The Great Demon System Chapter 56: Team Selection

56 Team Selection


Monday, October 19th, 2130, 6:30 am,

Moby woke up early in the morning just like he usually did. Both his roommates were still fast asleep.

He did his daily quest gaining him another 3 stat points. He now had a total of 6 stat points to assign as he did not assign the points that he got from the day before.

He decided to assign all of them into agility, now bringing it up to 239 (274 with his equipment on).

Instead of practicing his skills like he ordinarily does, he decided to contact Jayden to let her know everything that transpired yesterday.

He didn’t want to interrupt her yesterday as she said that she was doing some special training before the exam. So, he thought now would be a perfect time.

Every time he thought about that unknown girl it would always give him the creeps.

The worst part is that even his inspect skill did not work on her. It reminded him of when he lost his mind link with Jayden when she entered the general’s room. It made him remember that his powers are not a complete cheat and they do have their limits.

"Hey, Jayden. We need to talk…" Moby said activating his mind link with her.

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"Mwaahhhh! Ya, I’m all ears…" She said, yawning in a tired tone.

"Oh, I’m sorry, did I wake you up?" Moby asked.

"Ya, you did. But, don’t worry about it. My alarm was going to wake me up in a few minutes anyway. So, what’s on your mind?" She asked, still in a tired voice.

For the next few minutes, Moby explained the situation to Jayden, describing that mysterious girl’s appearance exactly how he saw it.

"So, do you recognize that girl? By any chance, is that Natalia Xane?" Moby asked.

"Maybe, but, I’m kinda doubtful… Natalia has white hair, not brown. But, I guess it is possible that she dyed her hair… Her height and chest size match Natalia’s. But, without seeing her face, it would be hard to say for certain or come up with a definite conclusion," Jayden replied.

"Also, I don’t believe I had beef with anyone that fit your exact description… It might be one of your secret admirers. It’s pretty plausible. Looks-wise, you’re objectively one of the hottest guys in school. It would make sense that at least someone has a crush on you," Jayden explained.

’Ha! She said that I’m objectively one of the hottest guys in school!’ Moby cheered.

’I’m not sure that’s even a compliment,’ Avilia said with a chuckle.

"Same to you!" Moby said with a smile, closing their mind link.

The time was already 7:30 am, 30 minutes before class.

Moby grabbed his equipment out of his inventory and put them in his ring. He did this as a precaution just in case the school searches his ring only to find out that there is nothing there, making it extremely suspicious. Moby still kept his other tool and utilities in his inventory and only chose to store his weapon and armour in his ring.

Before he left. He decided to wake up the sleeping Alex and Ray telling them they are going to be late, before smiling and going out the door as he watched them frantically try to get ready.

Moby met up with Jayden at the school gates just like they planned and headed straight to the school’s fighting arena. That is where the school will explain everything that will go on during the exam.

Moby pretended to act like he was beneath Jayden in status while she looked really confident and walked with elegance.

They could not walk like equals because it would raise too many suspicious and red flags.

Moby ignored the usual stares on his way to the main arena. When he got there he noticed a huge crowd of people that covered almost a quarter of the whole arena.

The time was 7:45, meaning that there were 15 minutes until class started.

Moby and Jayden chose to wait at a corner of the main, large arena in order to not be interrupted and away from the loud crowds of what seemed like thousands of students.

Moby spent this time to revise his plan with Jayden and Abby using their mind link.

12 minutes later. A tall white hair girl along with what looked like her 2 followers came and approached them.

"Jayden Griffith. Didn’t I tell you that if you value your life that you would not show up for today’s exam?" The white hair girl said with a high and mighty attitude.

"We’ll see…Natalia..." Jayden replied with a chuckle.

"Do you want me to humiliate you in front of the entire school? If so, then keep running your mouth," She said in an angry tone.

Jayden did not respond, she only smirked back at Natalia making her even angrier.

Moby decided to stay quiet as he could do nothing in this situation. If he were to voice his opinions, it would only make the situation even worse.

He noticed that she always kept giving him glances every few seconds which looked super suspicious. He noticed her face become slightly redder every time she did so.

’Is she the girl from yesterday?’ Moby questioned.

’I guess there is only one way to find out,’ Moby said, using his inspect skill on Natalia.


Name: Natalia Xane

Race: Human

Ability: Level 4 Blink

Power Level: 7380

Hp: 100/100

Mana: 204/204

Strength: 150

Agility: 242

Endurance: 142

Intelligence: 204

Mind: 0


’I can clearly see her stats unlike that girl at the amusement park. Either she doesn’t have the item that hides her stats and information from me on her right now, or she is not the same person,’ Moby thought.

"Fine! Just you wait! I will put an end to your abuse and reign of terror that has plagued this school during this exam. Just you wait!" She said with a distorted smile that faded away into a cute chuckle when she looked at Moby.

"Let’s leave!" She said, turning around and signally the 2 girls behind her to follow.

’You have to deal with that bitch every single day?! How??’ Moby asked Jayden.

’She was acting awfully soft right now. Usually, she is like 1000 times crazier,’ Jayden replied, very intrigued by Natalia’s actions.

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Suddenly, The school bell rang. Then, a few seconds later, an announcement came on, filling the entire arena with the voice of one of the teachers who stood on one of the ledges of the stands.

He looked like a short cranky old teacher with a severely hunched back.

"Attention all students! My name is Professeur Ruddell! I will be explaining to you everything you need to know about today’s exam!"

"Like you have been most likely told by your teachers, Today’s exam will be a magical beast hunt!"

"For proof of your kills, you will use this," The teacher said, showing a wand-like rod.

"This is a teleporter rod that is able to transport anything as long as it is dead. The bodies of the dead magical beasts will be transported into your team storage which will be found in the basement of the school"

"These rods are really expensive and the team leader will be held fully responsible for any damages or if they get lost or stolen,"

"The school will take half the materials you get from them the beasts while you can split the other half amongst yourselves,"

"The point system for each beast killed will be as follows!"

"F rank = 1"

"E rank =5"

"D rank = 25"

"C rank = 125"

"B rank = 625"

"A rank = 3,125"

"Each rank increases by a multiple of 5"

"Your team leaders will also be given a book listing all the planets known species and what rank they fall under, "

"Once the exam starts, you can navigate your watch to look at the current leader board which will update in real-time,"

"You and your group of 6 which will consist of 3 people from the combat division and 3 people from the support division will be teleported onto a planet for 1 week. Your objective is to survive and kill as many magical beasts as possible!"

"Don’t worry, each group will be equally chosen according to power level meaning that every team’s total power levels will be nearly identical."

"This means the only edge you will have on any other teams will be in your thinking and teamwork. In real life, you will need to work with random people all the time in order to complete a task, not always with your friends,"

"The last item that each team leader will be given is an emergency button. Only use this button when you are in extremely dire peril and need saving or you caught someone breaking the rules. If you press the button for any other reasons or if the people you reported were not cheating, you will be disqualified. If you press the button, a group of teachers will be sent out to save you and bring you all back home. They should arrive in only a few minutes so please be patient,"

"If any member of your team dies it will be a deduction of 1000 points. And, if you were to be exposed for killing another student, you will be expelled and sent to prison,"

"Don’t think you can get away with it! If a student dies, we will question every student with a lie detector test until we find the killer. Letting another student die while you just stand there and do nothing knowing you have the power to save them will also be counted as murder, "

"The planet you will be sent to has already been explored before and has been deemed safe enough for the exam, "

"A rank magical beasts have yet to be found on this planet. But, if you somehow manage to find one, I strongly advise you to run away and hide and press the emergency button,"

"Planet Xibillvia,"

"It is located towards the edge of the milky way galaxy, "

"It is around half the size of planet earth,"

"It is a planet that has many swamps and forests, "

"The planet has 3 moons and the day and night cycle goes as follows: The day consists of 96 hours, 75% of the planet will be night time meaning that it is a predominantly night time planet. The planet has a good amount of oxygen and the gravity is around the same as earth so don’t worry about that, "

"You will be teleported onto the planet in random areas, "

"Any team caught allying with another team will be disqualified, "

"Sabotaging another team in anyways will also lead to disqualification, "

"Are there any questions!?" The teacher asked, looking at the students who just stared back at him in silence.

"Good! Now that all the explanations are out of the way, I will now be telling you your teams!"

"Team leader, Gray Williams. Other members, Spence White…"

After a few seconds of the names of the other teams, a recognizable name finally showed up.

"Team leader, Alex Hart. Other members, Jason Stevens, Lockhart Emiloit, Anna Spencer, Mavis Wane, and Jayden Griffith, "

’What the fuck! Jayden and Alex are on the same team! I had not planned for this! This might fuck everything up! The only upside to this is that they might make up about their past but that is highly doubtful. I hope Alex actually believed what I told him yesterday…’ Moby thought.

’What the hell! I’m on Alex’s team! This is going to be very bad. I know he hates my guts right now! This will make things difficult…’ Jayden said using their mind link.

’It’s fine. I hope. I already told Alex the truth that you are not abusing me. Also, I bet if you show him that you’re a changed person, you guys might be able to settle your differences and become friends again or at least not hate each other, ’ Moby replied.

’I kinda doubt that it would be as easy as you make it out to be. But, I’ll try my best!’ Jayden replied with a smile.

The next few teams were all a bunch of randoms. Until once again, a recognizable name was heard.

"Team leader, Abby Ried. Other members, Clay Pret, Darius Finx, Katerina Trovan, Maxwell Favours, and Payton Holmes, "

’It seems like Abby got into a team by herself just as predicted,’ Moby thought.

’I can’t tell you good luck in person but the least I can do is tell you through our mind link. Remember the plan. I’ll contact you through our mind link when I need you, ok?’ Moby told Abby.

’Thank you for your kind words my lord. I will try my best not to disappoint you. I will be awaiting your orders. Oh, and, good luck to you as well!’ Abby replied, closing the mind link.

A few minutes passed and Moby has yet to see his name pop up in any of the teams. The same goes for Natalia.

’There can only be so many teams left. When is my name or that skank’s name gonna show up?’ Moby thought.

Then, words were uttered from the teacher’s mouth that he did not want to hear.

"The final team will be…"

Moby knew the outcome of this team. He did not even need to hear the Professeur say it. There can be one option left.

"The final team will be! Team leader, Natalia Xane. Other members, Travis Ligmus, Jay Truce, Haley Morine, Neia Spud, and Moby Kane,"


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