The Great Demon System Chapter 38: Death At Last!

38 Death At Last!

She wrapped her shadow completely all around him, making him unable to squirm but just tight enough to not completely crush him. She also wrapped it around his mouth making him unable to scream.

Moby and Jayden could not kill Nathan in Jayden’s house or else the school would be notified as the watch would ping her house as Nathan’s place of death.

"Time to take out the trash!" Moby said with a smile, shoving Nathan’s still bound body in a garbage bag.

Nathan’s eyes were crying blood as he tried his best to move with absolutely no result. Then suddenly, he had stopped his futile attempts of escaping. His eyes went gray from his lack of hope, motivation, and will to live. He just wanted a chance to kill himself, to free himself from all this pain. But now he gave up, knowing that a swift death is far out of reach which he should have realized long ago.

Moby and Jayden took Nathan to the nearest dump, making sure they were not followed the whole way there. They were literally taking out the trash.

The city dump was only a few kilometres away from Jayden’s mansion which did not take them very long to reach, even on foot.

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They used the shadow of the night to mask their movements the whole way there.

The city dump was huge, having mountains, on top mountains of waste. It was in a field a kilometre away from any building due to the absolutely revolting smell that is emitted.

The trash would be vaporized in a hole every week using an advanced machine. But, the city would always have so much waste that the dump would rarely be seen empty.

Moby and Jayden snuck into the city dump. Making sure that no one is around before letting Nathan out of the bag. Moby even used his "Energy Sense" to make sure that there is no sign of life in sight.

Nathan fell out of the bag like a lifeless corpse. Although he was very much alive, His eyes were completely devoid of any colour and his skin was paler than a ghost. He looked like an empty shell of a human being.

Moby doubts that even if he were to break a few bones, that he would just have an empty reaction. He was truly a broken man, a pathetic sight.

Moby squatted down to Nathan’s eye level and said.

"Now finally comes the part where you die! Aren’t you happy!" Moby said with a smile.

Nathan just stared back at him with an empty zombie-like emotionless look.

Then, Nathan saw Moby’s wide-open hand slowly approach his head.

As soon as he recognized the familiar sight, his body began to give him danger signals once again. Life came back into his previous emotionless eyes. Tears of blood started to gush out of his eyes like a waterfall.

He began screaming and begging for his life which only sounded like a muffled cry due to Jayden’s shadow that surrounded his mouth.

When Moby’s hand made contact with Nathan’s head. He started to feel the same blissful sensation once again. But this time, he was not at all happy about it. He knew exactly what was about to happen to feel any kind of joy or relief from all the pain.

Nathan’s skin turned rock hard and pitch black. His eye sockets went inside out before completely dissolving. Black blood started to pour out of every hole in his body like a river.

Then, Nathan’s body fell on the ground cracking into different pieces like he was a rock statue.

Nathan Johnson was finally dead.

\\u003c System Alert! \\u003e

\\u003c You have killed a D rank enemy! \\u003e

\\u003c +7500 XP \\u003e

\\u003c Level Up! \\u003e

’Yay! We did it! That was so much fun!’ Jayden said to Moby telepathically in order to not make any noise while jumping up and down in Joy.

’Yes! Indeed it was!’ Moby said with a smile.

’What’s next! Are we going to try ruling over the school!? Torture more people? Oh! Or! Maybe we can…’

’I don’t know, my goal will be just as it always was. I don’t have any real motive and I don’t go after people unless they fuck with me or my plans. Until I find any reasons or motivation to think otherwise, my plan will be to simply get as strong as possible. But, don’t worry. I’m sure there will be many hardships coming our way. Which means more fun,’ Moby told Jayden with a smile.

’Don’t worry! I will be with you every step of the way! Even if we are not always torturing people. Just being around you is enough for me! And plus! You’re a really fun guy to be around!’ Jayden said with a cute chuckle.

’I appreciate that.’ Moby replied, feeling a little embarrassed.

’I think we should upload the video tomorrow. I doubt that it will get any views if we upload it this late at night. I’m planning to make bank off that video you know!’ Moby said.

’Ya! that makes sense! We should upload it tomorrow in the afternoon! We should meet up either at lunchtime or break to upload it!’ Jayden replied.

’Sounds like a plan!’ Moby said with a smile giving her a thumbs up.

Jayden transformed into Abby Ried and used her fire ability to quickly burn Nathan’s corpse before they left the dump. The flame was a bright crimson that burned with intense vigour. Yet, it still looked very beautiful and elegant. After less than a second, the flames had already quickly turned Nathan’s body into a mushy black ash.

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Moby and Jayden snuck out of the dump just as quietly and carefully as when they came in making sure they were not spotted or followed.

When they finally got back to Jayden’s mansion, the time was already 11:20. The ride from her mansion to the school is around 30 minutes so Moby had to leave right away if he wanted to make it back before curfew.

Moby said goodbye to Jayden before getting into the limousine with the butler.

In the middle of the ride. Moby decided to assign the 10 stat points that he gained from levelling up.

After a lot of thinking, he decided to spend his points on agility, strength, and intelligence, ignoring endurance and mind for now. From his experience, he found that to be the best stat distribution for him.

Due to his better martial arts skills, Moby is able to better dodge and predict his opponent’s movements. And if he is faster than them, then there would almost be no chance of him being hit unless his opponent is also a martial arts master or if he is somehow caught off guard. This allows him to safely leave endurance on the back seat only levelling it up when it lags severely behind.

Strength for an obvious reason: to deal more damage which would compliment his high speed.

And finally, intelligence increases his total demon energy capacity allowing him to use more of his skills. This is really important for him in a fight as a lot of his skills require a large amount of demon energy. However, the only downside to upgrading his intelligence is that a lot of his good skills that require lots of energy like "Eyes of Sin" are completely useless in public as he would definitely expose his secret of not being human.

As for mind, Moby decided that he would hold off on assigning points into it until he is comfortable with his other stats.

From now on Moby will prioritize his agility, then his strength, then his intelligence.

Moby assigned his 10 stat points as follows.

5 points into agility, 3 points into strength, and 2 points into intelligence.

His new stats are now:


Name: Moby Kane

Race: Lesser Demon

Level: 19

XP to next level 5150/8400

Power Level: 3670

Hp: 120/120

Demon Energy: 95/95

Demon Energy regeneration: 48 Demon Energy/Hour

Strength: 96

Agility: 103

Endurance: 73

Intelligence: 95

Mind: 30

Available Points to distribute: 0


The limousine dropped Moby off right at the front of the school.

He left the limousine, thanked the butler, put on his hood, and immediately headed towards the school at a normally paced jog.

The time was already 11:53 which gave him only 7 minutes to get back to his dorm. Thankfully at his pace, he should definitely make it back well before curfew.

It was 11:58 when Moby finally made it to the door of his dorm room.

When he opened the door, he was greeted by a familiar sight of Alex impatiently waiting on a chair and Ray, on his bed playing video games.

"Where have you been! I was so worried!" Alex stood up and said in a concerned voice.


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