The Great Demon System Chapter 136: Time is Freezing

136 Time is Freezing


Name: Abby Ried

Race: Demon (Necromancer)

Ability: Level 7 fire

Level: 57

XP: 30,240/56,000

Power Level: 18,720

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Hp: 150/150

Mana: 514/514

Demon Energy: 514/514

Strength: 541

Agility: 451

Endurance: 366


Mind: 90


What he saw did not surprise him even in the slightest. Abby was a whole 6 levels above Moby because of the sheer amount of goblins she had killed during the exam, receiving all the XP from them while Moby only received half. However, even still, her power level was lower than Moby’s due to all the extra stat points he received from the quest compared to his family members. But, it was still in the range to make her extremely competitive and give him a big run for his money.

"So, Abby, do you agree to spar with me?" Moby asked his question once again, pateintly waiting for a response from her.

"Yes! Of course my lord! Do you want me to use a weapon? And, should I go all out?" Abby asked in a serious and stiff demeanour.

"Yes, I want you to go all out, Just don’t use your ability or demon powers, it will a pure clash of blades," Moby explained with a smile.

"Of course my lord! Even if I am fighting you, I promise to not hold anything back!" Abby said, pulling out her long black and red scythe from her inventory, walking up to the arena, taking a fighting stance waiting for the start of the spar.

"Hey, baby, you said that you wanted me to spectate the fight, do you have something specific that you want me to look out for?" Jayden asked, a little confused as she was going to be spectating the spar whether he asked her or not.

"Oh, nothing in particular, I just wanted to make sure that you watch closely," Moby replied with a smile, taking up a fighting stance with his katana still in its sheath, his hand hovering over the hilt.

"Okay, I, I was going to do that anyways but okay…" Jayden casually replied with a shrug of her shoulder.

"Okay Abby, we keep going until we have a clear winner, don’t be afraid to hurt me," Moby explained to her once more, making sure that she does not hold anything back, making her nod really hard as a response, a serious almost predator-like expression on her face.

"Okay, Jayden count us in!" Moby told Jayden as he still was in his fighting stance.

"He he, don’t worry, I gotchu fam,"




"Start!" Jayden yelled, signalling the beginning of the match.

As her blade quickly accelerated towards his face, he unsheathed his sword in one quick motion, sliding across the side of Abby’s scythe redirecting her attack making her hit the ground beside him, leaving her wide open for an attack.

Moby went for a kick straight to Abby’s exposed side. However, to his surprise, she used her scythe that was still stuck on the ground to dodge and boost herself over Moby like she was pole vaulting, catching him completely off guard as she went for another attack, lifting her scythe up in the air above her before smashing it down at Moby once again but from directly above him.

"Holy shit!" Jayden exclaimed from the side as she did not at all expect Abby to take the upper hand against a martial arts expert like Moby.

Moby did not expect what Abby did at all. Without his ability and demon powers, he doubted that he would be able to dodge her attack completely unscathed. So, it was the perfect time to test out his new skill.

Moby activated his first-ever ice dragon skill "Freezing Time".

As soon as he did, his vision suddenly became shaded a hint of dark purple and everything around him instantly began to slow down, including Abby’s incoming attack which gave him just enough time to dodge. As he sidestepped to dodge Abby’s attack, he noticed that unlike everything around him, his movements were completely unhindered as he still remained at his full speed allowing him to completely dodge Abby’s attack however only barely.

From Abby’s perspective, as she smashed her scythe towards Moby, he suddenly moved unnaturally faster than what she expected, even at his slightly higher power-level.

Before she knew it, Moby was already behind her with his katana pointed straight at her heart.

"I-I surrender…" Abby slowly said in shock, dropping her weapon in defeat.

"The match is over! Moby Kane won!" Jayden announced, still unable to believe what she had just witnessed.

Moby’s movements had all of a sudden unnaturally gotten much faster and sharper as he was able to do things much more meticulously than before.

"That... That was so amazing my lord! I knew that you would be able to easily defeat me but I tried my best anyway just like you asked! You are truly an inspiration and proof that I have a lot to work on!" Abby said with stars in her eyes, praising Moby just like usual.

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"You actually really surprised me. That move of yours was absolutely crazy good, something I did not at all expect! I also noticed that you are now a lot better at using the scythe than the last time I saw you! I am really proud of you! You nearly mastered such a hard and complex weapon like the scythe in such a short span of time is truly astounding. Your hard work has paid off well! " Moby told her with a bright smile.

"No no no! It was all because I had an amazing teacher! Also, I practice all the techniques and styles you showed me every day. Plus, I had a lot of time to practice in real-world scenarios during the exam which had greatly improved my skills as well. This was all thanks to your teachings, thank you so much…" Abby said with a deep bow and passion in her voice.

"No! No! Don’t be like that! You are giving me too much credit. Like I said, this was all because of your hard work, all I did was show you the basics and you evolved and incorporated it into your own style of fighting," Moby responded in a serious tone.

"Thank you for all your kind words… I do not deserve such a kind-hearted lord and… F-friend like you…" Abby said, still in a bow, mumbling the word "friend" as she was not used to seeing her lord and saviour as one of her friends.

’What kind of conversation is this? They should both learn how to properly take a compliment,’ Jayden thought, hearing the conversation in front of her that she had heard many times before. However, it never failed to make her think about how silly they sounded arguing about such things.

"Hey! Moby, what was that thing you did? Were you holding back the entire time or did you just cheat because I am really confused," Jayden asked, determined to find an answer.

"He he… Well…?about that… The only reason I wanted to spar was to test out a new skill I gained from getting my ability," Moby explained, slightly embarrassed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Sooooooooo, what you are telling me is that you cheated correct?" Jayden asked, trying to get a better grasp of the situation.

"Well… yeah…Kinda..." Moby awkwardly responded.

"That’s pretty cruel of you to do… How do you think Abby feels that you robbed her out of her-?" Jayden said before being abruptly cut off.

"That’s amazing my lord! What new skill was it? I really want to know! Also, Jayden, don’t be rude! I am sure that lord Moby would have been able to dodge that attack even without the help of the skill and he just wanted to test it out in that scenario because he thought it was ideal!" Abby said in excitement.

"Ha ha! I am glad that you saw through me! You truly understand me very well!" Moby said with a laugh.

’FHEWW! I just dodged a massive bullet… I really should have thought that through more…’ Moby thought, feeling immense relief.

"Of course my lord! Like I said! I take a mental note of everything you do and say in order for me to learn and maybe one day be worthy of being your right-hand woman!" Abby said with a bright smile that immediately turned flushed red only a split second afterwards.

"N-no! I am sorry! That came out wrong! By "right-hand women", I meant like "right-hand man" but with "woman" instead of man or something … I don’t know what I was thinking... I am extremely sorry for the misunderstanding…" Abby nervously apologized making both Moby and Jayden die of laughter.

"Hahaha! You worry too much! Of course, we knew what you meant," Jayden explained, slowing down a bit as she saw Abby let out a small chuckle of relief to her response.

"Anyways, what is this new skill of yours?" Jayden asked, calming down almost completely as she focused her attention on Moby’s new skill once more.

"Well, the new skill is called "Freezing Time". From the name you can probably assume what it does. The skill allows me to slow down time by around 10% for a heavy cost of both mana and demon energy. I had no idea what that exactly meant so I wanted to test it out in battle. I had a few theories of my own. The first was that it slowed down time in a bubble around me and that people from the outside spectating would be able to notice. The second was that it just slowed down time for me and my opponent but I kept my thinking and perception. And third and what I think is more possible is that it slows down time for the entire world around me, allowing me to have the ability to move freely and unhindered by the slowing of time. So, did you notice that anything like that happened?" Moby asked Jayden and Abby.

"When I was spectating, all that I noticed was that you had suddenly become faster and your movements much sharper and more precise than before. I noticed no slowing of time at all… It is probably all in your perception of things or it only applies to your body… I don’t know... Something like that. I am just spewing random shit out my ass at this point," Jayden explained.

"I agree with Jayden. I noticed nothing weird about time other than your movements suddenly becoming faster. It is a good subtle ability that not many people would notice or see coming. It is truly an amazing skill!" Abby added.

"Hmmm… I see… Thanks for the info guys… I think that should be enough training for today… it has all been really tiring, even with my demon anatomy. We should probably get some rest. School starts again tomorrow after all," Moby said with a yawn.

"True… I barely had any sleep this week due to all that shit with Natalia. Sleeping right now sounds like a dream," Jayden said, yawning as a result of Moby’s contagious yawn, walking towards the exit of the Arena.

"I wanted to craft some new sets of armour with the extra money we got but I guess I will save that for tomorrow since we have plenty of time before school starts…" Moby said in a tired tone, storing his katana inside his inventory before slowly walking towards the exit of the arena with Jayden.

Then, as he reached the exit, he noticed that someone was still missing.

"Ummm… Abby, are you not coming too? Jayden did get a guest room for you and you barely even used it. You’ve been working really hard this week and you could really use a rest… Trust me, good rest is just as important as training, and you really need it. I am very worried… The makeup that you wore hid the bags under your eyes pretty well but now I see them clear as day. I am only saying this because I care about you. Sleep is good for you both physically and mentally," Moby explained with clear worry and concern in his voice, watching Abby who was training with her scythe and doing push-ups in the middle of the arena.

Abby listened intently to Moby’s every advice as she held back her initial words and reaction of saying,

’I promise that it’s fine my lord! Don’t worry, I will sleep very soon, right after a little bit of training!’

Instead, she accepted Moby’s words and let aside her fears of being too weak and useless for him, being left behind by future, possibly stronger subordinates as she knew that he indeed really cared about her. She still could not completely get past her fears of scorn and abandonment but she was slowly heading in the right direction to heal her mental scars, just like how her physical scars had also healed by Moby.

"Yes! You are of course right my lord! I will come right away!" Abby said with a cheerful chuckle, hopping off the arena to join her family, making Moby smile brightly as they all walked to their rooms.

Then all walked down the long, expansive hallways, passing by the many servants who were also headed to their rooms to sleep until they reached the big guest room, where Abby was staying.

They said their goodbyes and goodnights as she entered her room with a happy yet nervous smile, holding the urge to cry at how happy she had been feeling for the past 2 months.

Moby and Jayden then headed straight for Jayden’s bedroom as they both shared the same room and slept together.

They both entered the room, slamming the door behind them before brushing their teeth, taking a shower before changing their clothes to go to sleep.

As they both laid in bed, Jayden decided to make one suggestion that Moby would have been completely crazy to decline.

To remember the last night that they would sleep with each other for a long time because the curfew was being once again reinstated once school started, Jayden suggested to have one quick round of rough, hardcore sex until they collapsed of fatigue.

Moby of course accepted. And, that "quick" round of sex ended up lasting an hour as they both collapse on the bed heavily panting with flushed red faces.

Sex was something they had not done ever since their first time with Natalia spectating which made it feel really different. Better in its own ways and worse in others. But, all in all, they did not complain as each other’s company was all that mattered in their eyes.

After cleaning up the mess that was made on the bedsheets that was caused by both parties, they both decided to finally go to sleep.

"Good night baby… See you again in the morning…" Jayden said with a cute chuckle, looking at Moby that was sleeping directly to her right,?still sending butterflies down his stomach.

"Good night to you too babe…" Moby replied back with a smile as they both closed their eyes and went to sleep.

’HEY! DICK HEAD! WAKE YOUR ASS UP! This is not the time to sleep now fool! You fool! Moby Kane, future king of all demons! It is now time I reveal my reward to you and explain my back story and a decent amount of what I know about the Nether, mortal, and celestial realms,’ Avilia screamed in his mind with immense enthusiasm.

’Holy shit Avilia! I was awake! I was about to ask you about it before you just scared the fuck out of me!’ Moby replied, still in a state of shock.

’Shut up! Stop complaining! I can easily keep it to myself if I really wanted to! So, do you want to receive your reward or not!’ Avilia immediately retorted in a serious yet snarky manor.

’Yes! Yes, I do!" Moby immediately replied in a serious yet desperate tone of voice as he was really, really wanted to know more about the truths and realities of the world around him.

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