The Great Demon System Chapter 53: Amusement Park Part 1

53 Amusement Park Part 1

"Wowww! This place is huge!" Ray said with a monotone voice, his mouth open in shock.

"Where should we go first? The huge roller coaster to space? Or Maybe the drop to the core of the earth!" Alex said in excitement.

"I think we should get our tickets first instead," Moby said with a chuckle.

"Hehehe… of course!" Alex said, awkwardly scratching the back of his head.

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The 3 boys stood in line for over 30 minutes to finally buy their tickets. Each ticket costs $50, the exact amount that the school gave to students every day.

"The line in front of the Astral Coaster and the Molten Drop are really long… are you sure you guys still wanna go…" Ray nervously asked.

"Let’s save those ones for last! I think we should go to explore the rest of the park and wait for the line to shorten a little," Moby replied.

"Good call! Let’s go to the haunted house! There is barely a line over there!" Alex suggested.

"Ummmm… let’s not…" Moby said with an awkward smile.

"I’m in," Ray said with a monotone voice.

"What? Are you scared?" Alex teased.

"No, it’s not that it’s just…"

"Stop being such a party pooper and come!" Alex interrupted Moby, dragging him into one of the seats.

The entire ride was really impressive. It was completely dark and used realistic 3d holograms to project jump scares, ugly scenes and monsters and demons seen only in fiction.

Of course, the reason that Moby did not want to go on the ride wasn’t that he was scared, It was because he had night vision, allowing him to see everything clear as day, including all the upcoming jump-scares. And, even if that was not the case, Moby doubted that there would be anything in the amusement park that would be able to scare him even in the slightest.

For the entire ride, Moby just sat down admiring the technology and design of the ride, Ray was sitting down with an emotionless face, seemingly unfazed by all the jump scares, while Alex screamed a bit after every jump scare, followed up by an awkward chuckle.

Sometimes, Using his enhanced hearing, Moby heard Alex mumble under his breath,

"There are no demons in country Z… There are no demons in country Z… There are no demons in country Z..."

Almost like he was trying to hypnotize himself, which made Moby inwardly chuckle.

After the ride, Moby stretched out his stiff shoulders as he left through the back exit of the ride.

"That was so boring. Why did you even suggest that?" Ray said with a yawn.

"Fax, that was a waste of time, at least the technology was pretty cool to look at," Moby replied in a tired voice.

"Ya! Pffffff!! That was for babies!" Alex said in a confident tone.

This then led to both Moby and Ray staring daggers into Alex’s eyes with an implied and underlying,

"Bruh, you for real?"

The time was 3:52 pm when they had finished.

They did not find any other rides that interesting other than the Astral Coaster and the Molten Drop. So, they decided to go to a restaurant to eat dinner before they lined up behind one of the seemingly never-ending lines of both rides.

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They needed the energy if they wanted to stand for hours just for one ride, especially since Alex and Ray’s stomachs were both empty from their earlier ride.

They chose to take a seat on the many tables outside the restaurant as it provided a much better atmosphere than the inside.

"I need to go take a dump! I’ll be back in a sec! Our food should be here shortly!" Alex said running towards the bathroom.

"What a goof am I right!" Moby said with a chuckle.

"Yes, indeed," Ray said with a genuine-looking laugh which stunned Moby for a bit.

’This is the first sign of real emotions I have seen from him. That’s good to see,’ Moby thought.

"Ray, you’re a smart techy guy, right? Don’t you find all the technologies and how they are used to make the rides in this amusement park fascinating," Moby asked, trying to start up a conversation.

"Ya, I guess…" He replied, playing with one of the cutting knives like it was a pencil.

"Why are you so unenthusiastic? I thought you loved science?" Moby asked in confusion.

"To tell you the truth, I was the one who invented all those gravity and impact resistant technologies and many other inventions that helped create this amusement park back when I was in the 5th grade…" Ray casually responded.

"Wait! What the hell! You invented most of this? Why aren’t you famous or anything?" Moby asked.

"The thing is, I never got any credit for any of this… Back in the fifth grade, like any naive child that discovered something new, I showed my discovery to my science teacher. He seemed really excited and proud of me at the time. However, now I know that he was just faking it. Spoiler alert, my teacher quit his job only a few days later and proposed my discoveries to the media and became rich and famous. I was heartbroken… even if I had proof that I was the inventor, nobody would believe a child like me invented such things…So, instead of losing hope and become depressed, I tried to prove myself to the world once again! I knew I could come up with something just as good or even better. I spent all my time researching and studying in the pursuit of a greater and more revolutionary invention. I shut myself away from the world. I was too focused on proving myself to focus on anything else"


"I became that weird kid at school that no one wanted to associate with. Even when I tried to make friends, they always stayed away from me. I was never bullied or hurt in any way. But, people would not even acknowledge my existence. Eventually, I ended up locking away my emotions, spending most of my time inside playing video games. I lied to you on the first day we met telling you that I just got bored because I was too smart… What fucking bullshit was I spouting? I was so excited to have roommates that might actually acknowledge my existence that I was scared to ruin our relationship with my selfish problems,"

"The past month that I spent with you and Alex have been no exaggeration the best time of my life. I’m so happy I met you guys… You guys are the best friends I could have ever wished for… I’m so sorry I lied to you… I hope that you can forgive me… I’m sorry for dropping all this on you all of a sudden, I just needed to get it off my chest and tell you the truth… It’s the least I could do..." Ray said, tears filling his eyes and more emotional than Moby had ever seen him.

After hearing Ray’s story, Moby’s brain was spinning in high gear trying to comprehend what Ray just told him.

"You don’t have to apologize about anything… I can’t say I understand exactly how you feel. But, believe me when I tell you I have felt immense pain and suffering in my past. I will stay with you as long as you want. Not because I feel bad for you or pity you… it’s because you’re a genuinely good guy to be around and a great friend," Moby said with a? bright smile.

This is one of the few times that Moby was not pretending or hiding his true emotions. He has known Ray long enough to know that what he said was sincere. He empathized with Ray and he genuinely did like him as a person.

Suddenly Alex came back from the washroom and sat back down in his seat, startling both Ray and Moby.

"Woooo boy!! That was hilarious! When I was taking a shit, there was someone moaning like a weirdo in the next stall can you believe it! He kept on saying shit like "Please go down I’m begging you" while moaning every, like 10 seconds! I couldn’t stop laughing!" Alex said with a hearty laugh.

"Hmmm?? Did I miss something important?" Alex said, looking at both Moby and Ray in confusion.



(Shout out to Horny_Donald for letting me know!)

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