The Great Demon System Chapter 354 - The Mammons Project.

Chapter 354: The Mammon’s Project.

Moby sighed and shook his head as he entered back into the comfort of his room. He was rather fatigued and wanted to block out all else from his mind.

But, that didn’t stop him from hearing the loud grunting leaking out of the training room that toppled all else, it was the loudest he had ever heard Regrit grunt, which was quite the feet.

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First, he ate dinner from his inventory, and he did not bother checking it with his poison checker like the military strongly advised if not made mandatory.

Then, he followed it up by going to the bathroom for a cold shower, of course not before casting a spell on the training room to make the sound coming out of it more bearable.

Cold showers were not as freezing or impactful as they once were due to his cold resistance, but they still served as a medium to soothe his mind. He had much to think about and a mountain of stress on his mind. He wanted them all to flow down the icy river, but no matter how much he stayed there and stared at the showerhead, his mind was still just as foggy.

Today was an extremely successful day, he had learned and accomplished much. But, one of the things he had learned was that it seemed like Regrit knew the house of the blissful demon style. In the moment of his fight, he did not have adequate enough time to properly take it in, but now that he pondered over it, the realization that Regrit was someone who trained with him at the dojo became more than simply a possibility. That must have been the reason for his treatment.

The only thing he was unsure of was whether or not he got along with him at the time. After his parent’s death, Moby could barely remember anything but vague memories before that. It was as if his mind broke past that point and only slight shards remained.

As he got out of the shower, he immediately went to bed and began to train the skills and magic he currently possessed. Training was a time that he could feel free, but a time where focus was needed, it was the root of his entire being, and he had almost forgotten that. At first, he wanted to train to pass the time until the mammon contacted him, but now it was like sleeping in the clouds.

’My Lord! It’s complete! I’ve finished it! I’m deeply sorry for the delay, I just wanted to ensure that all worked well, I do hope you enjoy what me and my team have put together!’ He heard the elated voice of the mammon ring in his head. He had the urge to instinctively complain, but he instead reserved those thoughts to himself.

’That’s great! The delay is no problem at all my servant! But now, there is one problem… How will you be able to send this project of yours to me? Do you know a method?’

’Of course! Fear not! I have come prepared, but first, I need to know one thing… My lord, do you possess an encrypted extra email?’

’Indeed,’ He responded, thinking back to that one email that he and Jayden used for their shady works.

’If you could share that with me, I can send you the video I have just finished recording.’

Emails and messages were able to be sent to other people within the planet’s bubble, but outside of that would all be restricted. What the mammon suggested seemed to have merit.

Moby then relayed his email address to the mammon and not too long after, he received a video file.

’I hope you enjoy it and my thought process behind this video. I shall now be quiet, thank you for your time lord Joker…’

Just by looking at the video’s thumbnail, he could already tell it was going to be something wild, and a sense of primal excitement welled up in him.

It was dark, shadows consuming the edges while the center was like a spotlight shining below towards a chair where sat what seemed to be a woman, her hands tied behind her back and a paper bag over her head.

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And, with nothing more to go by, he clicked the video and watched…

The atmosphere felt cold, and the silence in the room was evident… Only the victim’s slight grunting and squirming were heard echoing around the empty room. But, that was when footsteps were brought into the mix, and a man walked into frame, it was the mammon himself, the new young version he last saw.

"Greetings Luke… I see you have received this message right? Now… You must be wondering… What’s going on? Why were you sent this? And, the answer is… Because you tried to scam the mammon and get away with all of your points right? Don’t act surprised…"

"We thought we made it more than clear that messing with us is not a good idea… Our power spreads far beyond any mortal reach… You can’t begin to fathom it… And now, you are about to learn the consequences…"

"Look here…" He smiled, and pulled off the mask from the screaming woman on the chair, revealing the face of a blonde, middle-aged woman with short hair that fell down to her shoulders, her mouth completely covered which did not allow her to speak."

"This is your mother? Is she not?" His smile grew from ear to ear, radiating pure demonic ooze. "It would be a shame if anything were to happen to her… Right?" He panned a look over towards the crying and grunting woman and pulled out a knife, hovering it over her neck which suddenly made her go still and silent, the tears in her eyes flowing even faster and her body trembling like a supercharged vibrator.

"Listen, all I ask from you is 250 points a month, it’s not much to ask for right? It’s more than doable! But… If you don’t get it done… Then…" And with a smile on his face, he brought the knife closer and stabbed a shallow line on the woman’s neck, making her grunting become even louder like she was experiencing her worst nightmare.

"And, of course… If I ever receive news you reported this to the military, you know what will happen then don’t you?" He stabbed the knife even deeper, and the woman continued to struggle with her beyond red, open eyes.

"We have spies within the very staff of your school, we will know if any operation or investigation is made against us… Your mother is as good as dead if that happens!"


"SHUT UP BITCH!! YOU’RE HURTING MY EARS!! If you wanna talk, talk to that fucking son of yours that put you in this mess! HERE!!" He punched her in the stomach and grabbed her head if an iron grasp before throwing her on the ground in front of the camera, a few teeth clearly seen falling out of her mouth as the cloth that was not allowing her to speak came off along with it.

"Lulu!! Please save me!! I don’t wanna die! I don’t wanna die! What have you done! Why is this happening! What did I do to deserve this!! I did not raise you to be like thiissssss!! This hurts so much! Luke…" The desperation on her face that was zoomed into by the camera was snot-filled and hideous, the clear markings of absolute fear and desperation in her every movement.

"That’s all the talking that you’ll need to do…" Masked men from outside of the frame entered, roughly grabbing the woman and tying a cloth around her salivating mouth once more.

"I hope I still have your attention Luke! I have sent you a copy of the email you are to send the money to! Your first payment will be due by the end of this month! And! Because of our generosity… If you send us extra money, we promise not to hurt your mother too much… Great deal is it not?"

"Anyways, thank you for taking the time to watch this video through, and we hope business is plentiful between us! Goodbye!" He smiled, waving at the camera that shut off not too long after.

Moby sat in there in silence staring at the now dark screen of his watch processing what he just saw with a blank face and his hands covering his mouth. It was only a few minutes long, but there was much to unpack.

That was when he heard the mammon’s voice echo in his head once more, this time sounding more nervous, like a dog patiently awaiting its master’s approval.

"I believe that it is safe to assume that you know exactly what is going on… This is only a beta for what I have planned, so more refining of the process will be needed… So… My lord… What do you think?"

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