The Dragon’s Kiss Chapter 209 NINETY: Fit For An Empress




.. Four

No wait, five.

Five massive gemstones embellished the dress.

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One at the neck.

Two just above the breast.

And two more at the waist band.

Aside from the five eye-catching stones, countless more adorned the ornate metal bands across the neck, shoulders, and waistline of the dress.

".. What kind of stones did you say these were?" Kel asked, delicately laying a finger on the stone at her neck.

"That one is a diamond," the maid brushing her hair replied. "The rest of the big ones are emeralds, except the pink one hanging at your chest, which is balas ruby."

"O-oh," Kel dropped her hand, only to flinch again as it brushed against the blush taffeta cascading down either side of body.

She’d never felt anything quite so smooth and soft before. Not even when she attended important events in place of Adriell.

In between the draped taffeta was a white silk skirt with silver embroidery. It flowed out around Kel’s feet in a neat circle.

"Ah, and those little ones all over the dress are pink sapphires," the woman grinned, pointing to one of many thumb-sized pink stones.

"Ha.. right.."

The maids had been friendlier than usual to Kel today. Most likely because they were mesmerized by the magnificent gown before them. After all, it was the first time anyone in the room had seen the lavish embellishments that accompanied Kel’s engagement dress.

Including Kel.

"I’m glad the annoyingly long white skirt comes off," Kel sighed, "but how can I perform that dance with all these jewels hanging from me?"

"Ooo you’ll sparkle so splendidly while you dance, Your Highness!"

"I’m sure it will be positively breathtaking!"

"Everyone will be in awe of Your Highness!"

The maids gushed collectively.

Ugh. They were laying on their phony praise a bit thick. Did they think if they suddenly started flattering her, she’d pull some of those ’little’ pink sapphires off the dress and hand them over?

Kel yawned as the maids continued their work of hair, makeup and useless flattery.

She had a hard enough time sleeping last night, given the tense conversation with Calix and then having four strangers escort her back to her bedroom--two of which, she found out, were to be stationed inside the room at all times.

Even now, two stony faces gazed over the room as they stood resolutely by the door.

After she had all but lost the battle for sleep, Kel had been attacked at the crack of dawn by a handful of maids, ready to primp her perfectly for the engagement party.

First up was a lengthy bath followed by oiling and massaging. It was already noon by the time Kel was able to have a single bite of breakfast.

Even now, with the party starting in only a few hours, Kel knew she’d spend most of that time glued to her chair while the maids finished their task.

I’m used to this, though, Kel consoled herself. It’s just like the good old days.

Not that it made the process any less unpleasant.

Kel sat as patiently as possible for the next hour, only jumping to her feet when she heard a knock at the door.

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Lucy? Thane?

She sank back into her chair disappointedly, however, when she saw the guards conducting an ordinary shift change.

There had been no sign of her friends since last night. No doubt, the Emperor spent his morning finishing what Kel had stopped, just as he had threatened to when he sent the two soldiers away.

She shuddered thinking about it.

Poor Lucy and Thane. If only she could get Calix to listen to her.

But she hadn’t been able to see the Dragon Emperor either.

While he usually couldn’t seem to stay away from her bed at night, he hadn’t shown his face at all.

Kel told herself she felt nothing but relief--considering how embarrassing it would have been if he attempted anything intimate with two guards there observing--but deep down, she felt troubled.

The uneasiness building up inside her since the previous night had turned to worry. With Calix seeming more like a brick wall than a fiance and Thane and Lucy disappeared, she felt alone once again.

She wished more than anything, that she’d stayed and watched the second half of that stupid play. If she had, she would have never watched the fire dancers, never had those uncomfortable thoughts, and never left her friends’ sides.

Maybe now, Lucy would be with her, smiling and complimenting her sincerely in between light hearted teasing.

It would be even more entertaining if Thane came along as well. The two would bicker back and forth every so often, making Kel laugh. And maybe the Emperor would have joined them. He’d lean against the wall near Kel, shaking his head at his subordinates and occasionally adding his own remarks.

Together, they’d prepare for what was probably the most important moment in Kel’s life.

But instead, the remaining nerve-wracking hours before her engagement ceremony were spent with irritating maids.

Oh, and the two new unfamiliar faces who had come to change guard shifts.

Time ticked by slowly. Painfully slowly.

Kel worked to keep her mind from running wild with apprehension.

The maids chattered like birds, greedily eyeing the glittering accessories they were handling.

And the guards stared past it all, endlessly keeping watch on Kel’s private space.

Finally, one of the palace secretaries (who had been fortunate enough to keep his job during the takeover) arrived at the door.

"It’s time to head out, Miss Keliy-"

The man froze under the sudden glare of the guards on either side of him.

"I-I mean, Your Highness. It’s nearly time for you to go."

It must have been strange for the man to go from calling Kel as an ordinary palace guard for years to suddenly having to address her as royalty. But his slipup only reminded her once again just how out of place she felt.

"Your Highness?"

One of the maids gently tapped her shoulder.

"Right," Kel straightened up, trying to muster up whatever confidence she had left. "Let’s go."

"Take a look first, if you would, Your Highness," another maid grinned, directing her to a full-length mirror.

The girls certainly seemed proud of their work, but unsurprisingly, that didn’t make Kel feel any more confident.

When she stopped in front of the mirror, however, she nearly let out a gasp.

Her hair glittered with jewels as it was pinned back in curls, an opulent diadem hung across her forehead. Her skin seemed fairer than usual, complemented with rosy cheeks and scarlet lips.

The metal neck and chest pieces of her dress sparkled elegantly while the pink taffeta fell in elegant folds from just below her shoulders to the floor, gradually parting in the middle to reveal the magnificent skirt underneath.

It was a look fit for a queen.

No, fit for an Empress.

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