The Great Demon System Chapter 231 - New Rules

Chapter 231: New Rules

Still playing with his pen, flicking it back and forth with his left hand with exceptional skill, Moby took a deep breath once more, looking to his right to see Leo as he began addressing the class in his tired, yet still manly voice, explaining all the new rules for the next week of school.

He had already mentally prepared himself to confront Abby once more, so the shock of seeing her in the state that she was in, the daughter that he knew and loved now being no more… did not come as a big surprise as it was all something that he predicted. Yet, despite that fact, he still inwardly felt pain seeing what he saw, like small daggers slowly poking away at his heart that he completely suppressed under his poker face of calmness and composure.

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"So, class, first things first, the security of the school has been bolstered tremendously, you can now find…"

Keeping half his focus on Leo’s words so he did not miss a single detail about the new rules that could cause him some trouble in the future, he attempted to open a mind-link between him and Abby, only for him to find out that it did not work despite them being in such close proximity, just like he had expected.

That very much confirmed to Moby all that he needed to know. She had gone completely rogue and was now outside of his full control, that was the only explanation since he doubted that she had some sort of anti-communication crystal on her.

Since his 1 week of complete control had faded away, if a servant’s disloyalty and hatred reached a certain point, they would cease to be under their master’s control which was exactly what had happened with Abby, as no matter what order he tried to give her such as "jump", "yawn," "stretch" and more did not work on her, that along with his emotion sensing.

He had already come to terms that the Abby he knew and loved was gone but seeing reality in front of him hit very different, yet not hard enough for him to lose his cool and rationality. There was no doubt in his mind that brainwashing was involved and the Abby in front of him was either the real Abby he never knew, reverting back to her normal self or a brainwashed Abby manipulated into hating him, of course wishing the truth to be the latter.

Yet, he did not dwell on that thought for long, he would surely find out soon enough so there was no use bothering with it. For now, he once again focused his full attention on Leo who was still giving his speech ahead, the thoughts about Abby still biting away in the back of his mind.

For the next hour or so, Leo explained many things from areas that were not allowed to be in, force fields around the school preventing any exit, more cameras and guards, how all contact to the outside world had been severed, the connection to the internet completely off from the entire school and if they wanted to contact their parents or anyone from the outside, it would have to be completely monitored. And, finally, how they would all be questioned using a lie detector all by the general himself the next day, solely to ensure that there is no tampering and that the results were 100% accurate.

Moby found the new rules and changes to be fairly standard. He did not mind any of them, even the lie detector test. He was confident in being able to bypass it once more, but people from the gang that knew about what happened might pose a problem so he would have to find a way to either kill them with such bolstered security or speak to Emilia to ensure that she had things under control, because he was confident that she did not want to be caught by the military as well. However, he understood that it was all doable but all of that would be a massive headache and hassle so he would rather have everything completed by the end of the day before any lie detector test occurred.

For seemingly the first time ever after their first combat practice in the arena, the class was unnaturally active, asking various questions which clearly surprised Leo and slightly elevated his previously down mood.

This was because all of the students knew the severity of the consequences to anyone that broke the rules so they wanted to ensure that they understood everything. It did not mean that their fear of Leo faded away, all it meant was that they were more afraid of breaking the new rules than afraid of Leo himself who was too caught up in the moment to even realize.

After the first hour of explanations finished, the class went on like usual, continuing their lessons about abilities, the class still being rather morbid from everything that had previously occurred, now going into the lesson about spirit-mode, something that he wished was taught to him the other day before he went against Jason and Nags.

Everything that Leo explained was something that he had already known, probably since for the first class, he had only touched upon the very surface details, yet some of the things he said Moby found completely false like about the origin and creation of spirit beasts, them being an actual manifestation of a person’s soul and ability which Moby now found completely blasphemous. Yet he still took note of what he said just so he could write it on a test when such a question arises, knowing full well that if he wrote what he knew he would be marked wrong in the best case and be questioned by the military for possibly knowing something they didn’t and where he had gotten his new information in the worst case.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

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Suddenly, as Leo finished explaining most of his lesson, the sound of a loud bell filled the ears of the still quiet class that seemed to have no reaction like they usually did.

"There goes the bell for lunch, keep the new rules in mind and stay safe! A copy of the rules has been sent to all of your watches just in case you wanted a refresher! You are now all dismissed," Leo spoke, sitting back in his chair to pack up all that he had used in his military-approved storage ring to get ready for his own lunch break as well, the class nodding back at his words in silence as they packed their belongings and tried exiting the class with haste.

The sound of birds chirping from the outside and the bright sun unhindered by the blue sky shining on his slightly tanned skin and jet black hair that had highlights and streaks of red, a calm air to his movements and expression, Moby packed his notes and belongings in his bag, hearing the sound of subtle footsteps slowly approach him from up ahead using his enhanced hearing.

"Hey "my lord!" Can we talk privately?" A low, familiar yet unfamiliar female voice was heard straight from above him as he was still sat in his seat.

"Oh! Hello there my loyal servant! Why talk to me like that? Why don’t you just open a mind link? Wouldn’t that be easier and more private?" Moby responded in an equally low voice, a subtle smirk on his face.

"Haha! Very funny as always "my lord"! But, you and I both know that is not possible… Jayden had already informed you about everything I’m sure of it…"

The pure contempt in her voice saying Jayden’s name was clear, like she wanted nothing more than to tear her to shreds.

"I’m not sure exactly what that slut told you but If you think I am being brainwashed or something I would urge you to reconsider… This is who I truly am so accept it!"

Moby’s smile grew even wider, looking up at her with a purple glow in his eyes that sent shivers down her spine.

"So be it! If you are truly a traitor then prepare yourself to die… I will not hesitate or show any mercy… Don’t test me…"

The shine and demonic expression on Moby’s face only lasted a split second yet it was more than clear to share Moby’s seriousness and intent, a side of him she had never seen before which made her struggle to regain her previous composure, scoffing at his threat.

"So, anyway, you said you wanted to talk in private, I can do that. Although there is nowhere in the school left private, there are cameras everywhere, we are always being monitored, even right now but I doubt they could hear us talking this low," He continued, his arms crossed as he closed his eyes with a deep breath.

"That does not matter! As long as they don’t hear what we say, everything should be alright, besides, it is not me who wanted to talk to you, it was my sister… She wanted to discuss something very important with you… A sort of deal or agreement that is sure to pique your interest…"

The smile and confidence on Abby’s face intrigued Moby greatly, and with no reason to refuse, he of course accepted…

"My interest is indeed piqued! Very well, lead me to her then, I’ll be glad to listen to whatever she has to say," Moby responded with an equally large and confident smile as everything so far was going along exactly like he had expected.

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