The Good Teacher Chapter 326 Journey(Wo)Man

Shoutout to Bruh_Vista for beta-reading and providing extensive feedback for this chapter!


Most crafts and trades are passed down from one generation to the next through a master-apprentice relationship. A master - someone with years of experience and skill in their repertoire from practising their trade or craft - takes in an apprentice - a novice looking to start in the trade or craft. The apprentice lives with and works under the master, starting out with menial tasks until enough time has passed for the master to gain confidence and trust in their apprentice. Once that stage is reached, the apprentice’s workload will involve more hands-on work as they begin to absorb the knowledge from their masters.

Naturally, all things must have a conclusion. An apprentice cannot remain one for their entire life. When the master deems their apprentice ready - that is when they have transferred all that can be taught - the apprentice officially graduates from their tenure under their master and sets off on a journey. You see, an apprentice who remains under the tutelage of a master becomes a copy of the master, with all the good and bad. Craftsmen and tradesmen recognise that to replicate means that their profession will never advance. Hence, an apprentice’s journey acts as the catalyst for change, and the change starts with their designation: becoming a journeyman. And thus, by working under other masters in the field, plying their trade or craft on their own, and absorbing everything the world has to offer, the journeyman grows and evolves to ultimately become a master. And thus, the cycle continues.

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This system also extends into the various trades and crafts under the magical banner. Apprenticeship was a common affair in the Enchanting and Smithing community, as well as the Cooking and Beast Taming crowd, although it wasn’t a mandatory process. But the practice was mandatory in the Alchemical and Medicinal fields until very recently with the advent of the Guilds. The master-apprentice relationship in Alchemy and Medicine was excessively strict. Unlike others where a master could have multiple apprentices at once, an Alchemy master could only have one apprentice at a time. The same was true with master Physicians.

After an apprentice Physician has gained enough knowledge from their master, they are encouraged to set out and ply their skills in the vast and open world, as a journeyman. 𝚏𝗿𝗲ew𝐞b𝐧o𝚟𝚎𝗹.com

On this particular day, Jean had a sudden thought as she observed her peers playing a heated game of handball.

’The number of injuries has markedly reduced to single digits per month. As for illnesses, even since they started cultivating, the occurrence of common illnesses has reduced markedly as well. As for the health of the villagers, the treatment for most, if not all, possible maladies and emergencies have been standardised. And we even have two trainees on standby who have been trained for emergency treatment,’ Jean mentally listed. Her face started to bloom with a pleasant smile, something she just couldn’t get enough of ever since the dam sequestering her emotions was demolished.

In a decisive move, Jean stood up and started to walk out of the bleachers and towards the Sect Leader’s office.

"How’s everything going, Jean?" Sect Leader Larks greeted as he gestured for Jean to take a seat before him.

"Everything’s going well in the Sect. The most recent health inspection has shown promising results. Furthermore, the situation in the village has also improved significantly. All in all, I can say that the most recent vaccination drive has presented a marked reduction in the infection rate this flu season. Barring the mild reaction symptoms to the vaccine’s antibodies, which were expected, there have been no new breakouts. However, I have found some resistance in trying to spread our vaccine in the market. The standard marketing strategies have come off as ineffective since the common folk don’t seem to understand the purpose of the vaccination and are ill-informed about the way diseases work," Jean explained.

"I expected as much. We have been successful in Twilight Village mainly because we work closely with them and have built a personal connection there. The villagers also trust us. But that cannot be assumed as true for those outside. Mortals already have a shaky relationship with sects and clans; they would take our recommendations with a grain of salt," Mister Larks affirmed. "So what is your plan?"

"I wish to go on a journey. I am currently in a special situation where there is an abundance of theoretical knowledge floating about in my head, but no outlet to apply it and internalise it for myself. I feel that by travelling around, visiting new places, and treating more people, I can build up my repertoire and become a better doctor," Jean expressed her analysis succinctly. "Besides, I have more or less hit a roadblock with the research into improving Yohn’s predicament. And I don’t think sitting here and perusing through books will get me to where I need to be."

"You make a good point. We’ll do it this way," Mister Larks retrieved a parchment from his desk and prepared his writing utensil. "The Solar Sect Alliance has amplified the scrutiny upon affiliated sect members roaming out in the world. The treaty between the Empire and the Sect Alliance has grown rather finicky, especially after our recent intervention in curing the plague. As you already know, I used my connection with the Cloudstrider Sect to mask our involvement. So on paper, it is the Cloudstrider Sect that helped clear the infestation in the region. However, the Empire decided to transfer the blame for all the damage caused in the region to the Alliance as well."

Jean furrowed her brow and asked, "How did they accomplish that? And I’m surprised the Alliance hasn’t retaliated for the act of libel."

"Well, it’s kind of our fault, really," Mister Larks confessed with a wry smile. "The Cloudstrider Sect cannot reveal excessive details of the events lest they make our involvement known. For that reason, the Alliance has taken a hushed stance - only admitting to having solved the problem and not revealing the how and why."

"This puts us in the Cloudstrider Sect’s debt," Jean admitted morosely.

"Well, this one was a freebie," Mister Larks shrugged. "Mage Glista from the Cloudstrider Sect has recently amassed quite a bit of support internally and is now the front-runner to replace the current Sect Leader. Markus’ ’defeat’ against the Sect Leader’s Daughter had an interesting domino effect, which has now placed the Sect Leader in a shaky position."

Mister Larks then finished writing on the parchment, rolled it, and stamped the True World Sect’s seal on wax.

"Sect members can roam the world - primarily in the Empire’s purview - as long as they are on an affiliated sect-sanctioned mission. As someone under a sect-sanctioned mission, you will fall under the Alliance’s agreed-upon tenets when interacting with the citizens of the Empire, which includes not interfering with the Empire’s and the government’s initiatives," Sect Leader Larks said as he handed the roll to Jean.

"Are you planning to travel alone?" he then asked with a worried frown.

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"Yes," Jean responded. "Why?"

"I hope you are aware of your special... constitution," Mister Larks hinted. "The world is a dangerous place. Are you sure you can protect yourself?"

"My only limitation is that I cannot harm another person," Jean affirmed. "That doesn’t preclude me from protecting myself."

"What if the protection you need is against a violent threat?"

"I have methods to subdue them," Jean answered.

"Though I trust your abilities, Jean, I am still not comfortable sending you by yourself," Mister Larks responded with a shake of his head.

"But we don’t have enough people to spare, Sect Leader Larks," Jean reminded while emphasizing Mister Larks’ obligations as the leader of the True World Sect.

To that, she received a mild chuckle from the man. "Alright, alright. I get what you’re saying."

He then hummed in contemplation and said, "While you’re at it, take Kili with you?"


Mister Larks raised his palm to halt Jean’s retort and explained, "She still isn’t fully comfortable with anyone else apart from you. Even Grace is struggling to make a breakthrough with her."

"But wouldn’t having a stable environment be beneficial for her growth?" Jean pointed out.

"That would be true if only the sole point of comfort was still a part of her environment. If you are gone, she will feel abandoned and isolated," Mister Larks responded. "While I fear that she may build a codependency, I think it is easier to wean someone off of it than to bring someone back from the endless ravine of post-traumatic stress."

He looked at Jean meaningfully and said, "You should know this better than anyone."

Jean hummed in thought. In many ways, Kili was just like her. They both lost family and had to watch them die before their eyes. The continuous loss can change a person and make them feel like people will just leave them, thus making it difficult to build any meaningful and emotional connection with others.

After a minute to think things over, Jean nodded and said, "I will take Kili with me."

"Now that you have another head to worry about, I strongly suggest that you try and keep yourself away from troubles," the Sect Leader emphasized. "If you find two mages fighting, you run in the opposite direction. If you are in the market and someone challenges your purchase, unless it is a life-or-death matter, just concede the item, say a few pleasantries, and move away. Do not look anyone in the eye; look at their lips. If you find someone who is dying, you can help them, but give them a fake name and affiliation. If..."

Jean shuddered as Sect Leader Larks listed one warning after another. How he spoke made her realize that the man wasn’t joking. The care and specificity with which each warning was woven made Jean feel a little warm inside - it reminded her of her father, who would fret over her constantly.

"... Finally, if a man or woman decides to attempt anything untoward with you - mind you that following you around and badgering you to ’give him a chance’ is also harassment - make sure to take down their name, address, and affiliation. I know you can’t hurt people, but putting them in a deep sleep shouldn’t be out of the realm of possibility. If you can get a picture of them, it would make my life easier," Mister Larks said with a dangerous edge in his voice.

Jean let out a beaming smile and laughed melodiously. "Thank you for worrying about me, Mister Larks."

She didn’t miss the man’s eyes watering slightly as he saw her emote her exuberance.

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