The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 278

Chapter 278

It was not difficult to find Bertus, as he resided in the dormitory.

"…Mr. Temple?"


"Why all of a sudden?"

"Well, I just thought you’d be a worthy candidate."

Bertus seemed taken aback by the suggestion.

"What, are you trying to say that you won’t participate if I do?"

It seemed that this was the conclusion Bertus had arrived at.

In fact, he had told Ellen in the classroom today that he would participate in the tournament, so he had no choice but to do it.

"No, it’s not that. I’m just curious."

Regardless of the possibilities, winning Mr. Temple would give me nothing, save for the challenge achievement points. It would be far more beneficial for me to support another strong contender.

"I’m not sure why you’re curious about that, but I don’t think I’ll participate."

Although Bertus found it odd that I would ask such a thing, he provided an answer nonetheless.

I wondered why Bertus, who had participated in the original work, would not do so this time. If it was because his mind was preoccupied with Charlotte’s issue, I could understand. From Bertus’s perspective, Charlotte’s resurrection would be his greatest concern.

Bertus would not participate.

Then, it was impossible to know who would become Mr. Temple.

To gain both abilities, I needed to correctly guess both winners, but this situation complicated matters.

However, I couldn’t force Bertus to participate against his will.

If I were to become Mr. Temple, I would only receive one ability from the Miss Temple side...

To begin with, I wasn’t even sure if I was worthy of becoming Mr. Temple.

As this event had brought me nothing but misery, I wanted to reap the maximum benefits possible.

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It would be disappointing to only gain one ability when I could have had two...

Bertus’s swordsmanship, one of Olivia’s abilities.

I needed to maximize my gains in this situation, but the matter of Mr. Temple remained uncertain. Miss Temple was a sure thing, but if I couldn’t guess Mr. Temple correctly, I would miss out on the opportunity.

What should I do…?

Becoming Mr. Temple myself was a last resort.

Well then!

If there wasn’t one, I could create one!

I would make someone else, a more formidable contender, into Mr. Temple.

In doing so, that person’s ability would come to me for free. After all, weren’t there many here with rare and valuable talents that couldn’t be bought with achievement points?

If I could find someone with a talent more overwhelming than Bertus’s swordsmanship and make them Mr. Temple, it would be possible.

I just needed someone to catch my attention.

If someone did, I would make them Mr. Temple.

If things were unclear, I could always use my veto!

With various candidates in mind, I headed toward the dormitory lobby.

Ludwig’s stamina.

That, too, was a formidable ability. Should I consider making Ludwig Mr. Temple?

As I pondered these thoughts, I spotted the good-for-nothing trio huddled together in the dormitory lobby.

Not only were the good-for-nothing trio present, but also Heinrich von Schwarz.

That guy, always lurking around, had now joined the good-for-nothing trio.

To be honest, he wasn’t exactly as worthless as them.

It appeared that they were studying together, gathered around and peering into a book.

"You lot."

I approached them.

"Ah, um… Reinhardt."

As I suddenly approached and plopped down onto an available chair near them, tension filled their expressions.

"Um… Do you have any business with us?"

Heinrich’s hostility towards me had disappeared, but he still couldn’t help but be cautious.

"Take a good look at me."

As if following my command, they tensed up and stared at me.


First, Heinrich von Schwartz.

His ability is pyrokinesis.

I have already confirmed that one can possess multiple Supernatural abilities, but due to my Fire of Hwayo, I don’t really need pyrokinesis.

Even without the Fire of Hwayo, I suspect that as the level of my spirit mastery increases, spontaneous combustion might become possible.

He’s out.

Next, Kono Lint.

His talent is telekinesis.

However, his flaws are severe. I feel sorry for giving him such an ability. His flaw disappears much too late for it to become insanely overpowered.

He’s out too.

Erich de Lafaeri.

His talents are divine power, martial arts, and swordsmanship.

Although I don’t have any of these three abilities, they aren’t comprehensive talents, so they are somewhat disappointing.


Cayer Voiden.

He has only one talent: enormous magical power.


He’s perfect.

Cayer Voiden’s talent for enormous magical power is precisely that: possessing a vast amount of magical power.

Not only does he possess a tremendous amount of magical power, but his growth rate for magical power is also incredible. It’s just that he’s not apt in manipulating magical power, so he can’t really use it.

His magical power rank is higher than even Ellen’s. Ellen’s current magical power rank is A+, while his is S rank, a step ahead of Ellen.

S rank magical power.

That’s why, despite having the significant flaw of poor magical power manipulation, he can still be in the Royal class.

Moreover, I don’t have the issue of magical power manipulation.

So, if I were to acquire the talent for enormous magical power, I would be able to use it to its fullest extent, and it would provide a significant boost to my Magic Body Strengthening.

Additionally, I know that when my magical power reaches the A rank, my magical power manipulation and magical power response will evolve into a new talent called magical power domination.

If I acquire enormous magical power, the comprehensive talent of magical power domination will follow.

He’s perfect.

He is perfect, but…


"Why, why are you like that…?"

Cayer Voiden seemed dispirited by my sudden sigh.

There’s no point in making him Mr. Temple.

I stood up from my seat and patted Cayer’s shoulder.

"Forget it. It’s not your fault."

Even if he were to come back from the dead, he could never become Mr. Temple.

It’s not exactly physiognomy, but…


If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.

Not even with a rewrite… It just won’t work.

I had no choice but to give up gracefully in the face of reality.

I wouldn’t know if it were about guessing the last place.

But predicting the first place doesn’t work.

The most desirable talent was unattainable as a candidate for Mr. Temple due to realistic issues.

There was an option of managing and somehow working around it.


There were cases where it just wouldn’t work, and unfortunately, Cayer was one of them.

Who should I make Mister Temple, then? Should I create a proper protagonist this time, considering that the previous ones have been too insignificant?

Upon returning to the study room, Ellen and Harriet were staring at me with puzzled expressions.

"I told you, I went to see Bertus."

"Who said what?"


It seemed like they were both quite angry, thinking I was going to participate in the contest.

Well, I did cross the line a bit with that banter, but...

Of course, we weren’t the only ones in the study room.

In a quiet corner, there was a guy diligently studying by himself.

So inconspicuous that we hardly noticed him last time, Harriet apologized for making noise, and he reassured her while breaking out in a cold sweat.

A guy suffering from severe anthropophobia.

My swordsmanship friend.


His talent was solely in ’Combat.’

A comprehensive cheat-level talent that instinctively finds the best way to achieve victory in all types of fights.

While ’Gigantic Mana’ is currently the most necessary talent for me, this guy’s talent is unrivaled in terms of versatility.

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In fact, considering the future, the combat talent might be more useful for me. I will eventually obtain ’Mana Control’ anyway.


As if sensing my gaze, Cliffman, who had been burying his head in his studies, looked at me with a start.

"Do you have something to say...?"

I strode over to Cliffman and put my hand on his shoulder.


"Uh, uh? Why?"

"Let’s participate in Mister Temple."

He has potential.

He has more than enough potential!

"Uh, uh, uh, uh?"



My sudden remark left not only Cliffman but also Harriet and Ellen utterly perplexed.

"Your anthropophobia needs to be cured by now! What was it? Sh-shock therapy! Aim for Mister Temple! Fix it all at once! Am I right? Huh, right?"

"Wh-what are you even talking about?"

Cliffman couldn’t even comprehend what he was hearing.

"Just do it! You’re the kind of guy who can, right?"

"Th-that’s too sudden, I don’t understand what you’re saying..."

"Why don’t you give it a try?"

"Why are you suddenly harassing a peaceful kid, you lunatic?!"



In the end, I was smacked on the back of the head by Harriet.

Telling a kid who was quietly studying to participate in Mister Temple out of nowhere.

Even I thought it was too abrupt. Naturally, Cliffman was bewildered, and Harriet and Ellen couldn’t understand why I was suddenly acting like this.


If you knew my situation now, you’d think it’s possible, right? The problem is that it’s difficult to explain.

Cliffman’s talent in combat is a top-tier ability that rivals Ellen’s mastery of magic and Harriet’s spellcasting. It would cost 50,000 achievement points to acquire.

Considering that the first-year tournament offers a staggering reward of 10,000 achievement points for the winner, his ability is worth five times that amount.

It would be better to go all-in on making him Mister Temple if there was a way to do so without participating in the tournament.

Harriet cocks her head.

"What’s your sudden reason for wanting him to become Mister Temple?"

"Isn’t it obvious? The festival is just around the corner. I’m trying to help him overcome his chronic human seasickness."

At my words, Ellen now cocks her head.

"Will that cure him?"

"He’ll gain confidence, at least. No matter what happens."


Sandwiched between us, Cliffman stood rigid as if being lynched, beads of cold sweat dripping down his face. Harriet clicked her tongue as she watched him wither under our gaze.

"He’s going to have a heart attack if he becomes Mister Temple, just from us looking at him. Do you really think he can handle that?"


Although I don’t know about Mister Temple, it seems like you just dealt the final blow?

Harriet occasionally strikes children down with words without even realizing it, and this was one of those times.

"Anyway… How could I… participate in Mister Temple… There must be many more amazing people than me…"

That was the best defense Cliffman could muster.

"No, you’re underestimating yourself too much."

You have potential, unlike Cayer. I’m not just saying this for no reason. Though the excuse about possibly curing his human seasickness might be far-fetched, there was a frustrating aspect to watching Cliffman.

And I can make something borderline happen if it can’t happen outright!

I just need to use Rewrite!

It’s a given that he stutters in front of everyone, but he’s at a level where he’s mentally exhausted just from conversation.

In fact, during practice matches, he can’t fully demonstrate most of his abilities. Of course, even in that state, he still overwhelmingly defeats me, but the same goes for when he practices against Ellen.

At first, he was so flustered that he couldn’t do anything until he got hit and passed out. And nothing changed afterward.

"Think of it as part of your skill improvement. You tend to get too tense. That can make things that should be possible, impossible. Look at me, I’ve managed to increase my magic power by recklessly pushing myself with overflowing confidence in spite of having nothing to boast about."

"It’s quite something that you can say that so candidly... really."

"…I don’t think it’s something to be proud of."

Although I said this for Cliffman’s sake, Harriet and Ellen frowned.

You two, go away! We don’t need you! Can’t you see he’s getting more nervous because of you? He looks like he’s going to cry and throw up!

...But isn’t this, in the end, tormenting him?

Should I stop?

But still…

This is indeed an opportunity not to be missed.

I gaze at the frozen Cliffman.

He is the tallest among the first-year students, and strictly speaking, he has a somewhat cold yet handsome appearance. From a distance, he exudes an aura that makes it difficult to approach him, but in reality, when one gets this close, he turns out to be quite a flustered fellow.

To be honest, this should be enough.

"What do you two think?"

In the end, my opinion has its limits, so I ask Ellen and Harriet, looking at them.

The possibility of Cliffman becoming Mr. Temple.

"Uh, well..."

As the two of them stare intently at Cliffman, his expression becomes more and more pained.

"...I don’t think he’ll be eliminated in the preliminaries?"

Harriet’s honest answer.

"I think so too."

Ellen’s agreement.

Unexpectedly, Cliffman’s face turns even redder at their praise. I confidently place my hand on Cliffman’s shoulder.

"See? Everyone thinks you can do it, so give it a try. Do you think I’d say this just to see you humiliated?"

"But still..."

Is this really not right?

In this state, it would be a blessing if he doesn’t cry when forced onto the stage. What if he does cry and becomes the laughingstock of others? This might leave a permanent scar on his psyche, causing him to drop out of the Temple.

I might completely ruin a kid for nothing.

It’s a pity, but it seems like a better choice to put someone like Ludwig, who would go along if pushed, on stage.

"If it’s too much, there’s no need to force it. I’m sorry for my thoughtless words..."

In the end, when I’m about to apologize and give up because further insistence would only torment him,

"I don’t know why Reinhardt is suddenly acting like this... Are you really okay with this?"


Ellen suddenly interjects.

This can’t go on.

That doesn’t just mean the relationship between people. Even when facing anyone, Cliffman can’t fully display his abilities. Yet, despite not being able to show his true skills, his overwhelming talent compensates for it.

He practices with Ellen and undergoes Magic Body Strengthening exercises, but due to his nervousness, he never makes progress.

It’s all because of his lack of confidence and motion sickness.

"You know it too, right?"


Cliffman nods slightly with his head bowed, seemingly aware of his own shortcomings and that he needs to overcome them.

"I don’t know why you have to participate in Mr. Temple, but if it can improve that aspect of you, I don’t think it’s a bad idea."

"Is... Is that so...?"


Ellen continues to look at Cliffman with her usual emotionless expression.


Ellen is better than me...

"If you don’t want to fix it, I understand, but if you do, you have to try something, right?"

"..." 𝒻𝓻𝑒ℯ𝘸𝘦𝑏𝑛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓁.𝑐𝘰𝓶

My reason for wanting to send Cliffman to Mr. Temple is entirely different, but suddenly, Ellen supports the idea.

"......I’ll think about it."

And so, it seemed that Cliffman was truly eager to overcome his shortcomings.


Having given his answer, Cliffman abruptly stood up from his seat. Ellen, Harriet, and I stared blankly at him, surprised by his sudden movement.

"Where are you going all of a sudden?"

In response to Harriet’s question, Cliffman covered his mouth and began to sway unsteadily.

"My stomach feels a bit off..."



This guy.

Is he really alright?

Am I causing unnecessary trouble?

Cliffman staggered away from his seat.

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