The Good Teacher Chapter 288 Bargaining For Control (Part Two)

"This can’t keep going on like this," Guy declared. "We have to work things out."

"Why should I do that?" An imperious voice cut through the static emanating from the other end of the crack.

"We’re sharing a body-"

"If I wait it out, I won’t have to share it anymore," the voice emphasised.

"Do you really want to do that?" Guy probed.

"Why should I bother to keep an indecisive waste of space such as yourself occupying my vessel?" The voice scoffed. "The sooner you’re gone, the sooner I can get on with my grand purpose."

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"Of course! Your purpose... Spreading the truth of the world and unravelling the lies that keep the uninformed masses in check? Something like that?" Guy mocked. "Let me tell you, your so-called ’purpose’... it is not going to go the way you think."

"Ha!" the Other Guy scoffed. "And do enlighten me, why would that be?"

"You are the kind of guy who burns bridges," Guy highlighted. "For you, people fall under one of two categories: those that are with you (and align with your views) and those that are against you (or who disagree with your views). Do you think everyone will just automatically follow your every word? Sure you can force them with the voice, but is that really what you want at the end of the day? A bunch of puppets miming your every word mindlessly?"

Guy did not receive a response, this meant that the Other Guy was at least receptive to Guy’s words.

"If you want to make changes you not only need to start from the bottom, but you also need to create receptivity at the top. Otherwise, the water that boils up will never find an outlet to escape. To do that, you need to negotiate and collaborate with people. Do you think you can manage that?"

"I can be ’convincing’ if I want to," the Other Guy growled.

"And that is your problem. Telling someone to do it and making them willing to do it are two different things. Which do you think is superior?"

Again, no response.

"Furthermore, I admit that you are a far better orator than I am. You can work a crowd more dynamically and with greater immersion. But you lack the expertise to teach. What do you intend to do with all the kids joining the Sect? Do you plan on leaving them to their own devices after throwing away some motivational lines? How would that be any different from every other sect we’ve seen so far?"

"I am already setting the stage for you to realise your ultimate goal. The quickest way into the hearts of people is through material goods, which is what the Verum Trading Company seeks to do," Guy highlighted. "Take a moment to consider me and my capabilities objectively. You were right when you said that we share a lot of similarities in our core and that our competencies and personalities deviate greatly. But that isn’t a bad thing. What you lack, I have in spaded and vice versa. We complete each other, don’t you see?"

"ENOUGH!" The Other Guy declared forcefully before a tense silence escaped through the tear.

The Other Guy hummed and then said with a chuckle, "It sounds like you just want me to do your dirty work. You want an excuse, and I’m the most convenient one."

"I won’t lie," Guy admitted. "I am lacking in many crucial ways that pertain to our survival. You can fill in those gaps. But that does not mean you are without any shortcomings. There is no shame in accepting them."

"What do you want, then?" the Other Guy shot back exasperatedly.

"Well, my first thought was to work towards a merging-"

"I don’t wish to lose myself in you," the Other Guy denied decisively.

"Don’t think of it that way. Think of it as gaining something," Guy assuaged.

"Package it however you want, but the end result won’t be me."

"I figured that you would say that," Guy said with a sigh. "Which is why I present you with an alternative. It will be a bit more difficult."

"A system that satisfies both parties," Guy proposed. "Rules, conditions, and so on."

Suddenly, the void peering through the tear shuffled to reveal an eye. 𝑓𝓇𝘦𝘦𝔀𝓮𝒷𝘯𝓸𝓋𝓮𝘭.𝓬𝓸𝘮

"Go on."

"We will establish conditions for relinquishment of the ’light’ so that control of the body can be switched between us. It also enforces conditions for when big decisions need to be made so that both parties are involved rather than just one," Guy continued.

"Since there are two of us, one must be the primary," the Other Guy pointed out.

"I will be the primary."


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"Hear me out-"

"Save your sophistry. I was wrong to underestimate your nature. Under that bumbling facade, you hide a venomous snake!" The Other Guy accused.

"It’s not like that," Guy tried to cut in.

"I will take what is rightfully mine-"

"You want to talk about right?!" Guy cut into his counterpart’s emotionally charged tirade. "I was the one thrust into this body once its previous owner relinquished it, not you. You were just a byproduct of an experiment gone wrong. What you are is a parasite, a worm piggy-backing off of the work of others. I’ll say it once, and I will say it again, you will NEVER be able to achieve anything by yourself. Every step you take, while decisive, lacks wisdom or future sight. You don’t know how to take two steps back to take three steps forward. And worst of all, you are selfish-"

"Take that back!"

"Why? Too hard to digest?" Guy goaded. He was growing frustrated with the childish immaturity of the man beyond the crack. "Do you know what sacrifice or compromise even means? To give away something valuable for the benefit of another, willingly? When the chips are down, do you think you can do it?"


"You preached with such gusto about how you ’avenged’ the children hurt by the Beggars’ Sect. But did you stop to think how your unapologetic culling of an entire organisation would affect the Capital’s ecosystem as a whole?"

"They were weeds! Their existence was a malaise to society."

"Even weed has a purpose in an ecosystem. This ill society has been functioning for years. By removing a monolith, you have paved the way for smaller factions to fill in the gaps. This will lead to more conflicts and deaths. A hammer is not a multipurpose tool - if you strike a screw, all you will do is damage the surface. While I agree with your assessment of the Beggars’ Sect, if you had conferred your actions with me, we could have gone down a more reasonable path with less bloodshed and collateral damage," Guy expounded.

"You don’t seem to have an off button, is what I’m trying to say," Guy summarised. "Bulldozing through everything isn’t a catch-all solution. Furthermore, we have more responsibilities. The kids, for instance."

"I know how to manage my flock," the Other Guy grumbled.

"Your "flock" are still youth going through their most crucial stage of development. How much experience do you have working with people their age?" Guy challenged. "I, for one, actually have a resume loaded with verifiable work experience in this particular field."

"So, in the grand scheme of things, you taking control of my body as the primary is more detrimental to your cause, do you not agree?" Guy followed up immediately.

"Huh? What?"

"Do you not agree?!" Guy repeated.

"Do I not agree? Or do I not, not agree? Double negatives... so yes?" The Other Guy had unwittingly fallen into a classic verbal trap through a targetted barrage of facts and logic ending with a convoluted mess of a question.

Guy metaphorically dabbed the metaphorical sweat cascading down his metaphorical face (after all, he couldn’t sweat while inside the RoK). The war was nearing its conclusion and victory was almost at hand. He had corralled the Other Guy with unassailable logic and even turned his opponent’s emotionally charged and opinionated words against him. Admittedly, this was Guy’s greatest debate yet and had the greatest odds (as his identity and life literally hung in the balance).

It was the final sprint, and the finish line was approaching quickly! But right as his chest hit the silk ribbon of completion, he was violently pulled out of his meditative state.

"Father! Father! Help!"

Guy’s sight turned clearer, and the first thing he saw was Dora’s panicked face drenched in tears, sweat and dirt.


"Father, help! Middle Sister Jean, she-"

Dora gasped for air.

"Middle Sister Jean is in trouble! She needs help!"

"W-What happened? Where is she?" Guy gushed out as he leapt onto his feet.

’Due Northwest,’ the Other Guy responded with a solemn voice, echoing inside Guy’s mind.

’How do you know?’ Guy responded as he leapt through the window and landed on the ground with a heavy thud.

’A shepherd who loses his sheep isn’t meant to be a shepherd,’ the Other Guy scoffed without losing his stern demeanour.

Inside the Church, the Other Guy extended his hand and grasped the flickering string that extended out of Jean’s ethereal figure.

"She is undergoing deep emotional distress. I can only do so much to keep her from falling apart," he mumbled with his eyes closed. He then gently massaged the string, causing the flickering rate to stabilise.

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