friend was the emperor’s daughter, and I was a commoner born from the mud.

"No. Absolutely not. Why are you suddenly like this?"

Charlotte did not get angry at my sudden request, but she firmly refused.

"I just want to see what kind of magnificent palace you live in."

My candid expression seemed to startle Charlotte.

"Why are you suddenly like this? Later, on a weekend or when we have time, I’ll invite you."

"Today! It must be today! I am the type of person who must do things when they come to my mind! When I fought against the Orvis Class, I thought of it that day and took them down right away! You know that, right?"

"I know, but why are you suddenly like this…"

As anyone could predict, I threw a tantrum.

Charlotte looked at me as if she was losing her mind.

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Maybe she thought it wouldn’t work on me because I’m the type to act like a brat indiscriminately.

She said no several times, but finally, she sighed deeply and decided to take me with her.

I did force her, but it was surprising that she complied.

Has the commotion about the death subsided?

"Haah… Why am I…"

Of course, it wasn’t an easy decision for her, so Charlotte glared at me with daggers in her eyes.

"Why the palace all of a sudden?"

"I told you. I want to see the amazing palace my friend lives in."

I, too, wouldn’t want to be rude to a princess, no matter how close we are as friends.

However, I couldn’t let Charlotte go just like that, even though I couldn’t know anything and she didn’t tell me anything.

Moreover, the new trait called intuition.

The strong premonition it sent was crucial.

I can’t let Charlotte go today. If I do, I’ll never see her again.

It wasn’t exactly a revelation, but it felt similar.

I headed to the palace, knowing absolutely nothing about the revolutionary forces and that Charlotte was involved in another issue.

Am I courting disaster?

Or am I walking into disaster?

I hope this isn’t the wrong choice.

Charlotte seemed anxious, but she was taking me to the palace.

The scale of the imperial palace is even larger than the temple.

It far exceeds the size of a district in Seoul, for comparison. Charlotte led me past the entrance of the palace.

Here, the princess’s face was like an identification card, and I, a student of the temple, could enter the palace with the princess’s approval and guarantee.

The security measures of the temple and the palace are the same.

So, there is no chance of my true identity being discovered. If my disguise with Sarkegaar’s ring were to be detected, it would have been detected at the temple long ago.

Charlotte, seemingly giving up, didn’t say anything about turning back.

"In the palace, I’ll say that I brought you here forcibly. So, only act like a brat to me. If others know the truth, they’ll obviously try to kill you."

Charlotte glared at me, and I grinned and nodded my head.

"Of course. I also act like this only when I know people well, you know?"

"… Please, Reinhardt. Sometimes, I really, sincerely dislike you, and now is one of those times. Isn’t it something you shouldn’t say to me, at least, since I am being lenient with your tantrums?"

"We’re friends, right?"

"Recognizing you as a friend might be one of the greatest mistakes of my life..."

Seeing Charlotte sigh, I chuckled.

"Well, at least it’s not your only mistake."

"Be quiet. I really feel like I’m in a bad mood."


I quickly quieted down as Charlotte seemed genuinely serious. We boarded a waiting tram as soon as we passed the main gate of the Imperial Palace Emperatos.

"There’s a tram here too?"

"Yes, because it’s so vast."

It was a tram prepared upon the announcement of the princess’s arrival.

We were the only passengers.

I pretended not to know, but I was aware.

Ludwig had been in the palace and had described it to me.

There are three tram lines within the palace.

A royal-exclusive line, a line for nobles and bureaucrats, and a line for everyone else.

We must have boarded the royal-exclusive line.

Unlike the tram at the Temple, there were no handrails for standing passengers, the interior design was luxurious, and there were fewer seats.

Nonetheless, without any annoying people recognizing the princess, Charlotte and I traveled around the palace like tourists on the tram.

I hadn’t thought I’d be in the palace this morning.

The palace had a different feel from the Temple.

While the Temple was lively, as it was mostly filled with students, the palace was solemn and quiet.

The passersby, whether they were nobles or bureaucrats, had stern expressions, clearly people of status.

Charlotte, having brought me here, also provided a tour.

"Do you see that? That’s the Imperial Palace Tetra, where His Majesty the Emperor resides."

Beyond the vast garden and fountain, Charlotte pointed to the palace.

It was a solemn-looking palace, more austere than ostentatious. In terms of splendor, the Royal Class dormitory was even more magnificent.

However, the grand and imposing palace seemed to represent the authority of the empire.

There was no need for opulence.

It seemed to say as much.

The pride of being the undisputed ruler of the continent meant there was no need for adornment.

The descriptions in my mind became more intricately realized.

The tram circled around the central Imperial Palace Tetra.

"Do you know about the palace?"

"Of course."

I couldn’t help but know.

Imperial Palace Emperatos

The Gladius Empire had invested great efforts in the construction of the palace while establishing the imperial capital.

Numerous magical barriers were laid out on the ley lines, and not only the walls but also the ley lines had hundreds of layers of intricate magical barriers to repel invasions and infiltration by impure forces.

"Surrounding the Imperial Palace Tetra, there are four main palaces in the cardinal directions. There are other palaces as well, but the largest ones, aside from the Imperial Palace, are those four. Starting from the north, they are called the Palace of Spring, Palace of Summer, Palace of Autumn, and Palace of Winter."

"I’ve heard of that."

"Do you know why they are named this way?"

"No, is there a reason?"


I knew, but seeing Charlotte enjoying herself while explaining, I just shook my head.

"In the early days of the empire, much attention was paid to the security of the Imperial Palace. That’s why there were hundreds of layers of magical barriers."


"Yes. As a result, the ley lines became distorted, and the mana in the surrounding area became unbalanced, causing strange phenomena."

"And then?"

"The four seasons suddenly appeared simultaneously within the Imperial Palace."


"Yes, really."

It was a side effect of the powerful magic applied. Excluding the center where the Imperial Palace stood, the four directions had the seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter.

"Of course, a lot of time has passed since then, and the phenomenon disappeared after maintenance, but it seems they couldn’t fix it for quite a while. So, the names of the palaces were not originally based on the seasons but eventually became the Palace of Spring, Palace of Summer, Palace of Autumn, and Palace of Winter, following the local seasons. Now even the Imperial Palace uses those names."

The tram continued to move, and as a palace came into view, Charlotte pointed it out.

"Over there is the ’Palace of Winter,’ where Berthus lives."

It was a palace with a dignified posture. Hearing the name ’Palace of Winter’ gave it a cold and eerie atmosphere.

Of course, it was much more pleasant than the High Castle Epiax.

The palace seemed lonely yet resilient, perhaps due to the person living there.

Berthus, who plotted from the Palace of Winter.

It seemed to suit him well.

Although the phenomenon of changing seasons had disappeared.

"Isn’t it a bit of a shame?" Charlotte suddenly said.

"What is?"

"How nice it would have been if that Berthus shivered in the Winter Palace."

How should I react to such a sudden comment?

As I was taken aback, Charlotte covered her mouth and giggled.

"I’m just kidding. If that were the case, Berthus wouldn’t have lived in the Winter Palace to begin with."

Although it was called the Palace of Winter, Berthus’s Winter Palace was actually experiencing autumn.

However, there was a winter-like feeling even though it was autumn. The reason could be found not in the palace, but in the garden.

Had I not described this part?

The vast garden in front of the Palace of Winter.

There wasn’t a single flower in sight. Although there were withering brown grass and shrubs, not a single flower could be found.


I couldn’t quite remember the description I had written long ago, but was Berthus’s Winter Palace garden always so barren?

I didn’t think I had described it that way.

I was certain there were flowers and flower beds in the description.

But why is it like that now?

Charlotte seemed to have sensed my confusion and spoke up.

"It’s desolate, isn’t it?"

"Well...yes, it is."

Should I say it’s typical of Berthus?

It had a sense of order but wasn’t ostentatious.

"It’s absurd to have a garden without a single flower bed."

Charlotte crossed her arms and clicked her tongue.

"Isn’t it childish? He removed all the flowers from his garden just because I like them. When I heard that, I wasn’t angry, but rather dumbfounded."

Unexpectedly, Berthus had a childish side.

Charlotte loved flowers.

For Berthus, that was reason enough to hate them.

My memory wasn’t wrong.

The reason there were no flowers in Berthus’s garden was because Charlotte, who loved flowers, was still alive.

So in the original story, there were flowers in the Winter Palace’s garden because Charlotte, who loved flowers, had died?

Since the reason to hate flowers had disappeared, it was okay to have flowers in his garden.

Is that what it was?

If Charlotte died, flowers would bloom in Berthus’s garden.

It was both childish and eerie, revealing their mutual hatred and resentment towards each other.

This must have been a setting I wasn’t aware of.

Charlotte grinned with a gloomy expression.

"You should have seen his face when I planted the uprooted flowers in my palace."

Berthus wasn’t the only childish one.

Charlotte was equally childish.

"Ah, we’ve arrived."

The tram had reached the northern Imperial Palace.

"Over there is the ’Palace of Spring,’ where I live."

The Palace of Spring.

Rather than the Palace of Spring, shouldn’t it be called the Palace of Flowers?

The garden was filled with blooming flowers, giving me that impression.

Not long ago, someone died there.

In the Imperial Palace, where everyone should be safe.

And in a place that should be particularly secure, someone had died.

Instead of the blooming flowers in the garden, I was curious about what was hidden beneath them.

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