The Fantastic Super Vision Chapter 307 The Ex-leader of the Dragon Spirit Squad

Chapter 307 The Ex-leader of the Dragon Spirit Squad

A few hundred kilometers cost Wang Feng several days to walk but only cost a dozen minutes in the fighters. They soon arrived at where Wang Feng and others stayed.

Looking down from the fighter, Wang Feng found a piece of bad news that Dongfang Yu’er and others were disappeared.

“People who have escaped with me disappear.” Wang Feng’s words made people in the cabin slightly anxious.

“Fly at a low altitude. Jump directly after finding their traces.” The Dragon Spirit Squad leader said, which made Wang Feng surprised.

“Yes.” The Dragon Spirit Squad pilot responded and lowered the fighter to tens of meters above the ground. The flying speed also slowed down a lot.

Watching the hills passed one by one under the plane, Wang Feng and others’ countenances also became serious.

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Because they would encounter a battle at any time.

“Report. We’ve found the place where the targets located.” The pilot said, staring at a display screen in the aircraft cabin.

Using the thermal imaging technology, the instrument could scan all the living things below. At that moment, there were at least dozens of red dots on the screen.

“Jump off now.” The Dragon Spirit Squad leader commanded and jumped off first after the roof was slowly opened. He didn’t even use a parachute, which startled Wang Feng.

But soon Wang Feng’s face changed. He watched the Dragon Spirit Squad leader collide the ground like a stone and nothing happened to him.

Seeing this, Wang Feng couldn’t help yelling. One jumped off from this height and landed in a perfect condition. Was he still a human?

The Dragon Spirit Squad leader could land on the ground without any equipment, but Wang Feng and others could not follow suit, or they would die or be disabled.

In the end, they used gliding garments, and all landed safely on the ground.

“Everyone comes with me.” The Dragon Spirit Squad leader ordered, leading fifty of them slowly exploring toward the front.

Tramping over a hill, Wang Feng finally saw Black Hawk again with X-ray vision. What made his mind weight down was that Dongfang Yu’er and others were with Black Hawk. In the few days he left, they were caught, and no one spared.

The only fortunate thing was that although they had suffered some flesh wound, they were still alive.

Now that the Dragon Spirit Squad leader had come, he believed that they would definitely be rescued.

“You finally came.” Someone from the opposite side said calmly before Wang Feng and others went closer.

“It’s you?” When he came to the front, the Dragon Spirit Squad leader said with a bit of incredulity.

“Very surprised, aren’t you?” Seeing the Dragon Spirit Squad leader, that master smiled. Until this time Wang Feng had first seen his appearance. He was young, very young. He looked like a man about thirty.

A master at such a young age, was it possible?

Of course, when Wang Feng was looking at him, he looked at Wang Feng.

“You are very good. You can escape from me. I am afraid I looked upon you.” The master spoke to Wang Feng.

“It was my dereliction of duty to let you escape last time. This time, I will catch you.” The Dragon Spirit Squad leader spoke in a cold voice.

“Well, you see, am I going to run?” Suddenly the man smiled. He said, “The harm the Dragon Spirit Squad did to me has to be paid back by your lives. You always shield your people, but this time I’d like to see whether you can save them or not.”

Terrible things which made Wang Feng and others’ countenances change happened when he was still speaking. His people began to kill the Dragon Spirit Squad members and at least cut off eight heads in the blink of an eye.

“You court death!” This scene provoked the Dragon Spirit Squad leader. His stream burst out and dashed forward immediately.

The leader started, so Wang Feng and other members all rushed up without hesitation.

It was a deliberate provocation to kill people in front of them.

The result was in expectation that a large group of people defeated eight people. The eight people were killed in the shortest time. They were almost divided into pieces. During the fight, the eight people had no chance to resist.

Of course, the members of the Dragon Spirit Squad died before were not able to be saved because their heads were cut off and even Guijianchou could not cure such injury, let alone Wang Feng.

Some people who had been still alive were dead now. Although Dongfang Yu’er and other familiar people were not among them, there were still people who had entered the Dragon Spirit Squad in the same term with Wang Feng.

“Ha-ha, are you feeling angry in your heart?” Suddenly, from the battle circle of the Dragon Spirit Squad leader came that master’s rampant and crazy voice.

“You are courting death.” The Dragon Spirit Squad leader roared and took an action.

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“Can’t imagine he turned out to be like this.” Black Hawk said next to Wang Feng with sighs in his tone.

“You know him?” Wang Feng asked in surprise.

“Yes.” Black Hawk nodded and said, “He was the last leader of the Dragon Spirit Squad before our present leader. He made a wrong command. As a result, more than fifty of us died in that mission. So, the country removed his leadership and handed it to the Big Brother.”

“Probably he felt that the country was unfair, so he broke away from the Dragon Spirit Squad and went abroad. He formed an organization to kill our Dragon Spirit Squad members. In recent years, many members were killed by them when doing tasks abroad.”

“Are there things going like that?” Wang Feng felt ridiculous about the story Black Hawk told. The former Dragon Spirit Squad leader went against them now. Was this the so-called “I kill you because I love you” story?

“We once dispatched people to siege them. Although they were attacked unprepared, the ex-leader finally escaped, and we lost his trace.”

“He was too cruel.” Wang Feng committed, feeling that this kind of person was really terrible.

So many people died because of his wrong command, he still retaliated for the punishment he deserved. This person was mad. Fortunately, Wang Feng left, or else he might become one of those who had just been killed.

No wonder he knew so much about the Dragon Spirit Squad since he was once the leader of this squad. Then all the questions met their answers.

“Di Tian, I haven’t seen you for over a year. You are stronger than before.” The ex-leader said.

“People like you don’t deserve living in this world, so I will send you to hell now.”

“Ha-ha, you are joking. Throughout this world, I can’t find an enemy. Do you want to kill me? That’s only a daydream. This is just a beginning. If I had the chance, I would kill you. I will kill your squad members one by one.” The ex-leader said maliciously and made Wang Feng and others tense up.

Not everyone could bear being stared at by such a holy terror. If they were caught by him, they would have no ways to go but die, no doubt.

Maybe throughout the entire Dragon Spirit Squad, only the leader could fight with him. Other people were too weak to fight.

“I have got enough today, goodbye.” The ex-leader suddenly said and then he turned around and fled. He was not much slower than Wang Feng’s full speed.

Of course, there were few ways to catch up with a master like him when he wanted to escape. Although the Dragon Spirit Squad leader went on chasing, Wang Feng knew that this battle would come to an end.

About a minute later, a few gunshots came from the distance and then their surrounding area calmed down.

Not long later, the Dragon Spirit Squad leader came out of the jungle. No one could see his face under the dark robe. Wang Feng and others had to guess secretly.

“Big Brother, how was it going?” Black Hawk asked.

“Everyone takes care of yourself. I believe he will come back again.” The leader’s words made everyone’s mind weight down.

“Bury those who sacrificed here, and we will return to the troops.” The Dragon Spirit Squad leader said, letting others act quickly to bury the dead.

Although feeling pity for their death, since they were dead, the living should let them rest in peace.

They suffered a great loss this time, but it’s not a task. They might have to face conditions like this in the future. So, when they went back, everyone was silent with a heavy heart.

As for Fang Cheng, he did not say anything, either. Because he understood that he was not able to revenge. Even the leader couldn’t keep that master, what else could he do?

It was the second time Wang Feng came to the Dragon Spirit Squad. Looking at everything familiar with, Wang Feng felt as if he had returned to the first time he came here.

He didn’t change, but the mood he had was very different. Now he had become a genuine Dragon Spirit Squad member, no longer the rookie who just came here.

“Qing Long, come with me.” The Dragon Spirit Squad leader spoke to him. Wang Feng followed up with doubts.

“Is there anything to do?”

“Come with me and you will understand.” The leader said and brought Wang Feng to a huge secret room.

“Every Dragon Spirit Squad member has an opportunity to improve his strength when he first enters the squad. When you came here, you have already been in the state of Internal Strength, so I didn’t tell you this. Now you can enjoy this benefit.”

“Benefit?” Hearing his words, Wang Feng seemed to understand something. He finally figured out why Wang Yang and others upgraded their strength to Internal Strength in such a short period of time after they entered the Dragon Spirit Squad. They all had enjoyed the benefits.

“Our country once discovered a kind of mysterious liquid in a primitive forest. This liquid is called the Blessed Water. Every new-comer has a chance to bath in it. Those who have bathed in the Blessed Water can provoke all the potential power. How much can you provoke depends on yourself.”

“Are there things like that?” Wang Feng was surprised.

“The world is full of wonders. There are many things have not been discovered yet. Now you can go and soak in it. You have half an hour and I will call you out later.”

“Fine.” Since it was his benefit, Wang Feng definitely had no reason to reject it. He would achieve much in cultivation if all his potential power was provoked. Meanwhile, much time and energy would be economized as his strength was proved.

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