The Great Demon System Chapter 337 - Cheaters Paradise

Chapter 337: Cheaters Paradise

Moby simply stood in front of the cheering crowd holding a massive bag of points more than satisfied.

He had gotten far more points than he expected when first coming in, the mere thought of what he could do with all of them made his heart race with uncontrollable glee.

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Indeed, Moby had won every single thing he entered, but unlike what people thought, it was not by sheer luck. No, not at all, instead, it was simply a clever manipulation of what he had over these humans.

Prior to everything starting, Moby had taken a risk and tested his demon energy in the face of the detecting crystals and he was all clear, then along with his inventory. He wanted to test out if he was able to use any kind of mana if he shrouded it with his demon energy, but in the end, he decided that it was not worth the risk.

There were many ways where he was able to cheat, but cheating in a way that was slick and seamless was the true challenge. For the drinking game, Demons such as him were immune to all poisons which included alcohol, thus he could not get drunk. This served as a massive advantage but was at the same time the source of all of his concerns and problems. So, to simulate being drunk, he had to bite his tongue to redden his face and stare abnormally long to make his eyes seem bloodshot, not to mention treating his body like it was several times its own weight.

It was much easier said than done, especially when he would try to make the matches close. But, luckily, he was not called out… However, that could not be said about everything else…

Whenever any of his opponent’s yelled and called him out for cheating, some of them simply resorted to that excuse out of desperation and due to the fact that it was impossible for someone to be that lucky but, they were mostly right on the mark, even figuring out what went wrong, but they always fell flat of any valid proof which made them look like salty idiots, not to mention the refs actually confirming it was all legitimate.

The earliest point of such an example was when he faced that man in darts and he began screaming like a lunatic how his dart moved in mid-air… No one believed him, but he spoke the truth…

Moby had used his newly acquired elemental demon magic at full force to send a small gust of air just to end things quickly.

The fact of the matter was that his dart did move ever so slightly to the point that it was impossible to even notice by the well-trained eye. But, despite all of that, the man was so convinced his dart moved and that his opponent cheated to the point he began to lose his mind.

But, he was far from the only one… The most notable after that was during a game of cards. Using his void ability hovering over the deck, he was able to perfectly and seamlessly switch the order of all the cards to his favour.

He would always get the most clutch cards when he needed them most. To many, it was fishy what was going on but there was still no proof to any of it. Still, the demand and skepticism incited several in-depth investigations that yielded nothing.

The only conclusion people could surmise was that he was somehow blessed by the luck gods.

And now that Luck pushed him all the way.

With a large smile and an even larger bag in his hands, he walked over towards the couch where Regrit sat to show him the fruits of his labour. He of course did notice the many looks in his direction, most of which consisted of hatred and envy, but a surprising amount seemed to have stares of admiration.

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When he reached them, he noticed them casually talking to each other, Regrit looking dead on the inside while Hikari was even brighter and more casual than usual.

He hated to have to interrupt. But, if he had to, he decided to do it in style.

"Hey you two, how has it been without me?" He dropped his heavy bag of coins on the table and sat on the couch beside Regrit.

"Oh, here comes the champion… Is it really all over… Please tell me it’s over... Can I finally relax…" Regrit’s speech was monotone, yet there lied a hint of desperation in his voice.

"Yeah, I think it would be safe to do so…" He smiled, lying down on the couch and extending his slightly tired legs.

"Thank god… Ahhhhhh… I’m tired as hell! You have no idea how much your dumbass made my brain hurt…"

"Hey, Joker, how many points do you think you got?" Hikari leaned over and asked.

"I don’t know how many exactly, but it should be a whole lot! We can count them later on… The big problem is how we are gonna spend all this once we’re out. If we spend all of this, it would be highly suspicious. It would be like screaming at the military-like, "Hey! We cheated to get all of our points!" I have a few ideas in mind but I’m not sure about some… Do you have any ideas Fox?"

"Huh?" He lifted his head slightly, "What part of I’m tired as hell and my brain hurts do you not understand? We can think about this stuff later… But, if I had to choose something it would be to give ourselves 100 points a day and claim they were from some random source like duelling students or providing services and the such."

"Not bad… I also had a similar idea," Moby nodded.

*sigh* "Anyways, I think the doors are locked and they’re not letting anyone out until everything is over… I honestly really need a nap or something… Wake me up when it’s all over...Knowing that you won’t go around and risk our money is actually gonna give me the brainpower to finally properly re— "

That was when he was suddenly and abruptly interrupted by a loud, boosted voice that rang throughout the various embedded speakers of the room, catching everyone’s notice.

"Attention all clients! The initial events are over now! Close down all the tables! It is time for the last and most major event of the night! Can everyone please report to the backstage once again where everything will be explained! This is not optional! This is all mandatory! That will be all! Thank you!"


"Why now!? All I wanted to do was sleep!! FOR FUCK SAKE!!"

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