The Extra of The Lunerra Chapter 377 Volume VI - 10: First Day of the Second Year

Chapter 377 Volume VI - 10: First Day of the Second Year

?The second year of the academy... is actually when the academy truly starts.

The first year is literally a preparation where a lot of things are restricted. It’s not unlike a simple high school environment. Students are even required to wear uniforms...

But from the second year onward, this high school-like system changes completely.

Special courses with chosen specializations, no more limited contact with other years, new and more unique ’exams’... and much more.

And not only that. This academic year of 2044-2045 is also a very important turning point for the game, The Lands of The Lunerra. The fourth part of the game’s story begins as Adrian enters his second year at the academy.

Things escalate, literally. Not only Adrian, who is played as the main character, but the whole world slowly starts to change with this year.

And today is the first day of this ’second’ year. It’s the morning of Monday, the start of the week.

And in this particular moment, I stood in front of the mirror and looked at myself.

My right arm and leg with their veiny, disgusting and black-colored structure, which was clearly visible because I wasn’t wearing the black things that covered them... My growing height and muscular body... my gaze, my posture...

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Today was exactly one year since I came into this world. And when I thought about how much I had changed in this one year, what I had been through... I couldn’t help feeling strange.

Still, I didn’t stand in front of the mirror for long. I changed into normal clothes, put the glove back on, and grabbed my cane.

I was ready to leave my room. And... so did I.

I walked out of my room in the dormitory building without a mask, not caring to hide my face anymore.

And as soon as I stepped out into the corridor... all the students on the same floor as me froze.

Some of them didn’t know I was here and were in shock, others already knew but still couldn’t take their eyes off me.

I took slow steps along the corridor without looking at any of them for too long. When I got into the elevator, not a single person attempted to get in at the same time as me, and it was the same when I went downstairs and out onto the campus grounds.

’I thought you were used to it.’

When Sith’s hovering body suddenly appeared in front of me, I couldn’t help but let out a sigh so no one would notice.

’I don’t know, they’re more intense than before. I guess that’s why I felt a little uncomfortable.’

Well, the fact that I’m a war hero... the nobility ceremony... and the academy’s opening speech yesterday have done a lot for my reputation. So it’s kind of normal, I guess.

’So that’s how they also look at the others, is that so?’

And by others he meant Adrian and Celine. Adrian because of the whole dungeon thing and him being an elf known, and Celine... because of her first public appearance in a really, really long time. Which was yesterday’s opening ceremony.

Oh, he also meant Lucia and Sue...

’Well, most likely?’

Sith was silent for a while after my last answer.

I kept walking, finally entering the main building of the academy and heading toward the second floor of the part where the lecture halls were located.

I had chosen my specializations, which would determine most of the courses I would take throughout my academy life, in two areas, Military and Hunting. Therefore, most of my classes were focused on these subjects.

Now, I was going to the lecture hall for a course called ’Creature Analysis’ under the Hunting specialization. And it didn’t take me long to find it.

As soon as I walked in, the whole atmosphere of the lecture hall changed, as it did everywhere I passed. First the general noise stopped, then all eyes focused on me. I ignored them and checked the classroom.

There were only two familiar figures in the classroom... and they were sitting side by side. They were looking in my direction now as the atmosphere in the lecture hall suddenly changed.

I smiled slightly, walked toward them, and took my place next to them in the silence.

"Good morning."

I said calmly, and Lucia’s face broke into a smile.

"Good morning, Aiden."

Under normal circumstances, she would be the center of attention in an area. The mere act of speaking would cause many people to reflexively turn towards her.

But this time it was different... and not because of my presence. Rather, it was the necklace hanging around her neck with a round, red-colored jewel in the center. A dwarf-made necklace that allowed her to suppress her stupidly high charm.

Although... she is still extremely beautiful and still attracts attention. But the mesmerizing effect has been lost, at least.

It hadn’t even been twenty-four hours since I gave Melany the necklace... she had acted fast, huh.

"Good morning."

And this time, the other person I recognized spoke. It was... Julian himself.

They were both friends of mine that I hadn’t spoken to in a very long time. We had communicated through the Study Group in the last few weeks, but this was the first time we were face-to-face in months.

And they were still the same with me as they had been before.


Even though the professor was surprised by my presence, he did not let it affect his attitude or his lecture. He finished without any problems.

Lucia had no free hours on Monday morning. She had another class after the Creature Analysis, so she had to leave.

But Julian and I both had an hour of free time. And of course we used it.

"War hero, huh. I knew you’d come back with something big after being gone for so long, but this... exceeded my expectations."

I couldn’t stop my eyes from twitching as we walked side by side through the garden.

"You talked about this so much in the group already... aren’t you full yet?"

"Talking on an app and seeing a war hero face to face are two different things."

"Come on... all I did was swing a sword. Let’s not make a big deal about the war hero thing, shall we?"

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"No way, I’m friends with the most talked about person in the kingdom... maybe the world, even... and I’m not going to use it?"

He stopped for a moment.

"Also... you’ve never fought before you swung that sword? Are you trying to say that?"

I waited for a moment, then sighed slightly instead of answering.

"Never mind. The war is already over. I’m back, alive... and strong."

"Ah, right... you were the new number one at the academy, weren’t you?"

My eyes twitched again.

He wasn’t wrong. As we entered the new year, the rankings were redone.

And this time it was me, not Adrian, who was ranked number one among the second years.

"Why is everything you’re going to talk about annoying me..."

Julian shrugged, still keeping a smile on his face.

"Who knows."

He lowered his hands, his eyes locked on the road ahead, silent for a moment.

"Still... it’s good to see you again. Congratulations once more, for everything you’ve achieved. And... for coming back."

I paused for a moment, unable to stop my lips from curling upwards, and was about to say thank you...

"You know, even if you came back crippled. But we’re still friends, don’t worry."

My smile disappeared in an instant, and Julian rushed in front of me with quick steps.

"You... what?!"


My program on Monday consisted of three classes of two hours each. And they went by quite quickly. Except for Creature Analysis, the other two classes had no one familiar to me.

So, before I knew it, I had finished my last classes for today. I could have gone back to my room, I could have rested... I could have done many more things.

But I had one more place to visit today. And so, slowly but surely, I made my way toward the training buildings.

I wanted to see someone else I hadn’t seen for a long time, someone I knew well... someone who had taught me how to fight, how to use a sword in the first place.

Halfway there, however, I had to pause, even unintentionally, and my gaze slowly shifted to a student standing a few meters in front of me, looking in my direction.

He looked a little... nervous looking at me, but he still had a stern gaze.

"Hi there."

I spoke before him, putting a smile on my face as I pulled my cane in front of me and placed both of my hands on it.


Sith suddenly appeared on my shoulder, looking serious. But he didn’t need to explain anything.

’I know, don’t worry.’

"I think there’s something you want from me, now that you’ve blocked my path like this."

I paused, narrowed my eyes slightly, but did not lower my smile.

"I’m sorry, I misspoke, since ’you guys’ blocked my path. Plural, that is."

The expression on his face changed, clearly showing that he was even more nervous now. However, as a crowd of students slowly began to form around me after my words, he recovered a little.

"Hey, look over there... what’s going on?"

Well, it wasn’t just me and the one who blocked me... there were other students. And naturally, they saw what was happening.

So, there would soon be a big crowd around us, even more than there should have been.

"Now... you don’t talk, I’ll guess. Okay?"

The guy in front of me finally opened his mouth to speak, but I beat him to it.

"Maeve or Jack? Uh, maybe Cassandra too... even though she’s in her fourth year, she’s got a lot planned at the academy. But I’ll still go with Jack."

"The heiress of the Bistra family, Maeve Bistra, woul-’"

I grimaced slightly and clapped my hands together quickly, interrupting him again.

"Darn, I guessed wrong. But Maeve, huh? She’s faster than I thought. I thought Jack would be first, but it’s no big deal."

I walked slowly toward him, sweat beading on his forehead with each step I took, each sound my cane made on the floor.

Finally, when I was right next to him, I stopped, and even though there was some distance between us, I spoke as if I were whispering in his ear... quietly, deeply.

But this time not in that mocking tone, but in a serious and heavy one.

"Let’s go to this heiress of the Bistra family... Show me the way."

The guy was trying hard not to faint. Nevertheless, he managed to regain consciousness at my last word. Even if he took the first step shakily, he tried to pull himself together and slowly began to move forward.

His sidekicks followed behind us.

As for the crowd that began to gather around us... only rumors remained.

*(A/N: There won’t be a day off tomorrow as I want to make up for the delay that happened.)*

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