The Great Demon System Chapter 390 - Confrontation

Chapter 390: Confrontation


A groan gently trickled into Artorias’s ears. He knew not its origin, it was vague and dim, coming from all directions in the darkness that overcame him.

<< Ishrivnsivar Uglapharir… >>

The sounds gradually began to flow in more, and the darkness before him began to turn into a gray.

’What— what is that…’ He thought to himself, and in that moment he felt the two lids blocking his vision slowly lift, unveiling a blurry, murky world.

And in that spinning world, he witnessed two figures with glowing eyes peering down at him. His memory was even foggier than his vision. Despite his perception slowly improving, and the faces of these beings became clearer, he did not know what was happening.

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But that was when he heard a familiar voice enter his ears, and the world became crystal, like dots connected in a lost part of his mind.

"Hello, Artorias. Nice to have you with us again…"

"K-Kane… Y-you—" He spoke with bewilderment in his voice, looking down to see that he could not move from his spot. His hands and legs were bound in iron, and his body felt like it weighed several tons. His efforts to break loose was futile, and that was when he peered up once again to see a gray-skinned being with horns, and his eyes went wide in realization— that was the man who had so effortlessly put him in his place.

"You— have you two been working together this entire time!?"

"No, we haven’t." Moby smiled. "But, when we met, he recognized me as his future monarch and bent the knee as my subordinate."

"Ha— "

"Don’t act like you’re surprised. I bet you knew who I was all along. You, an angel. Yet, to this day I didn’t understand what exactly you were doing... What is your purpose exactly? Are you a spy? If so then why are you so weak? I bet that if you told your higher-ups of my location, I’d be dead in an instant… So why are you doing all of this!?"

Artorias’s eyes remained wide-eyed hearing Moby speak, but that was when his sights narrowed and he inwardly scoffed looking at his bound legs, like he was deep in thought. And after what felt like an eternity of thinking, he spoke…

"Fine… I... I’ll tell you… I was going to have to say it anyway, but now I don’t seem to be given a choice…" He sighed deeply before he looked up at Moby’s eyes of sin.

"Indeed. I’m an angel from the celestial realm. In fact, I’m a rookie apostle of Arc Angel Elaina, a person you might know as ’Neia Spud’..." Artorias took a small pause as he flashed an insignia of light out of thin air, one that Avilia immediately recognized as authentic, and Moby’s face suddenly widened.

"I was tasked with the mission to head to earth to ensure the safety of her siblings and to meet you… The former I’ve already done, I had successfully adopted them and sent them to a loving home where they are safe. And, as for the latter, I had joined elite school as a student knowing full well you would also be here. I’ve been watching you from the shadows ever since, seeing and testing your worth."

Confusion overcame Moby’s face, he could almost not believe his ears. ’So… He was the one who adopted them before I could get to it!?’

"Wait wait wait! So you’re saying is… You and Neia are Traitors!? … But why? And why of all angels were you sent!?"

"I see that what I’ve told you isn’t too farfetched. After all, if I was against you, I’d have already sent notice to the higher gods and you would be dead… Her highness the arc angel is a very kind soul, unnaturally kind amongst the conniving angel population, such it is with mortals who’s souls are sent up into the heavens. But, most of them are usually then trained and have their loyalty proven, and that pure heart of gold doesn’t last."

"But arch angel Elaina, Neia Spud was different. She held on steadfast despite her prosecutions and trials, but she only puts on an act to please the higher gods. But what really set her off was the harsh treatment of the demons. She felt sympathy, and I, being the weakest angel under her was sent, entrusted, and chosen by her since I would be able to slip past security and enter the mortal realm unnoticed due to my particularly low level of power."

"In short, yes, she’s a rebel who wants to see the angels and gods be taken down…"

"I… I see…" Moby spoke, trying to hide the bewilderment under his poker face.

"You say that she is a traitor correct? But how about you?"

"Me? My mistress may be extremely powerful, but she’s but a child! She met a single demon who treated her with kindness and respect and now she has the impression that all demonkind is like that! Letting the demons win the war is not the answer! I explained it to her, but she insisted that as long as you were their leader, all would be fine!"

’Did I have that good of an impression on her?’ Moby inwardly thought, his shock increasing even more.

’Well, she did give you a very rare angel’s blessing, so I wouldn’t be surprised.’ Avilia replied.

"So, Artorias, if you felt like that, why did you not report her? Why did you follow orders?"

"Because I hate angels more than the actual demons! That’s why!" He roared back in response. "My mistress may be a child, but in many ways, she is wise beyond her age. So I wanted to see it all with my own eyes… If you will be able to make a change! There seems to be no better option and I’d take the gamble!"

"So, why did you rush into here? Why did you want to come to this castle so badly that you had abandoned everything? I even remember you specifically saying the word ’Heratic’." Moby asked, his gaze firm below.

"That’s because I thought it was an angel in this castle, not a demon!"


"They were using our energy syphoning methods after all, so it was my only assumption… And not only were they using it, but they were also abusing it to suck out the life of everything on this planet, which angered me. It’s not rare to see selfish angels such as these scattered around… Most of them being outcasts, criminals, or runaways. I’d thought that if I talked to them, we would be spared since we are both the same kind. And under no circumstance would I have allowed an angel to discover who you truly were... I just never expected it to be a demon…"

"But still, why would an angel need to syphon negative energy? Isn’t positive energy what you feed on?" Moby could not hide his confusion.

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"Angels have their uses for it in the creation of mana and the strengthening of demon slaves so they could breed better offsprings… Angels more than have their uses for it, you never know what these bastards are thinking of."

"I— I see…" Moby began to deeply ponder to himself.

For once he was confused on what to do… Whether he should trust Artorias or to simply further question him and kill him on the spot.

There were many things to consider, but there was one clear side to lean on. All he needed to do was ask one more question to calm his mind.

"You said one of your purposes was for you to see my worth. You’ve been watching me for over a month now? What do you think?" Moby’s eyes were expectant, and Rupert standing beside him stood intimidating although he did not know what kind of language the two in front of him even spoke.

Artorias did not even look up to meet Moby’s gaze. He simply sighed and gave his response.

"Initially, my impressions were rather lack-lustre… Especially compared to all of these conniving gods in the nether realm and the horror stories of the old demon lord told to us from the days of the great wars. But the more I watched you, the more I realized that I was gravely mistaken and had judged you too early. You’re more cunning than I thought, I can guarantee you have a grand plan brewing in that mind of yours… I see great potential, but it’s still too early to say for certain."

"I see…" Moby nodded. Despite Artorias’s life being in Moby’s demonic hands, he was still able to sense the sincerity in his voice, not just attempting to lie and boost his ego in a desperate attempt at survival.

"I’ll keep you alive, at least for now… But one sign of hostility and you’re dead, understood? Just like you looked back on your people, I can’t confirm you won’t do that same to me. But I can confirm that your aid will certainly help me on my path… I still have more questions to ask you about everything that had happened with the angels and demons, but I’ll save that for another time after you fully rest..."

"Yes, I understand… Thank you for that kindness..." He took a deep breath and for once looked up towards his probably new master, and he watched as he snapped his hands and released him from his bindings, setting him free.

<< My lord! You’re letting him free!? >> Rupert raised his voice, not in anger, but from the sheer unexpected surprise.

<< I’ve seen enough from him. He’s long betrayed his kind. I have my own uses for him, he’ll be an invaluable asset in the future. But we still need to keep a close eye on him… >>

<< U-understood my lord! >>

"Hey! Kane!" He was called to once again, and he looked over to see Artorias standing back up, shaking his bruised wrists from the tight bindings.

"Have you thought of a plan on how we’re getting out of this? The school will be here in a day or two. What are we gonna do? What are you gonna do with that new soldier of yours?"

"I have a vague idea, but I’m still not certain of the specifics. There could be the easy way, saying that we snuck into the castle, placed the teleporter and went back home now. But then we wouldn’t really get any credit. The ideal; way would be if we somehow staved off all whatever had killed the instructors and saved the day. But to do that, we would need to find evidence to prove our words…"

"I see…" Artorias shook his head and looked down at his bloodied, shaky hands with a deep breath.

"What happened to the others? Are they okay?" He asked, and Moby raised an eyebrow.

"The others? …"

’THE OTHERS!?’ His mind nearly broke at the realization.

Of course! There were other people with him, at the gate fighting a shalker. He could almost not believe it…

And through everything flowing in his brain, there was only one explanation…

Had it been his old self, he had no doubt in his soul that his first thought after immediately defeating the shalker and meeting Rupert would have been to ensure the safety of his subordinates and tell him to call him off. But now, he had let his curiosity and yearning to uncover the truth take charge.

When he initially used his item to get rid of his demon corruption, he did not feel anything, but now he more than felt the implications.

A part in him began to panic as Artorias looked at him expectantly.

All he knew for certain was that their link remained, and they were all alive, but not their safety.

But that was when he heard a sound enter the door, and he was shocked to see it to be the shalker at the gate limping in with blood and scorch marks littering his body, behind him all of his teammates and a particularly injured Regrit being carried on Hikari’s shoulders as he was being healed by Elizabeth.

<< Orvert… I see that you’ve received my message?" Rupert spoke, addressing his subordinate.

<< Yes my lord… I did, but before that I sensed something… I sensed what had happened in this room, and it was almost as though I knew what had occurred… I sensed you pledge your allegiance my lord... >>

<< Did they sense it too? >> He looked over the injured demons coming through his doors.

<< Yes… We both felt a tingle in our bodies, and stopped fighting… Had it been a moment longer I was certain we would have wiped each other out…>>

’Was that what that feeling was when I touched Rupert’s shoulders when he pledged his loyalty?’

"Kane! We… Survived… Thanks to the powers you gave us… We did it you son of a bitch! *pant* *pant* Now! You this better be worth it! … I better get famous and be recognized by the school or else I’m gonna beat your ass! Now… Tell me why the fuck you made friends with the enemy!! What the hell are we gonna do now!!!"

"Don’t worry! I’ll make it all work… Just you watch…" Moby smirked seeing Regrit’s injured yet just as vocal and passionate face.

’How the hell did I manage to forget about this goofball? Was my curiosity really that much?’

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