The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 465

Returning, Harriet wore a noticeably cheerful expression.

Simply by her countenance, it was apparent that Harriet had successfully concluded her conversation.

"We can stay for a few days."

"No, it’s fine. If word gets out that I’ve returned, it could become troublesome. It’s better for me to leave quickly."

Though the exact details of their conversation remained unknown, it was evident that the Archduke and his family had shown understanding towards Harriet.

The fate of the Duchy of Saint Owan remained uncertain. In addition, defenses in all cities beyond the capital had failed.

Would it be enough to move just the people of this city?

Arnaca was already a completed city, but it was uncertain whether the people’s lives could be fully supported in Edina.

However, if they could migrate to Edina, they might be able to avoid the eventual wrath of humanity.

"It’s uncertain how the Archduke will respond, but moving all of Arnaca’s people to Edina could be a solution."

At my words, Harriet’s eyes widened.

"Is that...possible?"

"The issue is that there is currently no way to do so. If we can find a way, it’s definitely possible."

If there were warp gates, large-scale movement would be possible, but they were currently unusable.

Physical movement was also impossible. No matter how skilled the Archduke was as a magician, he couldn’t possibly lead the entire populace of the Duchy of Saint Owan, located in the northwest of the continent, on an epic journey to Port Mokna in the far south.

Teleporting the entire population was obviously impossible and not worth considering.

"For now, nothing will happen to Arnaca. Let’s think about a solution gradually."


Handling the Gate crisis was already an urgent matter. Thus, nothing would immediately happen to the Duchy of Saint Owan or the Archduke.

After the Gate crisis was resolved, moving the people of Saint Owan to Edina.

To some extent, I could sense the last shadow on Harriet’s face disappearing at my words.


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Having reunited with her family after a very long time and having shared a fruitful conversation, not to mention the possibility of saving the people of Arnaca, Harriet seemed more spirited than before.

Upon returning to Edina, Harriet’s expression had brightened considerably.

"Once the Gate crisis is resolved, perhaps we can improve the warp gates to directly connect Arnaca and the Edina Archipelago?"

"It would be great if we could do that… No, you can definitely do it."

"Right, if it’s not possible, I’ll make it possible."

Naturally, her spirited demeanor was a pleasure to behold.

Although she hadn’t shown signs of depression or struggle, everyone had been hiding it just the same.

The revitalized and energetic Harriet could only improve my mood as well.

I hadn’t anticipated that my request for Harriet to research warp gates would help in such a way, but her research could ultimately provide a means to save her hometown’s people.

Although all the warp gates across the continent were destroyed after a day, Harriet had already begun preparing blueprints for what would come next.

Of course, her workload had increased, and the already busy Harriet became even busier. However, this was ultimately a task to save people, and her family in particular, so there was no reason to refuse.

It was only natural for Harriet to seriously consider this matter, as it could alleviate the guilt and self-blame she had hidden for two years.

It was only natural for Harriet to do what she had to do, and for me to do the same.


About a month had passed since our visit to Arnaca.

The complete resolution of the Gate incident was inevitably becoming more drawn out.

This was because the Warp Gates were not only spewing out increasingly powerful monsters, but their defenses were also getting stronger, requiring a more cautious approach to destroying each one.

Eleris said that it was no longer possible for her to destroy the Warp Gates alone, and it was only natural for the Empire’s Saviolin Turner’s forces to struggle more and more with the task of destroying the gates.

As the number of Warp Gates decreased, the speed of destroying the remaining ones slowed down, and countless casualties occurred.

Although the end was near, events unrelated to the Gate incident began to unfold one by one in a reality that seemed infinitely far away.

"Your Highness, I’ve heard that the princess is about to be executed."


And I had no choice but to face what was bound to happen someday.


Bertus had not responded to the demands of the crowd so far. That’s why I thought he had enough will to protect Charlotte.

"Could it be because I revealed myself at the Imperial Palace last time?"

If the explosion of the crowd’s anxiety made it impossible to ignore their demands any longer, then the root cause of this would ultimately be my responsibility.

Antirianus smiled slightly at my words.

"Although that cannot be ruled out as a cause, the important thing is that they seem unable to refuse the demands of the vassal states and the five major religious orders."


"They demand that the princess be sacrificed to stabilize the political situation."

On top of the already unstable Empire, the demands of the vassal states and the pressure from the five major religious orders came in.

The vassal states were key members of the Empire, and despite the weakening support from the crowds, the five major religious orders remained a powerful military force. The Empire could not ignore them.

The Gate incident was not yet over, but they were already acting as if it had ended.

The five major religious orders wanted to divert the blame to the princess to dilute the hatred towards themselves, and the vassal states wanted to remove the uncertainty of the princess to reaffirm their allegiance to the crumbling Empire.

So, did they have no choice but to agree?

"Emperor Bertus has decided to execute the princess at noon on Sunday in three weeks, at the Imperial Palace Grand Square."


Did Bertus have to choose between the Empire and Charlotte in the end?

However, Antirianus was still smiling.

"And, in addition to that, I’ve heard that the Vampire Lord and Duke Sarkegaar will be executed together."

"…What?" 𝗳r𝐞ew𝚎bn𝚘ve𝚕.c𝗼𝗺

"Just as you heard."


It was one thing for Charlotte, but why would they also execute the other two?

Had Bertus forgotten my warning in just two years?

That touching Lucinil and Sarkegaar would make me their enemy - didn’t he know that?

Antirianus was still chuckling as if he found the situation incredibly amusing.

His irritatingly joyful expression made me realize what this confusing and unpleasant situation meant.

Three weeks.

It’s quite a long time.

Perhaps too much time, too lenient.

Bertus must know that I appeared at the Imperial Palace not long ago.

Soon, he would sense that I was watching the Imperial Palace from somewhere.

He didn’t want to kill Charlotte.

Lucinil and Sarkegaar were included as well.

That fact told me quite a lot.

They held the execution without haste, instead allowing a considerable amount of time for the news to spread far and wide.

"They’ll give us the two of them if we agree to take Charlotte."

My appearance at the scene would mean that I must take the three of them away by any means necessary.

The crowd yearned for Charlotte to face her judgment, so they could not secretly hand her over to me. Even if they wanted to, the Empire wouldn’t know my whereabouts.

So, at the very moment they attempted to publicly judge Charlotte, the Demon King would seize her.

It would be a convenient excuse for the Empire.

They would claim that they intended to comply with the people’s demands, but what could they do when the Demon King appeared?

Ultimately, Bertus would no longer be able to protect Charlotte.

Therefore, his true intention in orchestrating this situation was to return his two subordinates in exchange for taking Charlotte away as well.

"Really... it’s an outrageous and breathtaking plan..."

In my absence, they convey their reliance on me in this manner.

It was truly astonishing.

Would my unintentional appearance on the Imperial Capital ultimately lead to the recovery of not only Charlotte, but also Sarkegaar and Lucinil?

Three weeks later, on Sunday at noon.

Although we had never agreed upon it, we had to stage a fabricated abduction.

At this point in time, Reinhardt was unaware of one thing.

"Three weeks from now, it’s Sunday, sister."


Charlotte sat listlessly on the bed, her expression dark, and nodded her head.

It wasn’t that Bertus had failed to endure.

Charlotte herself had wanted this.

Because her existence was a burden to both humanity and the Empire. If her seemingly worthless life could provide even a small amount of relief to others, then so be it.

If they forced her to live, the Empire would crumble.

Although the demands of the vassal states and the Five Great Churches played a role, this was happening because Charlotte had requested her own execution.

Bertus had naturally refused.

He said it was absolutely impossible.

That such a thing would never happen.

The words that came from the siblings’ mouths after a long time were a plea for death.

She asked to be killed to prolong the Empire’s lifespan, even if only by a little. As her very existence was the seed of division, she believed that she must do something, even if it meant dying.

Since her very existence was causing the Empire to fracture in real-time, wouldn’t it be better to die?

To give up.

To resign oneself.

To regret.

Having reached the point of self-loathing, Charlotte had no attachment left to life.

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Bertus’s decision was not born of exhaustion from the demands of the crowd, the Empire, or the Five Great Churches.

He feared that if she wasn’t executed, she would commit suicide in the Spring Palace.

So, this was the only solution he could desperately come up with.

Bertus did not tell Charlotte anything.

That Reinhardt had appeared on the Imperial Capital.

That Reinhardt was watching from somewhere on the Imperial Capital.

That he still tried to protect the people.

He did not tell her because he knew that such words would only deepen Charlotte’s self-loathing.

And so, this was Bertus’s own decision.

Charlotte knew only that in three weeks, she would be burnt at the stake alone in the central square.

She did not say that anyone might come.

Charlotte did not know who would be hanged with her.

He didn’t mention it at all. Bertus would never allow such a thing to happen to her.

If she thought she couldn’t be forgiven, she would strangle herself if Reinhardt said he would come to save her.

It would be fine if Reinhardt did not show up at the appointed time in three weeks.

Bertus would save Charlotte, even if he had to create his own farce.

Although she couldn’t return to the Imperial Capital, he would make sure she could live quietly somewhere.

He didn’t know how to make his sibling, who had given up on life, live in any way.

The only thing he could do was not to make Charlotte affirm her life and live on, but to make sure she did not die.

That was all.

Only Reinhardt could save Charlotte.

So, Bertus spoke to the invisible Reinhardt.


Let Charlotte live a little longer.

He knew such a request was shameless, but he begged for Charlotte’s forgiveness.

He couldn’t forgive himself, but still, he asked to forgive Charlotte.

In fact, it was no different from an Emperor begging the Demon King.

Since the empire could not protect Charlotte, the Demon King would.



Charlotte, thinking she didn’t deserve forgiveness, would likely refuse if she knew his plan.

So, Bertus had no intention of telling her this story.

Approaching the silent Charlotte, Bertus pulled up a chair and sat down.

Charlotte must have been lost in self-reproach, not only because she couldn’t trust the Demon King but also because of the countless tragedies that unfolded.

She would not allow herself to receive Reinhardt’s forgiveness and protection in a safe place.

Bertus quietly watched his sister, who had turned into a demonic figure. Charlotte’s red eyes stared back at him.

If Reinhardt took Charlotte away, and if Reinhardt truly appeared, Charlotte would be under the Demon King’s protection.

Because Bertus could not protect Charlotte.

The Demon King would not reveal his whereabouts.

So, the last time Bertus would see Charlotte would be for three weeks.

They had despised each other to the point of wanting to kill one another. And they had tried to kill each other several times.

He didn’t know when it had become like this.

But at some point, seeing Charlotte, who had become too weak to be considered a rival, Bertus’s thoughts had changed.

A rival not worth competing against.

A defeated rival.

When the misunderstanding about the Demon King hadn’t been cleared, he had pitied his sibling, who had been used by Reinhardt from beginning to end.

And now, she couldn’t even control herself.

Her world had become like this because of herself, and she had buried herself in the cursed words she had thrown at the Demon King, leaving her with nothing but guilt, self-blame, and self-mockery.

The previous emperor had died, and Bertus had succeeded him.

Since then, Bertus had wanted to protect Charlotte in any way possible.

From the moment everyone in the world despised Charlotte, Bertus had tried his best to protect her.

Ignoring the countless ministers who poured out suspicions that Charlotte was related to the Demon King, not just the crowds, Bertus had disregarded all of their words.

Somehow, he wanted his miserable sibling to survive.

And now, Bertus entrusted the task he couldn’t do himself to the Demon King.

Bertus gazed into the red eyes of Charlotte, who stared back at him solemnly.

This was the end.

It had to be the end.



"May I embrace you?"

At Bertus’s words, Charlotte’s eyes widened in surprise.

Seeing the traces of emotion return to those lifeless eyes for the first time in a long while, Bertus forced a bitter smile.

Just as Bertus had done, Charlotte had watched her despised brother trying to protect her throughout this terrible time.

Only after everything had been ruined.

Only after she had destroyed everything with her own hands.

It was perhaps inevitable that a sense of brotherly love, which had never existed and could not have existed, would emerge between the two.

Charlotte did not know what was about to happen.

That’s why she thought Bertus was apologizing for deciding to kill her, no matter how much he claimed it was at her request.

Charlotte chose death for herself.

Out of guilt.

As she hesitated, watching Bertus say such words from within his guilt, Charlotte slowly leaned in.

She was going to die.

After hesitating for a while, Charlotte slowly leaned towards Bertus.

Bertus pulled Charlotte’s small, frail head to his chest and hugged her.

It was the first time either of them had done such a thing.

Had she always been this small?

Bertus thought as he embraced his sister for the first time.

"You must go... to a good place..."


Bertus could only say that, fearing that if he spoke more specifically, his intelligent sister, even weakened as she was, might understand what he meant.

So Charlotte began to cry, little by little, as she was held by Bertus.

A good place.

Would it be right for her to be allowed such a place?

If she died, she should fall into the fiery pits of hell for the sins she committed in bringing about these events.

Could she go to a good place even in death?

Believing that she shouldn’t be able to, Charlotte wept in her brother’s arms, little by little.


If Reinhardt came.

And took Charlotte with him.

Living with the Demon King would at least be better than living in this spring palace.

She would receive Reinhardt’s forgiveness, and while the guilt and anguish would remain, it would be a better life than being confined to a dark bedroom, doing nothing.

Her diminishing speech would gradually increase, and she would find something to do.

In that way, she would lead a better life than now, away from Bertus’s sight.

Reinhardt could do what she couldn’t.

As an emperor, Bertus had to take responsibility for what he had done.

Charlotte, who had not become an empress, would have nothing to be responsible for and would live under the protection of the Demon King.

That’s why Reinhardt had to come.

Bertus believed that he would definitely come.

After countless incidents resulting from not trusting Reinhardt when it was most needed, Bertus now trusted him.

He knew it was a terrible thing.

He knew he was making a terrible demand on Reinhardt.

But there was no other way.

Bertus could think of nothing else but this choice.

"I’m sorry... I’m so sorry, my sister..."

In the midst of Bertus’s apology.

Within that first embrace, Charlotte, who believed that death, not survival, awaited her, lowered her head.


With a strained, cracked voice, Charlotte struggled to speak.

"It’s me... I’m even more sorry..."

She could at least say that much.

"Until now... truly, truly... thank you."

And not only did she lean into the embrace, but she also moved her slender arm and, with all her strength, hugged her brother back.

She could do that much.

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