The Good Teacher Chapter 94 Setting Goals

Markus arrived at the classroom much earlier than the scheduled morning lesson. He would spend the additional time before the start of the lesson to clean up the classroom and prep it for his Master. Although Guy had told him that it wasn’t necessary, Markus felt that it was his responsibility to make his Master’s life easier in any way possible, given how Guy was teaching him for no fee. Besides, Markus had heard through secondary sources that it was often a Disciples task to perform such trivial tasks to support their Masters.

While Markus was going through his self-assigned task, a new face entered the classroom. Well, calling it a room would be inaccurate as it was open-air. Anyways, the new face happened to be his newest Junior Sister, Jean Rasmus.

"Good morning Senior Brother," Jean greeted with a respectful quarter bow. Markus smiled and nodded in response before returning to his task of cleaning the chalkboards.

Jean assumed a seat close to the chalkboard and started to fidget with her fingers nervously. It was her very first session with Teacher Larks, and Jean was feeling extremely anxious. To top it off, the voices in her head were having a romp of a day as well.

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#You’ll fail!#

*No you won’t!* f𝚛𝗲𝐞𝐰e𝗯n𝗼v𝗲𝚕.𝚌o𝐦

The argument in her head went along those lines.

A short minute after her arrival, another person entered the classroom, much to Markus’ surprise.

"Big Sis!" He exclaimed.

"Good morning," Marie responded coolly. She then turned to Jean and unleashed a bright smile as she bellowed, "Little Sis!"

Marie beelined towards Jean and assumed a seat next to her.

"When I woke up, I saw that you weren’t there. Did you not sleep well?" Marie asked with visible concern.

Jean shook her head and replied, "I have trouble falling asleep. I woke up early so I decided to take a walk to clear my mind."

As the two girls conversed, Markus interjected with a light cough, "Sis, what are you doing here?"

Marie frowned retorted, "Why? Am I not allowed to be here? In my own home?"

Markus smiled bitterly and responded, "You know what I am talking about, Sis. What are you doing HERE?"

"I’m interested in learning from Teacher Larks as well. He’s a Teacher of Magic after all. Since he’s offering to teach for free, I might as well jump on the opportunity, right?"

"That isn’t fair to Master, Big Sis. I’m already being shameless in learning under him for free, how can you, in good conscience, impose on him like this?"

Seeing how Markus was getting increasingly worked up, Marie backed down and waved her hands, "Relax! Okay? I’m just curious about how he is teaching you. Think of it as the inquisitiveness of a concerned guardian, alright? You should understand my point of view. Hearing how a Teacher of Magic is offering their services of free, I want to make sure that he isn’t getting you into anything shady."

Markus shook his head vehemently and retorted, "That is extremely disrespectful towards Master! How can you even assume that after everything I’ve told you, Sis?"

"Then are you asking me to leave?" Marie asked with a stern tone.

Before Markus could respond, another voice pierced through the argument, "What’s this about telling someone to leave?"

Guy walked in while massaging the back of his neck, "Markus, after today’s class I need you to hand Mister Rasmus a few silver coins. I’ve asked him to purchase a better pillow for me. He refuses to take my money so I need you to push it into his hands and run away, okay?"

"Now, why are you asking your sister to leave?" Guy asked Markus pointedly. "If she wants to learn, let her do so. It’s not our place to dissuade someone who is actively pursuing enlightenment."

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"I understand, Master," Markus immediately responded with a respectful bow and assumed his seat.

Guy walked over to the front of the classroom and gazed at all the student’s that were present. He observed their expressions to determine an optimal starting point. Jean wore a usual flat expression that obscured any outward emotions, however, Guy noticed her picking at the skin of her fingertips frantically. This was a clear indicator of anxiety and distress. Marie on the other hand was completely relaxed. Guy could immediately glean that this girl wasn’t here to learn. She had the same aura of a troublesome class-clown aiming to derail the lesson in order to attract attention.

Guy’s mind whirred into motion as an optimal plan of action materialised through familiarity. This wasn’t his first rodeo, and it would definitely not be his last!

"I understand that you guys are here to learn Magic and Cultivation. However, before we get to it, I feel that it is important to first establish a few things in advance. When I first met Markus, I asked him why he wanted to become a mage? Whenever we initiate something, we need to have a worthwhile goal in mind, or else we will never be able to follow through and gain something out of it," Guy started.

"To my question, Markus said that he wanted to become a mage to protect his family. He said that the world was inherently dangerous and that he needed the power to be able to protect himself and his loved ones. It was an admirable goal, and I respected it. Now, I think Markus can confidently say that he is strong enough to protect his family, given that he doesn’t actively go out of his way to seek trouble from a party stronger than him of course. So Markus, since you have achieved your initial goal, why are you still walking the path of magehood?"

Markus was taken aback by the spontaneous question. He furrowed his brows and contemplated on it for a while. After a short minute, he answered, "I want to continue walking the path of magehood to protect my family."

Guy tilted his head and retorted, "But like I’ve said, you are strong enough now. As long as you don’t court death, your current strength should be enough, right?"

"My goal always has, and always will be to protect my family. However, my current family is no longer just my siblings and Matron Reva. I consider you to be a part of my family too, Master," Markus clarified.

"You may disparage yourself constantly, and claim that you are simply ordinary. However, you seem to overlook just how brightly you shine, Master. Even though you’ve secluded yourself in this village, a renowned Teacher and the leader of a powerful Clan both personally came to ask you for a favour. I believe there is a saying that it is the tallest trees that catch the most wind. No matter how hard you try to act subdued, trouble will one day find its way to you, Master. It is a fact of this world. And when that day comes, I hope to be someone strong enough to weather the storm in your stead!"

Guy bit his lips in distress and added, "I’m grateful that you think of me that way, Markus. But it is my job as your Master to protect you-"

Markus shook his head and interrupted Guy immediately, "I’m sorry Master, but I disagree! And please don’t dissuade me! You’ve asked me for my goal in continuing in the path of magehood, and I answered truthfully. Please don’t force me to change my goal..."

With a wry smile, Guy acquiesced, "Fine. But I want you to keep this goal in mind! ’Protect’! That is the keyword. Magic is a privilege, not a right. I don’t want to see you using your gift for malicious purposes, because not only would you be going against my teachings, you would be opposing yourself!"

"I understand, Master!"

Guy hummed in affirmation and reached into his coat pocket. He pulled out the Magic Wand he had confiscated from Markus and returned it to the boy.

"I’m giving this back to you trusting that you will stay true to your goals. Please don’t disappoint me again," Guy instructed as Markus grasped the weapon with both his hands.

"I promise to only use this wand for protecting myself and others, never to exploit or suppress," Markus professed solemnly.

Guy returned to the front of the classroom and resumed.

"Having a worthwhile goal is key when it comes to anything in life. It is even more important when we’re talking about magic. With all the benefits and advantages magic brings, it is also a curse because of the unfathomable power it carries."

Guy leaned forward and spoke with a morose tone, "Power is an extremely corrosive agent. For some born with luck, this power comes easily. For others less fortunate such as Markus over here, it is an arduous path filled with bitterness. In both cases, the accumulation of power without proper accountability and assumption of responsibility can lead to the rapid breakdown of the psyche. One can easily drown themselves in the power and lose sight of their morals and ethical values. That is why we establish goals. As long as your goal is robust, you will never lose yourself."

"Hence, you should know that my initiative to teach you magic is also dependent on the type of goal you set for yourself. I will not indulge any students learning magic for malicious purposes such as revenge, no matter how righteously you frame it!"

Guy then turned towards Jean, and asked, "So Jean, what is your goal in pursuing the path of magehood?"

"M-My goal?"

"Why do you want to learn magic?"

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