The Great Demon System Chapter 324 - Joy

Chapter 324: Joy

A massive tornado of fire expelled out into the sky and was like a beacon for those far and wide. It did not take long for it to attract an entire crowd wondering what it was for. The heat surrounding it was clear, its power was evident to any onlooker. Many doubted they would be able to breach it even if they tried.

The sound of fire crackling filled the air, the ground underneath the tornado dyed itself a mixture of orange and yellow. However, what felt odd was that there was no sound coming out from the inside.

Things looked wild, yet, it still begged the question of what was going on. The discussion quickly started amongst the people while some of them contemplated if they should force themselves in to see what was happening. That was until one man spoke.

"That flame! It’s definitely the Fatebringer family’s refined flames of destruction!"

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And with those simple words, any attempt to enter the tornado promptly halted and reconsidered. If what that man said was indeed the truth, then entering would be very bad. Many of the students belonged to wealthy families and their parents had several connections with each other. But, even still, no one in their right minds wanted to be on the bad side of the Fatebringer household.

"Who do you think he’s fighting?"

"I’m not sure, but it will have to be someone super ballzy…"

"True, Kai Fatebringer seems to have all the advantage. I can’t wait to see when it’s over! From what I’ve heard, he’s one of the strongest prospects coming here,"

Rumours and talk continued to spread amongst the crowd until all of a sudden, a massive explosion and rumble were seen from within the tornado, and not too long after, a black and purple dome of unknown energy appeared in its stead.

When people attempted to lay a finger on it, they were immediately burned… Yet, the sensation felt so surreal… It felt like a burn, yet there was no heat… It was like pure pain incarnated into an energy form.

Confusion grew. People had no idea what was going on. And not too long after, the dome disappeared in an outward burst of energy and revealed what was on the inside.

Cracks, craters and scorch marks were seen littered like the remnants of a warzone, yet, that was not where everyone’s attention lied… No, they were all fixated on the two figures in the center…

One of a black and red-haired man with a ripped student uniform standing tall and proud, panting and heavily injured, blood all over his face and another man flat on the ground, his half orange and half gold hair more than clear, that along with all the injuries and anger on his face; His bones did not look proper and his clothes were barely intact. it looked like he had just taken a visit to hell and back.


The air stood unnervingly silent to the point it almost felt eery. Nothing but the sound of the wind was heard as everyone was left dumbstruck… That was until one man broke the tension.

"Is that… Kane!?"

Chatter was once again incited in the crowd, yet no one dared to near him or even take a single step in his direction.

"Wait, so that’s him!? That’s the guy!?"

"He defeated Fatebringer!?"

"Yeah! Wait… So he’s not a pushover?"

"Of course not! He’s the same guy who held his own against that shalker leader!"

"Or… Maybe it was Fatebringer who’s overrated…"

"Ha, I always thought he mighta been a spoiled brat."

Moby stood there in the center of a crater, listening carefully to everything going on, a large vein appearing on his head before he finally spoke.

"ATTENTION EVERYONE!!" His screams were abnormally loud, piercing the eardrums of everyone in sight until it was once again sombre, all eyes on him.

"I am the winner here, but I do not want to hear any slander! Kai was an amazing fighter! I only just barely managed to win! My dignity was challenged so I accepted the call! But still, all I have is respect for my opponent!"

Everyone stood speechless, and Moby only heard a small grunt from below him, grabbing softly on his feet. Making him glance down at Kai’s visage that bled anger from every pore. All he could do was grunt to voice his disapproval. He could not allow himself to speak or even open his mouth. After all, he had no teeth and did not want to further embarrass himself.

"That will be all I needed to let be known… I’ll be personally taking him to the nurses’ office. Please don’t try to follow me. I wish to be alone!" And like a flicker, Moby disappeared from his previous location, leaving several people startled by his speed, but many others were able to follow him just fine, including a certain orange-haired student staring keenly at him, and a slightly smirking man with white hair.

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As Moby ran in the open field with the nearly unconscious Kai drooling on his back, many thoughts ran through his mind, and the first was the fact that no one was chasing him, which he felt relieved for.

Yet, what he felt more relieved for was that his mind skills worked as intended. He wasn’t able to turn him into a demon considering the watch would pick up on his near-death state in the middle of his transformation so this was the only way. Indeed, he had manipulated Kai’s mind and erased his sin-mode out of his brain. That was what 500 points in mind was for.

The effects were near-permanent but of course, it was not perfect and left many uncertainties. He was not able to read his mind nor could he manipulate something he had no knowledge of. Moby was only able to change one single thought and allowed his opponent’s mind to auto-fill the blanks.

From the looks of it, Kai’s fear of death and absolute despair was replaced with anger and a probable thirst for revenge.

"Heyyy… Yoouuuu Know you wonnn’t get away wiiiithhhhh thhhhissssss… Accccctttt asssss niiiceeee assess youuuu wannt… Youu…? Youu... won’t be ssssavved..."

Moby sighed hearing the man talk behind him, he was barely able to even understand him in his toothless state… That was the main reason he wanted him to get to the nurse as soon as possible.

"Just be quiet and calm down. You’ll pass out from exhaustion at this point."

Moby once again took a glance at Kai and smirked without him looking, thinking of what he just did. It was a feeling he had not experienced in what felt like forever… Ever since his first fights at the Griffith family mansion. It was a total success! Yet, He would be lying if he said he was fully comfortable doing it. All in all, it was a good first step and a new, yet already trodden path he was happy to follow once again.

The god slayer he possessed was far stronger than he ever dreamed of. It did not act like this when not in his sin mode... With it, he was able to slash through reality and make a gateway all the way to his opponent... A new move he dubbed "Reality Slash,".


[Reality Slash (lvl 1)]

Unleash a slash that cleaves through and connects areas of space. It does not deal any damage and should only used as a utility.

3x daily limit. Only available when sin mode is active.


It had its fair share of limits yet far exceeded anything Moby had in mind. This made him even more excited to see how his ice ability would react to his sword along with all the new elements Avilia was teaching him. Though, he was uncertain if he was willing to waste sin-mode on a test run when it could be a possibility he would be in need of it.

Moby had a feeling and had faith that his family’s sword would do him justice when he needed it most or in his sin mode. But, even still, what he did was fairly risky... After all, It was still an all-or-nothing strategy… If he won, he was able to erase memories, but in the case that he lost, it was all over...

Despite all of that, looking back at things now, Moby was confident he was able to win relatively easily even without reality slash. To him, it was just a bonus; an exceptional move he managed to develop on the spot.

Moby was moving as fast as he could in order to keep balance and he was not too far from the school. If he had not injured himself, he was certain he would have already reached his destination. He just had to reinforce the facade to everyone to make it seem like he was weaker than he actually was. And also to give Kai some hope and motivation instead of killing his spirits which would have seemed highly suspicious.

In Moby’s mind, he needed to keep a good balance. He did not want to be thought of as a weak pushover or coward who actively avoids fights but at the same time not one of the strongest in the school. Staying as low profile as possible while seeming like a model student were his priority. Besides, having people underestimate him is a massive advantage in battle.

He just hoped that he did not overdo it…

"Lettt meeee go… I don’tttt neeeed… Helrp fromm the likes off youu—"

Moby felt an urge to drop this man on the ground just like he requested. This same man who was crying and begging for his life suddenly regained all of his vigour and pride. But, in order to keep his facade, Moby did not do it. Still, he was well aware of his true colours.

Now, Moby finally arrived at the school and was spotted by several students that looked brazenly his way. By the look on their face, they seemed to know exactly who he was carrying on his back. It all seemed inevitable yet could be minimized for now.

Instead of going through the front entrance Moby opted to enter through one of the lesser-known ones at the back. And, after a few minutes of searching and asking around, he found the nurse’s office.

He slammed the sliding doors open like he was in an immediate panic, panting as he looked around the entire room. It was all white, more white in a room than he had ever seen in his entire life. Various types of machinery he had never laid eyes upon before, doors leading to separate rooms along with a few segregated beds with covers surrounding them, that along with tools on the side counter, a window in the back of the room with white blinds covering them.

"Hello there boy. Can I help you?" He heard a voice come from his side, one that felt all too familiar to him for some reason. But, when he turned around to face in that direction, he was beyond stunned to see who it truely was…

"Nurse Joi!? Is that you?? Why are you here!?"

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