The Great Demon System Chapter 17: Library

17 Library

"My family and hers have always had good ties. Our parents were really good friends even before I was born. When I was young I was always forced to spend time with her whenever our parents met, which I might add was pretty often."

"At first our relationship was pretty good, we were really good friends. She had a really kind and caring personality that showed compassion to all. At Least that is what I thought."

Alex took a long pause to calm down and gather his thoughts before continuing with another long sigh.

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"One day when we went to the park to play in the playground, a boy accidentally bumped into her. She fell on the mud ruining her favorite dress. She damn near killed the kid. If it wasn’t for me holding her back, the kid would have been definitely dead."

"That is when I understood that the way she treated me was not like how she treated others. She sees everyone who is weaker or of lesser birth than her as no more than her "playthings"."

"From that moment on, I avoided her like the plague. I don’t want to associate myself with such a person. However, whenever our parents meet, she always tries to approach me and act nice like nothing happened. She is a true psychopath."

"Moby, you are no more than a disposable doll in her eyes, when she gets bored with you, she will throw you in the gutter. I warn you to steer clear of her at all costs."

Moby pretended to be shocked, taking in all that Alex just told him. By her actions and demeanour, he already assumed as much. When he accepted Jayden’s offer, he knew full well what he was getting himself into.

"Don’t worry about me, I know what I’m doing," Moby replied with a smile.

"Are you sure? If you want I can go talk to her. Maybe I can convince her to stop." Alex said, with a worried expression.

Moby pretended to think about Alex’s proposal before replying.

"That would never work, even if she agreed, I have already made an enemy out of nearly every single male student in the school. Without her protection, I would be as good as dead." Moby replied with a sad expression.

"Then, I’ll protect you instead!" Alex said with a firm resolve.

Moby did not expect Alex to offer himself as a bodyguard. If it weren’t for Moby’s plans, he would have definitely accepted his offer. He would have been the perfect puppet.

"That would never work, even if you are high-level, you can not monitor me 24/7. There would always be moments where I would be vulnerable to an attack. Also, a high level guarding a low level has never even been heard of and would be definitely scorned and might attract trouble that maybe even you can’t handle." Moby replied while pretending to feel depressed.

Alex took a long time to think about Moby’s point before giving up.

’I don’t understand this Alex guy, why is he going so far for a low-level like me? He must have an ulterior motive. I must keep a closer eye on him,’ Moby thought.

"I’ll take you up on that offer," Moby answered with a smile.

Suddenly, the bell signaling the end of lunch rang.

The trio said goodbye to each other and left their separate ways.

It was now time for the break.

Moby wanted to go to the school library to see if there are any records of demons mentioned. He was not surprised to find that there are no such mentions of demons in the fiction section. He spent his entire break time skimming through things he found in the books.

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"Hey, Avilia, It says here that demons are weak to anything holy, is that true?"

"Yes. That is the only weakness we demons have. You must stay clear of churches, mosques, or temples. Anything related to god is a no go."

Moby took a note to stay away from anything god related. Luckily, Religions have heavily dwindled ever since the discovery of abilities. People suddenly getting god-like powers and abilities made many people lose their faith in god. This was a big advantage for him.

Moby continued to skim through the books when he ran into some disturbing things.

"Do I need to bathe in the blood of newborns to strengthen myself?" Moby asked in disgust.

Moby is ready to use any means at his disposal to gain power but this is just too much. He holds no grudge against babies. who are completely innocent and he does not plan on being a baby killer anytime soon.

"Hell no! These humans and their sick fantasies are revolting!" she replied with genuine contempt.

"There is one more disturbing thing I found, Do I have to have sexual master-servant relationships with a harem of girls to gain power," Moby asked, seemingly even more worried than about the killing of newborns.

"Who do you take me for? A slut? I am the first demon lord. I never had to do such a thing in my entire life."

When she said that a huge weight was lifted off his shoulders.

"Lastly, this is an important question that has been on my mind for a while now. Is it possible for me to turn others into my demon servants?"

"Yes, it is. However, with your current power, it is only possible to turn one."

Moby had a big smile on his face.

"That’s exactly what I needed to hear."

Suddenly, the bell rang signaling the end of the break.

Moby still had one more class to attend before the end of school. It was another class with professor Leo. He was explaining the basics of martial arts and its importance to the class.

Moby was already a martial arts master from his constant training so he decided to not pay attention. He decided to spend the time leveling up his "Eyes of Sin" instead.

Leo noticed the sleeping Moby but he decided not to pester him because he knows by his student records that he definitely knew all the information he was talking about.

After a long and boring 2 hours, the bell rang signaling the end of school. Even after the constant training, his "Eyes of Sin" has yet to level up.

This did not dishearten Moby because he knows that results can only be achieved with time and hard work.

As Moby walked out of the school completely ignoring all the murderous glares coming his way, he noticed Jayden waiting for him at the front gate. Behind her was a long white limousine that floated off the ground.

When Moby came close to Jayden, she instantly ran over to him skipping up and down like she had no care in the world.

"It seems that my cute little pet has finally arrived!" She said with a disturbing smile.

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