The Extra’s Odyssey Chapter 223 Odysseus [5]

223 Odysseus [5]

If someone asked ’Nathan’ what was the strongest technique he learned while undergoing the ’hell’. His answer would be...


Depending on the compatibility with the enemy, techniques become useless or useful. There was no absolute technique to call it strongest.

But if he had to answer nonetheless, it would be ’Information’.

Master of Hell, although cruel, gave him a lot of necessary information he was missing. The reason behind his reincarnation, the truth about the world, the real enemies, and a lot more.

It was something ’Nathan’ was almost thankful for. Almost.

What was the point of everything if his memories were sealed?!

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"And why aren’t you dying, you fatty snake!"


Another deep crater was carved onto the earth but Jörmungandr came out alive. ’Nathan’s’ attacks were not weak, rather they were too powerful, the problem lay with the [Traits] of the monster.

"[Poison Manipulation], [Enhanced muscles] and [Undying]."

He knew he was in [Singularity] trial but seriously? [Undying] trait?

This was cheating! Had it not been ’Nathan’ anyone else would’ve died a dozen times already!

"Since I can’t kill you, just lie down!"

The ground ruptured at ’Nathan’s’ touch and several massive pillars came out. Using his acquired skill, he manipulated the pillars, each of which was at least 50 meters big, to wrap around Jörmungandr and tied it to the ground.


"Good, this should give me a clean hit."

The monster tried to thrash around in hopes of breaking the structures tying it, but couldn’t succeed.

’Nathan’ then used his acquired skill on stones to expand them and hurl them at the monster. Without his art and [Chaos] energy, this was the only method with which he could do any substantial damage.

As ’Nathan’ jumped into the sky, he suddenly stiffened and fell back to the ground like a log.


Coming out of the crater was Abomination, the monstrosity looked at Jörmungandr and then toward the valley.

-Priority...Child of Destiny...


Crouching, the Abomination tensed its calves and jumped into the sky. Reaching a fairly high elevation, it stared at where Leon should’ve been.

Its arms shot out in that direction and stretched endlessly. As the arms reached their destination, they wrapped around the trees and pulled the Abomination.


Without waiting for itself to land, tentacles came out of the Abomination’s back and slithered towards the unconscious Leon and Anna.

Nevertheless, the Abomination too stiffened abruptly and went limp. Its attack missing, the monstrosity crashed.

When the dust settled, the Abomination and ’human’ appeared simultaneously. The right half of the body held the appearance of Nathan, while the left half had the Abomination’s appearance.

-Kill....Child of Destiny...

"Oh, god, why can’t you shut up?"

Although they were a single entity, ’Nathan’ attempted to converse with Abomination to quell its urge for destruction.

-Can’t take over...human soul strong....need time

"I know you will take complete control, but can’t you let me enjoy until then?"

’Nathan’ held a smirk on his face while, from the left half of the body, tentacles were trying to move and kill Leon.

Due to ’Nathan’s’ exceptional soul, the Abomination was having trouble taking over. But, with time, ’Nathan’ would naturally lose this tug of war and the control would go forever to the Abomination.

Both of them knew this.

The reason Abomination was trying to kill Leon before gaining full control was that it was worried that some unforeseen incident might save Leon and so it was moving with haste.

But the human’s soul was too damn stubborn to let the Abomination kill Leon.

"You know, the Master of Hell told me quite a few things." Suddenly ’Nathan’ spoke to the Abomination. "If I had to take the Hell Master’s words, Leon is too damn important to die here, heck everyone in the main cast is too important to let them die."

-Kill...Child of Destiny...

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"The moment they die, a bad end is almost guaranteed. Why? Because there is a high chance they are one of the Successors."

Nathan was a successor himself. He was the successor of 2 of the 13 ancients, the Devil and the First King. Though, unlike other successors, becoming a successor wasn’t in his fate, but something that was tampered with.

Saga of Heroes. The title the readers unanimously chose seemed to be quite fitting.

"And on the other hand, there is me, ’Nathan’, but I’m not the real Nathan. To top it off, I have somehow merged with a being that needs to die no matter what."

-Let me take over... human... what do you want?

"I will kill myself."

The Abomination abruptly halted its attempt to reap Leon’s life.

-D-don’t lie....someone with an as powerful will to live as you... will never commit suicide

The Abomination spoke the truth, yet uncertainty and fear could be sensed in its voice.

"I’m not real anyway, no one will bother even if I were to die. Besides, the reason I want to live... the real me would fulfill it."

The figure stood up with a dull smile.

-Stop... it...

The Abomination sounded worried. There was no way it could be killed without the power of eternity or {Authority}, but for some reason, it could that Nathan wasn’t joking.

Standing above Leon and Anna, ’Nathan’, who had gained complete control for a short time, wrote something on Leon’s arm.


Find the successors

Chasm, Roots of Tree of Damnation

The phrase you used to access the cave where your manuals were


He carved the words on Leon’s arm with his stigma. This way, only Nathan would be able to see and read the words. Moreover, it could only be erased by Nathan.

"This much help should be enough."

He would’ve written more, but there was a possibility that either System or the one who brought him into this world would interfere.

Although the words were for Nathan, he wasn’t worried that anybody else would be able to read them. But even if someone could, these phrases were something only Nathan would be able to understand.

"Let’s get started." He picked up Leon’s katana and went toward Jörmungandr.

-Human, let me kill Child of Destiny... then I will give you the reigns to this body

The left of his face wriggled and became the face of Abomination.

’Nathan’ ignored the Abomination and used his last moments to enjoy the view before killing himself.

"I guess this is it." He sighed and held the katana above its hand.

-Stop human! Stop!


A subtle white hue enveloped the blade of the katana.

-stOP iT hMAAN

’Nathan’s’ figure began distorting as Abomination unleashed its fury. But his eyes were fixed on Jörmungandr, the monster that had broken its restraints and coming to kill him.


He swung his blade.

Unlike what ’Nathan’ expected, there was no crazy explosion or anything flashy upon activating the skill.

The world was simply... destroyed.

Unable to support its existence, the world crumbled into dust. Starting from Jörmungandr, the undying existence, everything ceased to exist.

The trail takers, Anna and Leon, were taken out as soon as the trail began being destroyed.

’Nathan’s’ POV-

The moment I merged with the abomination my fate was sealed. If I didn’t kill myself, the me overtaken by Abomination would’ve killed everyone.


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