The Great Demon System Chapter 302 - The First Day

Chapter 302: The First Day

Moby simply followed the crowd outside of the building and walked out into the slight light from the faraway star. He hoped that he would not get noticed, but after what happened yesterday, even the people who did not know about him from the news now knew. It was the worst-case scenario but there was no reason to complain now; it was best to forget about it and simply deal with it.

The crowds were not that dense, especially compared to his old school. He doubted he would see anything anywhere close to the cramped hallways he was all too used to.

The school was much larger, yet the number of students was much less numerous. If he had to estimate, there might have been a total of 1000 students or slightly more attending the school. And, all those students came from all around the world; such was the exclusivity of the school he was attending.

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Moby now stood under the archways of the school’s massive entrance, pillars holding up the top. The massive, elegant, open doors led into the main foyer of the school, the central hub of sorts.

It felt like a mixture of a medieval and futuristic setting. The floor was a blend of white metal and marble with an intricate golden and purple pattern all over it. The walls were adorned with various decorations, some locked up behind glass panels only fit for people to watch from afar. Various paintings and pictures were hung on the wall, including a massive one of the old Alexander Davis in the middle of his vision.

As he walked in, a cold wind breeze hit his face, feeling rather refreshing. He could not help but notice all the staff watching them with hawkeyes; it was completely different to all the teachers that could not care less about students that he knew in his previous experiences of his school. With such tight security, he doubted that there would be any trouble to be seen amongst students. This was how it should have been all along.

Even from the entrance, the school looked rather empty compared to what he was used to— having his own space was quite refreshing.

"Class 3-E…" He mumbled to himself, trying to find which one of the tens of branching hallways led to his class. From the outside, the school looked massive— navigating it must be a nightmare, which made him think of poor Hikari and how she would fair.

’3-E… 3-E… 3-E… Found it!’

After a few minutes of searching, he finally found the correct initial path to his class. As he entered the hallway, he was met by a staff member, a young, black-haired man wearing a casual yet professional button-up shirt sat at a table with tired eyes and a coffee mug in hand.

Moby did not think too much of him, but knowing his type he could very well be wrong. He was the one who told all the students the locations of their classes.

’3rd floor, right of the elevator, past two doors and straight right…’ He had memorized the directions that the man refused to repeat. Little did he know that this was the first-ever evaluation to see how students followed orders and were able to memorize tasks and directions.

The hallway of the third floor was completely black with what seemed like purple energy coming out of the walls. The windows on the left shined some well-needed sunlight on the hallways and made him feel oddly at home.

It did not take long for him to arrive in his class, pushing the sliding doors open only to be met by white, almost everything was white, some parts were light blue and purple but that did not take away from its true colours.

Once again, it followed the general theme of the school, elegant yet futuristic which Moby had really grown to appreciate.

He noticed it to be already half full. Most of them were white, just like him but the students from all of the other ethnicities were definitely present. Yet, what truly felt odd was that the teacher, unlike professor Leo he was so used to, was already in class before the bell, casually sitting down at his desk with an unknown book in hand.

His skin colour was dark, but he was unable to tell if it was natural or a good tan. His hazel eyes sat firmly and keenly looking at the printed pages, a slight glow in them suggesting some sort of contact lense. His wavy, dark, purple hair was odd, like it was a mix of two styles, the back of it was slightly standing up while the front fell down right above his eyes. And, there was a beauty mark clearly seen on his cheeks that added an elegant air to his already well-defined face.

He wore a white, clean shirt and left it unbuttoned at the top for a more casual look, especially since it was lacking a tie. On top of the shirt was a sleek vest with 3 buttons, it had a very narrow v-line, which allowed for a large portion of the top to remain visible, even if his suit’s jacket was buttoned up.

The man looked extremely young, if Moby had to guess, he would have not guessed anything over 30.

If he had to describe him in two words just from looking at him, it would be calm and elegant. It was truly odd, his unelegant, casual attire made him look even more elegant, which Moby did not know was even possible until now.

As he entered, everyone in the class took a quick glance at him, noticing a reaction from a few but none of them spoke a word.

He followed the atmosphere of the room and decided not to speak. He noticed that names were engraved on each and every one of the desks, and it did not take him long to find where he sat. Once again, it was in the bottom left corner by the window. He had gotten used to sitting there for a long time and he was glad it had made a return.

On his search, he managed to find Hikari’s desk, which was on the complete other side of the class, at the front yet still in the same column. It was rather unfortunate yet good training for her shyness to be at the front of the class.

He could have spent time looking around more to see the desks of all the different students and if he recognized any names, but he didn’t want to look like a weirdo and stand out so he simply took his seat and waited with closed eyes, training his spells, not his eyes of sin as he wanted to keep his eye out on anything that might happen.

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Many minutes passed and students trickled in slowly but surely. There were 2 minutes until the class started yet there was no sign of Hikari anywhere.

’Did she get lost or did she give up?’ Just as Moby started to question things, the doors were slowly thrust wide open once more and there was the person he was waiting for.

Hikari seemed calm on the outside but Moby could easily tell that was not the case, especially from the hints of sweat on her face. She nervously inspected the classroom and began walking towards her seat almost like a stiff robot in need of oil. On her way there, she could not help but notice Moby who smiled at her, which gave her slightly more motivation as she slowly sat down at her desk and prepared for the start of class with a hint of sadness in her eyes.

There were a few empty seats still left and from Moby’s angle, he was not able to tell if there were any names engraved on them.

A minute before the bell rang, a deep breath was heard from the front of the class, followed up by the sound of a book slamming shut.

It was non-other than the teacher, his book still in hand as he stood up and looked at the class, ready for either an anthem, the bell, or school announcements.

That was when, unexpectedly, the doors were slammed open once again, catching everyone off guard.

There, at the door was the figure of a panting orange-haired boy with a smile on his face.

"I’m here teach! *pant*... *pant*... Don’t mark me late just yet!"

These were the first-ever words anyone had heard uttered in this classroom.

"You’re mister Rigrit are you not?" The teacher’s deep voice rang softly around the room, it was rather soothing to the ear, unlike the voice of the boy he was addressing.

"Yes sir!" He stood up high.

"Did you have trouble following directions or something?"

"No sir! Of course not! I just did not tell the time when I was training!"

The professor took a quick glance at Rigrit before he spoke.

"You know what, I respect that young man. You are clearly working hard. But, time management is an essential skill in life. Everything has its own time. I won’t hold it against you this time, but promise me this will never happen again okay?" The teacher’s voice was not at all condescending or overbearing like most teachers he was used to. It seemed completely genuine and harboured no malice.

It seemed like Moby had been blessed with an actually good teacher but cursed with a massive nuisance and a pain in the ass, like a hemorrhoid that stuck to him and can’t leave. Having him as a roommate was bad enough but now he also had to share his homeroom class too…

He could not help but let out an audible sigh witnessing the sight in front of him.

That was when he heard a voice coming from directly in front of him.

"That is quite the luck you have there Kane. But, maybe he won’t be that bad when you get used to him,"

And, instinctively, almost without thinking, Moby mumbled back. "Yeah, tell me about it…"

That was when he noticed who it was that uttered those words.

"Hello, Kane, it’s nice to see you again…"

"W-wait… You’re… When the hell did you get here?"

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