The Extra of The Lunerra Chapter 230 Volume IV - 75: Slaughtering Normal Soldiers

Chapter 230 Volume IV - Chapter 75: Slaughtering Normal Soldiers

This... This was exactly what I expected, but...

I swallowed, gripping my sword tighter as I looked at the scene before my eyes.

Ash and dust were raining down on the area. The grayness in the sky didn’t belong to the clouds, it was the color of this dust and ash.

That aside, it was all the more frightening because I had a wide view of the battlefield, even though it was quite far away from us.

Real people were dying there, dwarves who could think like humans. The explosions, one after another, the large-scale runic attacks using mana, looked from a distance like parts of a whole.

It was beautiful, spectacular even. And that is precisely why it was frightening. To know what these ’glamorous’ spells, these explosions were actually causing... this contrast, this contradiction...

I swallowed again, letting the Absolute Mind put my thoughts in place as much as possible.


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You have received an emergency support notification.

Situation: A trapped allied unit is requesting assistance for the enemy surrounding them.

Location: 980 meters southeast.


Lines like those of a navigation app appeared in front of my eyes, moving toward the location of the ’task’ I had been given.

"Let’s hoist a beer when we return!"

A dwarf, who had been standing next to me until now, stretched after saying these words, then suddenly started running into the battlefield.

After him, other dwarves began to scatter in different directions, mocking the first dwarf to run, as if they didn’t care about this war.

There were those who looked bored and those who looked for excitement. There were those who looked disgusted just to be here, and those who ran expressionlessly toward their assigned task.

So... this was it?

’Come on, you’ve been waiting for this. You’re not going to hesitate now, Aiden.’

Sith appeared on my shoulder with a teal glow, sat on it as if it were a chair, and smiled.

’You must remember our purpose.’

I tore my eyes away from him, took a deep breath, and looked at the lines that were still showing me my direction.

He’s right... That’s enough, I have to act.

I focused on my mana, spinning it inside me and my armor rippled slightly in response.

I also allocated mana to the Absolute Mind and poured it completely into it. Thus, that last shred of hesitation inside me disappeared completely, replaced by the infinite darkness that my skill had created inside me.

I started running, following the lines.

The more I ran into the battlefield, the more noise I heard, the explosions were now taking place close to me.

The amount of dust, rubble, and ash on the ground was also increasing.

The deeper I went, the better I could see: the body parts of countless dwarves, countless disassembled machines, and just as many corpses.

And that was not all. Blood was literally everywhere. So much blood had been spilled and was still being spilled that it had formed a layer of its own on the ground.

The further I went, the more disgusting what I saw became. I saw bodies being torn apart in front of my eyes, soldiers being shot, and yet I was careful not to care, to ignore them.

After all, the Absolute Mind was at work as always, I didn’t need to worry.

So, I was finally noticed.

In the distance, a few of the enemies fighting with the allies saw me. Then a small window that did not obstruct my field of vision appeared in the upper left of my vision.

It was a map, showing where I was. On top of that, in front of my eyes, a lot of enemies turned red and the allies turned bluish.

As soon as this happened, I was fired upon. I didn’t need AVRES to see the bullets, the energy cannons coming at me.

As I kept running, I quickly changed my position. I also created several layers of Mana Barrier on me, and I looked at how many meters to my target.

Two hundred meters...

The bullets landed on my barriers, slowly cracking them, weakening them. I didn’t care about them, though. They weren’t something I needed to pay attention to. So I looked ahead, at my target.

There was a small hill blocking my view in the direction of the lines, whatever was happening was happening behind that hill.

As I was approaching my target, one of my barriers suddenly broke.

I expected it, after all, they can’t last forever.

What I didn’t expect was that right after that, my right shoulder was pushed back with great force, accompanied by a sound that echoed faintly in my ear.

My eyes widened as I looked at where the bullet had come from. There was a gap in a small spot between my barriers. The bullet had passed through this gap, which would only take a few seconds to close.

Fortunately, my armor was pretty good, so I was okay.

I quickly regained my balance, this time focusing on the direction of the fire.

Not far from me, there was a dwarf, lying in a trench with a sniper rifle in his hand. Around him were a few soldiers guarding him. They were looking at me, I was their target.

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I clicked my tongue. There was still distance between me and my target and they were not going to leave me alone.

Even if I ignored them and rushed to my target, a sniper was an important unit. It was much more efficient to neutralize him than to ignore him.

So I turned to them, I was going to run at them, but then something happened that made me freeze in my tracks.

A tiny flash appeared right above the sniper’s position, and an explosion went off right in the middle of them.

The ground shook slightly, smoke filled the air and dust flew up in such a way that I couldn’t see what was there.

Yet I knew, I didn’t need to see what was behind that cloud of dust to understand what had happened.

There was nothing left of them anymore. It was simply impossible...

I took a deep breath, shook my head from side to side, and started running again toward my goal.

As I got to the top of the hill, the landscape behind it slowly came into view. So when I could finally see everything, I understood why support was needed here.

This was a wooded area, not very big. Most of the allied soldiers had to take shelter behind these trees, behind rocks big and small.

The reason was simple, they were surrounded by the enemy and they were under constant fire. Bombs and many more were being thrown, and a random person in the woods could be no longer in this world in just a few seconds.

I narrowed my eyes, gripped my sword tightly, and called out to my mind.

’Sith, here we go.’

A teal aura slowly enveloped my body as heat radiated from my chest to my entire body, while darker and darker colored mana particles began to seep out of my body and into the atmosphere. I walked slowly and calmly down the hill.

As white bracelets of tree branches with engravings slowly formed on my wrists, I turned my left hand to a place where enemy soldiers were concentrated and focused.

The shooting suddenly stopped, I saw the eyes turning to me and then the panic in those same eyes.

The guns aimed at the tree line were aimed at me, but they didn’t have time to pull the trigger.

I quickly moved my hand to the right, and a gust of wind, like a hurricane suddenly descending on the field, swept the area I had been focusing on.

As the bodies of the soldiers were thrown back meters, I saw the limbs of a few of them twisted into strange shapes in the air. The instantaneous pressure on them was so great that their bones were breaking.

Yet this, of course, was not enough.

There were easily over two hundred soldiers in front of me. I couldn’t take them all at once.

Each of the guns pointed at me fired simultaneously, and hundreds of bullets poured into me.

It was futile. The barriers I had created and the air currents Sith had created to protect me prevented every single bullet from reaching me.

The chances of normal bullets harming me were not even low, simply non-existent, thanks to these two obstacles. They couldn’t even scratch me.

I concentrated my mana in all my muscles and kept walking slowly toward the soldiers.

When they realized that the bullets were useless, a few of them picked up the grenades they had just thrown into the trees and threw them at me.

This was exactly what I wanted.

A strong gust of wind blew right behind me, blowing all the grenades thrown at me back the way they came.

The enemy took one last look at me as they watched with widened eyes as the grenades they had thrown returned to them.

Then dozens of explosions rose between them. A dense cloud of dust rose up and came between me and the soldiers.

I saw a piece of arm flying toward me, but like the bullets, it deflected before it reached me and fell to the ground.

As the dust cloud slowly dissipated after the explosions, I closed my eyes, inhaled a deep breath, and exhaled it back the same way.

I opened my eyes, gripped my sword tightly, and quickly dived into the dust cloud.

When I emerged from the cloud, the first thing I saw were the guns of the enemies surrounding the woods, pointed at me.

I ignored them, however, and rushed at the soldier closest to me.

I was already at the helpless dwarf’s feet when the bullets deflected off the gun and into me.

I swung my sword, and with it, a sharp blade of wind flew at the other soldiers.


The scream of the dwarf who made direct contact with my sword echoed in my ears, growing louder and louder as his body split in two. His eyes stared into mine as his blood splattered on my sword and on me. He was in tears.

I didn’t stop, ignoring the dwarf, I quickly maintained my momentum and charged at the nearest living enemy.

Their bullets were useless. Their only chance was explosives, which could do no more than explode on themselves.

So all they could do was watch or run as I mowed each one down, limb after limb falling off.

Even though I wasn’t overpowered, I was one of the worst enemies they, normal soldiers with nothing extra, could face and since there was no one among them with powerful equipment to face me directly, it was like squashing ants.

Only they weren’t ants.

They had blood, limbs, even organs, and heads. With each attack I made, their body parts were thrown all over the place.

However, I didn’t feel a single shred of emotion. Perhaps I was grateful that for the first time in all my time on Lunerra, I couldn’t really feel negative emotions, I couldn’t feel sad. So I kept on slaughtering and slaughtering beings who could think like me, dwarves who had a life.

Yet one of them refused to spend his last moments like this.

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