The Good Teacher Chapter 40 Profitable Opportunity

"You see, I really need to get myself acquainted with gem inscribing for a project I’m working on for my student. I was considering going through the Guild’s training program for the practitioner’s license, however, the matter is quite urgent and I don’t need to go through such a large assortment of topics for it. I’m completely new to this field, and I don’t want to annoy Teacher Jeeves with such trivialities, so I was wondering if you had any suggestions?" Guy spoke with apprehension.

Guy sneakily name-dropped Al Jeeves to peak Karmin’s interest, and he succeeded! Because once Karmin heard the request he entered a state of ponderance.

"What’s the project about?" Karmin asked while he considered the nuances of Guy’s inquiry. Being someone learned in the way of the world, Karmin had long since become accustomed to such actions. One must never jump into something without prior knowledge because doing so was asking for ruin.

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Thus, Guy stated his piece, "Well, here’s the deal -". In doing so Guy made sure to tread around certain topics such as the modular spellmaking venture. While it was somewhat pertinent to the matter at hand, he didn’t want to reveal too much and attract unwanted attention. Not more than he already had, at least...

During his explanation, Guy slowly released the suppression he held on his ferverous side, and let it ooze into the conversation. He had to sound sincere and unwavering, and his uber rational side wasn’t able to fully convey that emotion.

As Karmin absorbed the information, he started to gain a better understanding of Guy. Just like Karmin had predicted, Guy was in no way a simple man. There had to have been a reason for Teacher Jeeves’ willingness to accommodate someone to such as extent. And from what Karmin heard, he quickly grasped what made Guy stand out.

It was his truly unorthodox and opposing thoughts on matters that were considered established that highlighted Guy’s character. First, Guy was willing to stake his future on a kid that most teachers would avoid or dismiss. Karmin was envious of the student called Markus for finding himself a teacher such as Guy. Deep down, Karmin likened himself to Markus; both of them were from a lowly background and while Karmin found his success, it followed heavy sacrifices and many disappointments. Markus could have ended up in a worse starting position than Karmin. After all, the kid was an orphan and a failed mage to boot. Such an impact on the kid’s psyche would take years to heal.

The second aspect of Guy’s that Karmin found commendable was the man’s ability to think outside the box. In fact, that could still be considered an understatement. The box never entered Guy’s eyee! Fortunately, the man wasn’t flighty; Guy produced his own plan of action which was detailed and goal-oriented. With his own experiences, Karmin could easily determine that even if a layman were to follow those steps, they would achieve the required outcome, albeit with varying durations.

Finally, Karmin was strangely attracted to Guy’s unflinching zeal and passion. It came completely out of the blue! When they started talking, Guy looked like a statue and spoke in a measured manner. However, when he started to talk about his whole "pilgrimage" to "create a means to communicate the Truth of the World" Karmin was a little shaken. If not for the methodical approach, and infallible research supporting the whole spiel, Karmin worried that he had unwittingly stepped into an initiation ceremony of a Demonic Cult. What he found surprising, and embarrassing at the same time, was that subconsciously he was willing to submit to the cause!

Just when a lull presented itself in Guy’s impassioned explanation, Karmin intervened, "cough I think I might have a solution for your problem."

That was sufficient to attract Guy’s attention, who started to reapply pressure on his ferverous self. He was starting to get queasy with every word spoken. Unfortunately, his mind lacked sufficient strength to maintain the suppression and so Guy quickly reverted to the Church and removed his mask. Once his state of mind stabilised and restored to his usual identity, Guy returned to his body and picked up the conversation where it was left off.

"A solution?" He asked.

Karmin nodded as he replied, "The matter is quite simple. In fact, I think it will benefit both of us." Then with a satisfied smile, he continued, "What you need is practice with inscribing gems. It just so happens that I am currently sitting on an important work order of enchanted weapons, and am lacking an enchanter."

Guy hummed in comprehension and leaned forward in earnest.

"I’m actually here today in search of prospective enchanters to hire for my business. Unfortunately, my attempts have been... less than fortuitous. Furthermore, the situation has dragged on for too long, and the due date is fast approaching."

And with that, Karmin entered his negotiation stance. He wasn’t one to sacrifice profit for the sake of friendship. It may seem callous and cold-hearted, but the world was such and he couldn’t do anything about it.

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"So here’s what I can offer: I already have a surplus of items in my store to get my hired enchanter up and running and warmed up. I can allow you to use those as initial practice. Once you are used to it, and if I am satisfied, you can move on to the work order and polish your skills on those items. Don’t worry, the request isn’t beyond your reach. Since this was my first time selling enchanted goods, the order I took in asked for only the most basic of enchantments. I was planning to use this as a test in hiring enchanters - the work should be manageable by those with a practitioner’s license."

Karmin spoke with a deliberate tone. He was clear on his stance - the offer was beneficial to Guy as it catered to his need for practice. However, money mattered as well!

"Since you don’t technically have a license from the guild, I will have to tell my client that the work is from an unlicensed enchanter. That automatically lowers the sale price since there are no guarantees in the quality of my product. So I hope you understand that I cannot remunerate you at a standard rate."

Guy quickly grasped where Karmin was going with the conversation. He had learned enough in his old life to understand the weight behind certifications and brand names. So, Guy quickly waved his hands and offered a retort, "Money isn’t an issue. For the time being anyway. Also, I would be exploiting your kind intentions if I accepted payment for the work - it is benefitting me the most after all."

He then added jokingly, "I would appreciate it if you could cover payment for my food, though."

Karmin laughed mirthfully. While he respected Guy and Teacher Jeeves, and very much wanted to build robust connections, he was unwilling to cede ground excessively. Something he had learned over the years was the ungratefulness of people. No matter how much you treat someone favourably, there is no guarantee that they will pay you to pack equally at a later date. While cynical, his worldview was cemented on this principle. Favours and benefits must be tangible and guaranteeable. There is no such thing as banking on goodwill, that’s a fool’s venture.

A beneficial connection wasn’t grounded on favours that offered no immediate profits to yourself. That is a waste of time and money. Unless you yourself can gain something from providing a favour, it is best to avoid the prospect in its entirety. Only idiots tie their entire being onto the thighs of a powerful individual, sacrificing everything in the process. Dynasties rise and fall, people die and others rise to take their place.

Guy wasn’t perturbed by Karmin’s negotiation tactics. He was inducted into the world of business and finance in his previous life after observing his elder brother. Therefore, Guy was pleased by Karmin’s tact and presence of mind in handling the situation. He wasn’t planning to exploit Karmin, and Karmin didn’t seem like he was ok with someone walking all over him. Overall, it was a profitable deal for both parties.

Karmin brought his hand forward while saying, "Since you’ve waived your wages, I don’t think any complicated paperwork needs to be drawn up. Let’s shake on it!"

Guy eyebrows twitched at Karmin’s straightforwardness.

’I guess this is the man I’m getting in bed with,’ he thought to himself. Guy then smiled and sealed the deal with a handshake.

"Since that’s out of the way, why don’t I show you around the guild and if you’re available I can even take you over to my shop?" Karmin asked excitedly.

Guy nodded in agreement, "That would be great. I’m sure it will be more convincing to your employees if I arrived at your shop with the owner rather than your token."

The two laughed together and left the cafeteria while chatting casually. The others present in the cafeteria were a little confused by the turn of events. Karmin was a famous member of the Radiant City Smithing and Enchanting Guild - he had a 2-star license after all.

They never thought that the guy they dismissed as average and waste would attract the attention of another bigshot. Each of them felt a sting on their cheeks as if a metaphorical palm had struck it unceremoniously. All they could do was swallow their embarrassment and move on.

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