The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 471

Chapter 471

Night had fallen.

I considered watching over Charlotte until she fell asleep, but I thought it would be better not to.

The more I cared for her, the deeper she seemed to sink into guilt. So, not watching over her seemed better for her.

And I couldn’t talk to Charlotte forever.

I headed to the highest tower of the castle with Sarkegaar and Lucinil.

There was no better place to look down upon the landscape of Lazak.

Sarkegaar appeared as he usually did when he visited me in the past - in the form of a graceful female maid.

Did he think I found his demon form burdensome?

"Is this... Your Highness... No, the new Darklands that you have rebuilt?"

"In a sense."

Although not as bright as the Imperial Capital, the streets of Lazak were lit by lanterns, and the refugee residential areas were patrolled by guards holding torches.

From the highest point of the castle, which was built on a high plateau, I could see not only the distant sea but also the vast lands and the horizon beyond.

The expanding city districts and the vast farmland were visible.

It was an incredible sight.

What Sarkegaar had wanted was a land solely for demons, where only demons lived.

But I chose to integrate with humans and continued to rescue the demons and humans on the continent.

Although it wasn’t entirely the way Sarkegaar had hoped, I managed to establish my own kingdom on the land that had avoided disaster.

Of course, it was a kingdom achieved through plunder.

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"I never thought... I would see such a sight before I die..." Sarkegaar confessed, overwhelmed as he looked at the harbor, the wide refugee residential area, and the farmlands.

From the open rooftop of the tower, Sarkegaar silently turned in place, taking in the view.

It was as if he could keep doing that forever, looking around once, then again, and again.

He seemed like a child seeing an incredibly fascinating sight for the first time.

"Your Highness... I can die now. Even if I die... I will bless your new world and be happy... Anytime..."

Sarkegaar smiled innocently as he cried, like a child.

"Why are you thinking about dying? With so many things to do, it might have been better when we had no kingdom."

"Whatever it is, I will gladly die under the weight of the work. Just give me any command."

Sarkegaar gently lifted the hem of his skirt with both hands and bowed his head before me.

"The great, unique, and sublime."

"The absolute ruler of Darklands, lord of all demons, and humans."

"The immortal Demon King."

"I, Sarkegaar, will obey your command at any time."

Sarkegaar looked at me and smiled.

It was the always wicked and sinister smile of Sarkegaar.

But with tears in his eyes, and a happier expression than ever before, he still appeared in the guise of a false human woman.

At that moment, he seemed the embodiment of happiness.

At first, I was honestly afraid.

I thought I might have to get rid of Sarkegaar someday.

And at some point, I felt guilty for not being able to fulfill Sarkegaar’s wishes.

But as my ambitions failed, I had to do what I didn’t want to do.

In the end, I became the ruler of Darklands.


"Well done."

I embraced Sarkegaar.

"My most loyal servant."

I expressed my sincere feelings that I had been harboring until now.


Sarkegaar went down to the tower, saying that he wanted to see my Darkland more closely with his own eyes.

Was it that good?

I thought Sarkegaar would be pleased, but I was slightly taken aback because I didn’t think it would be to that extent.

"You’ve accomplished so much in just two years."

At Lucinil’s words, I gave a bitter smile. Sarkegaar was moved by the reconstruction of Darkland, but Lucinil seemed purely amazed that such a thing was possible in just two years.

Sarkegaar, Epinhauser, Loyar, and Lucinil.

These four were the ones who confronted the knights of Saviolin Turner and Shanafel when I escaped from the temple.

Loyar and Professor Epinhauser died, and it took quite some time before I could recover the other two.

"It must have been tough... during that time."

"No, really, it was fine."

My warning that killing Lucinil and Sarkegaar would lead to a permanent hostile relationship.

I wonder if the empire really didn’t treat Sarkegaar and Lucinil recklessly because of that.

"Archdemon. Even if I went through a hard time for just two years, how much would that occupy in my life?"

Lucinil says that since she has lived such a long time, even if she was suffering, it wouldn’t have had such a significant meaning.

Still, the fact that Lucinil risked danger for me didn’t change.

Lucinil gazed quietly at the city lights.

"You know, Valier, I find this more fascinating."

"...What is it?"

"This neighborhood, you and I came here together."

"That’s right."

I once came to Edina Archipelago with Lucinil to meet Airi.

Lucinil must have known that the scenery of Edina Archipelago in that winter was very different from now.

"What has changed so much in just two years?"

Not only there was the super-large cathedral that didn’t exist two years ago, but the scale of the city itself has expanded incomparably.

"Why does the time of mortals flow so quickly?"

It had only been two years, but this scenery had come into view. Lucinil seemed to find it fascinating.

"It’s so cute and lovely."

Lucinil said, covering her mouth and laughing.

"But that’s why it’s sadder."

In the lives of mortals, there is an end called death. Therefore, Lucinil seemed to feel sadness at the same time as the brilliance.

"Why did you help me, Lord?"


At my question, Lucinil tilted her head.

Lucinil helped me.

It was not unreasonable to see her as second only to Eleris on the Council. She even risked her life for me.

I couldn’t tell if Lucinil had a reason to do so. I only heard that she received some help from Eleris and repaid the debt.

Lucinil looked at me.

"When my life was reaching its limit, it was Eleris who helped me become a vampire."


I thought I might not know such a thing, but it was Eleris who helped Lucinil when the physical life of Homunculus was at its limit.

"So, I was originally from the Tuesday Clan. Of course, I made a promise. I had no intention of leading a clan myself. I was told I could be turned into a vampire, but I wouldn’t be looked after. That’s why the Lord of Wednesday, who was close to Eleris, took me in."

"And then you ended up becoming the Lord of Wednesday?"

"The previous Lord of Wednesday didn’t have a clan either. I was the only one left to inherit it."

Lucinil stretches.

"To be honest, I helped you with the thought of repaying my debt of life... But, well? Actually, I’m the type to do anything diligently."

That statement somehow made me chuckle.

"Being an immortal inevitably leads to laziness. Then, when that laziness turns into boredom and even that becomes tiresome, one gives up on life. I told you before, didn’t I? Most Vampire Lords give up on life voluntarily."

"Yes, you did."

"So, even though I don’t have much to do, when I decide to do something, I do it diligently. Helping you was in that context."

She risked her life to help me diligently.

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That sounded a bit strange.

"Don’t overthink it. Just like Antirianus is very strange, I am also very strange. You can think of it that way."

"That kind of strangeness is too convenient for me."

"Is it?"

Of course, Antirianus’ strangeness is also inconvenient, but it’s convenient for me all the same.

"I don’t work hard for just anyone, especially not for those I dislike or those who are insignificant."

Lucinil stretches out again, taking a few deep breaths.

"You’re quite pretty, cute, and unique. It seems that us immortals inevitably find someone like you adorable when we grow too old."

"We’ve grown too old, and now we know too well what can and cannot be achieved."

"Even if we didn’t experience it ourselves, we have lived through the history recorded in books."

"Beings who dream too big."

"We know that it’s fleeting, that it’s impossible, and that it’s overwhelmingly difficult."

"Would we mock those who dream such dreams, thinking that they could never be realized?"

"Actually, no."

"We have seen many failures, but we have also witnessed a few successes."

"Even if a hundred or a thousand fail, we have seen the one who succeeds. We have seen the egg that breaks the rock several times. However, the number of broken eggs is countless, and the number of eggs that broke the rock is only a handful even in such a long time."

"We have seen countless people fail and die while attempting something that was absolutely impossible, and then someone succeeds."

"So, I don’t mock those impossible attempts."

"I pity those who fail."

"And I think those who succeed are amazing."

"Us immortals feel pity, compassion, and sympathy for beings like you."

"So, I guess I want to do something for you."

"Do you understand, Archdemon?"

"So, I don’t want your story to be remembered as a sad one. Instead of watching from the sidelines of history as I always have, this time I want to be by your side and help create that story."

"So, the help Eleris gave me isn’t such an important story now."

I will make sure it doesn’t turn into a sad story.

Antirianus said he was fine with me dying miserably or succeeding.

While I couldn’t say Lucinil was the opposite, she seemed to care about me.

She would help ensure my story doesn’t end in tragedy.

It wasn’t just the words saying they’d do anything for me, but something about the specifics of that statement resonated deeply within my heart.

Lucinil stretched languidly.

"Even though it was a short time... not being able to breathe the night air outside for two years was a bit stifling."

They had been comfortable, but they certainly hadn’t been living a free life.



First, she called me Archdemon, then Vallie, and then Reinhardt.

Lucinil would call me by any name.

Smiling, Lucinil looked at me.

"Thank you for gifting me the night air once again."

Does she consider it a gift?

Instead of resenting the fact that I hadn’t paid attention to her for two whole years, she is grateful?

If there were only immortals like Lucinil in this world, wouldn’t it be quite nice?

In exchange for saving my life, she endured two years of confinement.

And she expresses gratitude just for a single breath of the cold night air.

I shouldn’t think that it’s a happy moment.

It’s not yet a moment when one should be grateful for anything.

"I’m the one who’s grateful."

Though it was a brief sensation, I was grateful to see Sarkegaar and Lucinil, and Charlotte safe, and I was happy.


After Lucinil and Sarkegaar left, I sat alone on the parapet of the tower, quietly gazing at the streets of Lazak.

I had succeeded in what I wanted.

There was unavoidable damage, but it was indeed unavoidable.

The remnants of the Black Order fled after the death of their leader.


I looked down at the vast expanse below me.

It was an indescribable feeling.

There were good things, but there were also terrible things.

I had been cruel to Ellen.

I thought it was the best choice in that situation. And even if that situation arose again, I believe I would do the same.

Ellen must be suffering.

It wasn’t a situation where we could have a normal conversation.

Her tear-filled eyes, filled with fear, sorrow, and dread, looking up at me, were unforgettable.

That gaze.

The trembling tip of her sword.

The lips that held countless words for me but couldn’t open.

All of these were painfully etched into my mind.


She must have been suffering as much as I was, if not more.

I had created more reasons for her to suffer.

I had inflicted wounds.

And the experience of physically hurting me must have shocked her even more.

Although I had to do it, it’s certain that Ellen is in pain.

I wanted to say sorry.

But will there be a day for us to do that?

I don’t think such a day will come.

I stared at the streetlights below.

Ellen and I live in different worlds.

I built a society of demons and humans here.

Ellen must become the single thread of hope amidst humanity’s hate, fear, and anger, and unite them.

Right now, Ellen is more important than the Emperor.

That’s why Ellen and I live in different worlds.

The best thing for both of us is to live like this, without knowing where the other is.

If we meet, we must fight, even if it’s forced. And we must display that fight to the people.

We are enemies.

The hero must be stronger than the Demon King, and people must believe so.

The Demon King cannot attack the Empire and humanity out of fear of the hero, and people must believe that someday the hero will defeat the Demon King.

That’s why I deliberately allowed Ellen to inflict a fatal wound on me.

But I wonder.

That fight was necessary, and I had deliberately pretended to lose.

Truly coldly.

Without emotions.

Today, I learned what the outcome would be if I genuinely fought against Ellen.


If I were to sincerely fight against Ellen Artorius.

If such a day ever comes.

I realized the objective truth that, without a doubt, I would be defeated.

It was through today’s unintended fight that I came to understand this truth.

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