The Demon Prince goes to the Academy Chapter 520

Among the temple garrisons, the entrance to the Royal Class garrison is guarded by security guards loaned from the temple itself.

Of course, only those of confirmed status and carefully chosen individuals are entrusted with this role. The individual strength of each Royal Class student is important, but the famous hero, Ellen Artorius, resides here as well.

Not only do various social climbers gather here, but also high-ranking officials and famous people from various countries come to mingle. Ellen’s fame is truly beyond description.

As a result, the gatekeepers of the Royal Class garrison are composed of individuals who can ignore and snub the rude nonsense of high-ranking officials, starting from "Don’t you know who I am?" to "Call Ellen for me at once."

Thus, this garrison is strictly off-limits to anyone other than the designated personnel, and if one attempts to sneak in or is caught inside, the level of punishment rises up to the level of the imperial emperor.

Of course, knowing this, there are still those who continue to linger.

Such strict access control.

Absolutely no access for anyone other than designated ’personnel’.

The control only applies to humans, after all.


As always, the gatekeepers, who were on high alert against the swarming social climbers and clueless officials, widened their eyes as they saw a cat walking towards the entrance of the garrison.

"A cat…?"

"What’s a cat doing here?"


Only one cat was approaching.

However, the black cat that was walking had another small black kitten hanging from its mouth by the scruff of its neck.


The dangling kitten let out a pitiful cry.

Boldly, the black cat entered the Royal Class garrison without even bothering the gatekeepers.

"Strange… We often see dogs, but now a cat? Did it sneak in with the supplies?"

"No way."

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As the cat was not subject to access control, the gatekeepers merely stared at the small black kitten and the black cat without taking any action.

The guards soon witnessed a peculiar sight.

The mother cat, who had boldly entered the Royal Class garrison with the kitten in her mouth, carefully set the kitten down in the middle of the bustling base.

Then, she dashed away like a shot arrow, climbing the barrier wall of the Royal Class base before disappearing.


The guards stared at the baby black cat lying on the ground with bewildered expressions.

"…Did she abandon it?"

"…Seems like it."

Sarkegaar had abandoned Reinhardt.


The cry of the baby black cat sounded like a simple plea for help from a small animal.

The intended meaning was, "Hey, what am I supposed to do if you leave me like this?" but who could understand that?

Naturally, the sudden appearance of a small animal in such a place couldn’t help but attract people’s attention.

"…What’s this? Why is there a cat here?"

The first person to discover the cat was the teleporter, Kono Lint.

Naturally, as many people heard the cat’s cry, they began to gather one by one.

Everyone, except those on duty and away from the base, gathered at the sound of the familiar but strange cry of the small animal.

Kono Lint, Adelia and Christina, who were conducting research at the garrison, Louis Ancton, and other Royal Class students couldn’t help but gather as well. After all, not only were there second-year students, but also upperclassmen and underclassmen.

It was undoubtedly rare to encounter a beast, especially a young one, in a place like this.

"How did a cat end up here?"

"Well, there’s a place where they keep dogs, so it’s not impossible for there to be a cat."

"I saw a big cat that looked similar running away earlier. Did it abandon this one?"

"What should we do? It’s so pitiful…"

"How can it be this cute?"

"Do you think someone was raising it?"

"It had a mother, remember?"


Of course, the original plan was to transform into a cat, stealthily wander the garrison, eavesdrop on conversations, and spy on them. However, he failed to master the transformation technique, and instead became a spectacle.

Kono Lint, the first to discover the creature, grabbed the struggling kitten by the scruff of its neck.

"Hey, hey! Be careful!"

"No, that’s not it…"

Kono Lint, who had suddenly picked up the small beast, looked at the black kitten and tilted his head.

"Hey, does it look like it’s hurt somewhere?"


The black cat, trembling and unable to stand on all four legs, looked to be in bad shape to anyone who saw it.


Of course, no one understood that it was actually shouting, "Put me down, you bastard!"

The pitiful black kitten, seemingly abandoned by its mother, was transferred to the canteen tent.

It wasn’t shivering from the cold, nor was it unable to stand on all four legs due to pain.

So, even when they covered it with a blanket, the shivering didn’t stop, and casting a healing spell wouldn’t allow it to stand properly.

"It must be in a lot of pain."

"Why isn’t it getting better?"

"It’s so adorable…"

Naturally, the corner of the large canteen tent was bustling with students.

The desolate and brutal atmosphere of war was far from the happiness felt when looking at something cute.

That’s why all the students gathered around this poor but precious visitor who had suddenly appeared.

They brought a plate of milk from the canteen, thinking the kitten might be hungry, but it just trembled and couldn’t bring itself to eat.

"That’s it!"

Kono Lint, who had been watching, clapped his hands.

"It might be stressed out because too many people are staring at it."

Everyone, both seniors and juniors, nodded at Kono Lint’s words.

Stress was everyone’s enemy, and it could be a big threat to such a small creature’s life. Even if they didn’t know for sure, they had a gut feeling about it.

"Let’s leave it alone for now."

Supernaturals and superhumans, who would get involved in anything, were now united in their concern for a single kitten.

As they crowded around and then dispersed, the black kitten shivered and watched them.

It didn’t take long for the seemingly trivial but huge news of a kitten appearing in the garrison to spread.

Thus, the stream of curious students visiting the canteen didn’t stop.

Of course, not everyone was interested.

"…How strange."

Redina tilted her head, but seemed to have no interest as her own tasks were a priority.

It wasn’t unheard of for surviving animals to be around, and Redina’s shoulders were too heavy to be excited by the appearance of such a creature.

However, most people did show at least a little interest.

The battlefield was an incredibly tense place.

Just as soldiers kept hunting dogs, the Royal Class students in the desolate emotional desert of the battlefield wanted to see the small animal, even if just for a moment.

And among them was Adriana, a former temple trainee who ended up joining the royal class.

"Where does it hurt...?"


Like other faith students, Adriana cautiously approached the kitten and cast a healing spell on it.

"…It seems to be more effective when Adriana does it?"

The black kitten, which had only been trembling and limp until now, began to stir and lift its head, rubbing its face against Adriana’s finger.

"How did it get all the way here…? Poor thing."

Adriana showed a sad smile as she watched the small kitten nuzzling her finger.

Whether it was empathy or something else, it was clear that the kitten seemed to like Adriana very much.

After petting the kitten for a while, Adriana received a mission call and hurriedly left the dining tent.

"I came here to eat…"

In the end, Adriana got so distracted by the kitten that she had to go on the mission with an empty stomach.

It was unclear whether Adriana’s healing spell had been effective, but as numerous students bustled about and cared for the kitten, it gradually regained its strength.

Although the circumstances were entirely different, it definitely appeared that way to the onlookers.

The trembling subsided, and the kitten began to move its limbs somehow.

Eventually, it managed to stand on all fours from under the blanket.

"Look, it’s standing."

The students, careful not to startle the kitten, watched it with bated breath, as if witnessing a miracle.

Many students watched the kitten move cautiously, one step at a time, as if learning to walk for the first time.

The kitten began to walk in circles within a certain range around the blanket, as if practicing something.

Although Kono Lint had advised them not to bother it, everyone couldn’t help but be excited by the arrival of this unfamiliar guest.

"But did the mother cat abandon this one?"

"Seems so."

Adelia and Christina whispered to each other, watching the kitten as it had just started to walk.

"Aren’t you hungry? Eat this."

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Christina pushed a plate of milk towards the kitten, but it didn’t even look at the plate.

It was as if the kitten wasn’t hungry at all.

Milk was, after all, not a common food in this situation.

"Aren’t you hungry?"

Regardless of whether it was hungry or not, the kitten didn’t seem to want to eat like an animal, but who would know that?

The kitten simply made noises as it circled in place, suddenly jumping or wildly swinging its front paws, exhibiting bizarre behavior.

It was as if it were testing the functions of its body.

As night fell, those who had been on missions began to return one by one, unless they were on long-term assignments. Naturally, as word of the kitten spread, more and more people came to the dining hall to see it.

He had thought it was a covert reconnaissance mission, but his bodies didn’t cooperate, causing the targets of his reconnaissance to come to him instead. However, the mission’s objective was ultimately achieved.

"A kitten…?"

Upon hearing that there was a kitten where people were gathered, Ludwig tilted his head and went on to have dinner.

"…How strange."

Indeed, it was strange for a kitten to be in a place like this.

Ludwig paid no more attention to the words.

Despite seeing the gathering of people, Cliffman showed no interest and sat alone, eating his meal.

The black kitten, on the other hand, stared at these scenes for quite some time.


Scarlett crouched down in front of the kitten, furrowing her brows as she hesitated whether to reach out her hand or not.

"May I... touch it just a little?"

She cautiously asked Anna de Gerna, who was standing beside her, as if seeking permission.

"Why not...?"

Encouraged by Anna’s words, Scarlett carefully reached out her hand to the kitten and succeeded in gently stroking it once.

Although the kitten didn’t allow Scarlett’s touch as much as it did with Adriana, it still permitted it.

"You’re... you’re so cute..."

Scarlett, who didn’t usually show strong reactions, was at a loss, almost stomping her feet in excitement.

After confirming that Scarlett had successfully petted the kitten once, Anna reached out her hand with a wicked smile. The black kitten, as if a trauma switch had been activated, slowly retreated and left Anna feeling disappointed.

Only the kitten knew the reason for this.

If the kitten was really a kitten, being touched by many hands might have been an issue, but since it wasn’t actually a kitten, it didn’t matter.

Of course, the tired kitten sat among the blankets, gazing at the passing people as if observing them.

"Shouldn’t we give it a name?"

Out of the blue, Kono Lint, the one who first discovered the kitten, brought up this topic amidst the gathered students.

As if they had already decided to raise the kitten at the Royal Class headquarters.

"Right, we need a name."

Delphin nodded vigorously, seemingly agreeing with Kono Lint’s words.

It wasn’t just Kono Lint who had decided to raise the kitten, which had appeared less than a day ago.

"How about Black since it’s black?"




"Is... is it bad?"

Amidst everyone’s silent gazes, Kono Lint broke into a cold sweat.

"That’s not just bad, it’s too careless."

"Ah, I see..."

For Scarlett, who rarely spoke harsh words, to scold him like that, it was as if everything had been said.

"I know."

Erich de Lafaeri, who had been watching this, opened his mouth.

All eyes focused on him, wondering what he knew.

"Name it something awful so it lives a long life. Let’s call it ’Poop.’"


"It seems it doesn’t like it."

"Seems so."

"Does it understand what we’re saying?"

"And why ’Poop’ when it’s not even a dog?"

"I heard that’s how they live long lives..."

"Be quiet."


Erich’s suggestion received indiscriminate scolding from everywhere, leaving him with no choice but to shrink back.

"How about Lily?"

Everyone began to look at the rather cute name suggestion from Christina with an approving expression.


However, the black kitten seemed displeased with both ’Poop’ and ’Lily.’

Of course, everyone thought it was just a coincidence, not that the kitten understood their words.


"Hmm... Lily... Lily..."

Kono Lint began to ponder the name, arms crossed.

"Hold on."

Lint approached the well-behaved kitten and lifted one of its hind legs.

"It’s a male!"


At some point, the black kitten had become capable of hissing.

Too many cooks spoil the broth.

However, when there are too many helmsmen, the boat can’t even make it to the mountain.

At the moment, the Royal Class was just like a boat unable to go anywhere due to having too many helmsmen.

As numerous cat names were suggested, none were decided upon, as each seemed both right and wrong.

After all, for a small creature, the Royal Class base was bizarrely stirred up beyond the numerous depressions and desolations.

It might not be a grand hope that’s necessary to suppress despair.

Small things.

Protecting such small things.

Just by encountering the remaining small things, hope might appear.

Within this strange excitement, the students experienced various emotions.

As the more important the mission, the farther away from the base it occurred, Ellen Artorius returned to the base quite late.

Naturally, she couldn’t help but hear the rumors about the sudden appearance of a cat, as she came for a late dinner.

Everyone vaguely knew that Ellen was exhausted lately.

That’s why, as if everyone received some sort of comfort from the small cat’s presence, Ellen, with a blank expression after finishing her meal, was led by the other students to stand in front of the kitten.

"It seems like a mother cat came today and left it behind."

"Maybe she wants us to raise it?"

"How about it? Cute, right?"


Ellen stared at the small animal in front of her with cloudy eyes.

A cat.

The words of the people and the existence of the small animal in front of her felt distant to Ellen.

It seemed like everything was fading away and would disappear completely.

As Ellen appeared, the cat lifted its head and looked up at her precisely.

As if trying to confirm something.

Entranced, Ellen cautiously crouched down and reached out her hand to the cat’s chin.

"Oh, it’s licking."

The onlookers silently watched the small cat licking Ellen’s hand.

Ellen felt that the unfamiliar sensation of her hand being licked was somewhat restoring her clouded mind.



The cat licked her fingers without stopping.

Ellen felt as if the small creature’s movements were somehow awakening sensations from the edges of her fading skin.

The cat’s low and pitiful cries awakened her blurry vision.

Only then could Ellen see clearly what was in front of her.

A pitch-black.

Small animal.

Ellen opened her mouth and spoke softly.

"A cat......"

Everyone watched the peculiar interaction with bated breath.

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