The Great Demon System Chapter 218 - The Feeling of Death...

Chapter 218: The Feeling of Death...


In a dark, fancy, well kept, deep blue velvety room of massive proportions, a loud, female yawn was heard all around, followed by the rocking and slight creaking of a chair that came from a female figure leaning back.

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With another loud yawn, she stretched out her stiff limbs, her deep blue hair shaking immensely from her fast, sudden movements, cracks from her limbs filling the air before she leant back in her seat, looking back at her computer screen with clear intent in her eyes and a hint of worry, taking a deep breath as hints of sweat ran down her smooth, pretty face.

The room once again fell silent, only the sound of her keyboard and clicks filling the air.

She had only managed to reach a certain person for a split second when she had been trying to contact them many times, but she felt relieved that she got to say what she had to say, seemingly before it was too late as she waited patiently to see the fruits of her planning and hard work, browsing the web for a certain item in the meantime.

Suddenly, a cold wind blew by her left shoulder, making her turn around only to see nothing there, her windows still closed, making her look around the room with shaky eyes

She felt a bad feeling in her stomach, the air of death and despair filling the room, sending shivers down her spine.

Shaking her head, she deemed all that she saw as simply a manifestation of her own paranoia.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath to calm her unsteady soul, yet, what happened did not ease her being at all…

Abruptly, she felt a deep pain in her heart that had suddenly lurched deep down in her chest, her eyes suddenly shot wide open, tears of blood flowing down her now completely deep, blood-red eyes from all the pain that had suddenly ravaged her entire body.

Instinctively, she raised her right arm and firmly grasped her aching heart, grabbing around her massive left breast, her left arm grabbing onto the edge of her chair.

As she tried to control her heavy, rapid breathing that made her feel like her heart was going to leap straight out of her chest, her entire body shuddered and staggered once again, her mind in sudden, complete turmoil, her vision filled with nothing but red as she continued to struggle, leaning back onto her seat that now felt like a hard spikey rock.

Memories filled with pain, misery and despair began flowing in and out of her mind, memories of pain that was put upon her yet did not feel, the feeling of betrayal by her best friend and the reality put upon her, her slow agonizing death that she looked straight on with no fear as she slowly burnt to a crisp by a deep, crimson flame, 2 monsters laughing at her burning anguish, her life flashing before her eyes as she knew it was all over and that she had served her purpose.

She was lost in a seemingly endless limbo in her mind, seeing memories that felt more like nightmares...

One after another in quick succession, those memories played over and over again in her soul, feeling more and more real the more she saw them until they were ingrained deeply in her mind almost like it had actually happened to her and she was simply reliving her own memories.

However, deep down inside, part of her soul knew exactly what was going on, that nothing she saw was real, and that part had been fighting to resurface, to calm her torturous mind from all the agony.

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She constantly told herself that what she saw was to be expected and had been what she was waiting for, that it was real but not in a way that she presumed, her mind split into 2 halves, it being ripped apart in some sick game of tug of war.

Tightly clenching her bloody teeth and grasping onto her heart even tighter as she tried to regain control, she tried to process exactly what had happened in the midst of the sea of pain and emotions until she finally understood everything…

After what felt like many days or even weeks, she slowly opened her still slightly bloody eyes, only to find a blurry mess of a place that looked all too familiar, looking around only to see the extremely familiar blueish velvet of the room. When she looked down, she noticed she sat on the same chair she had sat on from before, only now broken and cracked in many places, especially on her left armrest where her left hand-laid, no injuries on her body despite the immense pain she thought she felt in her mind.

The white shirt that was previously on her chest was now completely ripped, in complete tatters, especially around her heart where her hand was still grasped, exposing her bountiful cleavage and chest, her nipples now completely exposed.

She was now certain, she was back in her own room, not in that nightmare anymore...

She let her hand off of her chest covering her cleavage with no care of anyone looking as she began to feel up and down her body, noticing how real it was, making sure that it was not a dream as she began to softly laugh at herself with a devilish smile from ear to ear, she was still alive...

The anguish that she had felt and been forced to endure was so excruciatingly severe that it only came second to her evolution that far surpassed the human imagination in terms of pain. The feeling of absolute death was what she felt, the feeling of pain, absolute despair, knowing exactly that she could do nothing to stop the inevitable, her fate being sealed.

She laughed softly at herself, a hint of madness on her face as she could no longer contain her emotions.

She had her first-ever taste of death and it was not at all a pleasant experience, not to mention that she only experienced the memories of the death of a puppet who knew their purpose in life was to die and that everything would work out completely fine in the end.

If she had told the clone about the truth of their existence, she imagined that the pain she had just felt would have multiplied even further, making her feel extremely relieved that she had managed to contact them before it was too late. Plus, not to mention that her words no doubt made them serve as an even better source of intel gathering instead of delving into complete, genuine madness and despair.

She could only imagine how she would have felt like in a similar situation, when there was no escape from death.

The only such similar time that she could think of was when she was on the brink of death, when she had lost to Natalia, laying on the ground all bloodied and losing many limbs. However, even then she had hope, a bright hope in her heart that Moby would come back and save her before her death, which did in fact happen so those two situations could not even be comparable.

This made her think about how Natalia felt like when she was being tortured by her and Abby in the dungeon, and how they had snuffed out every hint of hope from her soul and left her with absolutely nothing, grinding the thought in her mind that Moby hated her with every fibre of his being and that she and he will never be together since he already had a person that he loved, and that person was standing right infront of her... She thought about how they made her feel the most painful ways of torture for days on end, making her inwardly shudder as she put her self in her shoes and looked at things from her perspective, something that she never even considered or thought about until now, her pain no doubt being hundreds if not thousands of times more soul-crushing and painful than what she had just felt.

Shaking those thoughts away, she focused back on the task at hand. Natalia was long dead and deserved what she got, she could not believe that she actually felt pity for someone that deserved no such thing, especially after all the pain and suffering she had made her go through in the past as she buried her thoughts along with her pity to the back of her head and put the new information she had gained in the forefront.

Her laughter to herself continued, the relief, satisfaction and madness on her face clear to any onlooker as she continued to take in all the information that had suddenly rushed into her body, something that she expected to happen yet not this painfully. Yet, despite that, it was all more than worth it in the end as many things that were previously unknown to her were now crystal clear.

The memories of Abby’s heartless words and demonic visage were what stuck with her the most as she never expected for her to end up like that. She interpreted the memories and thoughts of her special clone in a different and more rational way, taking in everything that happened in order to form a solid deduction about everything that happened. Yet, despite her efforts, the memories of Abby going berserk, grinding her foot into her wound and talking down to her like an insect could not be erased from her mind, shuddering every time they played, making her anger boil and well like the core of a volcano.

She tightly clenched her teeth and gripped her bloody hands tightly that still had shards and pieces of her broken chair stuck in them.

"Emilia Reid… You will pay dearly… Mark my words," she mumbled in a low voice, her smile reaching all the way up to her ears with a shadowy, glint of death in her piercing blue eyes.

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