The Great Demon System Chapter 45: Welcome To The Family!

45 Welcome To The Family!


Name: Moby Kane

Race: Lesser Demon

Level: 21

XP to next level 0/10000

Power Level: 4400

Hp: 120/120

Demon Energy: 110/110

Demon Energy regeneration: 55 Demon Energy/Hour

Strength: 121

Agility: 136

Endurance: 73

Intelligence: 110

Mind: 30

Available Points to distribute: 0


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Out of curiosity, Moby used his inspect skill to see how far behind he truly was from both his servants.


Name: Jayden Griffith

Race: Lesser Demon (Doppelganger)

Ability: Level 4 Shadow

Level: 25

XP: 8500/15000

Power Level: 6770

Hp: 120/120

Mana: 180/180

Demon Energy: 180/180

Strength: 177

Agility: 212

Endurance: 108

Intelligence: 180

Mind: 25



Name: Abby Ried

Race: Demon (Necromancer)

Ability: Level 4 fire

Level: 30

XP: 0/30000

Power Level: 9120

Hp: 150/150

Mana: 250/250

Demon Energy: 250/250

Strength: 301

Agility: 208

Endurance: 161

Intelligence: 250

Mind: 50


As Moby was inspecting his servants’ stats, one thing, in particular, caught his eye.

’Level 30? Is that the level when someone evolves? I’m not that far away from that! With my new XP income, I could probably be able to reach level 30 before the exam!’ Moby thought in excitement

’I should be able to catch up to Jayden by the end of the month and I should be able to reach or even surpass Abby once I evolve. And, once I get my ability, I would far surpass both of them by a decent margin! I won’t be the weakest one here for long!’ Moby thought, inwardly laughing with joy.

"My lord…"

"My lord…"

"My lord!"

Suddenly, Moby snapped out of his thoughts and saw Abby shaking him with a worried expression on her face.

"My lord are you alright! You’ve been standing there smiling for 2 minutes now!" Abby screamed with clear worry in her voice.


"Yes, of course! sorry for worrying you, I was just deep in thought," Moby replied with a smile

Moby saw the figure of Jayden in the back just laughing at their exchange.

She knows full well about Moby’s "Thinking moments" he always does it when he comes up with his ways of torture or when he has a really good plan.

"I’m glad that you are ok my lord! As I was asking you from before, I have tried to use my new necromancer ability but I have failed to do it every time. Can you please teach me how to use my power?" She asked, kneeling on one knee.

"I will follow your instructions to the letter my lord!" She answered.

After only 5 seconds of meditating, Abby was able to sense and use her demon energy.

That was even faster than Jayden, although not by much.

At this point, Moby wasn’t even surprised.

’It’s either regular demons are more in tune with their demon energy or she is just a better learner,’ Moby thought.

’It’s the former, regular demons are indeed more in tune with their demon energy, ’Avilia said.

’Good to know,’ Moby thought.

Moby also taught Abby "Energy Sense" and "Nature’s stimulation" which would definitely come in handy in the future.

"Thank you so much for teaching me, my lord! Your instructions were flawless and easy to grasp. I feel a lot stronger now thanks to you!" Abby said, once again kneeling on one knee.

"It was really nothing, now try to use your necromancer powers once again," Moby asked.

"Yes, my lord! Like You said before, I need a body to summon a skeleton or a zombie and I need a ritual or certain conditions to be met to summon a high-level spirit so all that I am able to do now is summon a very low-level spirit." Abby said.

"It seems like you are a very good listener," Moby nodded in approval.

"I truly do not deserve such praise. It is only natural for a servant to take a mental note of every word spoken by her master," Abby said, still kneeling.

3 thoughts we’re going through Moby’s head right now.


’Her knees must be hurting like hell from all the kneeling.’


’Just take the damn compliment!’


’What the fuck!? She is taking note of everything I say! I need to be more careful about what I say in the future, just in case she misinterprets my words,’

"I will try to cast a low-level spirit, I will be sure not to disappoint you, my lord!" She said as she lifted her arms up creating a purple ball of what looked like energy.

The ball looked very unstable, twisting and shifting between various shapes before finally ending up as a star.

The star was around the size of a fingernail. It was surrounded by a purple aura that gave off a slight glow. When it moved, it left a small purple trail from behind it.

’She just created a wisp! It is great for long-distance scouting! It’s one of the better low-level spirits!’ Avilia exclaimed.

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’Long-distance scouting… that seems really useful!’ Moby thought with a smile.

When Moby checked Abby’s demon energy after she summoned the spirit by using his "inspect skill" it showed that she had 150/250 demon energy remaining.

’What the fuck! 100 demon energy just to summon a small wisp?! The better summons must cost in the thousands!’ Moby thought.

"That’s really pretty!" Abby said in a happy tone.

"Agreed!" Jayden replied, admiring its beauty.

"I want to see if I can turn into that!" Jayden said jumping up and down in excitement.

Suddenly, Jayden’s body shrunk down to the size of a fingernail before turning into the same star-shaped wisp.

"Yay! I did it" She exclaimed with joy.

’Wait a doppelganger can turn into undead? Isn’t that an undead spirit?’ Moby asked Avilia.

’Yes, but no, Whenever a doppelganger changes forms, they are not changing race. She is still a demon. So, she only takes its appearance and powers and everything else about her will remain the same.’ Avilia replied.

’Also, how is she able to talk with no vocal cords?’ Moby asked Avilia.

’The same way other ghost and undead talk even with rotting or none existent vocal cords, with voice magic. From what I know voice magic is exclusive to the undead, I personally never tried it because I never had any use for it," Avilia replied.

’Good to know,’ Moby nodded.

"Cool! So this is the power of a doppelganger!" Abby exclaimed in surprise.

"I’m sorry if it is rude of me to ask, but, what kind of cool abilities does my lord have?" She asked excitedly with star-shaped eyes.

"Well, I can do this!" Moby said as he picked her up using his "Devil’s hand".

"This too," Moby said activating his "Eyes of Sin"

Moby put Abby down on the ground before showing off the rest of his moves.

"This as well, " Moby said, using his "Demon Flash" to dash around the arena looking almost like a blur.

"Also this!" Moby said, using hell’s fist.

"I’m sorry my lord, but I am unable to see anything happen," Abby asked in confusion.

"Use your energy sense," Moby replied.

As soon as she did, she could see a purple aura surrounding Moby’s fists.

"Incredible my lord!" She exclaimed.

"I am also able to perform a similar attack using my sword," Moby said, performing a demon slash

"And finally, I am able to use a paralysis technique like I used on you for the tournament and I am able to use slight mind control on people who are weaker than I am," Moby explained.

"Your power is incredible my lord! You still don’t even have an ability and you are already this powerful! As expected from the future demon lord!" Abby said, looking at Moby with a smile.

’I can’t tell if she is making fun of me or actually complimenting me. But, either way, I will surpass her soon and gain a much cooler power anyways. So, it doesn’t bother me at all.’ Moby thought in a happy mood.

"Thank you so much for the praise," Moby replied with a smile.

"Since you are now a member of the household, I will tell you everything that has happened with me and Jayden so far." Moby said.

’It is better to tell her the truth now than for her to find out later. At least now I have full control of her just in the slight 0.000,000,001% chance that she does not agree with our methods’ Moby thought.


15 minutes later…


"You and my lord are so creative with your torture methods. Personally, I have yet to torture anyone myself. But, I promise I am willing to try! I want to learn how to properly do it to get the maximum fear and pain. So, when it comes time to try it on my family, I will be fully prepared!"

"I have been taking a mental note of everything that you guys have done. Giving someone false happiness or hope sounds like so much fun! I can’t wait to see the look on my sister’s face when I do it to her!" Abby said with a sadistic laugh.

"Don’t worry! I’m sure we will eventually get a few test subjects that you can train with!" Moby said, laughing.

"Thank you so much, my lord! It really means a lot to me!" Abby said with a smile.

"Actually, we already have a target in mind. I’ll let you have a go at her! But, most of the fun will be reserved for Jayden! She is the one that wants her dead the most!"

After Moby explained the situation to Abby. Her eyes turned into a firing slit, full of conviction.

"An enemy of my lord is also an enemy of mine! I can’t forgive her for what she did to Jayden!" Abby said with a firm resolve.

"Good to hear!" Moby said.

"Also, Moby, I forgot to mention, today after school today, that bitch told me shit like:"

"Today was only the beginning! I went easy on you! From now on I’ll make your life a living hell!"

"I wanted to kill her so badly. But, I held myself back. Usually, when someone with a higher power level than me tries anything on me, I would always just report them to my dad and he would always take care of the rest."

"But, recently, I found out that there is no fun in that, if I’m not doing it myself, then what’s the point?"

"I will endure it all until the exam. It will make the satisfaction of her screams of agony and tears of blood just that much sweeter!"

"I still have no idea what her motive is or why she is acting so aggressively towards me. But, I honestly don’t care. No one acts this way towards me without getting what’s coming to them!" Jayden said with a devilish grin.

"Don’t worry! I will support you all the way!" Abby said, putting her hand on Jayden’s shoulder.

"Indeed!" Moby nodded in agreement.

"Now, before we run out of time for today, I have a few experiments I want to test out with Abby’s new necromancer power…" Moby said with a smile.


4 hours later…

For the past 4 hours, Moby had been conducting many different experiments.

The first was to test out if Abby’s wisp had a limited range of how far it can go.

Abby was able to completely control the wisp with her mind and flew it outside of the mansion up into the sky. The wisp was fairly fast, being around 600kph (373mph). The wisp was only able to fly 2 minutes away from Jayden’s mansion at full speed meaning that its maximum range was around 20km.

Moby was not sure if that is the maximum range that all her minions are allowed to be or if that is only for the wisp.

When he tried to ask Avilia, she said that he should try to figure it out himself.

When Jayden is transformed into a wisp, she is able to better camouflage herself using her shadow ability which would be really useful for stealth related things such as spying.

Jayden as a wisp was 30% slower than Abby’s wisp as her top speed was only 420kph (261mph). However, she was able to move as far as she wanted without being stopped, unlike Abby’s wisp which only had a maximum range of 20km.

Also, Abby was able to discover that she can see through the vision of her wisp by consuming a little bit of demon energy.

Moby also discovered that both Jayden and Abby share a mind link and are able to telepathically communicate with each other as well. They can also have a 3-way conversation with each other as the link is not limited to 2 people at a time.

Abby had also tried to summon other spirit undead but with no result.

Moby thought that it is either that the wisp is the only spirit undead she is able to summon or if she just needed more practice.

The time was 10:30 when the group finished with their experiments.

They all headed to the dining room where Jayden’s head chef was serving them a gourmet dinner.

"This is so delicious! Today has been by far the best day of my life! I feel so blessed!" Abby said, stuffing her mouth with food.

"At first I found you a little weird, but, now that I got to know you better, I wish we can become good friends! We will be working with each other for a long time now since we are part of the same demon family so it’s better that we have a good relationship with each other," Jayden said with a smile as she is cutting up her steak with a knife and fork.

"Fr… fr… fr… friends? I’m sorry, but, are you really sure you want to be friends with someone like me? I’ve never had any friends before in my life…" Abby said, now eating slower.

"Don’t worry! I was in the same boat as you only a week ago! I had no friends at all to speak of, just like you. But, that’s when I met Moby! He was my first ever true friend! And, my life has gotten a million times better ever since!" Jayden said with slightly red cheeks.

"You and my lord are friends!?" She exclaimed in shock.

"Yes! Of course we are! Just because he is our leader, it doesn’t mean that we can’t be friends with him," She said with a chuckle.

"That is true," Moby said with a smile.

"Why don’t we all be friends? We need to try to get along if we wish to work with each other for the rest of our lives! Demons do live forever you know!" Moby said with a chuckle.

"O...o...ok… if my lord says so then I shall do it, " Abby said, finding it hard to believe how nice her lord actually was.

"Don’t worry, I won’t treat all my subordinates as nice as you. Once I gain a good following. I will need a group of people where I can act like myself. I can’t be acting all serious and all-mighty all the time. That is not the type of person I am or want to be." Moby explained.

"It… it… it is truly an honour to be thought of at such high regard by my lord," Abby said with tears flowing down her face.

"It is only natural that I would be in that group!" Jayden said, turning away trying to hide her beet-red face.

"We have done many good experiments today that helped us better understand Abby’s powers."

"But, I still have many more things I want to test out,"

"We will be going on a field trip tomorrow!" Moby said excitedly.

"A field trip! Sounds fun!" Jayden exclaimed.

"Where to my lord?" Abby said in curiosity.

"To the cemetery!"


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