The Great Demon System Chapter 14: Planning

14 Planning

The time was already 6 am.

Moby was used to sleeping for only a few hours every day due to his rigorous training regimes. But, even still, he had never felt so full of energy after a measly 3 hours of sleep.

"Demons have a much faster natural regeneration ability to that of humans, therefore, requiring much less sleep," Avilia said.

Moby took a mental note of that.

"Avilia, you’re already awake?" Moby said as he quietly got out of bed trying not to wake up his still sleeping roommates.

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"Well yes, of course I am. I am always awake," she said in a snarky manner.

Moby remembered that he has yet to retrieve the bags that he gave to the sergeant that escorted him to school.

He went over to the terminal in the corner of the room and scanned his student ID to retrieve his bags. Suddenly, the white plate beside the terminal started to glow. His bags suddenly teleported on the plate a mere moment later.

Moby Only had 2 small bags. Naturally, since he was poor, he did not have many belongings worth bringing. He only brought his parent’s martial arts books and 2 sets of clothing.

Moby never had the chance to admire how big and nice his dorm room is. It was at least 5 times bigger than his old apartment. There were 3 closets, one for each student, a single bathroom, a big flat screen tv, a fridge, and a microwave. And, The beds were 3 bunk beds stacked on top of each other.

Moby unpacked the bag with the clothing first and hung them up in his new closet.

As he opened the closet, he noticed that half of it was filled with student uniforms. Moby assumed that due to all the training that they will have to go through, they give extra uniforms in case one gets ruined.

He then unpacked the bag with all the books. He has read the books over and over again trying to understand their meaning, but it seemed like some of them were written in another language that he could not understand.

As soon as Moby touched a certain red martial arts book, a system notification appeared.

\\u003c New Demon Skill Acknowledged \\u003e

\\u003c The Host is too low level to learn the skill \\u003e

\\u003c Level Requirement: Level 100 \\u003e

Moby’s eyes were staring at the notification in astonishment. He can even feel that Avilia has a similar reaction in his mind.

"What the fuck!? Level 100!" He inwardly thought.

"Moby, what kind of people were your parents? How do they possess such strong Demon Skills? When we first met, I was really surprised that you knew 2 demon skills already even though you were a human." Avilia asked in shock.

"About that, I was wondering how my necklace got into the human world, to begin with," Avilia said as she was deep in thought.

"How the hell should I know? And what do you mean by the human world?" Moby asked in confusion.

"There are 3 dimensions, the Nether Realm, the Human Realm, and the Celestial Realm. Each realm is separate and not intended to coexist with each other. Humans seem to have no knowledge of the other realms so I would keep your identity as a demon a secret of great importance, " Avilia explained.

The sudden revelation of the existence of different realms shocked Moby, only a little though. From all the crazy shenanigans that had happened to him in the last 2 days, this much wasn’t surprising.

"For now, put that book in your inventory and don’t reveal its existence to anyone." Avilia calmly added.

"My what?" Moby asked in confusion.

"Oh yeah, didn’t I mention that you unlocked your inventory when you evolved? Whoops," Avilia said nervously.

"No, you didn’t! If it’s what I think it is this will be completely broken"

"It is an infinite storage space, that’s the simplest way I can put it. Within the inventory, time and space are frozen so any item you store will be the same when you take it out. For example, if you store hot food, the food will remain hot and fresh when you take it out even if it stays in the inventory for years."

Moby became really excited. Just thinking of all the ways an infinite storage space can accomplish is like a wet dream. He can steal pretty much anything with no evidence against him, he can stealthily carry around weapons and armour without being noticed, and he can bring extra school uniforms with him to change into after he finishes killing someone.

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"Is it possible to hide a dead body inside the inventory?" Moby asked, trying to hold back his excitement.

"You can store anything as long as it’s not living, plants are the only exception to this rule. So, the answer to your questions is, yes"

Moby could no longer hold back his excitement, he opened his "Menu" and noticed that he had an extra tab called "inventory".

A huge grid of empty boxes appeared right in front of him. It was like the shop tab but completely empty. Moby stored the level 100 book along with a few extra uniforms. He also stored all of the money that he had left.

He didn’t have much money at all from buying the rope. The rope ended up falling into the river after Eric broke loose so he was unable to reuse it. Just thinking about it made Moby a little angry.

Moby then decided to go outside to complete his daily quest. Around the dorms was a huge field that students used to practice their abilities. If Moby used his full power, he would be able to finish his daily quest in no longer than 15 minutes. But, since he was still in an open area, he was not able to do that without having a high chance of being caught.

After he finished everything except for the run, he was surprised that he was not in the least bit tired. This must be a side effect of his evolution and level increase.

When he was doing his run, he heard Avilia talk to him in a worried tone.

"Yesterday night you acted weirdly. Why did you suddenly go soft on me?"

"Ya I know what you mean, I wasn’t acting like myself. I should not have been so trusting. I guess it was a bad habit from my previous self. I thought I left that part of me behind but some of it came back yesterday night." Moby said, feeling disgusted at his actions last night.

"This time I was lucky that nothing happened. But, who knows, next time it happens, I might end up tortured again like that night," Moby said while remembering what happened with Nathan and his gang. Just thinking about it made his blood boil with anger.

"Avilia, promise me if I ever go soft again to snap me back into reality, I am counting on you, " Moby said in a serious tone.

"Don’t worry, you can count on me! A soft demon is no successor of mine!" She said proudly.

\\u003cDaily Quest Complete!\\u003e

\\u003c+ 3 stat points \\u003e

Even after a 10-kilometre run that would leave any man trying to catch his breath Moby was not tired at all. A demon’s constitution must be amazing, he inwardly thought.

Moby opened his skills and stats menu to assign his new stat points.

Moby them noticed his new power level

\\u003c 1990 \\u003e

Moby completely forgot to even check his new power level after his new evolution and levels.

Moby was thinking long and hard about what to assign his remaining stat points on. He wanted to add it to strength but if he did, then his endurance would be left lacking and he would be defeated by a single attack which was really risky.

"Put it into Mind, trust me," Avilia interjected, breaking Moby’s train of thought.

"Why Mind?" He said in a confused manner.

"Have faith in me, If you do, I will show you the funniest shit you will ever see." She said, trying to contain her laughter.

"But first, you will need 30 points in Mind" She added.

Moby’s interest had peaked. Knowing Avilia for only one day, he can tell that she is cynical and with no remorse while also having a kind, and caring side when it comes to him. So, if she says this will be funny it is most likely accurate. He chose to trust her judgment and do as she suggests.

He put his 3 points into mind making it increase from 15 to 18. Moby still needed 12 more points in mind to reach 30. This means he will have to wait at least 4 more days of doing the daily quest until he gets enough points.

This was a bit disappointing. Then a brilliant idea came into his head. If he was able to buy the "Novice Demon Katana" that raises his mind stat by 10 points and his strength by 30, he would be killing 2 birds with one stone. First, he would have enough mind to get to mind level 30. And, he would get his strength level closer to his agility level, balancing them once again.

But first, he needed a way to gain $4000 as quickly as possible.

"I think I might have to go on a huge stealing spree," he inwardly chuckled.

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