The Great Demon System Chapter 140: A Demon Lords End...

140 A Demon Lord’s End...

"In that same month, I was able to conquer my entire home planet, planet Etna,"

"I tested out my ability on demon beasts only to find out that it also worked without a problem. And, with a hoard of demon beasts by my side, I was able to easily take out every last tribe on the planet with minimal difficulty,"

"Out of everyone, I left a few of them alive as my loyal servants, making them bend and submit their will to me as I ruled them with an iron fist, keeping them even after my 1-week control over them was over. I needed a few normal subordinates, not just a few beasts that I control for 1 week before killing them off,"

"One of those subordinates later became my best friend, Chehera, a succubus and future sin of lust, "

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"I don’t want to go into detail on how we met as I will save the stories of how I met all the sins for another time,"

"Anyways, when every last demon on the planet had died, I noticed that there was a big problem. My dumb ass forgot to keep a person that knew dimensional magic alive which meant that we were completely stranded on planet Etna with no way to escape from it,"

"However, that did not make me give up or lose hope of my dreams and ambitions, if anything, it made me work even harder. For the next few days proceeding that, I trained long and hard with Chehera’s help to try my best to learn dimensional warping magic to travel from planet to planet which ended in failure. But not in complete failure, in fact, it was one of the most revolutionary moments in demon history,"

"Instead of learning warping dimensional magic, I discovered how to make a dimensional pocket space that allowed me to store whatever I wanted which made my life much easier in so many ways,"

"And, not long after that, right before I was about to lose control of all my servants and beasts, I had finally been able to learn dimensional warping magic, even though I was never the best at it,"

"Question! Since you had dimensional warping magic and I am your successor, it is only natural for me to be also able to learn such magic as well, correct?" Moby asked with excitement, stars in his eyes as he interrupted Avilia once again.

"Well duh! Obviously! Stop asking stupid questions and let me continue my story!"


"So, after I learned warping magic, I travelled from planet to planet, easily conquering all of them one by one, my demon army growing stronger the more planet’s I conquered to the point that I had many loyal servents that bent to my every will, even without my powers of injecting my demon energy into them, I was starting to form a new tribe, later known as the Graymore tribe that later evolved into a clan before lastly turning into a household,"

"On my journey of conquest, I learned many things, to know who your true friends are… Out of all of my servants, I only had 8 that I was able to soften up to and become friends with. However, when it came time to choose the sins, it turned out that I chose the wrong sin of pride as that man betrayed me and mounted a full-on revolution against me, all because I was the reason that his entire clan was wiped out and he never forgot the grudge against me. It was a very tough fight as he managed to rally most of my troops against me due to their hatred,"

"However, in the end, I still managed to come out victorious, but only barely and at the cost of a lot of my military power which was pretty devastating. You must choose your friends wisely, trust me, I learned that the hard way, pay attention to everything. Although me and pride seemed like really good friends, it was not at all the case because I was too blind to pick up on it and it cost me dearly,"

"The second lesson is that you must actually be a good ruler, not ruling with an iron fist, forcing people to do whatever you want, that is how you start a revolution against you. If I had just acted just, and normal to my subordinates, the revolution would have probably never even happened as I would have had the public’s support. Of course, that does not mean that you can’t flex your authority but be mindful of your actions. And that was what that incident made me do and realize,"

"Anyways, enough of the sappy life lessons, you probably knew all of that,"

"So, eventually, one day as I was sleeping in my small palace on one of the biggest planets in the netherworld, Sebas, I received a call from Estelle, the sin of envy that there was a huge army right outside of the castle,"

"And, when I looked outside my window, what I saw was indeed an entire demon army that spanned for even longer than the eye could see. The army seemed to be lead by many greater demon generals that had the banners of their own respective clan and tribes which I found really perplexing as rarely do clans ever team up together,"

"However, even with their extreme numbers advantage, I was still confident I could beat them as I told Estelle to not worry at all,"

"As I approached their army expecting to be attacked, everyone in the entire army ended up prostrating themselves to me instead, something that greatly startled me beyond what you could even imagine,"

"They all asked me if they could join my clan and if I, one of the strongest demons at the time, could lead the newly formed demon alliance, that was by the way formed out of complete desperation because the dragons would not come to save their asses this time, into battle against the angel and god forces that were dominating in the mortal world and are knocking on the door to the nether world,"

"From before, I decided to steer clear of the mortal realm as I heard that it was a losing battle and had a near 0 chance of survival as the angels were immensely powerful and outnumbered us greatly. It was only a place for the stupid and foolishly brave to go to meet their doom,"

"However, with this new army, I was finally able to go to the mortal realm and push the angel forces back, gaining more strength in the process, which was exactly what I did,"

"Me and my new army marched into the mortal realm like we owned the place and fought the angel and god forces to a standstill. I even managed to tie Zaione, God Of War, the strongest god at the time in a fight after I evolved even further beyond a greater demon from all of the angel killing, the first-ever demon, at least to my knowledge, to be able to do so."

"And before you ask, no, I will not reveal what this evolution was, it was something pretty unique and you will get it when you get it!"

"So, anyway, due to my new immense power boost, we started to push back the angel forces. Also, this made more random, weak and strong demons decide to come out of hiding and join the fight. It was the first and only time in history that we demons fought together as one united force to destroy a common enemy. We only had a few cases of demons killing other?demons for XP which was very good to say the least as there are always expectations to everything and having so few people do it was an absolute win."

"For many many long, long years of fighting, I became the general and leader of the entire demon army that I unified under my clan and name, making everyone behave despite all the arrogant demons that had objections which was no doubt a great achievement by me. At the moment in history, I was the only demon that was followed by a large majority of the race with near full consensus and low opposition."

"And with my leadership and expertise, we managed to force the Angels and gods into a standstill, no race-winning over the other. So, in the end, me and Zaione, God Of War, decided to sign a treaty and deal. Other than a few expectations, the rules were that no demon was allowed to set foot in the mortal realm and also no angel was allowed to step into the mortal realm making each realm just keep to their own as to not give the other race a clear advantage,"

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"I looked back to my army and noticed how all if not most of them were in shambles and have nearly reached their limit for how much they could fight. So, I decided to sign the treaty as I thought that I was doing the right thing,"

"At first, I thought that I was going to be cursed and betrayed by my own army and followers but instead, I was hailed as a hero. The hero that single-handedly ended the seemingly never-ending great Seraphodemon war,"

"And with that, I was crowned as the first-ever demon lord of the netherworld at the young, young age of 1928. I would be lying if I said that I was not extremely happy and felt really accomplished and determined to rule over the entire realm as well as I could with my immense amount of strength,"

"On planet Sebas, one of the biggest found planets in the Netherworld is where I built the great country of Graymore, the first, and most important country of my many that will soon to come as it was known as the royal country,"

"Soon, the entire planet was filled with countries, kingdoms, and cities making it the central and most important planet in the entire netherworld, where all the major shit happened. It also happened to be the most populated planet with around 60% of the race, excluding beasts, living on it,"

"I made new rules and reform to make things fairer to all, making police and things of the such enforce the rules, something that the public did not like at first but, they eventually grew accustomed to it. We needed to abandon our pure barbaric roots. It would make it easier to rule and control the population while at the same time reducing the chances of revolts or revolutions,"

"However, it was always in a demon’s nature to grow stronger, and if killing was not legal and is very punishable, how would they be able to get stronger. So, I formed something called an "Adventurer’s Guild" where they form groups and explore the many, many unexplored planets in the realm, reporting to us what was going on there while killing the beasts for XP. It was a win-win situation. And, just like I thought, it became a big hit with the demons who wanted to grow stronger,"

"My goal as demon lord was to unite and rule over all of the demon tribes as for there to be 0 to no outliers for me to worry about as I conquered and destroyed all the ones that refused to submit under my will. All but the dragons who were an exception..."

"When I went to the dragon planet, as I was invited, to ask them for their cooperation, I was very surprised to say the least. The amount of gold and treasure on that blue planet was actually insane. It was like they were hoarding it all for no reason which felt extremely weird,"

"When I asked them to join my demon nation where I would protect and give them many benefits, they immediately decline without any hesitation saying that they are fine alone and want to keep to themselves which I thought was pretty respectable. And, when I asked them about why they joined the fight against the angels back in the day, they responded kinda weirdly like they did not want to tell me the answer. But, from what I was able to piece together, it had something to do with an egg and their new king being born or something along those lines,"

"And, when I asked to go see the baby, my request was immediately rejected without a second thought as they did not trust me around him at all,"

"So, I left the dragon planet completely empty-handed other than that they won’t participate in my affairs from the outside and keep to themselves which was I guess better than nothing, Now you understand why I know so little about the dragon race…"

"Anyways, I ruled over the nether world for the next 1000 years or so, only having major problems a few times with groups of terrorists, cultists, and traitors constantly popping up frequently around the nation which was easily resolved by even me personally sometimes."

"However, what came next was something I did not at all expect…"

"Out of nowhere, many angels and gods descended from the skies above, raining magic on all the civilians bellow… They had broken our treaty of none aggression and to leave the mortal realm alone… They managed to do it before I could as I had planned to attack them in the next 10-50 years which was really unlucky,"

"I had a few spies?patrolmen always in the mortal world, constantly patrolling just in case and to report to me if anything suspicious was going on, I would always receive feedback and reports daily using mind link and nothing seemed to be out of place so, I had no idea what was going on and how as I was not notified anytime before the attack,"

"I could only assume that my patrolmen were traitors or threatened. Either way, I knew that I was fucked,"

"In the short span of 2 hours, almost 1 third of planet Sebas’s population had been completely wiped out,"

"Despite the fact that we demons were supposed to hold the major advantage in the Netherworld, the angel’s were for some reason on par or even in some cases stronger,"

"I later found out that it was because they had been gaining an immense amount of faith energy the entire time from all of the mortals that had not forgotten about them and from their breaking of the treaty-making me realize how dumb or manipulated my patrolmen were and how stupid I was for allowing it as I did not pay enough attention to it because I focused on other things like politics and training, not to mention my hobby for crafting and many other things,"

"I had no idea and could not fathom at the time that the seemingly righteous, pure and innocent angels and gods would pull such a thing on me and break our treaty, even before I got the chance to…"

"Long story short, me and the seven deadly sins fought back the angels and gods as they were still beating us due to their strength, and numbers advantage this time around, not forgetting their sneak attack. And this time, I was somehow losing to Zaione, God Of War, on my own turf despite me being equal to him on an equal playing field only 1000 years prior,"

"As I turned back and looked at the struggling and nearly dead bodies of my still struggling friends and the faces of all of my servants and civilians trying their best to run away. I could not just wait idly by as I watched everything I had built up and created crumble and being burned down to the ground,"

"So… I chose to do the ultimate sacrifice for the survival of my nation and people…"

"I flew recklessly straight into the heart of the enemy army, taking out everyone and everything in my path only to be stopped by Zaione and his duel wielded swords,"

"That was when I executed my final trump card… I overloaded my body with all the surrounding demon energy, including my inner energy, until I exploded in a big Magnificient explosion of demon energy. The blast was so large and powerful that it immediately killed Zaione in an instant along with many, many, other gods and angels that were around him in the vicinity which was over half their army… allowing my troops to finally come out victorious. And, before my soul was completely destroyed, I managed to use a personal secret technique to seal it and all my powers away into my necklace that I saved from being vaporized in the blast, the same one that ended up in your possession."

"And before you ask, yes… I blew myself up for the sake of my people… I am kinda weird right? Hehe… I guess things change about you when you start feeling a ruler’s responsibilities…Plus, a lot of my friends made me loosen up a little and act more casual and open-minded!"

"Trust me, I was not always like this! In fact, I was always really serious back in the day! I am not the same person that I was when I first started my journey but I would like to argue that I am just as cruel!" Avilia said with a loud hearty laugh.

"So, there you go kid, that is a general summary of my life’s story just like I promised! If you have any questions don’t be afraid to shoot them my way!" Avilia said in a sad yet cheerful tone as she began to think back on the days that she was still alive.

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