The Great Demon System Chapter 329 - Offer

Chapter 329: Offer

A week has passed ever since school first started and things continued like they normally were. Moby attended class every day except for on weekends and learned several new things, but most were review and practice of material he already knew.

Rumours about Kai spread all around the school along with Moby’s reputation yet luckily no one stepped up to fight him, which he found to be almost a miracle. But, good luck did not at all follow him everywhere he went…

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He spent much of his free time exploring the city, trying to find anywhere he could break free to contact earth but he found no success. If anything, the more he looked the more hopeless it became in his mind, though, it was nowhere near enough to make him give up.

Hikari did not seem to be getting anywhere with getting over her anxiety despite all of Moby’s assistance. But, Moby did not expect her to this quickly so he was not at all bothered. It was a slight inconvenience but he knew it would pay off in the long run.

Things had been looking more tame between him and Artorias, they did not talk much outside of a few simple exchanges, but, he did notice he kept a closer eye on him which he did worry about… He was, to his knowledge, the strongest person in the entire school after all…

However, the same could not be said about Regrit who only seemed to be even more aggressive these days, despite how nice Moby was acting to him.

The time was 3:00 pm and the school bell just rang. Everyone stood up from their seats as they respectfully bowed and smiled in professor Zave’s direction who reciprocated the sentiment.

"Okay! Everyone! Don’t forget to complete questions 3, 5, 8, 10, and 11 for homework! If you decide to meditate and breakthrough and you know it might take more than one day if it succeeds, please let the school know so we don’t mark you as absent!"

Moby took a deep breath and packed his belongings. Hikari was surely waiting for him at the school gates so they could walk together and he didn’t want to make her wait too long.

He casually walked towards the door and bowed towards professor Zave like everyone else before exiting. As he walked down the hall, he noticed the usual glances turned towards him but at this point, he was more than used to them. They were much better than what he was used to at his old school. But, what he was not used to very much was being approached by someone who did not want to start trouble or try and become his friend, either for their own gain or because they admired him in some way shape or form.

"Hey, Kane… Come here… I need to talk to you about something that I’m sure you’ll be interested in…" In front of him was a short man that stood around 5’6, a small stubble on his face and eyes as sly as a fox. All in all, he reminded him of a small rat that he would not have batted an eye if he was stepped on underneath his two feet.

"What is it?" Moby tried his best to hide his annoyance, he did not have time for such an inconvenience.

"Come on, don’t be so cold bro… This is something I’m 100% certain you’ll be interested in… To most people, I sell this information for points… But, to you my friend, this will all be free of charge…" The man continued to whisper.

Moby took a moment of pause taking in what was just told to him. ’If by a slight chance this man was telling me the truth, then it might be worth my time… It would be a missed opportunity so why not… Sorry, Hikari, I’ll have to make you wait alone for me longer, but, it will be good training to your anxiety…’

"Okay, what do you want. Speak!" Moby whispered back to the man in front of him.

"Shhhh… Not here… There’s too many people… Follow me… Let’s go somewhere more private..." He turned around and walked, and Moby walked behind him a good few meters away. They did not walk for too long until they reached a stairway he was certain no one used. But, before Moby entered it, he scanned it with his energy sense and found there to be no one else there waiting for them like some sort of ambush.

"So, now what is it?" Moby asked, only to see the man in front of him smile even wider.

"I’m certain someone like you is a busy man so I’ll make things quick… Here…" The man reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, thin piece of plastic that looked exactly like a business card and handed it to Moby.

"Hell’s Ace? What is that?" Moby read what was written on the black card in his hands.

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"It’s a secret gambling gathering for all the kids in the school… Everyone bets with points… This is highly against school rules but this thing has been going on for so long that this lazy ass school hasn’t done anything about it… The best part is, everything there is anonymous, so, even if they catch someone, they would never be able to snitch anyone out! Just make sure you hide your face, a mask would usually do wonders. Today at 5:00 pm they are hosting the main event of the year! The Mammon’s Greed! So many chances and opportunities will arise! You don’t wanna miss it! So, what do you say! You in?"

Moby was taken aback. He did not expect such a proposal. He expected the great majority of the students to be weary and follow the rules like sheep, but, now that he reflected, he shouldn’t have expected any less…

"Why exactly are you telling me this? What makes you think I’ll be interested in something like this?"

"Well… You do got a lot of points… More than most people… So, I thought… You know… Why not let you know about this just in case you’re interested… Right? Please don’t take it the wrong way…"

"I see… So… What exactly happens there?"

"Oh you know! The usual!" The man smirked, "Board games, card games, drinking games, slot machines, fight betting, and more! You’ll have to go to see for yourself! It’s amazing! And it’s all run expertly! Cheating is not tolerated and is very easily spotted. Any form of enhancements will be detected so it puts everyone on an equal playing field!"

’Sounds like free money,’ Moby inwardly smiled under his Pokerface hearing the names of the games.

"Okay, where exactly can I find this place?"

"Oh! I’m glad you asked," The man’s amusement grew seeing how Moby was so interested.

"All you need to do is charge that card I gave you with mana and a map will be created… The directions are very obscure so make sure you follow it exactly. Oh, there will also be an entry fee of 25 points at the door, but, other than that, you’ll be free to enjoy yourself!"

Moby’s eyes grew curious as he did what the man spoke… He injected his mana into the card and just like he said, a highly detailed pathing of the city map became more than clear.

"Looks neat, but sadly, I’m not going, this isn’t my style.I like to play by the rules. I’ve got a reputation to uphold you know…" Moby looked completely disinterested as he threw the card away behind him in the air as he walked away.

The short man’s smug smile was wiped clean away, now replaced with panic and disbelief.

"Wait what!? Are you sure!? You’re not coming!?"

"Nope, not interested…"

"Are… Are you gonna snitch now!? Are you!?"

Moby stopped his advances and simply chuckled. "Don’t worry, I might be many things, but I’m no snitch, your secret is safe with me! I swear it on my parent’s grave…"

The man knew exactly the weight of those words as he watched Moby leave the staircase. He was left simply staring at the card he handed him that was now on the filthy, metallic grounds with many thoughts running through his mind.

"Is… Is that guy for real?"

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