The Fantastic Super Vision Chapter 56 The Mastermind

Chapter 56 The Mastermind

On the grassy field, more than 20 men, all dressed in black, were lined up before Wang Feng and He Tian. The men stared straight ahead without once glancing sideways; it was obvious they had been trained.

The men exuded a badass vibe, so much so that even Wang Feng felt a little crept out by the sight of them. It would not seem so at all if the men were to stand alone on their own. But once they stood together, they looked imposing and strong.

These men formed an army. A single soldier would not have too much of an effect. But if numerous soldiers were to line up together in front of you, you would no doubt feel the mental pressure due to their presence.

“If any of you make even a single noise later, don’t blame me for punishing you later. Get one alive, and you’ll be rewarded 100,000. Kill one, and you get 50,000. If you let one escape, kill yourself,” He Tian said coldly.

At that moment, it was as if He Tian had become an entirely different person. Other than that immensely cold aura, there was nothing else on his face, not even a single trace of a smile.

“Understood!” Twenty voices rang out simultaneously. The voices were neat, but they were not loud; it was more like the men had growled rather than shouted.

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“Alright then. Move it,” He Tian said with a wave of his hand. In an instant, the men spread out and moved towards the dense shrublands on the side.

These shrubs would give them a decent amount of camouflage, which would ease their approach towards the factory.

“Let’s make our move as well,” He Tian told Wang Feng. Then He Tian took off his jacket and then crept silently towards the shrubs.

Wang Feng trailed after He Tian. Although Wang Feng packed a wallop during his university years, he knew that he was still not on the same level as He Tian, someone who had truly experienced the real world. After all, Wang Feng had only been out in society for about a year.

“Brother, you need to control your Qi. Focus your Qi on your heart and legs. That way you can conceal your breaths and boost your agility,” He Tian spoke softly beside Wang Feng, catching Wang Feng slightly off guard.

Wang Feng recovered quickly as he realized that He Tian had just taught him a couple of new skills.

Quickly, Wang Feng did as He Tian instructed. After a while, he had to admit that He Tian was right. After doing as He Tian told, Wang Feng instantly felt his body becoming so much lighter. It would not grant him the ability of flight, of course, though he would have no problems being more nimble-footed.

In his current state, Wang Feng would be fine even if he held his breath for half a minute. Even his heartbeat had slowed down substantially.

They were about 1,000 meters away from the abandoned factory. It took them around five minutes to infiltrate the factory’s compound. Finally, Wang Feng and He Tian arrived at a hiding spot nearest to the factory.

The factory looked very decrepit; the walls were in such degenerate state that they looked like they were about to collapse any second. It was very quiet here. Eeriely quiet, in fact.

This type of environment and this type of silence, where not even the sounds of small animals could be heard, would make anyone would feel antsy. The old saying had some truth to it after all. Abnormal circumstances were indicators that something was wrong.

What Wang Feng saw through his X-ray vision shocked him instantly; at least twenty people were lurking within the walls of these decrepit buildings.

These people were like demons, hiding themselves in the night, not making a single sound.

The entire factory was jam packed with people. For every short distance, one could find another person hidden in the darkness. The security was practically air-tight. It no wondered that the place would be so eeriely quiet.

“Brother He. We have a problem. At least 20 people ‘re hiding inside,” Wang Feng whispered beside He Tian’s ear, shocking the latter.

From the intel he had received, He Tian thought there were at most ten people inside.

Now that Wang Feng had told him that there were more than 20 people, it was impossible for him to not feel shocked.

“How can you tell?” He Tian asked in a muted tone.

“I don’t think this is the time to question me about this. We have to figure out what to do,” Wang Feng said with a grave look on his face.

Good thing he had his X-ray vision. Or else they most likely would not be able to walk out alive if they barged in.

The fact that these people had stayed quietly hidden without moving an inch for such a long time suggested that these were no ordinary men.

He Tian was silent for a brief moment. Then he said, “Since we’re already here, we can’t just retreat. How about we do it this way. You and I take one side each. We’ll sneak up to these guys and take them out covertly.”

“No problem,” Wang Feng said. He Tian’s suggestion did not suprise Wang Feng at all. Although these people had concealed themselves to the best of their abilities, it would make no difference at all since Wang Feng had his X-ray vision. He was actually a bit worried about He Tian, though.

Wang Feng reached out and held back He Tian who had been about to make his move. “Will you be in danger?” Wang Feng asked worriedly.

“Don’t worry, pal. I’ve already reached the inner strength phase. I can handle a bunch of lowly goons without any major problems. I suggest you worry about yourself.”

He Tian released himself from Wang Feng’s grasp and then crept alone towards another side.

He Tian had made his move, so Wang Feng would not sit around either. Regulating his Qi, Wang Feng approached the hidden assassins quietly.

A terrifying silence pervaded the pitch-darkness of the night sky. In a place concealed from prying eyes, a muffled tone could be heard as Wang Feng broke the neck of the assassin who was hiding in the outermost area of the factory.

It was obvious that these people had been anticipating their arrival, waiting to ambush them. If that was the case, then Wang Feng had no reason to hold back. This was a death battle anyway. Either you die, or I die. There was no other path other than death.

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The first assassin did make a little bit of sound when Wang Feng took him out. Good thing the second assassin was more than ten meters away, so the sound did not raise any alert.

Perhaps these assassins did not expect to become the prey of the people they were hunting; they were still holding their ground and anticipating their enemy’s arrival to ambush them.

Wang Feng let go of the first assassin without feeling a single iota of compassion. Slowly, he made his way forward and approached his next target.

Using the same way as before, Wang Feng swiftly took down the second assassin. There were still quite several foes he had to deal with up ahead; there were more than 20 of them in total.

Wang Feng was shocked when he saw He Tian through his X-ray vision. He Tian had already taken down six people and had not produced a single sound while doing so.

At present, Wang Feng had not even attained the outer strength phase yet. The difference in the level of skill was so blatantly obvious in this case.

Wang Feng was like a phantom in the night, moving through the darkness without a shadow or trace. With a calm and composed face, he began reaping the lowliest, cheapest, and the most worthless lives of all humankind, all to his heart’s content.

“Number five, what’s your status?” A voice sounded just when Wang Feng had finished making his fifth kill. The voice had originated from Wang Feng’s next opponent.

Wang Feng’s face changed slightly when he realized that the enemy had already begun noticing something amiss. When he took out the previous guy just now, Wang Feng had not delivered the killing blow straightaway. Instead, he had allowed his victim to struggle for a bit, thus producing noise and movement.

Wang Feng altered his voice, making it slightly hoarse and rasp. “No problem,” Wang Feng answered.

Apparently, Wang Feng’s deception did not have its intended effect since the other guy had already begun making his way towards Wang Feng. With slightly sweaty palms, Wang Feng prepared himself to deliver the deathblow.

Clenching his fist tightly, Wang Feng focused all his attention on the approaching dark figure.

Before Wang Feng could make his move, however, he saw a blur in front of him. Immediately after, the dark figure went limp and collapsed sideways to the ground. He Tian stood there with an icy expression.

“Brother, now we can go after the mastermind. We’ll let my guys handle the rest here,” He Tian said. He Tian walked towards Wang Feng and pulled the latter to his feet.

He Tian’s strength was terrifying indeed. His movement had been so fast that even with X-ray vision, a blurry silhouette was all Wang Feng could see. Could this be the true power of the inner strength phase?

At the thought, Wang Feng felt a fire burning inside him.

The mastermind was here and in fact, fast asleep, at this moment. Wang Feng had seen everything clearly through his X-ray vision. He and He Tian was now making their way towards the sleeping mastermind, and no one was there to stop them.

Behind them, He Tian’s men rushed in. The few remaining enemies were too insubstantial to cause any worry. The men would be able to deal with them.

Wang Feng gave the steel door a kick, and the door flew open. The light came out from inside the room, and immediately, a makeshift wooden bed came into view. Five men were lying on top of the bed.

Among the five men, four of them were henchmen. The one in the middle was the mastermind that Wang Feng was after.

The sound of the steel door being kicked open was rather loud, so the five men on the bed were startled awake when they heard it. When they saw the two people standing in their doorway, a major change went across their faces. Obviously, they did not expect anyone to be capable of infiltrating a heavily guarded facility like theirs.

He Tian noticed the way they kept glancing past the door. He Tian let out a cold laugh. “There’s no point in looking. We’ve already taken care of those trash outside.”

“Friend, I don’t think there are any animosity and hatred between us,” said the guy lying in the middle. The man’s body was fit, muscular, and covered in tattoos. He did not seem like a man of virtue at all.

The four henchmen beside him stepped forward, shielding him with their bodies. These were obviously just pawns.

Wang Feng stepped out from behind He Tian and smirked. “It’s true that there isn’t any score to settle between you and him,” Wang Feng said. “But that isn’t the case between you and me, is it?”

“You...” The man’s face changed instantly when he saw Wang Feng. The man knew Wang Feng. In fact, it was because of Wang Feng that their mission had failed. Deep down, he wanted to murder Wang Feng.

“Friend, how can I possibly know you? Aren’t you mistaking me for someone else?” Said the man in the middle. Even if he desired to murder Wang Feng, he dare not voice out that thought. He could tell that this was not a friendly visit.

“Mistaken you for someone else?” Wang Feng smiled slightly at that comment. “I’m guessing you must be itching to kill me right now, aren’t you? If you don’t know me, then why are your eyes shining so brightly when you saw me?”

“I have only one thing to say to you. Give us the name of the person behind all this. If you do, I might just let you live,” Wang Feng said, staring at them coldly.

The five men, it seemed, had gone into stupor under Wang Feng’s intense scrutiny. None of them spoke. It was as if they had been struck dumb.

Soon, a contemptuous smile formed on the corner of Wang Feng’s lips. After that, he activated his X-ray vision and detected movement from the man who was shielded behind the four men; the man gave each of the men in front of him a tug.

Whether or not these people were answering to someone else, Wang Feng knew not. Wang Feng had planned to give them a bit of a scare, that was all. But now it was obvious to him that things were not as simple as it had seemed. Now Wang Feng was absolutely certain that there was indeed a mastermind calling the shots behind these people.

A dark look formed on Wang Feng’s face at the thought. Like it or not, he considered himself a part of Bei Enterprise Jewelry Shop. Messing with Bei Enterprise Jewelry Shop would just be like trying to snatch away his livelihood.

Even animals would fight each other to the death over food. So if others had the guts to snatch Wang Feng’s livelihood away from him, then he would also have the guts to take their lives away!

“Brother, what are you even talking about? Why can’t I understand anything you’re saying?” Said the man who was hiding behind the four goons. Even now, he refused to admit to anything.

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