The Dragon’s Kiss Chapter 201 [Bonus ]EIGHTY TWO: The Emperor’s Taste

The man pulled his hood down, revealing silver hair and golden eyes.

"Quickly, please follow me," he ordered, reaching out to take Kel’s place supporting the king.

Kel gasped when she saw the unmistakable features, but Adriell spoke first.

"Fahim!" the princess blurted, tearing up.

It was the first time that night she’d shown any emotion.

On the other hand, Kel felt a little disappointed that the man wasn’t Taegus. She’d heard nothing of her friend since her squad’s awkward dodge of the subject, which led her to believe the worst.

This man’s presence only added to her anxiety concerning Taegus’s fate.

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"Your Highness!" the man, apparently named Fahim, returned Adriell’s excitement. "It is an honor to see you again."

"Take them to Halseva port in Pandreia," Calix ordered, interrupting the happy reunion. "Put them on a ship, and make sure they never set foot on this continent again."

Fahim nodded, but paused as he noticed Kel, his eyes widening as he recognized her.

Hesitantly, he raised his head.

"About my brother, Tae-"

"Go," Calix growled, gripping Kel’s arm.

"Tae," Kel repeated softly as she watched the four figures disappear into the darkness. "Tae..gus?"

She felt the Emperor’s grip on her tighten as she spoke.

"Are you satisfied now?" he asked sarcastically. "Can I go back to sleep?"

Who asked for your help, anyway!! Kel shouted internally, her shoulders rising defensively.

Attempting to swallow her irritation, she let out a slow breath.

"I’ve been meaning to ask you about one of the soldiers on the patrol with me-"

"And remind me to burn these clothes as soon as you remove them," Calix added, cutting her off.

His message was obvious. He would give no answers regarding Taegus at that moment.

Kel frowned, opening her mouth to push the issue, but she suddenly recalled the Emperor’s words from earlier.

’One of us is going to have to start compromising.’

Right. Asking about Taegus wouldn’t bring him back if he was already dead, and it wouldn’t doom him if he were still alive. Perhaps, she could compromise, and hold back for a while longer.

Instead, Kel relaxed her shoulders and uttered a quiet ’thank you’.

A hint of a smile played across the Emperor’s lips.

"I don’t always understand you," he said softly, sliding his hand down her arm and entangling it with her fingers, "But I’d like to."

Kel’s cheeks reddened as they began walking back toward the palace.

"And I hope someday," Calix added, nodding to a set of guards they passed, "you’ll come to understand me a little more, too."


Kel wondered what kind of future the Dragon Emperor envisioned, and where she fit in that future.

In true Dragon Emperor fashion, however, she received an abrupt and shocking answer to that question.

Just as he had threatened, Calix stripped Kel of her uniform and disposed of it as soon as they arrived back at his room. Instead, she found herself in a skimpy night dress that left her questioning when the Emperor had time to prepare it.

"Does it not suit your taste?" Calix teased as Kel frowned, wrapping her arms around herself to cover as much of her exposed body as possible.

With a smirk, he approached her and gently ran a finger down her cheek.

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"I think it’s time you start paying more attention to my taste," he whispered, pressing his lips against her neck.

"I-it’s four in the morning," Kel stuttered, jumping back.

"That’s what I’ve been saying," Calix agreed, pulling her in again. "Can’t we go back to bed?"

Holding her hands up to shield herself from the man’s relentless affection, Kel questioned, "Shouldn’t I have my own bed in my own room, though?"

Calix’s smile shrunk as he nuzzled his nose against her ear, "why on earth would you need that?"

Wasn’t it normal for a man and woman to only share a bedroom if they were married? Were things different in the Empire? From what Kel had seen, the moral standards of Serin seemed to be the same as the rest of the continent.

Did Calix simply mean he wanted to spend the last few hours of this night with her?

"Y-you’re the one who kept me away from you for days.." Kel scrambled as the man’s lips drew close to hers. "So I thought you wanted your space."

"You’re relentless," Calix’s voice was filled with amusement. "Can’t you let a man heal a bit before devouring him?"

"Who’s devouring who?!" Kel shrieked, pushing him away.

She darted to the bed and pulled the covers over her tomato-colored face. How could he say such lewd things so unashamedly?!

A few moments later, the mattress sank as Calix seated himself next to her. She could feel his smiling eyes burning through the blanket over her head as he stared at her.

"Are you embarrassed?" he quipped. "But a few hours ago, you’re the one who gr-"

"Enough!" Kel angrily ripped the covers off her head.

She cleared her throat awkwardly as her shout echoed off the walls.

"I just thought that you could have at least sent word to me that you were fine," she finished, avoiding Calix’s playful gaze.

"Mmmm don’t be mad at me," the man faked a pout, resting his head on her shoulder.

His jet black hair tickled the exposed skin on her collar bones.

"I’m not mad," Kel relented, resisting the urge to pat the fluffy mop of hair. "It just made me worry for you.. and wonder if I was even important to you."

"Right, that’s why you busted in here with that necklace wrapped up in your dress," Calix chuckled, causing Kel to blush again.

"See!?" she barked. "If you would have just told me anything, then that would have never happened!"

"I thought you’d be busy sneaking Dashien and that princess out," Calix replied. "Or causing some other trouble."

"What do you see me as?" Kel glowered, somehow feeling offended.

Calix sat up, his eyebrows raised.

"Am I wrong though?"

It’s true Kel had caused trouble, but that was because she was trying to get to him.

And she had gone to set her friends free, but only after confirming that Calix was ok.

"You were wrong," Kel insisted. "I was worried about you."

Calix paused as if he was genuinely taken back.

Again, Kel wondered if it was really so unusual for someone to be concerned about him?

Shaking his head, the Emperor laid back against one of the fluffy pillows, extending his arm for Kel to lay on.

"It’s a good thing I finished preparations," he whispered, kissing her forehead as she settled next to him.

"Preparations?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Calix sighed sleepily, closing his eyes.

"Preparing our engagement."

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