The Great Demon System Chapter 106: Washing Brains 3

106 Washing Brains 3

’Indeed, messing with someone’s memories is a very delicate procedure… That is why I will try to change your memories with my expert skill and surgical precision so none of the weird stuff happens to you! Trust me!’ Avilia commented with a chuckle.

’Yeah… I am trusting you on this…" Moby said with slight nervousness.

’All that I will be doing is changing all the parts about you killing your teammates, except for Jay who you killed in self-defence as even Travis is a witness of that. I will also change your memories to make you think that the crazy story that you told your group was actually real to hide the fact that your spike in power-level was due to you being a demon.’

’As for your plotting on Natalia, I will keep all of it as it is technically not sabotaging another team as she is your own teammate, so, everything about the fight and past it will stay the same. Does that sound like a plan to you?’ Avilia asked in a more serious voice that was extremely out of character to him, throwing him off guard as it seemed like Avilia was being serious and not at all playing around like he feared.

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Moby mentally gave Avilia a nod that he was ready before closing his eyes and waiting for her to do her thing.

Then after 1 minute, his mind went completely blank as he lost control of everything in his body as his consciousness drifted into a space-like void in his mind.

Then, all of a sudden, he felt his brain start to heavily throb like it was about to break right out of his head, leading to a huge headache.

He felt memories being forcefully ripped out of his head only to be replaced with new ones which was an extremely painful experience.

’No wonder everyone I used this on went unconscious,’ Moby thought in agony, as the last of his remaining memories were forcefully ripped out of his head.

Moby then woke up, finding out that he was alone on the roof just like he remembered. Then, he looked at his beeping watch as he started to panic.

’Shit! I am going to be late for my lie detector test!’ He inwardly thought, running out of the roof, rushing straight to the gym.

This was not the only time that such a thing would happen. There were always a few outliers that did not care or understand what it meant to be under Jayden Griffith’s protection. It meant that her butler, one of the strongest hitmen in the country, would be at their doorsteps to teach them a lesson that they would never forget.

So, since Moby did not have to hide his power-level due to his new "ability", he could show the bully in front of him who he was truly dealing with.

"Get the fuck out of my way fatty!" Moby screamed as he just casually slid and tripped his attacker, staring cold daggers in his eyes making him piss his pants before punching him in the stomach so hard that he was forced to regurgitate his morning breakfast, surprising everyone that was around him in the hallway as he sped right past them like a bullet train.

"Am I imagining things? D-did you all see that… Jayden Griffiths pet... that F rank trash just one shotted that C- rank like he was nothing…" One of the kids spectating said, his eyes wide open, almost popping out of their sockets.

"Ye-ya," another student nodded in absolute shock.

When Moby finally reached the arena, he saw several people behind tables with a lie detecting crystal on top of each one.

He looked around the arena managing to find all of his family members who were still taking the test, including Jayden who still looked extremely angry.

"Name please," a voice came from an extremely short teacher below him.

"Oh, sorry, didn’t see you there. My name is Moby Kane," he replied.

"Okay I get it! I’m short! I don’t even know why they assigned me to this role so stop rubbing it in! And you go to table 32! Now scram!" He said in an extremely annoyed manner.

"Thanks," Moby said walking away, trying to find table 32.

"Damn F rank brat thinks he’s hot shit!" Moby heard him mumble under his voice which made him chuckle as he wondered how he would start treating him if he took a peek at his watch instead of relying on what was written on his tablet.

’If only he knew that I had a good ability he wouldn’t have treated me like that. People like him really piss me off! Makes me wonder how many girls who were so openly hating me that would all of a sudden flip the switch and start simping for me hard!’ Moby inwardly chuckled.

When he reached table 32, he saw a blonde female soldier sitting behind a white desk with a lie detector in its centre.

As he neared the table, she motioned him to sit down before a sort of energy shield formed around them that slightly startled him.

"This is just a barrier to block out outside sound and keep our conversation in here. Just put your hands on the crystal and I will ask you a few questions. Answer honestly, if you lie you will be even more severely punished than if you told the truth," She said in a bored, monotone voice, leading Moby to nod in understanding.

"First question, did you kill or let any of your team members die out of malicious intent?" She asked.

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"No," Moby responded, making the crystal glow a green light.

"Good. Next question, did you ever sabotage another team or bring any illegal items with you into the exam?" She asked once more.

"No," Moby responded with confidence, making the crystal shine green once again.

"Now, last but not least. On my paper, you are listed as an F rank but from your watch it is telling me that you are a B- rank… Can you explain that…" She said, her eyes almost popping out of their sockets.

"Well, you probably wouldn’t believe this but that is what we have lie detectors for! I found an ability orb in a cave while fighting a bunch of beasts. It is some sort of purple energy ability, It’s pretty strong but I am still not completely used to it yet. See?" Moby said, forming a small ball of energy in his right hand.

"Wow! You are indeed very lucky young man! You seem to have discovered a whole new ability! Only a few people in history ever reported finding an ability orb on a foreign planet! Would you allow the science division to do some experiments on you and your new ability for research purposes! The school will pay you handsomely for your efforts!" She said, moving closer to Moby with stars in her eyes making him lean backwards, her previously bored and serious attitude suddenly turning enthusiastic.

"Uhhhh… Sorry but I will have to decline your offer," Moby awkwardly responded.

"Oh... Well, that’s unfortunate! If you ever change your mind please don’t hesitate to contact the school or go to the general’s office! Speaking of the general, I know that he wanted to give you the test himself! At first, I was skeptical about why he would choose to personally do the test for you, a former F rank, but now I clearly see why! But sadly he is now too busy dealing with the disaster that was the exam." The female soldier said, still brimming with enthusiasm.

"Oh… Is that so... I feel honoured that the general wanted to see me personally," Moby said with an awkward chuckle.

’What the fuck! Why does the general want to see me! Did Jayden put him off last time she took the lie detector test in my place?’ Moby inwardly cursed.

"Okay! That will be all! Thank you so much for taking the test!" She said, releasing the energy bubble that surrounded them as she waved good-bye to him with a smile on her face.

’Damn, that sure was quite the experience…?She changed so fast…’ Moby thought, walking out of the arena, trying to contact Jayden using his mind-link only for her not to answer.

Moby took a deep, long breath before he threw the idea to the back of his head as he knew that he had used his mind manipulation on Jayden and that it would wear off not too long from now, making her go back to normal.

So, he decided to train his "Air Steps" in the forest that was now no longer out of bounds as there had been no forest killings in a very long time.

Then, after a few minutes of training, he felt an intense pain ravage his mind as all of his true memories came back to him.

’Damn! Avilia! You have truly outdone yourself! That was perfect! I don’t know why I ever even doubted you!’ Moby praised her.

’He-he! Why of course! I am an expert at using the skill after all! I will consider this as part of your reward for doing well on the exam!’ Avilia boasted.


Alex was walking through the hallway in his usual cheerful mood, he had just finished his lie detector test and was on his way to talk to Natalia whom he suddenly had the urge to become friends with and maybe date due to her pure, kind hearted nature and cute face.

Then as he was about to leave the school through the front doors, he felt an intense pain in his head as all of his true memories started to flood back into his mind.

"What the hell was I thinking…" He muttered in a low voice, feeling his stomach turn inside out in disgust.


’STOP CALLING ME! I will show you ungrateful scum about treating me so badly! I am going to officially break up with you in person!’ Jayden thought, walking angrily through the hallways at a quick pace, forcing everyone in her path to move out as they made way for her.

Then, as she was walking, she felt her true memories suddenly enter her mind along with the feeling of extreme pain.

"W-what the hell was I thinking…" She muttered in a low voice as she felt her heart crack in two, tears falling down from her face before quickly wiping them away before anyone around her noticed.


Abby was walking around the school wearing a genuine smile as she was on her way to meet up with her lord and saviour, Moby Kane. On her way, many students congratulated her for her record setting performance which was most likely all in order to suck up to her. When, all of a sudden, she felt a burst of pain enter her mind as her memories began to flow back in.

’Hahhaha! My lord is amazing! He already mastered his new skill in such a short amount of time! It worked perfectly! As expected of my lord!’ Abby thought with a smile.

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