The Earth After Rebirth Chapter 6: Travelling

Chapter 6: Travelling

Out of nowhere. The youngest, Alora tugged her older brother and said,

"Big bro Ki, bring me a gift, something nice when you come back." With the brightest smile she said, giggling cheerfully.

Kiro had to lie and say he’ll be back the same day, otherwise it would’ve been a war.

Unlike Kiro who had their father’s rare deep blue eyes, that seemed to have lightning in them and curly dark brown hair, both Loki and Alora had hazel eyes and black hair, which they took after their mother.

On top of that, Alora was the only child in their household with freckles, which went on the bridge of her nose and right under her eyes. They weren’t much just a couple of dots. This made her cuter in everybody’s eyes.

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"A gift, like what?" Kiro asked her, he was pretty tall, so he had to get on one knee to talk to her face to face.

She made a thinking face then said, "a flower, a rose." she giggled at her own silliness. She had only ever seen a rose in books, where they’re from it was rare for life to spring up.

Kiro chuckled. "Okay Freckles, that’s a promise little one." She then hugged him, he squeezed her back.

He turned to his bratty brother, "anything you want?"

He laughed, "With what money? Save it." He said while walking out with a skateboard under his arm.

A bulging vein could be seen at Kiro’s temple. Loki was sneering. He knew that’d piss his brother off, he did it anyway.

’I swear. I will slap your head senseless one day.’ Kiro thought to himself and was a bit relieved he didn’t say it out loud.

"Hey! Be safe at the park." Kiro said trying to sound nonchalant. The lower district was extremely dangerous and with the dense population, it was easy to disappear without a trace.

"Of course." His bratty brother smirked.


Sanctauri didn’t have a lot of cars, not that the roads were unmaintained or anything, in fact beneath the asphalt laid a mineral that could charge a car while its running. Cars didn’t run on fuel in this world.

The higher-ups decided long ago that the best way to travel was by bullet train, to avoid traffic for the most part. Another was to decrease accidents, which it did since not many cars were on the roads. Some rich folks used private jets. This society may not have hovering cars, but they did have hovering trains.

Of course they still needed to be in stations, because the mineral used to make the trains hover is too dangerous for anyone who would directly be engulfed by it.

This material was mined right outside the habitable zone of the planet. They planted it deep under Sanctauri, deep enough it wouldn’t cause harm to civilians, but also shallow enough that it influenced the whole country. It advanced the technology by 100 fold. The train could only hover by a few inches though.

Thanks to the mineral, a lot of basic things like electricity, water and the Internet were free. Wherever you were, you could access the Internet within Sanctauri as long as you have a device.

The great catastrophe damaged a lot of things, as a result nobody alive knows the oceans, they’re outside the habitable zone and dangerous. Though reservoirs and a certain river exists within Sanctauri.

Bullet trains were much faster than the previous ones. The technology in this time was superior after all, its speed was 1060km/h. So it would take Kiro approximately 4 hours to reach the academy. They could make them faster than this, but it was tested and deemed extremely unsafe. Better get there fast and alive, than lightning fast and in a body bag.

The districts in Sanctauri were segregated by their societal ranks. Upper District, Middle District and Lower District. Each district had its own areas, which in total were numbered from 1 to 50.

Upper District had 5 Areas. Area 1 to 5. It was home to all billionaires and some millionaires in the country, it was so luxurious, houses there cost hundreds of millions. The security was also tight, nobody would dare try to rob them, so there was also that.

The population was just 50 million. Even though they had great schools there, no school in this entire country bested Eden Academy because every District contributed to its upkeep.

The Middle District had 15 areas, from 6 to 20. It housed most of the millionaires and those of the working class that could afford luxury. The population was 150 million.

The Lower District had 30 areas. From 21 to 50. It housed the working class and the poor who lived from pay check to pay check. The population was 300 million.

The rich had the absolute nerve, even though the lower district was the poorest with a population of 300 million, and by no means a great place to live in, it was still expected to contribute towards Eden Academy.

Yet they set the tuition so high, that kids from the lower district could only dream of getting in. These districts can be counted as countries, therefore they have their own economies and the rich try by any means necessary to stay rich.

Of course Kiro lived in the lower district, even it had its middle class, those who can afford this and that, but Kiro lives in the slums, the lowest of the low. Area 50. That’s how poor his family was. His family really got the worst end of the deal. Racism may not exist in this world but classism does.

The poor were treated worse than animals. They were often called rats, now usually young people from Area 50 called each other rats as a term of endearment.

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Though, never let that get your guard down, nobody is your friend in Area 50. The moment they see a chink in your armour, they’ll throw you under the bus without a seconds hesitation. Just act friendly here, but don’t show any weaknesses.

Heaving a sigh, Kiro waved his family goodbye and headed to the station. As it was the first day of autumn, he could feel a light breeze combing through his hair. It felt great, peaceful.

Now he could’ve asked his mom sandwiches for the road, but he knew if he did that, they’d have to suffer, they’d have to give him their own lunches, when they already didn’t sleep like normal people.

Kiro smiled bitterly with great shame. He remembered how he basically screamed at them about how they expected him to get through the train ride without food in his previous life.

’I wish I could back in time, where that me exists, so I can beat myself senseless.’

Stations were a walking distance, no matter where you lived. That’s the bonus of living in a technologically advanced society. Even the cheapest smartphone had great specs. Kiro’s parents decided to buy him one as he’d have to live in the academy dorm. They prompted that he call them every single day. But the little bastard won’t have time after the game starts.

It was ironic how clean stations were even in the slums, if you got off here from another country, you’d swear Area 50 was the most advanced city, that’s until you actually step out of the station and see the buildings.

At a distance, a guy could be noticed running desperately as if his life depended on it. He was being chased by cops. This was pretty normal drama in this Area. The stories Kiro could tell about his Area, could turn the happiest child to suicidal thoughts.

Everything worked on phones in this society. Even banks were virtual. No money was printed physically, you just used your virtual bank to pay, for anything. That’s why Kiro could be seen scanning his phone in the ticket machines, buying a virtual train ticket.

He had never rode a train in his entire 16 years alive. It was not really cheap. Tickets started at 200 creds. That kind of money would be enough for groceries, for a single person of course, for the whole month. That’s how expensive these damn tickets were.

The train was truly majestic. It was an amazing sight to see. A big chunk of metal, just hovering a few inches off the ground. Not even tilting back and forth. The mineral was truly a strong force, it kept it rooted in the air.

It was made of a very thin metal, thin but extremely strong. Another side effect of the great catastrophe. The thin metal made the train the more majestic.

The train hovered above obsidian steel glass, there were no train tracks, just two parallel glass lines that contained a blue-like liquid.

Kiro looked around for an empty compartment, and luckily found one. Even the train had different classes, and obviously all he could afford was the cheapest ticket, meaning no free meals for the entire way. Also meaning that with compartments you share with 5 other people.

The middle class in the train didn’t have compartments, just seats in rows, with TVs at the back of the seat and Head Gear. Kiro was green with envy at this little information.

In the luxurious class, people booked whole carriages to themselves. Unlimited food and entertainment for them. If you wanted to sleep there was a comfortable sofa around.

He was not really looking forward to the academy, rich brats were a thorn on the side. He remembered in his past life, all the kids from poor families were bullied, especially him. He was told that a poor slum rat like himself, had no business having a handsome face. That’s quite literally the only reason.

It pissed him off thinking about it, like he chose where he was born or what features he was born with. Though he suspected that they were just angry that their girlfriends at one point looked his way.

Just as he was thinking about the bitter past, the compartment door slid open interrupting his thoughts. Kiro sighed because he really wanted to be alone. Tsk.

A pale kid about his age walked in. His hair appeared black at first glance but it had a hint of red. He had green eyes. He sat opposite him.

He heaved a sigh of relief, it looked like he had been running. His breathing was ragged and uneven. For 5 minutes straight, he sat there trying to even out his breath. It was an awkward silent breathing moment for 5 minutes.

When he finally calmed down, he reached out his scrawny, sweaty hand and nervously introduced himself.

"I’m Misaki Hiroto, but you can call me Hiro. Please call me Hiro. I’m from Area 50—" he trailed off, realising what he had just said, and mumbled "obviously."

After a moment of what looked like he was berating himself for being a dunce, he looked at Kiro expectedly. He looked like a good kid. Kiro wondered if he was also going to the academy? But why was he so pale, was there no sun in the area he lived in? And what’s with the clearly rehearsed introduction?

"Nice to meet you Hiro, My name is Kiro. You can call me Kiro." He shook his hand while wondering if he should say his surname, but decided he should. "Waynworth Kiro."

He smiled as if he’d said the coolest thing he has ever heard, and said, "It’s cool that you introduce yourself by your nickname. I should try it some time."

Kiro looked at him and shook his head, "That is my name."

"Just Kiro?"

"Just Kiro."

Of course the kid, Hiro, didn’t quite believe him at all. The name didn’t sound like a name to him, at least not one he’s ever heard before.

Kiro just looked at him and shrugged, "It’s Kiro, not short for anything. I’d show you my ID but you’re a stranger."

His straightforwardness made Hiro embarrassed. He flushed red and said, "I believe you."

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