The First King of Beasts Chapter 111 [Bonus ]Filling Up

Some time later, Dustin went to Seth on a good day when his master was supposed to be around, and luckily, the master was around.

After some talk, Dustin was brought to an abandoned mansion close to the outskirts of the city. The place was in a lower-class region, but the design and aesthetics were nothing of the sorts. Dustin liked it and paid for the house on the spot.

Maybe this action of his was not so common, so much so that the manager mistook him for some rich master, but Dustin quickly dismissed the notion, though, he wasn’t sure if he was believed.

Since the house had been abandoned for years, Dustin needed it to be cleaned up before he could even think of living there, and he sure was going to do so himself. After all, what was the point of being rich. He certainly wasn’t afraid to spend this time.

Seth’s master was very happy to link Dustin with those who could provide him with these services. After everything, it took an entire week for the whole place to be renovated, and Dustin was ready to move in with Rea. Since they didn’t have much luggage, they easily left the hotel and moved to the new house.

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"Wow, this place is really big!" Rea exclaimed, after seeing how big the mansion was.

"True, it certainly is too big to be called a mansion." Dustin said. In actuality, it almost felt like he was some kind of royalty with the size of the place. The compound itself was bigger than half of a football pitch, and the house too was quite big.

"You really know your stuff! The colour selection is just perfect, and the outside too…" Rea complimented.

"Well, I didn’t actually know what to do, so I had them do what they thought was best." Dustin said.

"Did you think it was my idea? Haha, I won’t reject the compliment." Dustin said before walking away.

Though he didn’t see it, Rea’s face had turned pretty red. It couldn’t quite be called blushing now.

After walking round the place for something, familiarizing themselves with the house and surroundings, and also unpacking the little belongings they brought along, Dustin decided that since there was still time as it was still evening, he would go out to see if he could get some workers that would take care of the house. It was quite the house after all, not to talk about maintaining the courtyard.

Since Dustin wouldn’t know where to look, he went to meet Seth’s master, Rowan. Rowan seemed to have a good impression of Dustin, so Dustin found it easy to talk to him.



"Huh? Mr. Dustin! It’s you! I was thinking that I needed the right person to bring me good luck today. Luckily you have come! Please, have a seat." Rowan said with a big smile on his face. Though he seemed stuck up at first when Dustin met him, he is now finding a different side of him after he spent big bucks.

"Yes, how’s the business going?"

"Well, you know, slow for the time being, heh. What brings you here today? I doubt you want to buy another piece of property?"

"You must be joking, of course not. The place is quite big, so I would need some workers to take care of the place and maintain everything." Dustin laid it out flat.

"Well, if it’s that, then why don’t you just get some slaves? That works well, right?" Rowan said.

Although Dustin came from a society where slavery was frowned at, in this world, it was a different case. After all, when one really looks at it, slavery had never stopped even in the real world. People remain slaves in one form or another, to one thing or another, they just don’t see it.

"That should be ok, but I don’t know where to find…"

"A trader and a den? Mr. Dustin, you seem to be fresh out the rock, eh?" Rowan said.

Rowan offered Dustin to the place he considered the best, so after rounding up a few things at his office, he left with Dustin.

Soon, they had come to another part of town that had several cages lined outside with different traders showcasing their slaves. This was the golden place where magic happens. Dustin himself had some thought on whether the same magic he had read countless times and watched countless times would happen. Alas, this was reality, not fiction.

"You see, these guys here are all showcasing their market. Not all are small time traders though, but it’s not really advisable to patronize, as these slaves are usually problematic ones." Rowan explained.

They were on foot, so they continued walking past different traders and slaves locked in cages. They walked past all these people and got to the place where Rowan was taking Dustin to. Dustin was a bit disappointed that he didn’t have any episode, but he was still going to pass by on his way back. Maybe then?

"This is the best place I can guarantee you to get quality slaves! Come on in!" Someone said as Dustin and Rowan approached. But after seeing Rowan, his demeanor changed.

"Ah, Master Rowan, it’s you? Please, come inside." The man said. He didn’t ask who Dustin was as long as he had come with Rowan.

"The master is inside. He will be done and out in a minute." The man said to Rowan.

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Rowan and Dustin took a seat, and Dustin surveyed the place briefly by merely looking around. It wasn’t bad.

The master of the place came out shortly after, and after introducing him to Dustin and vice versa, they got into business talks. Rowan didn’t stay to partake in this anymore, after all he needed no slaves at the moment, so he left first.

Dustin continued talking with the trader and even learnt a couple things.

First off, there were two categories of slaves, those that were trained, and those that were yet to be trained. Of course, the trained ones were more expensive, but they had a better behavior and training, so they knew how to serve and carryout their tasks perfectly, depending on the level of training, and the untrained ones could be anything. They could be obedient, and they could be rebellious.

"I would suggest you get the trained ones, after all, they can’t betray you." The trader said.

"What do you mean by that?" Dustin asked.

"Well, these ones have been brainwashed not just mentally, but with other methods, not to worry, nothing harmful. They are literally unable to think of harming you." The trader said.

’Doesn’t that make them more robotic? And like tools?’ Dustin thought to himself. Maybe it was because he was from earth, but he really didn’t like the idea.

Also, there was something he realized. Though there were slaves, these people weren’t treated too badly as much as he thought originally, though he had learnt that their fate would be decided after they were sold. If their master was nice, good for them, of not, well, they were already his or her property, it was their bad luck.

"I’ll take both." Dustin answered.

"We have those specialized in different areas, combat, body guards, normal slaves that can take care of the house.. we even have those specialized for pleasure, hehe." The trader said.

"Pleasure? I don’t think I need that, though."

’Isn’t money and women the beginning of a man’s downfall?’

"Alright then, specify the number you need, and if you would like, you can come choose personally." The trader said.



Some hours passed, and Dustin was already done and standing with the multitude of slaves he had just purchased at the back, and it was already dark outside.

He had chosen all of them himself too. Dustin wasn’t sure of how many people he really needed, a mistake on his part, he should have calculated more beforehand. In the end, considering the place was big, Dustin bought a total of 50 slaves. There were 35 women and 15 men. It was always good for the women to be more from Dustin’s experience.

"Alright, let’s all go." Dustin said. The trader had provided carriages, so Dustin didn’t reject the offer. It made things easier.

On the way back to his house, he kept thinking if anyone would try to escape, but to his surprise, none did. He was sure at least one person would attempt.

’Is the slave contract that powerful?’ Dustin asked himself. He did have to sign one with every single slave. It was kind of embarrassing for some of the female slaves, since he had to place his hand on their chest for the contract to be formed, it was part of the process.

They were all welcomed by Rea on arrival.

"Welcome. You’re back." She said to Dustin. "I’ve prepared a bath for you. I didn’t know what you’d want to eat, so I was going to ask so I make it ready." She said.

The women, seeing this interaction, felt a bit relieved, at least the chances of them being molested were lowered a bit.

"Seems like he really does love his wife."

"Yes, both of them seem to really like each other. We’re saved." Whispers cat the back. Though they were very silent for Dustin, they could as well be talking into his ears.

"Thank you. I’ll go have my bath now, it can’t be wasted. Please, guide them all to a temporary place of rest, we can reinstate them tomorrow." Dustin said and left.

Rea turned to the slaves and smiles as she welcomed them.

"Please, come with me."

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