The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 462

The situation in the city center was somewhat better, but the people living in the shantytown where the refugees resided were in such a state that one couldn’t help but wonder if they could endure the winter.

The Empire could not abandon them either.

As rations were being distributed, one could see the guards giving out something to the long line of people.


“I said I won’t take it!”

“Grandfather... you might die like this…”

A noisy commotion came from somewhere in the shantytown.

“As if I would accept treatment from those filthy priests who serve the Demon King! Just let me die! Damn it! I’d rather die!”

In one of the shacks, a disheveled priest wearing a soiled white robe slowly stood up, his face etched with sorrow.

The Church of Tu’an and the Als Order.

People began to reject the gods who had chosen the Demon King.

Amidst the murmurs of the crowd, a priest of Tu’an walked away with a heavy heart, his head bowed in sadness.

There was no need to witness this scene.

The reality of the Empire was evident enough.

But I couldn’t leave so easily.

It felt like my responsibility to take in all of these scenes. I had to, at least in this way.

Although I couldn’t resolve the horrible things that had happened because of me by merely observing them, it felt like I had to do it.

I passed by endless landscapes of broken lives.

As I approached the outskirts, the situation became more dire.

Corpse-ridden alleyways, swarming with maggots and flies, were all too common.

The Empire lacked the capacity to support all these people.

Although they tried to save the people, if the saved ultimately died of starvation, there would be no point in saving them.

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The outcome was either death by monsters or a slow demise from hunger.

Just as I had utilized mages in the Edina Archipelago to cultivate food, the Empire must have been doing something similar.

On top of that, the Empire expended manpower to protect its vast territories from monsters.

There were personnel not only supporting the existing vassal nations but also working to put an end to the Gate crisis.

While the Edina Archipelago had conditions that allowed all resources to be used for supporting the people, the Empire did not.

That’s why people were dying so futilely in the places the Empire couldn’t reach.

In such extremely desperate situations, people’s faces bore neither anger nor hatred.

Shrouded in the shadow of death, they sat anywhere they could on the streets, too exhausted to resent the world, as they slowly withered away.

As I neared the edge of the refugee area...




It’s a monster!

A monster was smashing and rampaging through the shacks.

It was a monster from a gate that had drifted in from somewhere.

There was no chance that guards would be present in this no man’s land.

Even if there were, it was uncertain whether they could handle the situation.

A monster with the face of a wild boar and the body of a gorilla, standing about 4 meters tall.

It wasn’t a particularly powerful creature, but if left alone, hundreds of people in the refugee camp would die.

Civilians couldn’t handle even just one of these monsters.

In areas with a security vacuum, a single monster could drift in and cause hundreds of deaths.

There was no time to waste.

I activated the Magic Body Strengthening throughout my body and ran.

It was quite a distance, but covering this range with my strength was no big deal.


-Boom! Crash!

“Run! Get away!”

People are mercilessly crushed and shattered as I rush to the center of the chaos.



As I throw my fist, the magic imbued within it is converted into destructive power.


With just one strike of my magic-infused fist, the monster’s head explodes.

Although I still haven’t reached the Master Class,

I’ve become incomparably stronger than before.

* * *

I may not have reached the Master Class, but that doesn’t mean my power is insufficient.

Name: Valier

Age: 20

Race: Archdemon

Current stats: [Strength 26.4(A+)] [Agility 23(A)] [Dexterity 20.9(A-)] [Magic 41.9(SS)] [Endurance 25.8(A)]


[Superpower - Self-suggestion]

[Superpower - Word Magic]

[Magic Mastery]

[Weapon Skills]


[Supernatural Resistance]

[Poison Resistance]


[Sacred Mind]

[Hero’s Bloodline]


Acquired Abilities

[Demon Control A]

[Self-suggestion S]

[Word Magic B]

[Magic Body Strengthening A]

Overall Ability Assessment - Demon King

Combat Level Assessment - S+

It feels like gaining experience; I earn achievement points every time I defeat a monster.

For two years, as Edina’s tasks increased, the need for direct combat decreased, but in the beginning, I had to fight rEllentlessly without a moment’s rest.

Those were days spent tearing through the flesh and blood of monsters.

I invested the piled-up achievement points in strengthening myself.

Personally, I wanted to raise my magic stats to the maximum, but after reaching the SS rank, it became impossible to invest in them.

I couldn’t afford the overly expensive top-tier talents, but I was able to unlock a few new talents.

However, I had to focus on the King’s duties, so after the initial intense battles, I spent more time sitting on the throne.

That’s why I couldn’t move on to the next stage.

Nevertheless, my basic physical abilities were extremely developed and my Magic Body Strengthening increased to an absurd level. So, my magic output was on par with any other Master.

Having not entered the next stage, I achieved an abnormal growth in which only my basic abilities were enhanced.

Thus, my output isn’t just on par with other Masters, but even surpasses them. I only lack in finesse and versatility.

Looking at the magic stats alone, I’m now on the same level as Saviolin Turner.

Of course, I don’t have the confidence to beat her in a fight.


The headless monster’s body crumbled.

I was splattered with the monster’s flesh and blood, but it slid off the magic barrier covering my body, keeping my clothes clean.

In just a short moment, the monster had killed about fifteen people.

It all happened in less than a minute since the monster appeared.


"Wh-who is that...?"

The fleeing people stared blankly at me, who had neutralized the monster with a single blow.

After all, I’m disguised through Sarkegaar’s ring.

No one would recognize me.

There’s no need to explain anything or say anything at all.

As I was about to leave,


Foam-like blood bubbled from the dead monster’s corpse, and something began to emerge.


Sharp, dagger-like tentacles hidden within the corpse targeted me and shot out.



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I summoned Alsbringer and deflected the tentacles.

The impact felt excessively fierce for the sound of flesh and sword colliding.

No matter how formidable my Magic Body Strengthening defense is, monsters are unpredictable.

I thought it was dead, but tentacles suddenly burst forth from the corpse.


I incinerated the monster’s body and the writhing tentacles that were flung away with the flames of my fire magic.


People stare at me.

“That is...”

“That black...”

Their gazes are fixated on my sword.

Recognizing a sacred weapon is a basic skill for those in the upper echelon.

However, the two sacred weapons possessed by the Demon King, Alsbringer and Tiamata, have become as famous as Lament and Lapelt, held by Ellen.

And so, the people recognize them.

"Th-the......Demon King......"

One trembling person, lying on the ground, points at me.

"It’s the Demon King’s emblem!"

The Demon King’s emblem.

That became the new nickname attached to Alsbringer and Tiamata.

Gradually, people began to flee in terror.

“The Demon King has appeared!”

It wasn’t something I hoped someone would recognize.

I had already learned enough about Imperial Capital.

I took out a scroll book and unfolded a teleport scroll.

I silently watched the terrified, fleeing people until the light of the teleport swallowed me.


"What do you mean the Demon King appeared?"

Ellen, having heard strange rumors right before leaving the Imperial Capital, rushed straight into the Imperial Palace.

Demon King.

Upon hearing those words, Ellen felt as if her mind had gone completely blank.

She couldn’t bear it without knowing what had happened.

So, even for Ellen, she had no choice but to commit the impoliteness of suddenly visiting the Emperor.

Although it was time for sleep, Bertus was in his office.

Bertus was propping up his chin with his right hand, deep in thought.

"It’s not the first time nonsense has sprung up from the refugee area......"

Upon hearing that, Ellen felt her strangely heated heart cool down.

False rumors.

It was common for people to see hallucinations in the midst of fear and panic.

Annoyed by being swayed by such stories, Ellen felt a crack forming in her already dark mood.

"Strictly speaking, it seems like they saw Alsbringer, not the Demon King. From the description of its appearance, it’s definitely Alsbringer... which means it must be Reinhardt."

Hearing those words, Ellen’s lips trembled.

If they saw Alsbringer, then it must have been the Demon King, as there could be no other owner.

"They’re saying strange things. That the Demon King brought monsters, killed refugees, and disappeared......"

The story had changed in a short time. Ellen shook her head vigorously.

"There’s no way......"

"Of course. I don’t know why he came, but a monster appeared on the outskirts, and Reinhardt killed it and disappeared somewhere. But who would believe that the Demon King saved the people?"

The Demon King killed the monster that was attacking the refugees and then vanished.

However, those who witnessed the Demon King killing the monster directly only saw that, while those who didn’t only heard that the monster had been killing refugees when the Demon King appeared.

The truth that the Demon King had killed the monster attacking the refugees and then disappeared was buried beneath the rapidly spreading rumors.

The Demon King saved the people.

There was no reason for the Demon King to do so, and the people refused to believe the truth.

So, it was only natural for the plausible lie to take the place of the truth.

"Damn it, so this is how Reinhardt must have felt..."


Ellen and Bertus were experiencing the same frustration that Reinhardt must have felt in real-time.

There was no reason for Reinhardt to do such a thing.

If he was truly planning to raid the refugee outskirts, it wouldn’t make sense to bring only one monster.

People choose to believe what they want to in the midst of terror.

They wouldn’t believe that if Reinhardt had launched a proper attack, a whole refugee area would have turned into a sea of flames.

They couldn’t believe it, so they didn’t.

Truth doesn’t resonate with a crowd driven mad by fear and hatred.

How could they believe in the Demon King?

Under such thoughts, Ellen and Bertus, who hadn’t believed in Reinhardt, now found themselves in a position where they had to watch the lies spread among the crowd, replacing the truth they had learned.

"But then, why did Reinhardt even come here...?"

Ellen shared Bertus’s curiosity.

At this time, the Demon King, who had disappeared from the Imperial Capital without any news, had reappeared on the Imperial Capital.

Ellen suddenly recalled the sensation she had felt a while ago, as if someone had been watching her.

That strange feeling she had thought was a mistake.

Could it be?

’...There’s no way.’

At the thought that it might have been Reinhardt, Ellen was filled with self-loathing.

Despite not trusting Reinhardt.

Was she now indulging in the delusion that Reinhardt might still think of her?

To think that Reinhardt might have been watching her – she found the thought ridiculous and unworthy.

What reason would Reinhardt have to do so?

Although she didn’t know where, Reinhardt had gone somewhere with those who believed in him.

There’s no reason for him to seek her out again or keep an eye on her.

Two years had passed.

Amidst this miserable scene, Reinhardt must have long forgotten any feelings he had for her.

Reinhardt had done nothing wrong to Ellen.

The only one at fault was herself.

So, it was alright for Reinhardt to forget her. After all, she had betrayed him.

She couldn’t forget Reinhardt. Because she had betrayed him.

That’s why Ellen believes there is no possibility that Reinhardt remembers her or cherishes any memories, not even a little bit.

She doesn’t think she has the right to hope for that.

"So why... did he come...?"

So why did he appear on the Imperial Capital, where he had never been before?

Neither Ellen nor Bertus could know the reason.


Main port city of Edina Archipelago, Lazak, the Royal Capital.

When I returned, Harriet helped me out of my robe and carefully folded it in her hands.

"How was the Empire?"

"…I can’t even joke about it being okay."

"…How bad was it?"

"The Imperial Capital’s population capacity had long been exceeded. People were pouring in, and I had to worry about all of them starving to death. There was virtually no security in the outer districts. It’s not even crime – if a monster horde mistakenly appeared, thousands of people could die within ten minutes."

At my words, Harriet sighed deeply.

"And a monster appeared in the outer district and I had to use Alsbringer. My presence on the Imperial Capital has probably been spotted... Nothing major is likely to happen, but I can guess what kind of rumors will spread... I don’t know what kind of impact this will have later on."


"Oh, there was a slightly dangerous situation."

"Well, it’s a relief you didn’t get hurt."

Harriet and I walked side by side down the royal palace corridor.

The Demon King had appeared in the Imperial Capital.

I hadn’t done anything particularly extraordinary, but the mere fact that I had appeared was bound to have a significant impact on the Imperial Capital.

Now, the majority of the crowd knew that the Demon King could appear in the Imperial Capital at any time.

People might become more frightened and fall into a panic.

Perhaps I shouldn’t have summoned Alsbringer, even if it was dangerous.

However, there are plenty of monsters capable of breaking through Magic Body Strengthening. Swordmasters don’t die in vain, after all.

I don’t know how my appearance in the Imperial Capital will spread fear in some way.

Maybe I should have left things alone instead of taking matters into my own hands.

Such thoughts sent a chill down my spine.

I was afraid that I now entertained such thoughts so casually.

Although I had heard about the precarious situation in the Imperial Capital from Antirianus, seeing it with my own eyes made it all the more real.

The Edina Archipelago was on the verge of collapse due to people’s struggle for survival, but compared to the Imperial Capital, it was almost like paradise. There were certainly starving people, but no one was dying of hunger.

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